Attendance Policy
Good Attendance is crucial to your success at Cedar Valley High School. Even if you are excused, you are still missing important instruction. Regular attendance will not only lessen stress levels but help you stay caught up and receive any help you may need. Get into a daily routine for completing homework and waking up on time for school. If you must miss school, communicate with teachers to arrange pick up of missed assignments. Too many absences and or tardies may adversely affect your grades due to not being in class to learn concepts. Please take time to read through this Attendance Policy. If you have questions, there are administrators, advocates, and secretaries willing to answer your questions in the attendance office. Full Attendance Policy
Excusing Absences?
- Log-in to your parent Skyward account
- Under “Family Access” select your student
- Select “Attendance” on the side-bar
- Select “Absence Request”
- Click “Add Request”
- Select the date or date range you want to be excused
- Submit your request
- Click here for the Skyward Tutorial
- or, you may also email at [email protected]

Quick Facts
- To excuse an absence, please log onto Skyward, and visit the “Attendance” Tab. Skyward is the best resource to see your student’s attendance and grades. Skyward is live and will show changes as they are made. We appreciate your patience, as we work to fulfill all requests. Click here for the Skyward Attendance Tutorial Video: . Please note that this does not replace our current check-out/check-in procedure.
- You may also email the attendance office at [email protected]
- If you feel that your student’s attendance was marked incorrectly, please have your student contact the teacher. The teacher will need to correct your student’s attendance in their class.
- It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that their attendance has been corrected by the teacher when arriving to class late. After 20 minutes of class time, a student is considered absent.
- Only 1st period tardies may be excused by the parent. If the student has checked in at the attendance office, it will get changed to a “Check-In”, once excused by a parent. If a student fails to check in at the attendance office, once excused by a parent, it will be changed to an “excused tardy”. If a student is arriving at school after 8:05 am, they MUST check in at the attendance office in order for that late arrival to be excused as described above. All other tardies may not be excused, unless by an admin/counselor/teacher.
- It is the responsibility of the student to contact their teacher if they feel like they have been marked absent in error.
- Per Alpine School District policy, parents have 10 days to excuse absences for their student(s).
- Parents may log on to the parent Skyward account to check attendance and excuse absences for their student(s) within that 10 day time period.
- Students are responsible for making up any work missed during their absence. Students have the responsibility to make those arrangements with their teachers.
Checking Out Students
ASD requires schools to verify the ID of the person checking a student out. Only parents/legal guardians or a person authorized by the guardians (listed on the Emergency Contact List) may check a student out of school. Parents may update their Emergency Contact List on Skyward, under the Student Information Update tab.
Parents/legal guardians may check a student out over the phone, as long as a password (described below) has been set. All others authorized to check out must visit the attendance office to show their ID. We are unable to check out a student via email or Skyward request. We also will not release your student to anyone not listed on Skyward.
- Parents checking a student out over the phone must have a password set on the account. We use a 2-step verification when checking students out. We verify that the caller ID matches that of the parent registered on Skyward. The 2nd point of verification is the password (in lieu of checking your ID physically each time). We are unable to check your student out over the phone if these points do not match. We ask that you do not share this Password with anyone other than the person listed as the spouse in Skyward, if applicable. If you choose to share the Password with anyone else, the school is not responsible if the Password is being used without parent permission.
- We are not able to check students out the last 10 minutes of the school day. Please plan accordingly. It takes a bit of time to get a student released from class.
- If someone who is not listed as an emergency contact comes to check out your student, we will not be able to release the student to them.
- If a student will be returning to school, they need to check in at the attendance office upon returning to campus.
- Students will receive a truancy when they leave a class without permission or are not in the class they are scheduled to be in. If a student has a release period, they are not allowed to be on campus during that time. Truancies may not be removed or excused, unless directed by the teacher/admin that reported.
Parent Notice for Anticipated Absences
- If a student is planning to have an absence, it is their responsibility to communicate with the teachers in advance, in order to make arrangements for classwork.
- Please enter an absence request on Skyward to request the dates that your student will be absent, so that they can be marked in a timely manner.