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Driver's Education



We will have an online Driver’s Ed starting every month except August.  These classes will need to be completed in 30 days.

For those that would like to attend a face to face class, we will be offering one class before or after school every quarter.  Here are the class dates for the face to face classes.

Morning classes will be held MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND THURSDAY’S from 6am to 7:30am

Afternoon classes will be held MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND THURSDAY’S from 2:30pm to 4pm




JUNE (Up to 108 Students)

JULY (Up to 108 Students)





All in person and online class members must attend a Parent/Student Meeting to complete the course.

Here are the options held here at Cedar Valley

March 17th  6:30 PM to 8PM

June 30th from 6:30 PM to 8PM


Parents, we have a great resource to help you teach your student to drive and to help you log the 40 hours provided by Zero Fatalities. The link is below. Please click on it and navigate around. The Teaching Your Teen to Drive and Tracking Your Teen’s Driving Hours sections are potentially the most helpful.

Summer Online Driver’s Ed.

Cedar Valley is now enrolling students for Summer ONLINE Driver’s Ed. Students will sign up for either June or July and will take a range within that specific month. There are a total of 108 spots for June and 108 spots for July. These are on a first come first serve basis. If interested please sign up on the Google Form

If you have any questions email BJ Roberts [email protected]

Driver's Education Intoduction

Welcome to Cedar Valley High School and the Driver’s Education program.  This program is designed to assist students complete the Utah State Requirements and obtain a driver’s license.  Please refer to the tabs below to answer your questions.  We look forward in helping your student(s) achieve this milestone and become a safe, responsible driver.

When is Driver's Education offered at Cedar Valley High School?

Driver’s Education classes are offered to all those students who have a Learner’s Permit.  Both morning, afternoon and online classes are offered.  The classes are held at Cedar Valley High School.  There are  6 sessions to chose from–4 sessions are during the school year and 2 sessions are throughout the summer.

The regular 4 sessions of driver’s education meet on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday .  The morning sessions meet from 6am – 7:30am.  The afternoon sessions meet from 2:30pm – 4pm.  Each class session is approximately 8 weeks in length.

All sessions include the:

  1. Classroom Instruction
  2. Mandatory Parent/Student meeting
  3. Range Orientation/observation
  4. Street Smarts computer simulator program
  5.  Driver’s Education Road/Test experience.

How much does the Driver's Education class cost at Cedar Valley High School?

The $200 fee can be paid to the Cedar Valley’s Finance Office or through  This fee includes:  Classroom instruction, Observation & Range, as well as the Road Instruction and test–all of which, are Utah State requirements to obtain a driver’s license.  This fee must be paid prior to the first day of the session you have signed up for.

How do I sign up for Driver's Education?

There are two ways to register for the class.  You may sign up using the form (right), or you may contact the Driver’s Ed Coordinator BJ Roberts at [email protected].  Students must be at least 15 years old and have their Utah Driver’s Permit (learner’s permit) in order to register.

What is the attendance policy for the Driver's Education Class?

Perfect attendance is vital to the student’s success in the class, on the range and on the road.  Students must attend the mandatory meeting, classes, range, and road with a B- (80%) or better to pass the course.

How do I schedule Range and Road for Driver's Education?

Range and Road are a required component of Driver’s Education.  Range and road make up 6 of the required 40 hours needed to drive, prior to obtaining a license.  Range is scheduled while in the class and takes place in the evening. If you are taking the online class, you need to schedule range by emailing the Driver’s Ed Coordinator BJ Roberts at [email protected] .  Road is schedule with their assigned instructor.  All students are encouraged to schedule road when they have completed their 40+ hours of driving and are ready to be tested.

What if I take the Driver's Education class on-line?

Cedar Valley High School DOES  offer an on-line class.  This class starts at the beginning of each month September through July.  Each student will have one month to complete the necessary course work or retake and repay for the course again.  Students who take the Driver’s Education class via on-line, can schedule Range and Road through Mr. Roberts at [email protected] .   The cost is $200 for this portion for the online course and Range/Road.  Students that are looking for just the Range/Road portion the fee is $200.  Students who take the class on-line are required to complete the following:

  • Register and complete Street Smart: A Computer Simulator Program.  Registration will be available to you when you register for Range/Road.
  • Attend any Zero Fatalities Parent/Student meeting.  Zero Fatalities meetings are available here, at Cedar Valley, and on the Zero Fatalities website.  Students must provide proof of attendance to Mr.Roberts

Why do parents and students attend the mandatory Parent/Student Meeting?

The mandatory parent/student meeting is one of the attendance days built into the program and is now required by the State of Utah as of January 1st 2022.  This meeting is essential in setting the tone to the importance of driving and the role of both the parent and student.  Utah’s Zero Fatalities, in conjunction with our instructors, present important information regarding the class such as rules, regulations and the many obstacles and distractions young drivers face.  The meeting lasts approximately 1.5 hours.   You will not receive credit for the class unless this is completed.

Do I have to take the Traffic Safety and Trends Exam?

Effective January 1, 2016, in compliance with House Bill 147, applicants applying for an original or provisional Class D license are required to pass this additional knowledge test prior to receiving a permanent license. This exam covers driving safety topics and the top five major causes of traffic related deaths as identified by the Utah Highway Safety Office.

A training video will be provided for each section to be viewed before attempting to answer the exam questions for that section.

Each section can be taken multiple times. Once all sections are completed with a score of 100%, the information will be transmitted to the Driver License Division.  Find more information HERE.


What if I am Home Schooled but live within the School Boundaries?

If you are Homeschooled but live within the school’s boundaries then you will take the class portion through Polaris High School but take the road and range portion here at Cedar Valley High School.  Please pay the $200 fee and send the receipt to Angela Hill [email protected] at Polaris and BJ Roberts at [email protected] .

When should I sign up for Driver's Ed?

If you want to make sure to have all of your requirements done to get your license on your desired day. I would suggest that you take the class 4-6 months prior to that date.  I would also suggest that you take range 2-4 months before that date and road about 1 month before that  your date.

Please keep in mind that you must have your learners permit for at least six months prior to getting your license.