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It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, September 9, 2024


Welcome to Homecoming Week!

I couldn’t be more excited for Homecoming Week! We have so many amazing opportunities for the entire community to enjoy. As Aviators, we’re especially excited to host the Rotor Pathway Fly-In, starting at 4:30 p.m. Watch as 13 helicopters, including an Apache and a Blackhawk, land on the north field—an unforgettable experience! Bring your family and friends; the more, the merrier! Link here to watch the video. Free hotdogs to the first 500 attendees, food trucks, and of course Jet Fuel!

Please make note of the following:

1. Admin Message this Week.

This week, Assistant Principal Curtis Twitchell shares a message on the importance of getting involved in school groups, and activities, and how getting involved in school groups and activities can lead to lifelong friends and opportunities. Click here to view the message.

2. Military Recognition Reminder Last Chance

Our Student Council wants to honor military veterans within our community. If you have family members who would like to be recognized at an upcoming ceremony (time and date to be announced), please nominate them on this form.

3. Homecoming Activities – Join Us for a Week of Fun!

Aviators, it’s Homecoming Week! Here’s a rundown of the exciting activities we have planned:

Monday, September 9

At 5:00 p.m., teams and clubs that applied and were accepted will gather for Paint the Square by the stadium.

We’re also raising funds to fill go-bags for first responders in honor of 9/11. Donations will be accepted from Monday through Wednesday at the finance office or via the QR code on our Student Council Instagram page.

Tuesday, September 10

Join us in the Commons during both lunches for some fun with giant coloring pages.

Wednesday, September 11

Last day to donate for the first responder go-bags.

Powder Puff starts at 7:00 p.m.

The Cross Country team is hosting their first annual Mud Run across the street from the school. For more details, email Austin Brower.

Thursday, September 12

Come support our volleyball team as they take on Salem Hills at 6:30 p.m.

Friday, September 13 – Game Day!

At 4:30 p.m., don’t miss the Rotor Pathway Fly-In with 13 helicopters landing on the north field. The first 500 spectators at our tailgate party will enjoy free hot dogs!

At 6:30 p.m., the Homecoming Pre-Game Show kicks off.

At halftime, we’ll crown our Homecoming King and Queen, followed by our first-ever Drone Show after the game.

Saturday, September 14 – Homecoming Dance

Grab your friends and join us for the Homecoming Dance! Tickets are available through the GoFan app or on $35 per couple or $20 for singles. Don’t wait—get your tickets now and make it a night to remember!

4. School Pictures – Retakes

Our final school picture day is Wednesday, September 25th. For more details, click here for the code and how to purchase pictures. The event code is FE134924

Wednesday, September 25th: Retake Day, 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM – this is for all students. They will be called down from class alphabetically by their last name

School Pictures that were taken during our pre-boarding event and during classes August 29 & 30 are now ready!

View and order at


Event Code: FE134924

Images are secured using the email address(es) provided to us by the school.

5. Suicide Awareness Walk

Mark your calendars for our annual Walk to Fight Suicide, Septemer 16th! There will be food trucks and community mental health resources from all around Utah county. Food trucks and resources will be available at 6pm at the football field. We will begin the walk at 7pm. Those who walk a mile will receive a free ice cream coupon. Anyone and everyone is welcome, bring friends and family to come support the fight against suicide and raise suicide awareness!!!

6. CVHS Community Outreach

If you know of a student or student’s family that needs some help, we have a food pantry at CVHS. Just scan the QR code, fill out the form and you can put an order together. You will be contacted when we receive your order to arrange a pickup or delivery. Food Pantry.pdf

Si conoce a un estudiante o a su familia que necesita ayuda, tenemos una despensa de alimentos en CVHS. Simplemente escanee el código QR, complete el formulario y podrá realizar un pedido. Nos comunicaremos con usted cuando recibamos su pedido para organizar la recogida o la entrega. Food Pantry.pdf

Does your student need internet access at home and you’re not able to afford it? Please check out T-Mobile’s hot spot program. Please see the flier for more information. P10M copy.png

The following are ways to qualify:

National School Lunch Program notification letters or direct certifications

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) via P-EBT or EBT

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) via BBBS Partnership


Head Start

Foster youth, migrant, homeless, or runway youth

¿Su estudiante necesita acceso a Internet en casa y usted no puede pagarlo? Consulta el programa de puntos de acceso de T-Mobile. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. P10M copy.png

Las siguientes son formas de calificar:

Cartas de notificación o certificaciones directas del Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares

Programa de asistencia nutricional suplementaria (SNAP) a través de P-EBT o EBT

Asistencia Temporal para Familias Necesitadas (TANF)

Programa de distribución de alimentos en reservas indias (FDPIR)

Disposición de elegibilidad comunitaria (CEP)

Disposición de elegibilidad comunitaria (CEP) a través de la asociación BBBS



Jóvenes de crianza, inmigrantes, personas sin hogar o jóvenes de pasarela

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

It’s a great day to be an Aviator!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal