Monday, 10-26-2020 "Turbulence to Triumph"
Dear Parents,
To win is to contend, to struggle, to strive. I love this quote. Right now many of us feel more stress, struggle, etc. than we normally do. We are so fortunate at CVHS to have time to work on these things and develop ways to strive. Our students are determined to defy the odds and rise above. If you have not had a chance to watch our Jet Time videos, I invite you to see what our students are learning each week. Here are seven videos that I strongly recommend you watch with your family so you can talk about this with your children.
Jet Talk 2 – Your most powerful tool – MINDSET
Jet Talk 4 – What are you building?
Jet Talk 5 – Avoid Distraction
Jet Talk 6 – Stretch your comfort zone
Jet Talk 7 Consistency is better than perfection
Please make note of the following:
1. Internet Safety
Our School Community Council is working on ways to increase internet safety. Here is a host of Internet Safety videos and lessons Link that will help you lead these types of conversations with your family.
2. ACT PreTest
Saturday, November 14th at 8:30- 12:00 we will have a practice ACT. Please Link Here for more information.
3. School Safety Training
The following videos were shared with students at the school as safety training. Here they are for your reference at home.
4. COVID Safety & Health
As we see COVID numbers spike in our area, we are grateful for the opportunity to still see our students twice each week. Please continue to wear your masks and socially distance from one another whenever possible. As we focus on these two things that we can control, we minimize our chances of illness and quarantine.
COVID Update – New Dashboard Reporting
You have probably noticed some changes on the dashboard when it comes to the way ASD is reporting positive COVID cases. The individual school reports are now based on the 10-day isolation number. The total number and percentages at the top are referring to the 14-day period following a positive test. Our conversations with the UCHD will still begin when a school reaches 15 cases/14-day. The POC’s and nurses are doing a great job with the reporting.
5. Sterling Scholars
Sterling Scholar applications are now being accepted in the student center (counseling office). If you have questions email Anna Butler at [email protected]
6. A Message From Our Student Council
7.School Activities
Please see our school calendar to view all our activities. This is a live document that we keep updated daily. Sometimes activities and games are changed with very short notice, so it is imperative to check daily.
Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and your beautiful children. I do love them so much!
Courtney Johnson