Monday, September 14, 2020
Turbulence to Triumph (2020 Student Council Theme)
Dear Parents,
Thank you for helping CVHS have a very successful first month of school. We have so enjoyed being with the kids and I can’t help but smile when I see our students so excited to be here and participate in all the activities associated with the school.
Please make note of the following:
1. Parent Night Tonight @ 7:00 P.M.
Join us at 7 P.M. in the auditorium for a Community Suicide Awareness Presentation given by the Cedar Valley HS Counseling department. Come learn about the Signs of Suicide (SOS) program we teach to students in their health classes.
2. School Fees
Students can pay the normal fees on the “My Student Fees” portion of the website. If they want the referral discount, they’ll have to go sign up with a friend at the Finance Office (Wendy said that’s the only way we’d be able to facilitate the discount).
3. ACT Prep Class – For All Students!
CVHS will start the in-person ACT preparation on Tuesday, September 22nd from 1:15-2:15. The class will cost $45.00, however; if your student brings a buddy, the cost will only be $25.00. Like last year, students may pay at the finance office or on My School Fees under the drop-down menu ACT. This class is designed for all students. Freshman, sophomores, and junior students should start this class and take it every year!
4. ACT Online Prep Class
CVHS ACT prep class is an online class through Canvas. The cost for this class is $20. Our face to face will be recorded and uploaded as the year progresses and will be a better way to prepare, however; this online version will be ready to launch in a couple of days. ACT Prep Online Class Overview Video Link. Students may pay at the finance office or on My School Fees under the drop-down menu ACT.
10th-grade students are encouraged to take. $15 paid to the finance office due by November 12th. Contact your student’s counselor with any questions.
6. COVID Update:
If a member of your family has been tested for COVID, please keep all immediate family members at home until you receive the results of the COVID test.
We appreciate our partnership with the Utah County Health Department in trying to keep our students and employees safe. Sue Hayes and Kim Lowe are doing a great job leading and directing our school nurses. Give your nurse a shout out when you can!
7. Fee Waivers
All Fee Waiver applications must be turned in by September 24, 2020, to allow enough time for processing. Failure to submit an application on time can disqualify individuals from the ability to obtain fee waivers.
8. Free Lunch and Breakfast
The following information was sent to all parents and guardians outlining temporary federal funding for free breakfast and lunch for all ASD students.
9. CVHS Clubs
Club Rush Week may be over but click here for a list of clubs and advisors. Reach out to them if a student wants to be involved.
10. Homecoming Week
Homecoming is next week Sept 21st – 26th. There will be a variety of activities throughout the week. Please see our school calendar on our website for more information. Homecoming will look different than usual. We will not be having a Homecoming Dance. Our student council has worked to create an alternate activity. We will have a Fly-In movie in our back parking lot. Students can do their regular dates that day/evening and attend the Fly-in @ 8:15 pm. Parking begins @ 7:15pm. More information for purchasing tickets will be announced to students and ticket sales will begin at 7 pm on Tuesday, Sept 15th. – Mask will be required –
11. School Activities
Please see our school calendar to view all upcoming activities. This is a live document that we keep updated daily. Sometimes activities and games are changed with very short notice, so it is imperative to check daily.
12. Athletics This Week:
Thank you for entering our facilities wearing your mask. We are getting through the season. Please remember masks are required at all Alpine School District athletic events. Thank you again for your help and support!
Monday/Today: Girls Soccer @ Tooele Masks only, no tickets required
Tuesday: Golf @ Oquirrh Hills
Girls Tennis vs Ogden
Wednesday: Girls Soccer vs. Juan Diego- Senior recognition starts @ 5:50
Golf @ Meadowbrook
Girls Tennis @ Westlake
Cross Country Region Meet @ Home
Thursday: JV and Frosh Football home vs. Uintah- No tickets required, please wear your mask as you enter the gate and through the entire time in the event.
Girls Tennis @ Tooele
Friday: Football @ Uintah-Visiting
From Uintah High School: Fans are welcome, and we encourage them to come to our facility to enjoy the games. Seating will not be assigned unless we see a continued increase of local cases, at which we will implement assigned seating. We will label sections of the stadium bleachers and gym seating to encourage social distancing and to assist with contact tracing in the event of positive cases. Please take note of your section when seated. We encourage our fans to spread out, sit with immediate families, use all available seating, and to please keep all children in the seating area. Unsupervised children will be asked to sit with their families or will be asked to leave the facility. If the need arises, we will take necessary steps to encourage social distancing such as designating bleachers for seating, limiting the number of fans in the venue, or in extreme cases, eliminating fans together. Fans assume all risks associated with possible exposure to COVID-19. Our hope is that by following the guidelines, we can have a safe and fun spectator experience. Ticket Purchases for football, volleyball, basketball, and wrestling will be cash only. Fans must purchase tickets at the gate. Please bring exact change. Ticket prices are $5 per individual or $20 per immediate family. Again, please note the section in which you sit for contact tracing.
Let’s make it a fantastic week!
Courtney Johnson
CVHS Principal