Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Turbulence to Triumph (2020 Student Council Theme)
Dear Parents,
Welcome back from the long Labor Day Weekend. I hope that you had the chance to relax and do something fun with your family and friends.
Please make note of the following:
1. PTA Reflections Contest
The PTA Reflections Contest is coming up! This year’s theme is “I Matter Because…”. Submissions are due October 1 and will be completely online this year in all categories: 2D Visual Arts, 3D Visual Arts, Literature, Photography, Film Production, Dance Choreography, and Music Composition. See the following link for more information: Utah Reflections Online and contact [email protected] with questions. Thank you, Jodi Hancey!
2. National Suicide Awareness and Prevention
September is National Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month. CVHS is proud to join our voices to the millions around the world fighting against suicide. All month, students, faculty, and the Eagle Mountain community will participate in activities to raise awareness and continue the conversation unifying our efforts to be kinder to and aware of one another.
Sept. 8-11- CLUB RUSH WEEK – PTSA along with CVHS Life Flight, Flight Crew, and Student Council will host an “I Pledge…..” table. Come add your name to our pledge banner and get your awareness & prevention ribbon to wear throughout the month.
Sept. 14 @ 7:00 pm – Community Conversation – CVHS will host an evening of information sharing and discussion. Facilitated by our amazing counseling staff, this is open to the community and will be held in the school auditorium. Please wear your mask and adhere to appropriate social distancing.
Sept. 28 @ 8:00 pm -Walk for Awareness – Please come to our first annual Walk for Awareness. This 1-mile walk around the CVHS track will begin following the girls’ soccer game and include resources from our community. Everyone is welcome. Please wear your mask and adhere to appropriate social distancing.
All Month- Watch for ribbons to be worn on the uniforms of your student-athlete, band, & drill member in support of our cause.
Contact Melissa Herbert, CVHS PTSA-Safety [email protected] with questions.
3. This week in Athletics
Soccer vs. Ben Lomond is canceled for today (9/8) Due to the high winds they are experiencing. We will post on cvaviators.com with the rescheduled game.
-Tennis vs. Uintah is moved to Wednesday, 9/9 @ 3:30 come on out and support you, Aviators.
-Volleyball is hosting Uintah this Thursday, to get your free student ticket enter studentvb Down in the Passcode prompt on cvaviators.com under tickets. See you at the game.
-Football is up at Ben Lomond this Friday. You have to have a ticket to get in, please use the passcode CVHS911, Please be considerate when purchasing tickets, we are only allotted a limited number and we have enough to accommodate all our players. Hope to see you there, the cost is $5.00
4. Club Rush Week
This week is Club Rush. If you are interested in joining a club, provide your contact info with the club you are interested in, and grab a parent permission form at the front doors. You must have a parent permission form signed for each club you want to join before you participate. Parent permission forms are available at the front doors, and at this link.
5. ACT
Cedar Valley’s ACT prep class will be on September 22nd. I’ll send out the details later as a separate email when I have all the information.
6. Website Resources for Parents and Students
Our Innovative Learning Team has developed a series of website resources for parents and students that can be used to help them navigate the basics of online technology. To access these resources, navigate to our district website (http://www.alpineschools.org/), mouse over the Family & Students menu at the top, and then click on the Parent/Guardian Tech Tips link under the Parents category. They can also be accessed directly by visiting https://alpineschools.org/guardiantech/. Once there, parents and students can access a Canvas Intro, a simple guide to Canvas Observer accounts, a link to our Technology Help Desk, and more.
Working together with the Utah County Health Department, news media, and other stakeholders, we have put together a dashboard and press release that will be shared at the beginning of each week (usually on Mondays). Here the information shared today:
As of September 7, 2020, Alpine School District reported a total of 75 current positive COVID-19 cases. Alpine serves communities in 14 cities and 92 schools. Here is a breakdown of the 75 current positive cases:
39 secondary students,
6 elementary students, and
30 employees.
For weekly COVID-19 positive caseload updates, please go to our dashboard found here www.alpineschools.org/returntolearn. Our dashboard will be updated each Monday. For clarification of the decision to report district-wide numbers only, Alpine School District is committed to protecting the privacy of all students and employees. In most cases, where there is a single positive case at a school, it is easily identifiable for individuals to be noticed when someone is missing from class or when their teacher has a substitute. Assumptions can be made and we have seen how it can negatively impact individuals. For this reason, we will continue to report elementary, secondary, and employee totals only, rather than by school site.
Although part of Alpine’s Return to Learn plans are to track and tabulate numbers at individual schools, we cannot control what happens outside of the school day, in the community, and homes. Our united efforts are to help minimize the transmission of COVID-19. It will take all of us working together to social distance whenever possible, wear masks, and wash hands frequently.
8. School Activities
Please see our school calendar to view all upcoming activities. This is a live document that we keep updated daily. Sometimes activities and games are changed with very short notice, so it is imperative to check daily.
Let’s make it a fantastic week!
Courtney Johnson
CVHS Principal