Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Welcome to March! It’s hard to believe that we are only three short months away from graduation and summer break! With that said, we also are nearing the end of term three this Thursday. As a reminder, we will not have school this Friday, March 7th and Monday, March 10th for a teacher work day and professional development.
Please make note of the following:
1. 2025-26 CVHS Student Council Elections Information
Student Council Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year Elections are now available in the Front office. If you want to help plan and carry out school events, dances, and assemblies and have fun while doing it, get your application today! There is a mandatory parent meeting on March 5 at 7 pm in the C Lecture Hall, and applications are due March 14. If you have great ideas, are hard working, and dependable, we want You for Student Council! If you have questions, see Mrs. Ducos in room C207 or email [email protected].
2. FREE ACT Testing March 12, 2025
We are excited to announce our free annual ACT testing day for all Juniors is coming up soon! Please ensure your student is prepared for this important event.
On ACT testing day:
Seniors are encouraged to visit a college campus.
Freshmen & Sophomores should take this opportunity to shadow a professional in a career of interest.
Important ACT Testing Guidelines for Juniors
Per ACT regulations, all digital devices (including smartwatches, fitness bands, cell phones, etc.) must be left behind during the test. Using any of these devices during the exam, breaks, or restroom visits will result in the test being voided, and the student will be asked to leave.
ACT Prep & Study Tips
We have incorporated ACT prep questions into STEELE Time on most Thursdays all year. Please encourage your students to review these materials, as they can help improve their test scores.
Thank you for your support in making this a successful testing day!
¡Estamos emocionados de anunciar nuestro día anual de exámenes ACT para todos los estudiantes del tercer año! Asegúrese de que su estudiante esté preparado para este importante evento.
El día del examen ACT:
Se anima a los estudiantes del último año a visitar un campus universitario.
Los estudiantes de primer y segundo año deberían aprovechar esta oportunidad para seguir a un profesional en una carrera de su interés.
Pautas importantes para los exámenes ACT para jóvenes
Según las regulaciones de ACT, todos los dispositivos digitales (incluidos relojes inteligentes, pulseras de actividad física, teléfonos celulares, etc.) deben dejarse atrás durante el examen. El uso de cualquiera de estos dispositivos durante el examen, los descansos o las visitas al baño resultará en la anulación del examen y se le pedirá al estudiante que se retire.
Consejos de estudio y preparación para ACT
Hemos incorporado preguntas de preparación para ACT en STEELE Time la mayoría de los jueves. Anime a su estudiante a revisar estos materiales, ya que pueden ayudarlo a mejorar los puntajes de sus exámenes.
¡Gracias por su apoyo para hacer de este un día de prueba exitoso!
3. Senior Chromebook Buyback
MAY 13th is senior Chromebook buyback day. After the 13th, seniors will not have access to their personal Chromebook.
4. Driver’s Ed Sign-Ups Now Open!
Looking to take online Driver’s Ed this April, May, or during the summer? Sign-ups are now open on a first come, first serve basis, so don’t wait!
When: April, May, & Summer Sessions Available
How to Sign Up: Register online
Questions? Visit Mr. Roberts in D257
Secure your spot today and get on the road to earning your license!
5. Graduation Gram
Key Club is sponsoring the Graduation Gram, “Kiss a Senior Goodbye” candy gram. Celebrate a senior with a personal note and a dozen chocolate kisses delivered to their A1 class on May 1, 2025. Cost is $3.00 per candy gram. Pre-sale orders are available from March 3rd-14th.
Graduation grams can be purchased through myschoolfees or the Finance Office. There will be a table during both lunches in the commons where the note cards can be turned in for those purchasing from the finance office. Those purchasing on myschoolfees, please also fill out the information on the Google form link that is attached. Celebrate your seniors and spread some love with a sweet treat and well wishes. myschoolfees link. Google Form link
6. Aviator Celebration of Excellence–ACE
We will hold our Aviator Celebration of Excellence (ACE) on Wednesday, May 14th, at 6 p.m.! This is an evening to recognize Senior Aviators’ achievements and excellence. However, we can’t celebrate without knowing what has been accomplished. We want to know!!
Please take a moment to fill out the survey and let us know. Please include all college and other scholarship amounts, even if you may not attend or use the scholarships. If you receive anything else after filling it out, just submit another response with the new information. Here is the link… https://forms.gle/
To be recognized in the program, submissions are due APRIL 30th!!
If you have any questions, contact Marcie Murri in the Student Center. Thank you!
7. Senior Graduation Information
Parents, please have your senior check their name on the graduation and diploma list that is posted next to the school store between the B & C Terminals. We want to make sure that we have the correct spelling of their name. This needs to be done by March 11th so we can submit the diplomas for printing.
8. PTSA: Last Call for participating in Battle of the Bands – Sign Up Now!
Do you have what it takes to rock the stage? Cedar Valley’s Battle of the Bands is happening on Friday, March 7th! Gather your bandmates and get ready to showcase your talent. Last day to sign up for a performance is February 28th.
To participate, students must fill out the form using the QR code on the attached flyer. Don’t miss your chance to perform and compete for the title of CVHS’s Best Band! Link Here for more information.
9. Teacher Appreciation for CVHS will be March 17th-21st
10. NHS Food Drive
There is just one week left for our NHS food drive. Please send all of your donations before March 5th. All food gathered will go to the Cedar Valley food pantry and Tabitha’s Way. There are boxes in the A1 classes for donations and the top 3 classes will earn a prize.
11. CVHS Community Outreach Upcoming Events You Don’t Want to Miss:
Cinderella Project coming to Cedar Valley High School on Saturday, March 8, 2025, in the commons area from 11 am-1 pm. Students are invited to come shop for affordable formal wear for Prom or upcoming dances. Please see the flyer for more information. Cinderella Project Proyecto Cenicienta.pdf
El Proyecto Cenicienta llega a la escuela secundaria Cedar Valley el sábado 8 de marzo de 2025 en el área común de 11 a. m. a 1 p. m. Se invita a los estudiantes a venir a comprar ropa formal a precios asequibles para el baile de graduación o los próximos bailes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. Cinderella Project Proyecto Cenicienta.pdf
12. Jet Fuel
Are you a fan of blue raspberry and pineapple? Then I have the Jet Fuel drink for you! This week’s drink of the week is The Altitude. The Altitude is ½ sprite and ½ lemonade with pumps of our delicious blue raspberry and pineapple syrups. Choose from our cup sizes of 16, 24, 32, or 44 oz. The Altitude is paired with the salted caramel cheesecake cookie, they are a perfect fit for each other. Let’s not forget that the drink is 10% off when you order it this week!
Now serving HOT CHOCOLATE! Warm up while watching the game with a 16 oz cup of Hot Chocolate! Don’t forget to add a yummy syrup or creamer! Prices starting at $2.
What is Jet Fuel? Did you know our school has its very own soda shack? We’re open to the public every weekday from 2:15 PM to 5:00 PM, excluding holidays and school breaks. Jet Fuel is located at 1389 Aviator Ave, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005, on the north end of the football stadium. Look for the building with “Aim High” proudly displayed on it. We have a drive thru!
Follow us on Instagram at @Jetfuel_cvhs to stay updated on new menu items, special announcements, and everything happening at Jet Fuel Soda Shack.
Thank you for supporting our student-run business. We look forward to serving you soon!
13. Upcoming Dates to Remember
Let’s make it a great week at CV!
Courtney Johnson
Cedar Valley High School Principal