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Monday, March 24th, 2025

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday March 24, 2025

Welcome to the last week before spring break!  Please make note of the following: 

1. Admin Message

Mr. Twitchell shared one of his favorite parables. Link here to watch this week’s admin message.  

2. Jet Fuel

This week’s drink of the week is the 787!   The 787 is a Sprite based drink with strawberry syrup and a freshly squeezed lemon.  Order this drink for 10% off the 787 and pair it with one of our specialty cookies, they won’t be around much longer!   

Now serving SPRITE ZERO!   

Spring sports season is starting!   Stop by and grab a drink and cookie on your way to cheer on your favorite player at the sports park!   We are just down the street!   Drive thru open till 7 pm (Monday the 24th till 5 pm)

What is Jet Fuel?  Did you know our school has its very own soda shack? We’re open to the public every weekday from 2:15 PM to 7:00 PM, excluding holidays and school breaks. Jet Fuel is located at 1389 Aviator Ave, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005, on the north end of the football stadium. Look for the building with “Aim High” proudly displayed on it. We have a drive thru! 

Follow us on Instagram at @Jetfuel_cvhs to stay updated on new menu items, special announcements, and everything happening at Jet Fuel Soda Shack.

Thank you for supporting our student-run business. We look forward to serving you soon! 

3. Student Support Services

Alpine District Student Support Services Department partners with to provide FREE mental health courses, held virtually over Zoom. View the APRIL CALENDAR for this next month’s sessions. Parents can pre-register for the courses HERE. On April 16 at 6pm, there is also a FREE session called ASK A THERAPIST LIVE. If you can’t participate during the live session, you must register online to have access to the replay.

4. East Shore Senior Deadlines

It’s crucial for seniors to be aware of the deadlines for completing their East Shore packets and exams. If your student is enrolled in any East Shore online classes, please link here  for important information and deadlines.

5. Student Registration for the 2025-26 School Year

Arena scheduling for next year’s juniors opens Thursday at 3:00 PM!

Please avoid checking your students out early—there will be plenty of time for them to login and register after school. Students can access the system before it officially opens, so there is no need to leave class early.

Last week, during senior registration, our front office and attendance lines were overwhelmed with calls from parents checking students out. We want to ensure we’re available to assist everyone, so we appreciate your cooperation in keeping students in class.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Counselors will present to all sophomores during Steele Time on Tuesday, March 25. This presentation will cover essential details, including:

  • Course selection guidance

  • Credit recovery options

  • Scholarship opportunities

Students will also receive a registration packet with instructions for arena scheduling and information on graduation requirements. If your student misses the presentation, extra copies will be available in the Student Center.

We encourage all sophomores to attend and stay informed—this is a great opportunity to plan for a successful school year!

6. Student Account Balances

As we near the end of the school year, please check your student’s account for any outstanding balances. All balances must be paid in full for students to participate in year-end activities, including receiving their yearbooks.

To review your student’s account and make payments, please act as soon as possible. If you have questions or need assistance, contact Wendy Staheli at [email protected] or 801-610-8825.

Thank you for your prompt attention—we appreciate your support!

7. CVHS Community Outreach Information: 

In conjunction with our upcoming Parent Teacher Conference, we will have our Community Resource Night on Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at Cedar Valley High School.  Please save the date, we’d love to see you there! There will be many different resources available, along with college representatives. Please see the flyer for all the details. PTC:Community Night 4:9:25.pdf

Nos complace anunciar nuestra próxima Noche de Recursos para Padres y Maestros, que se celebrará el miércoles 9 de abril de 2025 en la Preparatoria Cedar Valley, coincidiendo con las Conferencias de Padres y Maestros de ese día. ¡Reserve la fecha, nos encantaría verlos allí! Habrá una gran variedad de recursos disponibles, junto con representantes de universidades. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. PTC:Community Night 4:9:25.pdf

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a great week at CV!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, March 17th, 2025

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, March 17, 2025


Today we celebrate the Irish in all of us! Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! It’s also Teacher Appreciation Week, and our amazing PTSA has wonderful plans to show our teachers how valued they are. A huge thank you to everyone helping make this week special!

Please make note of the following:

1. Admin Message
This week, I shared a personal story about my diagnosis with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and how I used that to become a strength. We can do hard things and turn weaknesses into our superpowers. Link here.

2. ASPIRE Testing

Aspire Testing will start after Spring Break for 9th and 10th grade. More information to follow.

3. Parent Teacher Conferences

We will have our final Parent Teacher Conference right after spring break Wednesday, April 9th from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

4. CVHS Community Outreach Information:

In conjunction with our upcoming Parent Teacher Conference, we will have our Community Resource Night on Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at Cedar Valley High School. Please save the date, we’d love to see you there! There will be many different resources available, along with college representatives. Please see the flyer for all the details. PTC:Community Night 4:9:25.pdf

Nos complace anunciar nuestra próxima Noche de Recursos para Padres y Maestros, que se celebrará el miércoles 9 de abril de 2025 en la Preparatoria Cedar Valley, coincidiendo con las Conferencias de Padres y Maestros de ese día. ¡Reserve la fecha, nos encantaría verlos allí! Habrá una gran variedad de recursos disponibles, junto con representantes de universidades. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. PTC:Community Night 4:9:25.pdf

Free Dental Services, Please see flyer: SHDG_DayOfDentistry_Flyer.pdf

Servicios dentales gratuitos, consulte el folleto:SHDG_DayOfDentistry_Flyer_ES.pdf

Free Parenting Classes Online see flyers if interested (Clases para padres gratuitas en línea. Consulte los folletos si está interesado): Mental Health Series, March calendar.pdf HMG SmartSteps Full Flyer_Zoom.pdf

Free Tax Services (Servicios de impuestos gratuitos):TAXES.pdf

5. Top Gun Movie Award!

We are so excited and proud of our students who have maintained good grades, fantastic attendance and had no behavior incidents. We will be awarding these students with a movie, popcorn, snacks and drinks! This will happen this Friday and students will be excused from classes at 8:30 AM – 11 AM. Each qualifying student will receive an individual email invite.

6. Prom, Saturday, March 22, 2025

The dance will be held at the Living Planet Aquarium in Sandy, starting at 7 PM to 10 PM. See you there Aviators.

Purchase tickets here

7. Student Account Balances

As we approach the end of the school year, we kindly ask that you check your student’s account for any outstanding balances. All accounts must be paid in full to ensure students can participate in year-end activities, including receiving their yearbooks.

Please take a moment to review your student’s account and make any necessary payments as soon as possible. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact Wendy Staheli by email at [email protected] or calling 801-610-8825

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter—we appreciate your support!!

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a great week at CV!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Tuesday, March 11th, 2025

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Welcome back from a wonderful long weekend! Please take note of the following important updates:

1. ACT Testing – Tomorrow, March 12, 2025 @ 7:30 AM SHARP!

We are excited to offer our free annual ACT testing day for all Juniors! Please ensure your student is well-rested and prepared for this important event.

Schedule for ACT Testing Day:

  • Juniors: ACT Testing – Arrive on time (7:30 AM) and bring an approved calculator.

  • Seniors: Encouraged to visit a college campus. 

  • Freshmen & Sophomores: Take the opportunity to shadow a professional in a career of interest.

Important ACT Testing Guidelines for Juniors 

Per ACT regulations, all digital devices (including smartwatches, fitness bands, and cell phones) must be left behind during the test. Using any device during the exam, breaks, or restroom visits will result in the test being voided, and the student will be asked to leave. 

¡Día de exámenes ACT para los estudiantes del tercer año!
Por favor, asegúrese de que su estudiante esté preparado para este evento importante.

  • Estudiantes del último año: Se les anima a visitar un campus universitario.

  • Estudiantes de primer y segundo año: Se recomienda que sigan a un profesional en una carrera de su interés.

Regulaciones Importantes: Todos los dispositivos digitales deben dejarse atrás durante el examen. Su uso resultará en la anulación del examen.

2. Driver’s Ed Sign-Ups Now Open! 

Looking to take online Driver’s Ed in April, May, or summer? Sign-ups are now open on a first-come, first-served basis—don’t wait!

When: April, May & Summer Sessions Available

How to Sign Up:  Register Online
Questions: Visit Mr. Roberts in D257

Secure your spot today and get on the road to earning your license!  If you have further questions, please reach out to Mr. Roberts.

3. Graduation Gram 

Pre-sale orders are available from March 3rd-14th


Our Key Club is sponsoring the Graduation Gram, a sweet way to celebrate our seniors! Send a personal note and a dozen chocolate kisses to be delivered to their A1 class on May 1, 2025.

  • Cost: $3.00 per candy gram

  • Pre-sale Orders: March 3rd-14th

Where to Purchase:

  • Online: Through MySchoolFees If purchasing through MySchoolFees, please also complete the  Kiss a Senior Goodbye

  • Finance Office: Notes can be turned in at a table in the commons during both lunches.


4.  Aviator Celebration of Excellence (ACE) – May 14, 2025 @ 6 PM

We are excited to celebrate the achievements of our Senior Aviators at ACE! However, we need your help to recognize their accomplishments.

  • Seniors & Parents: Please fill out this form to let us know about all college acceptances and scholarship offers, even if they won’t be used. If you receive additional awards after submitting, you can submit another response.

  • Submission Deadline: April 30, 2025

  • Survey Link:

  • Questions? Contact Marcie Murri in the Student Center.


5. Senior Graduation Information – Name Verification Due March 11, 2025

Parents, please have your senior check their name on the graduation and diploma list posted near the school store (between the B & C Terminals). This ensures correct spelling on diplomas.  Deadline: March 11.


6. PTSA Teacher Appreciation Week – Help Needed!

Help us celebrate our world-class teachers! Teacher Appreciation Week will be held March 17-21, and your donations will make a world of difference in showing our gratitude.

  • Sign up to donate here: SignUpGenius Link

  • Questions? Contact Erika at 801-664-8118.

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a great week at CV!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

By Principle Johnson Communications

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Welcome to March!  It’s hard to believe that we are only three short months away from graduation and summer break!  With that said, we also are nearing the end of term three this Thursday.  As a reminder, we will not have school this Friday, March 7th and Monday, March 10th for a teacher work day and professional development.

Please make note of the following:

1. 2025-26 CVHS Student Council Elections Information

Student Council Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year Elections are now available in the Front office.  If you want to help plan and carry out school events, dances, and assemblies and have fun while doing it, get your application today!  There is a mandatory parent meeting on March 5 at 7 pm in the C Lecture Hall,  and applications are due March 14. If you have great ideas, are hard working, and dependable, we want You for Student Council!  If you have questions, see Mrs. Ducos in room C207 or email [email protected].

2. FREE ACT Testing March 12, 2025

We are excited to announce our free annual ACT testing day for all Juniors is coming up soon! Please ensure your student is prepared for this important event.

On ACT testing day:

  • Seniors are encouraged to visit a college campus.

  • Freshmen & Sophomores should take this opportunity to shadow a professional in a career of interest.

Important ACT Testing Guidelines for Juniors

Per ACT regulations, all digital devices (including smartwatches, fitness bands, cell phones, etc.) must be left behind during the test. Using any of these devices during the exam, breaks, or restroom visits will result in the test being voided, and the student will be asked to leave.

ACT Prep & Study Tips

We have incorporated ACT prep questions into STEELE Time on most Thursdays all year. Please encourage your students to review these materials, as they can help improve their test scores.

Thank you for your support in making this a successful testing day!


¡Estamos emocionados de anunciar nuestro día anual de exámenes ACT para todos los estudiantes del tercer año! Asegúrese de que su estudiante esté preparado para este importante evento.


El día del examen ACT:


Se anima a los estudiantes del último año a visitar un campus universitario.

Los estudiantes de primer y segundo año deberían aprovechar esta oportunidad para seguir a un profesional en una carrera de su interés.

Pautas importantes para los exámenes ACT para jóvenes

Según las regulaciones de ACT, todos los dispositivos digitales (incluidos relojes inteligentes, pulseras de actividad física, teléfonos celulares, etc.) deben dejarse atrás durante el examen. El uso de cualquiera de estos dispositivos durante el examen, los descansos o las visitas al baño resultará en la anulación del examen y se le pedirá al estudiante que se retire.


Consejos de estudio y preparación para ACT

Hemos incorporado preguntas de preparación para ACT en STEELE Time la mayoría de los jueves. Anime a su estudiante a revisar estos materiales, ya que pueden ayudarlo a mejorar los puntajes de sus exámenes.


¡Gracias por su apoyo para hacer de este un día de prueba exitoso!

3. Senior Chromebook Buyback

MAY 13th is senior Chromebook buyback day.  After the 13th, seniors will not have access to their personal Chromebook.


4.  Driver’s Ed Sign-Ups Now Open! 

Looking to take online Driver’s Ed this April, May, or during the summer? Sign-ups are now open on a first come, first serve basis, so don’t wait!

🔹 When: April, May,  & Summer Sessions Available
🔹 How to Sign Up: Register online
 Questions? Visit Mr. Roberts in D257

Secure your spot today and get on the road to earning your license!

5. Graduation Gram

Key Club is sponsoring the Graduation Gram, “Kiss a Senior Goodbye” candy gram. Celebrate a senior with a personal note and a dozen chocolate kisses delivered to their A1 class on May 1, 2025. Cost is $3.00 per candy gram. Pre-sale orders are available from March 3rd-14th.


Graduation grams can be purchased through myschoolfees or the Finance Office. There will be a table during both lunches in the commons where the note cards can be turned in for those purchasing from the finance office. Those purchasing on myschoolfees, please also fill out the information on the Google form link that is attached. Celebrate your seniors and spread some love with a sweet treat and well wishes. myschoolfees link.     Google Form link


6. Aviator Celebration of Excellence–ACE 

We will hold our Aviator Celebration of Excellence (ACE) on Wednesday, May 14th, at 6 p.m.! This is an evening to recognize Senior Aviators’ achievements and excellence. However, we can’t celebrate without knowing what has been accomplished. We want to know!!


Please take a moment to fill out the survey and let us know.  Please include all college and other scholarship amounts, even if you may not attend or use the scholarships.  If you receive anything else after filling it out, just submit another response with the new information.  Here is the link…


To be recognized in the program, submissions are due APRIL 30th!!


If you have any questions, contact Marcie Murri in the Student Center.  Thank you!


7. Senior Graduation Information 

Parents, please have your senior check their name on the graduation and diploma list that is posted next to the school store between the B & C Terminals. We want to make sure that we have the correct spelling of their name. This needs to be done by March 11th so we can submit the diplomas for printing.


8. PTSA: Last Call for participating in Battle of the Bands – Sign Up Now!

Do you have what it takes to rock the stage? Cedar Valley’s Battle of the Bands is happening on Friday, March 7th! Gather your bandmates and get ready to showcase your talent.  Last day to sign up for a performance is February 28th.

To participate, students must fill out the form using the QR code on the attached flyer. Don’t miss your chance to perform and compete for the title of CVHS’s Best Band!  Link Here for more information.

9. Teacher Appreciation for CVHS will be March 17th-21st

10. NHS Food Drive

There is just one week left for our NHS food drive. Please send all of your donations before March 5th.  All food gathered will go to the Cedar Valley food pantry and Tabitha’s Way. There are boxes in the A1 classes for donations and the top 3 classes will earn a prize.

11. CVHS Community Outreach Upcoming Events You Don’t Want to Miss: 

Cinderella Project coming to Cedar Valley High School on Saturday, March 8, 2025, in the commons area from 11 am-1 pm. Students are invited to come shop for affordable formal wear for Prom or upcoming dances. Please see the flyer for more information. Cinderella Project Proyecto Cenicienta.pdf

El Proyecto Cenicienta llega a la escuela secundaria Cedar Valley el sábado 8 de marzo de 2025 en el área común de 11 a. m. a 1 p. m. Se invita a los estudiantes a venir a comprar ropa formal a precios asequibles para el baile de graduación o los próximos bailes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. Cinderella Project Proyecto Cenicienta.pdf


12.  Jet Fuel

Are you a fan of blue raspberry and pineapple? Then I have the Jet Fuel drink for you! This week’s drink of the week is The Altitude. The Altitude is ½ sprite and ½ lemonade with pumps of our delicious blue raspberry and pineapple syrups. Choose from our cup sizes of 16, 24, 32, or 44 oz. The Altitude is paired with the salted caramel cheesecake cookie, they are a perfect fit for each other. Let’s not forget that the drink is 10% off when you order it this week!


Now serving HOT CHOCOLATE!   Warm up while watching the game with a 16 oz cup of Hot Chocolate!   Don’t forget to add a yummy syrup or creamer!  Prices starting at $2.


What is Jet Fuel?  Did you know our school has its very own soda shack? We’re open to the public every weekday from 2:15 PM to 5:00 PM, excluding holidays and school breaks. Jet Fuel is located at 1389 Aviator Ave, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005, on the north end of the football stadium. Look for the building with “Aim High” proudly displayed on it. We have a drive thru!

Follow us on Instagram at @Jetfuel_cvhs to stay updated on new menu items, special announcements, and everything happening at Jet Fuel Soda Shack.

Thank you for supporting our student-run business. We look forward to serving you soon!


13. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a great week at CV!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

February 19th, 2025

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Good morning, Aviators!

I want to give a huge congratulations to our girls’ wrestling team for taking 2nd place at state on Saturday! We also had several individual UHSAA state champions in wrestling and swimming—an incredible accomplishment!

I often get asked why we have decided to do a police escort for a team that wins a first-place state championship, but not for individual state titles. We frequently have individual state champions in sports like track and field, cross country, tennis, swimming, and wrestling, and their achievements are just as impressive. However, team state championships involve so many students and it’s something we can make happen on rare occasions.   

Similarly, I’m sometimes asked why clubs or national competitions aren’t given the same recognition. While national competitions are valuable and prestigious, they typically allow open enrollment rather than following a multi-week, state-sanctioned bracket process like UHSAA team championships.

I hope this helps clarify the distinction. Regardless of the format, we are proud of ALL our Aviators for their hard work and dedication—whether in team sports, individual achievements, or club competitions. Congratulations again to all our champions!

Please make note of the following: 

1. Utah County Health Department Vaccine Clinic

Just a reminder that there will be a Utah County Health Department Vaccine clinic this Thursday at Vista Heights from 3-6 pm. They will have all school-aged vaccines and a few doses of Shingrex for 50+. This vaccine protects against shingles. 

On Wednesday, March 19th, the clinic will be at Frontier Middle School. 

2. New York Times Bestselling Author – Neal Shusterman to speak at the Cedar Valley HS Media Center this week – Thursday, February 20, 2025 (during 1st period)

New York Times bestselling author, Neal Shusterman, will speak to students on his newest young adult thriller, All Better Now, about a world where happiness is contagious but the risks of catching it may be just as dangerous as the cure. Three teens from very different backgrounds who’ve had their lives upended in very different ways find themselves at the center of a power play that could change humanity forever. And we, I’m sure, will be changed by his visit this Thursday. The event is free for students. Interested students can sign up in the CVHS Media Center before the beginning of 1st period this Thursday. 

3. Jet Fuel

Drink of the week:  My favorite Jet Fuel is a Diet Mountain Dew base with two delicious pumps of sugar-free raspberry syrup and 4 pumps of yummy coconut cream. Mention you saw this email or our Instagram post and get 10% off when you order it!  It goes perfectly paired with our amazing gluten-free peanut butter cookie. 

Remember,  you can get your favorite drink with pebble ice in a 16, 24, 32, or 44 oz cup.  Jet Fuel hours of operation are weekdays from 2:15 to 5 pm.  We even have a drive-thru at the outdoor concessions stand by the stadium.

Follow us on Instagram at @Jetfuel_cvhs to stay updated on new menu items, special announcements, and everything happening at Jet Fuel Soda Shack.

Thank you for supporting our student-run business. We look forward to serving you soon! 

4.  Utah Tech University Field Trip

Are you interested in attending Utah Tech University?  ‘Blazer Blast is an overnight experience that shows what college life is like at Utah Tech University. Students will participate in activities with the Student Association, hear from Deans of the Colleges, learn about admissions, resources, and more. This is an overnight activity.  Here is the website with all the information.  (  

Cedar Valley will provide a bus and cover the $40.00 fee for students to attend the Blazer Blast event on February 28th and March 1st.  

This is for Juniors and Seniors only.  To participate, Cedar Valley’s permission form and the registration questions must be completed and brought to the Student Center or emailed to [email protected].   These have to be done by next Monday, February 24th!

All the information is on the permission form and the Blazer Blast website.  This is on a first come first serve basis. You must be passing all classes and have no disciplinary issues to participate. 

Here is the permission slip:  Utah Tech Blazer Blast.pdf

Here are the registration questions:  Blazer Blast Registration 

If you have any questions, please contact Marcie Murri in the Student Center or email her at [email protected]

5. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a great week at CV!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, February 10th, 2025

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, February 10, 2025


Welcome to Valentine’s Week!  Cedar Valley is filled with so many happy moments as our students spread kindness and joy by sending heartfelt Valentine’s notes. Let’s celebrate the spirit of appreciation and connection that makes our Aviator community so special! 

Please make note of the following:

1. Administration Messages

Mr. Twitchell talked about putting in the effort to build the skills we need, comparing it to leveling up in video games and hitting the gym. He emphasized the importance of embracing “The Grind”—putting in the work even when it’s tough! see it in this link.

2. WIDA Testing

We’re currently in the process of administering the WIDA assessment to all students classified as MLL, ELD, or ELL. This assessment will take up most of February, and we’re committed to supporting these students throughout this state-mandated test.

3. PTSA News

Link here for the PTA February News.   Look for the  Battle of the Bands QR that has information about the March 7th Battle of the Bands Event!

3. CTE Information

Career & Technical Education (CTE) Pathways provides students with hands-on technical training to prepare for successful careers. Students gain the skills and knowledge needed to enter the workforce directly or continue their education at a technical school, two-year college, or four-year university.

At Cedar Valley High School, we offer 25 different CTE Pathways to help students explore career options and gain valuable industry experience. By participating in CTE courses, students can earn industry-recognized certifications, enhancing their employability and career prospects.

Benefits of Completing a CTE Pathway:

  • Develop skills aligned with real-world careers

  • Earn industry certifications

  • Gain insight into various career options

  • Increase job opportunities and earning potential after high school

We also offer internships for Juniors and Seniors enrolled in a CTE Pathway, providing hands-on experience in their chosen fields. Some of our Pathways even integrate General Education courses, allowing students to meet graduation requirements while preparing for their careers.

So far this year, 226 students are on track to complete a CTE Pathway!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Pathway Sheet  Link Here for more information

4. Vaccination Clinics

The Utah County Health Department is hosting two vaccination clinics to help ensure students stay up to date on their immunizations. We encourage you to take advantage of either clinic to increase participation and make it more convenient for families.

For more information select the date that works best for you and click the link.

  • Vista Heights Middle School – February 20th – link here

  • Frontier Middle School – March 19th – link here 

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Micki Oliver, RN:

5. Jetfuel

It’s that time of the year again. It’s Valentine’s Day!!!   This week’s drink of the week is The Earhart.  The Earhart is a water-based drink with strawberry and coconut syrup, strawberry puree, and coconut cream.  Making the drink a perfect pink drink for Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget to pair our delicious drink with its specialty Valentine’s cookie, pink velvet.  When you order the Earhart this week you will receive 10% off!  You won’t get a better Valentine’s Day combo around!   Remember,  you can get your drink in a 16, 24, 32, or 44 oz cup.  If you are craving more Jetfuel our hours of operation are weekdays from 2:15 to 5 pm.

Follow us on Instagram at @Jetfuel_cvhs to stay updated on new menu items, special announcements, and everything happening at Jet Fuel Soda Shack.

Thank you for supporting our student-run business. We look forward to serving you soon! 

6. CVHS Community Outreach Upcoming Events

We are holding our term 3 study group after school on Tuesday, February 18th, and Tuesday, February 25th from 2:30-4:30 pm.  Teachers and student tutors will be available to assist students with their homework.  This will be a great opportunity for your students to catch up on any assignments before our term ends on March 6, 2025. Parents are welcome to come help their student(s). Please see the flyer for more information. Study Group Feb. English:Espanol.pdf

El martes 18 y el martes 25 de febrero, después de clases, tendremos nuestro grupo de estudio del tercer trimestre, de 2:30 a 4:30 pm. Los profesores y los tutores estudiantiles estarán disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes con sus tareas. Esta será una gran oportunidad para que sus estudiantes se pongan al día con las tareas antes de que finalice nuestro trimestre el 6 de marzo de 2025. Los padres pueden venir a ayudar a sus estudiantes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. Study Group Feb. English:Espanol.pdf

Cinderella Project coming to Cedar Valley High School on Saturday, March 8, 2025, in the commons area from 11 am-1 pm. Students are invited to come shop for affordable formal wear for Prom or upcoming dances. Please see the flyer for more information. Cinderella Project English:Espanol.pdf

El Proyecto Cenicienta llega a la escuela secundaria Cedar Valley el sábado 8 de marzo de 2025 en el área común de 11 a. m. a 1 p. m. Se invita a los estudiantes a venir a comprar ropa formal a precios asequibles para el baile de graduación o los próximos bailes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. Cinderella Project English:Espanol.pdf

7. NHS Food Drive

National Honor Society, in conjunction with Key Club and Lifeflight, is hosting a food drive competition. We are gathering donations for the Cedar Valley food pantry and Tabitha’s Way. There are boxes in the A1 classes for donations and the top 3 classes will earn a prize. Please send all donation

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a great week at CV!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Tuesday February 4th, 2025

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Welcome to February! Our drill team represented CV Saturday by taking 5th in the state! Congratulations Aviettes! Good luck at state next week for the boys’ wrestling, girls’ wrestling, and swimming team.

Please make note of the following:

1. Administration Messages

I’m not sure if you saw this message from Mr. Gill earlier this year, but I loved how he explained how lift is generated through wind and pressure. He also discussed how pressure can create growth opportunities. You can watch it here!

2. Senior Yearbook Ad

An email was sent out on January 30th with the attached information if you would like to purchase an Ad/Tribute to your senior in the yearbook. Please note the deadline is Sunday, February 9, 2025.

3. Battle of the Bands – Sign Up Now!

Do you have what it takes to rock the stage? Cedar Valley’s Battle of the Bands is happening on Friday, March 7th! Gather your bandmates and get ready to showcase your talent.

To participate, students must fill out the form using the QR code on the attached flyer. Don’t miss your chance to perform and compete for the title of CVHS’s Best Band! Link Here for more information.

4. Parent CVHS Administration Survey

We would appreciate your participation in a brief survey regarding our school’s administrative team. It takes 5-10 minutes. Click here to take the survey or enter this URL in your web browser

5. WIDA Testing For Multilingual Learners

The WIDA ACCESS assessment is currently taking place at CVHS, helping us track the progress of our multilingual learners in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This ensures they receive the best support to succeed.

A few key reminders:

Every student has the right to a free and supportive education.

We do not collect or share immigration status information. WIDA ACCESS is simply a tool to measure academic progress.

CVHS is a welcoming place for all. Students should attend their scheduled testing and do their best.

Thank you for supporting our students! If you have questions, contact the Student Educational Access & Opportunity Department at 801-610-852. CLICK HERE for additional resources.

6. Finance Office Closed on Friday, February 7th

Many fees can be paid online on or we will be happy to help you starting the week of February 10th. Please plan accordingly. ;-D

7. CVHS Community Outreach

If you have a student experiencing anxiety and would like more information to help them please see the flyer for more information on an online support broadcasting this evening, Feb. 3rd. English Helping Students:Families.pdf

Si tiene un estudiante que experimenta ansiedad y desea obtener más información para ayudarlo, consulte el folleto para obtener más información sobre una transmisión de apoyo en línea que se transmitirá esta noche, 3 de febrero. Espanol ayuda familias.pdf

UVU is offering free counseling sessions for students and families please see the flyer for more information. Free Therapy UVU.png

UVU ofrece sesiones de asesoramiento gratuitas para estudiantes y familias; consulte el folleto para obtener más información. Terapia Gratis UVU.png

8. Jet Fuel

This week at Jetfuel we are celebrating our Aviettes for their 5A 5th overall state championship win!!! Come grab our drink of the week ” The Aviator Fuel.” This drink features Powerade with a hint of coconut, mango, and peach syrup. To give it a chef kiss we added some coconut creamer to make it oh-so creamy! Yum! Add our signature GIANT chocolate chip cookie to your order and you are in heaven!

What is Jet Fuel? Did you know our school has its very own soda shack? We’re open to the public every weekday from 2:15 PM to 5:00 PM, excluding holidays and school breaks. Jet Fuel is located at 1389 Aviator Ave, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005, on the north end of the football stadium. Look for the building with “Aim High” proudly displayed on it. Jet Fuel Soda Shack is a student-run business where students work to help pay off their extracurricular fees, making it a meaningful and impactful part of our community. As a tax-free business, Jet Fuel offers affordable options for everyone. And it’s not just for students—our doors are open to the entire community, so stop by and enjoy a drink or a treat! For those on the go, we offer a convenient drive-thru where you can quickly grab your favorite drinks. We serve a variety of sodas with customizable add-ins to suit your taste, along with our famous homemade cookies—a treat you won’t want to miss.

Follow us on Instagram at @Jetfuel_cvhs to stay updated on new menu items, special announcements, and everything happening at Jet Fuel Soda Shack.

Thank you for supporting our student-run business. We look forward to serving you soon!

9. Cultural Celebration Assembly

Our Cultural Celebration Assembly will be on Friday, February 21st.

We would love all of our CVHS cultures represented. If your student would like to participate and perform at this assembly, please fill out this form or contact Aprill Triggs [email protected].

10. WIDA testing

In accordance with state requirements, Cedar Valley MLL students will be taking the WIDA test starting on February 6th. This test is an important tool that helps us measure the growth of students’ language skills. Please ensure that your child, if identified as MLL, ELD, or ELL, is prepared to participate.

Any missed assignments, labs, quizzes, or tests will be allowed to be made up.

Thank you for your support in helping us track and support your child’s progress.

11. Parking

Please remind your students to only park in the areas designated for students. These spots are marked with white lines. Any yellow-painted stalls are reserved for staff and visitors. We do recognize that parking is a challenge with a school this size, but students can help us out by parking in the student-designated areas. We also remind you to please obtain a parking permit if parking on campus. Permits are available in the finance office.

12. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a great week at CV!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

January 28th, 2025

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


We are thrilled to share some exciting news: our cheer team has won Cedar Valley High School’s first Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) state title! This is an incredible accomplishment and a testament to the team’s hard work, dedication, and talent.

State titles sanctioned by the UHSAA hold a special significance, as they involve competition among all schools in Utah within our classification, making this a truly remarkable achievement.

We also want to acknowledge our ballroom team that won 3 out of 3 first-place numbers against all of the ballroom high school teams in the state and they are not done yet.  We have one more state competition for medley numbers.

There are many other fantastic accomplishments from our clubs, teams, and organizations this year that are still in the middle of regional competition, so please support them as they compete for the rest of the season. Each of these achievements reflects the passion and effort our students pour into their pursuits, and we couldn’t be more proud of them.

Let’s take this moment to celebrate our cheer team’s historic victory while continuing to support all of our Aviators in their endeavors. Thank you for being part of our amazing Cedar Valley community!

Please make note of the following:

1. Administration Messages

Assistant Principal Mansfield shares a message of the natural human emotion of jealousy and the need to remember to be supportive and happy when other people succeed. Click here to view the video.

2. Seal of Biliteracy

Did you know that the Alpine District Class of 2024 had 658 students graduate with the SEAL OF BILITERACY? Watch the video to learn about this achievement and what it means for our ASD students. Watch THIS VIDEO to learn more about Dr. Analis Ruiz, Executive Director of Educational Opportunity and Student Support, and the resources provided by her team.

3. Save Up to $200,000!

Parents, did you know your students can earn their associate’s degree while attending Cedar Valley High School? This opportunity can save your family thousands of dollars and set your child on the fast track to success!

Here’s how your student benefits:
✔ Save on tuition, textbooks, and living expenses.
✔ Graduate up to two years early, entering the workforce or college ahead of their peers.
✔ Access one of the largest Concurrent Enrollment course offerings in the state—right here on campus!

With registration coming soon, now is the perfect time to plan your child’s future. Help them take advantage of this incredible opportunity to save money and get ahead!

For more information, contact the counseling office today.

Link here for the video where I explain this to our students.

4. Jet Fuel

Stop by Jet Fuel for our featured drink this week “The Aviator.”  Purchase this drink to show support and congratulations to our Cheer team for winning the 5A State Championship this past weekend!  The Aviator features a base of delicious Dr. Pepper with just the perfect pumps of raspberry and vanilla syrup to make your mouth smile!  You can choose between 44, 32, 24, or 16 oz.   And yes we have pebble ice!!!   Don’t forget to pair that with our specialty cookie, the salted caramel cheesecake.   You will not regret it!

What is Jet Fuel?  Did you know our school has its very own soda shack? We’re open to the public every weekday from 2:15 PM to 5:00 PM, excluding holidays and school breaks. Jet Fuel is located at 1389 Aviator Ave, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005, on the north end of the football stadium. Look for the building with “Aim High” proudly displayed on it. Jet Fuel Soda Shack is a student-run business where students work to help pay off their extracurricular fees, making it a meaningful and impactful part of our community. As a tax-free business, Jet Fuel offers affordable options for everyone. And it’s not just for students—our doors are open to the entire community, so stop by and enjoy a drink or a treat! For those on the go, we offer a convenient drive-thru where you can quickly grab your favorite drinks. We serve a variety of sodas with customizable add-ins to suit your taste, along with our famous homemade cookies—a treat you won’t want to miss.

Follow us on Instagram at @Jetfuel_cvhs to stay updated on new menu items, special announcements, and everything happening at Jet Fuel Soda Shack.

Thank you for supporting our student-run business. We look forward to serving you soon!

5. Be the Reasons Someone Feels Included Today

The Life Skills Special Education program is running a campaign/fundraiser to spread awareness and promote inclusion. The slogan for the campaign is “Be the Reason Someone Feels Included Today,” which encourages acts of kindness, empathy, and inclusion. The goal is to create a community where every individual—regardless of background or ability—feels welcomed and valued. They are selling t-shirts that feature a paper airplane design on the front, symbolizing the idea of flying toward kindness and inclusion, and the campaign slogan on the back to spark important conversations. Here is the link to buy a shirt

Link here for the flyer. If you have any questions, please reach out to Madi Rhead, special education teacher at CVHS.

6. Graduation Information

The following information was emailed to senior parents on January 24, 2025, and is posted on the school website, under the Graduation section on the Counseling page. Please open these two links for information:

  1. Aviator Scholar Formula

  2. Parent/Senior Graduation Information

7. February 7th Teacher Work Day

Mark your calendars and remember that on Friday, February 7th there will be no school for students because of the teacher work day.


Anyone who would like to be a Captain or Manager for a team is required to attend the certification class.   The first class will be on February 7th,  @ 10 am.   There are only 50 seats available for certification.   Spring athletes if you desire to be selected as a captain or a manager you must be certified to be selected as a captain or manager.   Any questions please email [email protected].

Athletes sign up here:

9. Floral of the Month Club

Each month our floral design students will make a seasonal arrangement. We offer these arrangements to you at wholesale cost. Our students get more opportunities to arrange, and you get a monthly flower arrangement at a fraction of the regular retail cost! The cost is $120 total including tax (average of $30 per month for 4 months February-May), paid in full by January 31. We don’t make a profit from this program – the entire amount will go towards flowers and accessories that you receive. (If you would like to participate, but would rather make monthly payments, please email [email protected] and we can arrange that! You must commit to all 4 months).

I will send an email when arrangements are ready for pick up in room S500 at CVHS.

Sign up here:

Thanks so much for supporting our program!

10. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a great week at CV!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Welcome back!  We hope you enjoyed your much-deserved long weekend.  We are excited to be back with your students and look forward to the learning that happens at CV.

Please make note of the following:

1. Jet Fuel

Did you know our school has its very own soda shack? We’re open to the public every weekday from 2:15 PM to 7:00 PM, excluding holidays and school breaks. Jet Fuel is located at 1389 Aviator Ave, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005, on the north end of the football stadium. Look for the building with “Aim High” proudly displayed on it.

Jet Fuel Soda Shack is a student-run business where students work to help pay off their extracurricular fees, making it a meaningful and impactful part of our community. Jet Fuel offers affordable options for everyone. And it’s not just for students—our doors are open to the entire community, so stop by and enjoy a drink or a treat!

For those on the go, we offer a convenient drive-thru where you can quickly grab your favorite drinks. We serve a variety of sodas with customizable add-ins to suit your taste, along with our famous homemade cookies—a treat you won’t want to miss.

Follow us on Instagram at @Jetfuel_cvhs to stay updated on new menu items, special announcements, and everything happening at Jet Fuel Soda Shack.

Thank you for supporting our student-run business. We look forward to serving you soon!

2. Free Spring ACT Prep Class

From February 24th through March 10th, we will be offering free Spring ACT Prep classes to help students prepare for this important exam. While the exact class times are still being finalized, we encourage you to mark these dates on your calendar now.

This is an incredible opportunity for students to improve their ACT scores, which can open doors to college admissions, scholarships, and other academic opportunities. A higher ACT score can also qualify students for higher level courses saving tuition for lower level classes.

More information about the classes will be shared soon. In the meantime, please reach out to Mr. Christensen if you have any questions. Don’t miss out on this chance to invest in your future!


Fall 2025 registration for all term programs opens on April 16, 2025. Registration opens promptly at 8:00 AM online in the Student Portal and is a first-come, first-served process.

Students planning to register for their program on April 16 must first apply to MTECH, take or waive the entrance assessment, and complete any program-specific prerequisites. We recommend students complete these steps well before the registration date.

To simplify the process, all these steps and requirements can be found on each program page.

Finally, please note that students must register with their high school AND MTECH. Students are not enrolled in a program if they only mark attending MTECH on their high school schedule.

4. District Calendar Survey

Please take the district’s calendar survey The survey closes today at 5 pm on January 21.

5. UVU Stronger Families

Utah Valley University offers a free relationship course called, “The Stronger Families Project.” The entire family attends one evening a week for 8 weeks from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Family members learn skills to utilize at home including problem-solving, conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships, family values, and communication. Courses will be offered at American Fork Junior and on the UVU campus in Orem. The registration period for the spring session is for the next 3 weeks only, so time is limited.

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a great week at CV!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

January 13th, 2025

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

January 13, 2025

Greetings, Aviators!

Welcome back to a crisp Monday! Here are some important updates:

1. Please Take Advantage of An Associate’s Degree From UVU At CVHS

We are proud to offer two exceptional associate degree programs on campus through our partnership with UVU Concurrent Enrollment: one in General Education and another in Aviation Science. These programs provide a unique opportunity for your student(s) to save thousands of dollars while jumpstarting their college education.

To take full advantage of these programs, we encourage you to work with your counselors to create a personalized enrollment plan. Typically, students begin with honors-level courses during their freshman year and then focus on completing the majority of their concurrent enrollment classes in their junior and senior years.

Take the first step toward a brighter future—plan and make the most of this incredible opportunity!

Concurrent Enrollment is a Utah Valley University program that is sponsored by the state of Utah. It offers college courses to high school students at a reduced cost. Courses can be taken at CVHS, virtually from a UVU instructor, or completely online.  Participation in the program creates a permanent college transcript. To participate you must:

2. UVU Concurrent Enrollment Deadline

Utah Valley University’s concurrent enrollment deadline is January 23, 2025. All students in concurrent enrollment classes for 2nd semester need to register for classes by this date.  Remember, if you aren’t already a UVU student you have to enroll first and then you will need to wait a few days for the enrollment process.

3.  Seal of Biliteracy

Do you speak another language other than English? Consider earning the Seal of Biliteracy. Contact Wayne Calhoon ( for details. Link here for more information.

4. FAFSA Night for Seniors  January 14th, 5:30 – 7:30 P.M.

Parents and Senior students, CVHS will host our FAFSA night on January 14th from 5:30 to 8 in our library. If you are unaware of what the FAFSA is, please follow this link for more information. We encourage all of you to set up an account and apply for FAFSA as soon as possible!

This process will run much smoother for everyone if you can start your FAFSA application before our FAFSA night is held. Because this can be confusing and/or intimidating we have attached a couple of slides that will walk you through the process of starting an account. Once you have created your account, or if you already have an account, you can then look at the slides by clicking this link which will give you a step-by-step process of filling out your application. To support our efforts in helping you with the FAFSA completion, we are announcing the rollout of two exciting new tools:

  1. New Chatbot for Financial Aid Questions – Housed on our Admit Utah webpage, this tool will provide students and families with real-time assistance, helping them navigate the FAFSA process and answer questions anytime.

  2. New YouTube Video Resources – We’ve recorded a series of easy-to-follow videos designed to simplify the FAFSA process and answer the most common questions we receive, making it more accessible and less daunting.

Please feel free to email Mr. Peck with any additional questions you may encounter.

5. University of Utah High School Conferences and Tours 

We are excited to invite you to join us on an upcoming College Tour of the University of Utah on January 30th! This tour is a great opportunity to explore the campus, discover academic programs, learn about student life, and experience college life firsthand.

Throughout the tour, you will have the chance to meet current students, ask questions, and get a deeper understanding of the academic and extracurricular opportunities available at The U.

If you’re interested in attending, please complete both permission forms and turn them in at the Student Center or email them to Marcie Murri ([email protected]) by January 24th. There are copies in the student center. Spaces are limited, so be sure to sign up soon!

We hope to see you on the tour, where you can get one step closer to planning your college future. If you have any questions please email Marcie Murri at [email protected].

6. Honor Roll Awards

Candy bars will be distributed by our wonderful counselors at both lunches on Thursday and Friday to honor students who made the honor roll for the 2nd quarter. Look out for the table in the commons!

7.  Martin Luther King Day Reminder

There will be no school this Monday, January 20, in honor of Martin Luther King Day.  School will be back in session, on Tuesday, January 21 – which is an A Day.  Link Here for district calendar information.

8.  Utah Higher Education Day

Utah Higher Education Day (UHED) is taking place on January 23, 2025  All juniors attend and parents are welcome.

UHED is a special event for juniors held during the school day.  Juniors will participate in a brief welcome session and three different break-out presentations from the Utah colleges of their choice.  Higher education representatives will speak about admissions, scholarships, and general school information, and answer student questions.

Students, please use this time wisely and visit THREE DIFFERENT schools.  This time has been set apart just for you!  Attendance will be taken at each session when you are checked in. Students will be marked absent from their classes but the attendance office will excuse these absences at the end of the day with verification of attendance at each session. We will also have prize drawings for those who attend all three college sessions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Marcie Murri or your counselor in the Student Center.

9. CVHS Community Outreach Information: 

Free Dental Clinic at Roseman Dental Office: Please see flyer for details 8.5x11_2025GiveKidsAsmile_Flyer_English_Spanish_Combined (1).pdf

Clínica dental gratuita en el consultorio dental Roseman: 8.5x11_2025GiveKidsAsmile_Flyer_English_Spanish_Combined (1).pdf

Community Action Services of Provo is excited to sponsor two new youth classes at Cedar Valley High School. We will have one class in English and one class in Spanish. Classes will be held every Wednesday after school from 1:15-2 pm and will start January 29th and continue until April 23rd. Students will have the opportunity to create goals and learn more about the following areas: Graduating from High School, Financial Literacy, Creating a savings account with $50 given to them to start it, and Healthy Relationships. There will be a parent meeting on January 22nd for parents to sign permission slips for the class. Students must register for this class online at

There is limited space in this class so please sign up your students now, if they are interested. See flyer for more details.  Youth Program English:Espanol.pdf

Community Action Services of Provo se complace en patrocinar dos nuevas clases para jóvenes en Cedar Valley High School. Tendremos una clase en inglés y una clase en español. Las clases se llevarán a cabo todos los miércoles después de la escuela de 1:15 a 2:00 p. m. y comenzarán el 29 de enero y continuarán hasta el 23 de abril. Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de crear metas y aprender más sobre las siguientes áreas: Graduarse de la escuela secundaria, Educación financiera, Crear una cuenta de ahorros con $50 para iniciarla y Relaciones saludables. Habrá una reunión de padres el 22 de enero para que los padres firmen los permisos para la clase. Los estudiantes deben registrarse para esta clase en línea en

Hay espacio limitado en esta clase, así que inscriba a su estudiante ahora, si está interesado. Consulte el folleto para obtener más detalles. Youth Program English:Espanol.pdf

10. Mandatory Evacuation Drill

In compliance with state law, we are required to conduct an evacuation drill within the first 10 days of school during each semester.  Our evacuation drill is scheduled for Tuesday, as the weather is expected to be more appropriate on that day.  Please ensure that your student is dressed appropriately for the drill as the temperature will range from 22 to 34 degrees.  Thank you for your support in helping us prioritize safety.

11. Battle of the Bands

The Battle is coming up on March 7! Please click this link to view the flyer for details and the sign-up QR code.

12. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal