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Monday January 31st, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

January 31, 2022

Dear CVHS Aviators

Happy February! It is National Counselors Week next week so you have time to have students write letters or do something fun to show their appreciation!! We have nine amazing counselors at CVHS. They really take such great care of our students.

Please make note of the following

1. Teacher Work Days

Last month, the board of education voted to approve three teacher workdays. This Friday is the Teacher’s workday. Students will not attend school on these dates so that teachers can use them for additional training, preparation, and professional development. Please click here for the updated 2021-22 school calendar. The board would like to thank you for your flexibility as they provide additional time for teacher preparation and training. Our lunch staff is will be serving grab-and-go meals from 9 am – 10 am this Friday as well as on the future teacher workdays on February 22 and April 25, 2022.

2. Parent-Teacher Conference – Feb. 16th, 3:30 pm – 7 pm

Our Parent-Teacher Conference will be held Wednesday, February 16th in the teacher’s classrooms. Please contact your child’s teachers if you would like to virtually visit with them.

Information Night – Feb. 16th, 5 pm to 7 pm

Along with PTC, we will have the following available that same night.

Food Trucks out front (Fatty Tuna, Squatch Pizza and more)

Jet Fuel (Cedar Valley student’s operated soda shop)

Aviator Supply Co. Cedar Valley’s store – CVHS clothing, stickers, etc.

Counseling office open to assist with next year’s school registration plans.

Colleges including MTECH (Mountainland Technical College) are available in the commons to answer questions and provide information.

Resources for economically disadvantaged, disabled, and first-generation college students: GEARUP, TRIO, JobCorps

Concurrent Enrollment specialists, Career and Technical Education specialists, Scholarship specialists.

and much more!!!!!

3. CVHS Celebrates Black History Month in the Media Center:

Feb 1-4 — BHM Week 1- The Fierce 44 [Exhibit available all month]

The Fierce 44 is a collection of dynamic Black American biographies, in portrait and bio. The exhibit is located in the east wing of the CVHS Media Center. Enter via East doors (and exit through main).

4. SheTech

Attention Girls: SheTech explorer day is coming up on March 1. Cedar Valley will be providing a bus for this spectacularly fun event. Come attend workshops on Programming, Engineering, Aerospace, Robotics, Product Invention & Entrepreneurship, Biomedicine, Gaming, Esports, VR and more. Those who are interested can sign up using the form on the Cedar Valley homepage or talk with Mr. Barker or Brigitte Reall. Learn more at

Please use this form, SheTech – Register here, to register for SheTech so we know you are taking the bus with us.

5. Code To Success

Cedar Valley will be hosting Code to Success. Code to Success is available to 7th-12th grade students. It is a free summer online program that can be accessed anytime. Choose the on-campus program or an alternate program that works best for your schedule. The programs have access to three curriculum providers: Bottega, Skillstruck, and CyberPatriot. Students can choose between four-course options between web and application development as well as cybersecurity. Find out more and register at

6. Finance Office Closed

The finance office will be closed on Wednesday, February 2nd.

7. Jet Time

This week’s JetTalk is done by one of our tremendous students! She shares ideas about the power of our minds. It focuses on using our minds to create a powerful image of what success looks like and to use that to chase our goals and dreams. There are reflection questions in the canvas assignments for students. Feel free to watch the video and discuss it with your students. 2122 JetTalk #7 – The Power of Thoughts. Have some great conversations with your students about harnessing the power of the mind to chase goals, face challenges, and overcome obstacles.

As always, if you have any questions or if I can help with any mindset issues, feel free to reach out to

Thank you for being a part of our Cedar Valley community!

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

January 24th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

January 24, 2022

Dear CVHS Aviators,

We are in the midst of strange and unique times. Our faculty and staff love having your students learning in our building and we are grateful for the growth we are seeing.

Please make note of the following:

1. Parent-Teacher Conference -Feb. 16th 3:30 pm-7 p.m. Correction

Our Parent-Teacher Conference will be held Wednesday, February 16th in the teacher’s classrooms. Please contact your child’s teachers if you would like to virtually visit with them. We will have colleges there that night to answer any questions as well as a mental health screener available.

2. PTSA Battle of the Bands, Monday, Feb. 28th, 6:00-8:00 P.M.

We are so excited to have the Battle of the Bands event! February 28th, 6:00- 8:00 P.M. It is so fun!

Sign UP using the QR code in this flyer. Free Tickets @

Contact Brigitte Reall for questions at or stop by C132.

3. Substitute Teachers Needed

We are still very short substitute teachers every day. We appreciate all of you that help us with that.

If you or someone you know is available to help out during these challenging times, we need you! Please consider becoming a substitute teacher at CVHS, we will buy you a Jet Fuel and school lunch!. To learn more, go to:

4. WIDA Testing

On Tuesday, February 1 English Learners will be participating in WIDA testing. They will be missing classes.


As a reminder, the calendar for the remainder of this school year has been updated. Please click here to review. The 2022-2023 school calendar has also been approved and is available at

6. Class Registration For 2022-2023 Coming Soon!

Registration will begin soon! Can you believe it? I encourage you to discuss with your child the opportunities that AP and Concurrent Enrollment provide. They are challenging, but it will open doors for saving money in the future. Students can earn their associate’s degree at CVHS! Associate degrees typically can cost $20,000– $40,000 when you consider housing, books, and tuition. Even if your child saves a semester or two with 12-26 credits, that will save you a ton of money!

7. Teacher Work Days

Last month, the board of education voted to approve three teacher workdays. These dates are: February 4, February 22 and April 25, 2022 Students will not attend school on these dates so that teachers can use them for additional training, preparation, and professional development. Please click here for the updated 2021-22 school calendar. The board would like to thank you for your flexibility as they provide additional time for teacher preparation and training.

On this teacher work day there will be breakfast and lunch options similar to our online learning days last week for students with details coming at a later date.

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

January 19th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

January 19, 2022

CVHS Aviators,

Welcome back for a very short week! I hope you enjoyed a little time off over the weekend. I love it when I see the kids outside of school when I go to a movie, eat at a restaurant, or when I am driving down the road. They go out of their way to light up when they see me. I feel very fortunate to work with CV students!. Thank you for being awesome and for raising the best kids! I love them.

Please make note of the following:

1. Junior College Day Postponed

I’m sorry we are having to make a few adjustments to our schedule for a few activities. All higher education institutions across the state decided to postpone UHED next week. The Juniors College Day that was scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, January 20th, has been postponed. The bell schedule will be a regular bell schedule.

2. Parent-Teacher Conference -Feb. 17th 3:30 pm-7 p.m.

Our Parent-Teacher Conference will be held on February 17th in the teacher’s classrooms. Please contact your child’s teachers if you would like to virtually visit with them. We will have colleges there that night to answer any questions as well as a mental health screener available.

3. Jet Time

A focus of JetTime is to help handle challenging times. Our mindset is our most important tool in that process. There are three points in our mindset cycle that allow us to help get our mind in a better place; Our focus, our self-talk, and our actions.

a.) Focus – Managing our focus and placing it on things we can control is an important key. What is a place you can place your focus that will help you move important things forward?

b.) Self-Talk – Our inner dialogue can be used to set our mindset. What is one thing you can say to yourself that would guide your mindset to a better place?
c.) Actions – Taking positive forward action is one of the best things we can do to generate better feelings. What is a simple, positive action you can take that moves you a little bit closer to a goal you have?

You can handle challenging situations! We all can do this. We win when we own and guide our mindset!

4. PTSA Battle of the Bands, Monday, Feb. 28th, 6:00-8:00 P.M.

We are so excited to have the Battle of the Bands event! February 28th, 6:00- 8:00 P.M. It is so fun!

Sign UP using the QR code in this flyer. Free Tickets @

Contact Brigitte Reall for questions at or stop by C132.

5. A Note From Our PTSA

The PTSA Student Membership Meeting scheduled yesterday will be rescheduled for a later date.

6. CTE Scholarships

Please see the attached flyer to advertise the scholarship. More information can be found on the website here: Scholarship and Tuition Awards website. The scholarship application deadline is January 28, 2022. Your CTE specialists are trained and happy to help students apply for these scholarships.

Utah Career & Technical Education Survey. Utah CTE serves students across the state. We are constantly looking for opportunities to improve and your opinion matters. We appreciate you taking the time to provide essential feedback about the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program in Utah. Your input will be essential to strengthening our program statewide. As you take the survey, please select Mountainland Region. Thank you!
Please take the survey linked here:

7. Substitute Teachers Needed

We are still very short substitute teachers every day. We appreciate all of you that help us with that. In fact, Julie King is here substitute teaching today! We appreciate her so much!

If you or someone you know is available to help out during these challenging times, we need you! Please consider becoming a substitute teacher at CVHS, we will buy you a Jet Fuel and school lunch!. To learn more, go to:

8. WIDA Testing

On Tuesday, February 1 English Learners will be participating in WIDA testing. They will be missing classes.

9. COVID District Communication

The District will continue to share updates at Please review the attached “How Sick Is Too Sick For School?” document as you evaluate your child’s ability to return to school on Wednesday and for the coming weeks. As always, a parent has the prerogative to have their child attend school or excuse them for any reason.

The webpage also contains a link to the current Utah Department of Health “K-12 School Recommendations“ which were updated on January 13. The Test to Stay protocol is currently suspended as directed by state leaders.

We are hopeful that the five days with at-home learning provided the time for many students and employees to recover and that the trajectory of sickness and absenteeism will have a downward trend.

10. School Calendars

As a reminder, the calendar for the remainder of this school year has been updated. Please click here to review. The 2022-2023 school calendar has also been approved and is available at

11. Class Registration For 2022-2023 Coming Soon!
Registration will begin soon! Can you believe it? I encourage you to discuss with your child the opportunities that AP and Concurrent Enrollment provide. They are challenging, but it will open doors for saving money in the future. Students can earn their associate’s degree at CVHS! Associate degrees typically can cost $20,000– $40,000 when you consider housing, books, and tuition. Even if your child saves a semester or two with 12-26 credits, that will save you a ton of money!

12. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

January 11th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

January 11, 2022

Hello Parents,

I wanted to draw your attention to our COVID-19 situation. As a school, we currently have an elevated number of positive cases. We want to remind you of some information that is available on the Alpine Return to Learn website. While our current number does not require a Test to Stay protocol, we can all work together to hopefully avoid reaching that threshold.

Summary of COVID-19 Protocols

Feel Sick, Stay Home – Students who have symptoms should stay home from school. Having symptomatic individuals stay home will significantly reduce the spread of the virus and assist us in maintaining healthy school environments.

Face Masks – Although not required, we highly recommend the use of masks for all students and staff while indoors, especially those who are not vaccinated and/or who have health vulnerabilities. Face masks can only be required by order of our local health department. Families should make their own decision about when and where their child will wear a face mask at school. Be advised that most health officials encourage wearing face masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. (We have face masks available in the office and from teachers.)

COVID-19 Testing – Under current state statute, testing is only required in a Test to Stay protocol. The Utah County Health Department in collaboration with Alpine School District will conduct the Test to Stay protocol when a school meets the established threshold of more than 30 positive COVID-19 cases or 2%+ for schools larger than 1,500 students. If this happens, Alpine School District will follow the disease protocol guidelines outlined by local and state health officials. The purpose of Test to Stay is for the school to provide COVID-19 testing for students during an outbreak at a school in order to:

Identify cases of COVID-19; and

allow individuals who test negative for COVID-19 to attend school in person.

In coordination with the local school, county, and state health officials, Alpine School District will set up a COVID-19 testing process during the school day and provide the test (with parent permission) at no charge to the family. In a Test to Stay protocol, only the students who meet one of the following criteria will be allowed to continue to attend school and extracurricular activities:

Have a negative COVID-19 test, either from the school testing process or from a certified testing location (at-home test results will not be accepted);

Provide proof of vaccination for COVID-19; or

Provide documentation showing a positive COVID-19 test in the previous 180 days.

Students who test positive for COVID-19 or who refuse to be tested (and do not provide proof of vaccination or positive test in the previous 180 days) will be isolated for the period of the Test to Stay program. (At-home test results will not be accepted.) Students isolated at home will be supported in their learning.

If your child has received a notice from a school nurse about exposure, they should follow the guidelines listed. Please use the dates from your most recent notification. (FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS)

Working with everyone in our community, we strive for safety and in-class learning!

Kindest Regards,

Courtney Johnson

CVHS Principal

December 13th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Dear CVHS Aviators,

It’s hard to believe that this is the last week of 2021! With only 4 ½ days of school left it is more important than ever to help your students turn in any outstanding assignments over the next couple of days before your much-deserved holiday break!

Please make note of the following:

1. Minimal Day, Friday, December 17, 2021

Friday, December 17th is the end of the 2nd term. The schedule will be a Minimal Day schedule. Below is Friday’s bell schedule:

1st Period 7:45-8:25

2nd Period 8:30-9:10

3rd Period 9:15-9:55

4th Period 10:00-10:40

Lunch 10:40-11:15 (One lunch period only)

Busses leave 11:15

2. School Lunch

For Minimal Week, Breakfast and Lunch will both be cold items on Minimal Day Friday, December 17, 2021. Choice of cold cereals, yogurt, fruit, and milk for Breakfast. Lunch will be Uncrustable sandwiches, string cheese, cookie graham snacks, and choices of fresh fruit and vegetables.

3. School Safety

As a reminder, safety comes first. Cedar Valley High School has a protocol in place for emergency situations. Please refer to this document for details about the protocol. In addition to this protocol, we have faculty that will be participating in a research-based threat assessment training. Safety begins and ends with all of us. The most important thing any of us can do is to say something when we see something. All safety concerns should be reported to the administration.

4. How Sick is Too Sick

As the flu season is upon us, please review the following flyer.


5. Resources

If you or your students are in need of some mental health resources over the break you can access

This is a great website with all kinds of resources.

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

I hope you all have a wonderful winter break!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

December 7th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

December 7, 2021

Dear Aviators,

Welcome to week two in December! We have 12 more days until our Christmas break! Let’s help our kiddos get all the way caught up on their work so they can enjoy their holiday!

Please make note of the following:

1. Jet Fuel- Soda and Treat Student Business

Jet Fuel is having its grand opening today, Tuesday, December 7 from 2:00 – 7:00 PM. Students will have every drink you can imagine and our Pro Start students will feature their very own cookies each month! Follow the flags to our concessions drive-through near the stadium!

Jet Fuel is a treat and drink station here at CVHS! 100% of all proceeds will support our students and help them learn real-world business skills. Accounting, marketing, and all things related to business operations will be learned through this process. What a gift of learning our students will receive! This experience will help prepare them for all kinds of opportunities!

Please come support our kiddos so they can go to a national business conference this winter.

Jet Fuel hours will always be as follows:

School Days (Monday – Friday): 2:00 – 7:00 PM

Non-School Days (Saturdays, Christmas break, etc.): 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM.

2. Jet Time

This is so exciting to finally get a student JetTalk out for everyone! Macy Wallace shares a fantastic talk on social comparison and offers a simple solution to help ALL of us!

PLEASE share this with your friends and family! It’s under five minutes and it will give you some great dinner discussions for the next several days. Here is the link.

3. Letterman Jackets Are HERE!

If you ordered a Letterman jacket this past fall for Christmas. THEY ARE IN! Please pick them up in the Attendance office from 7:30-2:30. Any questions, please contact

Thank you for all of your support and help as we get going on this wild adventure!

4. ACE Mentoring Program

ACE Mentor is offering a free after-school program exclusively for CVHS. This is a 15-week workshop starting January 6th. Workshops will be held every Thursday from 3:30-5:00 pm. Some of the mentors that will be presenting at the workshops are Mortensen Construction (the builders of Facebook), Cache Valley Construction, and Hogan Construction- just to name a few. This is a great way to learn about the industry. This free training and mentorship program also offers scholarship opportunities, course credit, and internship possibilities. First come first serve basis. We will be taking 20 students. Questions? Come talk to Ms. Whiting in C132. Please link here for more information.

5. Cody Gull Receives National Award

Congratulations to Cody Gull for winning the prestigious Teacher Turn the Key Award from the National Association of Agricultural Educators. Award recipients go through an extensive application process and each state is allowed to send one representative to the National level. We are so proud of Mr. Gull! What a huge accomplishment.

6. Sharon Mardesich Receives UHSAA Athletic of the Year Award

We are so proud of our Sharon Maradesich for receiving the UHSAA (Utah High School Athletic Association) Athletic of the Year award! She is so deserving of this award because she is beyond talented. We are so fortunate to have her here at CVHS! Congratulations Sharon!

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Make it a great rest of the week!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Monday, November 22, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Dear CVHS Aviators,

I want to take a minute and express my thankfulness for the amazing parents that you are. I know it is not easy and your job is often a thankless job. From sunrise to sundown, everything you do is out of concern for your children. Aside from Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, gratitude is not really expressed enough.

I am also thankful for our military and have felt the presence of their service this entire month at CVHS. The displays, songs, and pictures in the school have served as a remembrance to our beautiful young students.

Please make note of the following:

1. Online Driver’s Ed is open for December.

If interested please register here. The class starts on December 1st. If you have any questions please email Mr. Roberts at

2. School Lunch Changes

We will no longer allow food outside the cafeteria and commons areas. This includes no food outdoors. Just like many of you don’t allow food out of your kitchen and dining areas, the concept is the same here at school. We have had one of the cleanest schools in the state and we want to keep it that way!

3. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Monday, November 15, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all feeling the excitement of the holiday season upon us. I heard a radio station playing Christmas music last weekend and I couldn’t believe it. We are just a few short weeks away!

Before you know it, winter break will be upon us. It’s always a good idea to check your child’s Skyward accounts every couple of days to make sure they are attending class and turning in their homework on time. That way, they can enjoy the holiday season with you instead of making up for their late work.

Please make note of the following:

1. JetTalk for the Week – You will want to watch this one too!

On our YouTube channel you will find this week’s JetTalk – Maintaining Work/School-Life Balance! Here is the link:

Enjoy this with your students and continue to work together as a family to help all members of our community focus on what is really important to us… You and your students!

2. Yearbooks

Yearbooks will be going up in price from $55 to $60 starting Dec. 1st. You can pay at or at the finance office.

3. Mid Term Grades

Mid Term grades have been posted. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to your students’ teachers.

Thanks for all your support and for all you do!

Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

f you have a specific question or concern about your student which requires a timely or in-person response, please reach out to the Administrator who oversees your child based on their last name:

A-Cook Scott Mansfield

Coola-Hat Daren Ward

Hau-Mei Kimberly Moore

Mej-See Pat Fossat

Sef-Z Kenyon Christen

If you have any questions or concerns about specific topics please click the link to see the administrator’s responsibilities.

Thank you all so much!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Monday, November 8, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to another fantastic week in November!

Please make note of the following:

1. UVU Concurrent Enrollment Momentum Award

Each fall, Concurrent Enrollment recognizes outstanding high schools that achieve monumental enrollment milestones. The award categories (Inclusion Award, Momentum Award, Completion Award) reflect state, university, and CE program goals. Cedar Valley had the highest percentage increase of student participation in English and math. CVHS won the Momentum Award for a 134% increase in student participation in CE English & Math!

2. Message From lunch Raquel Dastrup

The lunchroom will resume using their Point of Sale System next week. Please have your student bring their Student ID for both breakfast and lunch. Their ID will be scanned each time they eat. Each student can receive a Free Breakfast and a Free Lunch each day, if they choose to eat an additional meal they will be charged $1.65 for a 2nd breakfast and $3.85 for a 2nd lunch. The 2nd slice of pizza can be purchased for $2.00 and milk for $.30. Students must have money in their lunch account to purchase a 2nd meal, the 2nd slice of pizza, or milk. You can check your student’s lunch balance and add money to their account at or pay in the lunchroom with cash or check.

All adult meals for staff and visitors are $3.85 for lunch and $1.65 for breakfast.

Thank you,

Racquel Dastrup

Nutrition Service Manager

Cedar Valley High School

801-610-8825 ext. 721760

3. Message From Our Nurse, Micki Oliver

Parents, I have seen so many students with nausea, shakiness, and dizziness all contributed to not eating something before school. Please remember, breakfast is free for students at school. Even something as simple as eating a banana or apple will help. Thank you so much. Please email me if you have any questions.

Micki Oliver

4. Message From PTSA

The students at Cedar Valley have some great ideas to get involved with, and we could use some help to make sure all their ideas come to life! Please look through the opportunities to help out this fall-most of them are just a few hours on one night or helping out during lunchtimes at school. Simple, easy, and a great way to connect to your student as well as all the other amazing kids at CVHS!

Signup Genius Link Here

PTSA students will be collecting items to donate from November 1 to November 30th. Collected items should be in new or like-new condition and include gloves, hats, scarves, and socks of all sizes. A collection bin will be in the front office. (See flyer attached)

Roxberry Smoothies will be sold during lunch for $5 on Nov 10th. Come support our PTSA!

Cedar Valley High PTSA is always looking for awesome volunteers and board members!

If you are interested contact Lacy Spruell or call 801-919-6911

5. East Shore Testing

There will be NO After School testing available on Wednesday, 11/10. Our facilitator has a meeting at East Shore and will not be around for testing. She will be shutting down at 11:45 when lunch starts.

6. Yearbooks

Yearbooks will be going up in price from $55 to $60 starting Dec. 1st. You can pay at or at the finance office.

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Thank you all so much!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

Dear Parents,

Welcome to November. We have so much to be thankful for at CVHS!

Please make note of the following:

1. Substitute Teachers Needed

We have a shortage of substitute teachers. If you are anyone you know who would like to help sub, please encourage them to sign up through ESS. We will be happy to help anyone sign up if needed. Just come by and talk to Hannah! We love our substitute teachers and will cover the cost of a Jet Fuel specialty drink and a school lunch! Our students need you!!!

If you are interested or know someone who is, please link here for more information. Or contact Heather Hokanson

Heather Hokanson, Area Manager

801.927.0689 |

2. Senior Monday Graduation Meeting

On Monday, November 8th at 8:00 a.m. in the Auditorium we will be holding the Senior Assembly. We will be going over upcoming activities and dates, graduation information, and Josten’s will be here to distribute their graduation Cap and Gown ordering packets. After the assembly is over, the information will be made available on the counseling department website, and extra packets will be in the Student Center for Seniors who were not able to attend.

Josten’s will be at Cedar Valley HS in the Commons area on November 15th & 16th during lunches to take orders and answer any questions.

3. Honor Roll Recognition

Term 1 honor roll recognition will be this Wednesday and Thursday during lunch. We are so excited to recognize these kiddos!

4. New Filtering Software

The district is testing a new filtering software on the Chromebooks. Here are some points to be aware of.

This software will potentially impact the use of Chromebooks both at school and at home.

Users will see a new screen saying that the page has been blocked by ContentKeeper.

The software may take longer to load. Users will notice a progress bar on the top right corner. Please be patient as the Chromebook logs in.

5. Finance Office Closed Wednesday

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Thank you all so much!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal