“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme
January 31, 2022
Dear CVHS Aviators
Happy February! It is National Counselors Week next week so you have time to have students write letters or do something fun to show their appreciation!! We have nine amazing counselors at CVHS. They really take such great care of our students.
Please make note of the following
1. Teacher Work Days
Last month, the board of education voted to approve three teacher workdays. This Friday is the Teacher’s workday. Students will not attend school on these dates so that teachers can use them for additional training, preparation, and professional development. Please click here for the updated 2021-22 school calendar. The board would like to thank you for your flexibility as they provide additional time for teacher preparation and training. Our lunch staff is will be serving grab-and-go meals from 9 am – 10 am this Friday as well as on the future teacher workdays on February 22 and April 25, 2022.
2. Parent-Teacher Conference – Feb. 16th, 3:30 pm – 7 pm
Our Parent-Teacher Conference will be held Wednesday, February 16th in the teacher’s classrooms. Please contact your child’s teachers if you would like to virtually visit with them.
Information Night – Feb. 16th, 5 pm to 7 pm
Along with PTC, we will have the following available that same night.
Food Trucks out front (Fatty Tuna, Squatch Pizza and more)
Jet Fuel (Cedar Valley student’s operated soda shop)
Aviator Supply Co. Cedar Valley’s store – CVHS clothing, stickers, etc.
Counseling office open to assist with next year’s school registration plans.
Colleges including MTECH (Mountainland Technical College) are available in the commons to answer questions and provide information.
Resources for economically disadvantaged, disabled, and first-generation college students: GEARUP, TRIO, JobCorps
Concurrent Enrollment specialists, Career and Technical Education specialists, Scholarship specialists.
and much more!!!!!
3. CVHS Celebrates Black History Month in the Media Center:
Feb 1-4 — BHM Week 1- The Fierce 44 [Exhibit available all month]
The Fierce 44 is a collection of dynamic Black American biographies, in portrait and bio. The exhibit is located in the east wing of the CVHS Media Center. Enter via East doors (and exit through main).
4. SheTech
Attention Girls: SheTech explorer day is coming up on March 1. Cedar Valley will be providing a bus for this spectacularly fun event. Come attend workshops on Programming, Engineering, Aerospace, Robotics, Product Invention & Entrepreneurship, Biomedicine, Gaming, Esports, VR and more. Those who are interested can sign up using the form on the Cedar Valley homepage or talk with Mr. Barker or Brigitte Reall. Learn more at shetechexplorer.com.
Please use this form, SheTech – Register here, to register for SheTech so we know you are taking the bus with us.
5. Code To Success
Cedar Valley will be hosting Code to Success. Code to Success is available to 7th-12th grade students. It is a free summer online program that can be accessed anytime. Choose the on-campus program or an alternate program that works best for your schedule. The programs have access to three curriculum providers: Bottega, Skillstruck, and CyberPatriot. Students can choose between four-course options between web and application development as well as cybersecurity. Find out more and register at ctsutah.org
6. Finance Office Closed
The finance office will be closed on Wednesday, February 2nd.
7. Jet Time
This week’s JetTalk is done by one of our tremendous students! She shares ideas about the power of our minds. It focuses on using our minds to create a powerful image of what success looks like and to use that to chase our goals and dreams. There are reflection questions in the canvas assignments for students. Feel free to watch the video and discuss it with your students. 2122 JetTalk #7 – The Power of Thoughts. Have some great conversations with your students about harnessing the power of the mind to chase goals, face challenges, and overcome obstacles.
As always, if you have any questions or if I can help with any mindset issues, feel free to reach out to natecrandall@alpinedistrict.org
Thank you for being a part of our Cedar Valley community!
8. Upcoming Dates to Remember:
2-week calendar
Have a fantastic week!
Courtney Johnson,
Principal CVHS