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Monday, August 30th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, August 30, 2021

Dear Parents,

1. Order Pictures, & School Picture Final Retake Day – October 8th:

It isn’t too late to order school pictures.

If you missed our pre-boarding launch and didn’t get your school pictures taken, we will have a makeup day Friday, October 8th.

2. National Day of Service:

20th Anniversary of September 11, 2001, Link Here

3. Club Rush:

Club rush week will be this week, August 30 to September 3. Students will see clubs that are available and have a chance to join. Parent permission forms are required for club participation and can be picked up as students enter the front of the school. If a student would like to start a club, chartering forms are available in the front office. Applications are due this Friday. Please come get one and find an advisor. If you have any questions, ask Mr. Fossat.

4. Chromebook Reminders:

-For Chromebooks to be taken home, this form needs to be signed and returned to the attendance office. Please do so if you haven’t already. You can also use this video for instructions on how to do it in Skyward.

-The open enrollment for insurance on the Chromebooks closes on September 15. The insurance is a great deal! It only costs $25 for full coverage with no deductible. Please click here for more information and to sign up.

5. Dress Code:

With the beginning of the new school year, we have seen an increase in dress code violations. The dress code is very equitable and will maintain the dignity of our students. It also is not gender-specific! Students in Academic and PE classes are required to have at least a 2-inch strap over their shoulders. It is also required to cover everything from shoulders to their mid-thigh.

Teachers/Faculty have been given a small yellow slip that they can hand to a student when students violate the dress code. This will ask the student to address their attire. If the attire is not addressed, the student will come to the office and parents may be called to bring the student different clothing if needed. Thank you for reminding your students to dress appropriately for school.

6. Jet Time:

This week’s JetTalk shares ideas about developing skills as a “next level learner”. It focuses on taking charge of your learning, honoring the struggle, and playing the long game. There are reflection questions in the video that are also in the canvas assignments for students. Feel free to watch the video and discuss it with your students. 2122 JetTalk #1.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to [email protected]

Thank you for being a part of our Cedar Valley community!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, August 23, 2021

Dear Parents,

Congratulations! We had a very fun and exciting first week of school! What a fun week we had. I am honored to lead a school with a committed faculty, staff, District, and parents that truly love kids. Helping each child that enters the doors of CVHS feels valued and supported. Your child’s success is very important to our CVHS team!

Please make note of the following:

1. Free lunch and Breakfast

A few of you didn’t realize that both school lunch and breakfast are free for students. Our amazing lunch staff fed over 5,4012 lunches in four days! This is a record and we are doing everything we can to make this more efficient. Thank you for your patience.

2. 20th Anniversary of 9-11

This year marks the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001, which has been designated as a National Day of Service. In commemoration, various members within the Eagle Mountain community, including leaders of community groups, schools, businesses, and churches are uniting to create ten days of service, called EMServes, focused on meeting community needs and uniting community members.

Please see the attached flyer with a QR code and website where more information can be found. There are projects for both family and individuals to participate in. Link Here

#EMServes #911day #utah911dayofservice

Please contact Angie Murdock if you have questions: 319-321-7084

Cedar Valley is participating with EMServes! Our Student Council is organizing a service project on September 9, and a sunrise flag raising on the morning of 9/11. Details on the flag-raising can be found on the EMServes website. To see how you can donate to the service project, Link Here

3. Support Team For Your Student(s)

If you need help with anything or have any questions, please reach out to your child’s administrator and counseling team. See the alphabet below their picture.

Administrator Team: Link Here to see what administrator is assigned to your child.

Counseling Team: Link Here to see what counselor is working with your child.

4. Library Resources:

Please link here to see what amazing resources our library has to offer!

5. Substitute Teachers Needed:

Link Here If you have any questions, please contact: Heather Hokanson, Area Manager

801.927.0689 | [email protected]

6. Bussing Update:

I know several of you have experienced bussing issues and we so appreciate our transportation department. Starting today bus 707 Fred Flintstone will be taking home the kids in Kiowa Valley that the teepee bus has been running home second. This bus will take them home at the normal time of 2:15 on MTRF. It has a noon run on Wed so we are still looking for another bus that can do the Wed pm at 12:15. Until we find one, they will still have to double run home on the teepee bus on Wednesday.

If you have any questions, please contact: Michelle Gray with ASD Transportation West

(801) 610-8852 x886306

[email protected]

7. SCC Elections: Link Here for Ballot

We have our SCC elections this week. Please select five individuals that you would like to represent you on our School Community Council.

8. Yearbook:

Last year we sold out of yearbooks so be sure to get yours now for $59. The price will increase later in the school year. Information on Senior Ads and Senior Quotes will be out soon. If you have any questions please contact the yearbook advisor, Kristin Cooper ([email protected]).

9. Parking Passes For Students:

Please purchase your parking passes. We have had several students parking in areas that are reserved for faculty and staff. An easy way to remember where students park is to avoid parking spaces around the perimeter of the building. Parking stalls near the sidewalks are for teachers and staff. Link here for more information in the student handbook.

10. Club Rush Week:

Club rush week will be from August 30 to September 3. During this week students will see clubs that are available and have a chance to join. Parent permission forms are required for club participation and will be available. If you would like to start a club, chartering forms are available in the front office. In order to be included in club rush, applications should be turned in by Friday, August 27. Please come get one and find an advisor. If you have any questions, ask Mr. Fossat.

11. Jet Time:

As we get into our first full week of school, please remember that Jet Time is a class and students receive a grade for that class. Students grade comes from completing the work assigned in Canvas and from attending class and engaging in the activities that teachers are providing. 50% of the grade comes from the canvas work, 50% of the grade comes from attendance/engaging in the class time activities. JetTime does affect GPA and eligibility. Students receive credit towards graduation for this class. Students who attend and engage in the work will have no problems passing the course!

If you have any questions about Jet Time, please feel free to email [email protected]

12. Note From Our PTSA:

Here is the PTSA message of the week. Link Here

If you have any questions, please contact: Lacy Spruell at 801-919-6911

13. Driver’s Education:

For those interested in taking Driver’s Ed through Cedar Valley it is starting next week. Please sign up at the Driver’s Ed website at

Driver’s Education

Session 1 starts next week so please sign up soon. If you have any questions please email Mr. Roberts at [email protected].

Please remember these 3 things before signing up if you are trying to get your license on your birthday.

1.Take the class 3 months before your birthday.

2. Do range minimum of 2 months before your birthday

3. Do range 1 month before your birthday.

14. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

August 17th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

August 17, 2021

Hi Parents,

Welcome to our first day of school! It was exciting seeing all the kids walk the red carpet to be welcomed by the drumline, student council, teachers, and cheerleaders!

We experienced a couple of hiccups on our first day.

Skyward dropped a few classes (but we hope to have that resolved today).

We experienced traffic on the East side that caused up to a 45-minute delay for many students. I spoke with the Sheriff’s department and they are working with the city to increase the flow by opening one of the lanes in the construction zone. Apparently the contractors have a supply shortage and are waiting for materials to finish the road. They anticipate that materials will arrive for the project at the end of the month so construction can resume.

We ran out of the main lunch items, but our amazing lunch staff hurried and made over 200 sandwiches! Thank you, lunch staff!

Some of the busses ran late/early. Please see #3 to look up your student’s bus schedule.

All in all, it was a very wonderful first day of school! Being with our students is what makes all of our lives complete. We are in the best profession ever! I can’t wait to work with your kiddos and all of you this year.

Please make note of the following:

1. Jet Time:
JetTime is a research-based, science-backed program that provides students many opportunities to learn and grow through reflection, connection, and interaction. Jet Time is a graded class that counts in a student’s GPA and as credit towards graduation. Attendance is an expectation. Class is held daily from 9:06 am – 9:36 am, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Literacy skills, comp guidance, and social-emotional wellness are the focus for Jet Time this year. Link Here to watch the program overview and focus for this year. The overview will help you get a good idea of what JetTime will be like this year! If you have any questions about Jet Time, please feel free to email [email protected]

2. One-To-One Updates:

Every teacher may ask their students to use a Chromebook because it is best supported, monitored, and protected that way. Therefore, we ask each student to check out a Chromebook. When possible, we ask that they take it home and bring it back with them. Parents need to sign permissions in Skyward for this to happen. Please complete the information update if you haven’t already. If students don’t already have a Chromebook, they will be brought to the media center during their English classes to get one.

Students whose parents have not provided permission to take the Chromebook home will get those starting Thursday from the end of the D-terminal. This is also where students will take their Chromebooks if they are in need of repair.

Here is a link to the insurance information. It is amazing! $25 for the year provides full replacement coverage with no deductible! This is through a third party. The deadline for new students to get the insurance is September 15.

Blocksi is the program teachers are using to monitor and restrict access on the Chromebooks in class. Parents have access to this free of charge for use at home. See this for more information.

3. Bus Schedule

Bus schedule changes from year to year. Please link here to see the latest bus schedule.

4. Class changes

During the first two days of school, students will not change classes due to the demand of helping students that don’t have complete schedules. Please be patient with the counseling department. With so many new students arriving, they need this time to help them register for school.

5. Order Pictures, & School Picture Final Retake Day

If you’d still like to order school pictures, please click here

If you missed our pre-boarding launch and didn’t get your school pictures taken, we will have a makeup day Friday, October 8th.

6. Student ID

Student Identification cards will be issued in a couple of weeks or so. As soon as we receive them, we will distribute them to students.

7. Soccer For 8-11TH GRADERS

Cedar Valley Girls Soccer has formed a team for anyone who is interested in playing soccer this fall. All games and practices will be held at the high school and it’s a great chance to play. If you are a beginner or someone who wants to try it out, this will be a great place for you! If you are interested, please contact [email protected]

8. USBE Core Standards Feedback

As part of the Utah State Board of Education’s Standards Review Process, USBE staff administer a survey annually to collect feedback on our current core standards. We seek feedback from educators, parents, students, community leaders, etc. If you would please share this survey link with those in your local community, we would greatly appreciate it. It will be open for at least 30 days. Thanks!

9. Get Digital Back-to-School Resources:

Get Digital, our digital citizenship and well-being program first launched in March 2020, includes research-based lessons and resources that help young people develop the skills they need to become empowered digital citizens. Get Digital provides educators, parents, and caregivers lesson plans and activities organized around five pillars — Foundations, Wellness, Engagement, Empowerment, and Opportunities– to help build the core competencies and skills young people need to navigate the digital world in safe ways.

We have expanded the content for the back-to-school season based on parent and teacher feedback to further support facilitation in the classroom, after school, and at home.

For parents:

for students:

Facebook Child Safety Hub Resources

The Child Safety Hub is designed to support parents, caregivers, and educators with policies, resources, and tools to support the safety and well-being of youth online. The hub centralizes and expands upon our expert-informed, research-based programs in the areas of online safety, digital literacy, well-being, and bullying prevention. In addition, it will serve as a resource for live and on-demand training presented in partnership with our safety partners. And, over the course of the next few weeks, the hub will be available in 55 languages. Learn more here:

10. Sign Up To Be a Substitute Teacher

We’re always looking for substitute teachers! If you’re interested, please link here for more information.

11. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

May 17th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

2020-2021 School Theme “Turbulence to Triumph”

May 17, 2021

CVHS Parents,

It is hard to believe that there are only two weeks left of the school year. We know that the next two weeks are full of tests, activities, dances, graduations, etc. Thanks for all that you are doing to help our students end strong and on a positive note this year!

Please make note of the following:

1. Return to Learn Fall 2021

The Board of Education approved Option 1 for secondary schools at the ASD Board Meeting on May 11. Please make sure your students know that there will not be an early out day on Mondays next school year like we had in the past. The modified early out schedule will be on Wednesdays next year. Return to Learn Plan Link.

2. Mask Update

A reminder that we will be following the Governor’s guidelines about masks the last week of school. The decision to wear a mask will be up to each individual student/parent starting May 24. Please encourage students to respect the decision of others.

3. Extra-curricular COVID Numbers

Last week was our FINAL extra-curricular COVID testing. The district tested a total of 3,280 students and advisors with 12 positive cases. This has been a HUGE undertaking this year. Thanks to Daren, Sharon and her team for making this possible so that our students could participate in extracurricular activities.

4. Fireworks

We are excited that we found a place to hold graduations this year so that our students could all be together like they wanted. Because our graduation budget is paying for Rio Tinto Stadium this year, we will not be doing fireworks. We want to stay within the budget. Since there was talk of fireworks being a possibility, please communicate this to students.

5. Graduation Update

-Rio Tinto has relaxed their mask policy along with the state. Masks will be encouraged, but not required. Rio Tinto will have their concession stands open. Our graduation will also be livestreamed. Please link to our website for all our graduation information.

Senior Video Submissions For Graduation

We would like to collect personal videos from the seniors again this year to put in the senior video for graduation. These should be videos that prominently feature Cedar Valley Seniors. Could you send out our request in the next weekly email? Here is the link for the videos to be submitted: Senior Video Submission

6. Next Generation One-To One School

We are excited to announce that starting with the 2021-22 school year, with parental approval, Cedar Valley will provide a chromebook to every student. Students will use them at home and at school to achieve higher levels of learning and academic success. This deployment of technology is often referred to as a “One-to-One” model because each student is issued a device. This will allow our teachers to leverage technology to better prepare our students to create and pursue their dreams and to college and career ready. For more information, please refer to this summary, or this detailed letter.

7. Summer Driver’s Education

Summer Driver’s Ed is going to be online for the class and road and range will be held through a sign up. Please register for the class here. After registration you will be emailed a link for summer range registration.

8. Senior Guide to Accounts Reminder

Seniors, your Gmail account will be closed by the end of the month. If you have any pictures, documents, projects, etc.that you wish to keep, make a copy. Please go to this guide concerning their account and it will show you what to do to make copies of your items.

9. New Wrestling Coach Announcement

We would like to thank Coach Kevin Hunter who has been our wrestling coach for the past two years. We appreciate everything that Coach Hunter has done. We felt a need to go in a different direction with the program. We are pleased that Coach Hunter will remain at Cedar Valley HS as an art teacher next year.

To learn more about our new coach Erik Gonzalez, click here!

10. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

May 17 – Combined AD/Asst Athletics Meeting Sharon and Daren will be out of the building

May 18- May Assistant Principals Meeting Scott, Daren, Kenyon, Pat will be out of the building

May 25 – Senior Lagoon Day

May 25 – General yearbook distribution 7:45 A.M.

May 26 – Senior Grad Night 9:00 P.M.

May 26 – Graduation See Laura’s Emails and Website information

May 27 – Last Day of School (Minimal Day)

April 27 – ASD Board Meeting

May 27 – Teacher Checkout / Celebration Breakfast

Have a great week! We’ve got this!

Courtney Johnson

CVHS Principal

May 10th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

2020-2021 School Theme “Turbulence to Triumph”

Monday, May 10, 2021

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! We hope all our wonderful mothers in our community had a fantastic Mother’s Day! We appreciate your efforts in creating some of the most amazing students in the world!

1. Jet Time

A few weeks ago, One of our wonderful students of color was air-dropped several very offensive and racist images. Sadly, this individual is not the only one of our students of color that has received images or comments like this.

Our students who identify themselves in other ways, including gender or sexuality, are also subject to rude and offensive comments, memes, and posts.

This week’s JetTalk more directly addresses this particular issue. We would like to invite you to view this with your students and have a family discussion about the importance of respect. Here is the link to the video:

Please help bring awareness to the fact that students are addressing students of color and other differences in ways such as this. We need to be vigilant in helping create a space where all of our students can feel safe to pursue their education.

In the video you will see a censored version of one of the memes that was shared. Please remind students this is not how we fly at CVHS! Remind them that if they see anyone spreading these or talking in these insensitive ways, they can ask that it stop. Students can tell a teacher, administrator, or counselor. We invite you, their parents, to also feel free to reach out to us and help us make CVHS a place of respect for all.

This is not a political statement. This is Cedar Valley taking a stand to make sure we have a place where all students can work to develop their self-worth in an environment free from cruel treatment based on their immutable differences.

We stand together against racist and homophobic language, actions, and material!!

2. Senior Guide to Accounts

Seniors, your Gmail account will be closed by the end of the month. If you have any pictures, documents, projects, etc.that you wish to keep, make a copy. Please go to this guide concerning their account and it will show you what to do to make copies of your items.

3. Graduation Information Update

We have all our graduation information on our school website. Laura and Nathan Corry have been doing a fantastic job updating the information on our website.

We would like to collect personal videos from the seniors again this year to put in the senior video for graduation. These should be videos that prominently feature Cedar Valley Seniors. Could you send out our request in the next weekly email? Here is the link for the videos to be submitted: Senior Video Submission

4. Library Books DUE this Friday, May 14

5. Next Generation One-To One School

We are excited to announce that starting with the 2021-22 school year, with parental approval, Cedar Valley will provide a Chromebook to every student. Students will use them at home and at school to achieve higher levels of learning and academic success. This deployment of technology is often referred to as a “One-to-One” model because each student is issued a device. This will allow our teachers to leverage technology to better prepare our students to create and pursue their dreams and to college and career ready. For more information, please refer to this document. Additional information will be emailed out early this summer.

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

May 11 – ASD Board Meeting

May 25 – Senior Lagoon Day

May 25 – General yearbook distribution 7:45 A.M.

May 26 – Senior Grad Night 9:00 P.M.

May 26 – Graduation See Laura’s Emails and Website information

May 27 – Last Day of School (Minimal Day)

April 27 – ASD Board Meeting

Have a great rest of your week!

Courtney Johnson

CVHS Principal

May 3rd, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

2020-2021 School Theme “Turbulence to Triumph”

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

Welcome to May! We have so much going in order to wrap up the school year. It is super exciting! Thanks for helping your students end strong!

We want to thank our PTSA for taking such great care of our teachers! What a fun celebration week they have planned for Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you parents for your donations to make this week possible!

Please make note of the following:

1. Senior Resiliency KSL Help

KSL has reached out with a request and is hoping that each high school will participate. I would like you to encourage your seniors do this during their Jet Time class this week. If they don’t get it done, please encourage them to do it at home. Attached is a prompt that students can use sharing examples of resiliency they have learned through the year. Seniors will need the testimonials by Wednesday, May 12 to begin airing them on May 17. Please link here for information.

2. Graduation Information Update

We have all our graduation information on our school website. Laura O’Connor has sent several emails and Nathan Corry has updated our website. They both have been doing a fantastic job. Please see the information on our website.

3. Beauty and The Beast Last Night Production

If you have not seen the production, Beauty and the Beast, I would highly recommend it. Our pit orchestra sounds every bit as professional as a Broadway musical! Our talented actors have shown how they can reach beyond what is typically done in high school. Our vocals were stunning. We have had so many teachers involved in helping pull this amazing production off! Thank you CVHS teachers and students!

4. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

May 3-7th – Teacher Appreciation Week

May 11 – ASD Board Meeting

May 25 – Senior Lagoon Day

May 25 – General yearbook distribution 7:45 A.M.

May 26 – Senior Grad Night 9:00 P.M.

May 26 – Graduation See Laura’s Emails and Website information

May 27 – Last Day of School (Minimal Day)

April 27 – ASD Board Meeting

Have a great rest of your week!

Courtney Johnson

CVHS Principal

April 30th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

April 30, 2021

Dear Parents,

We wanted to give you an update on several items for you to be aware of regarding Graduation and year end information.

1. Graduation Update:

Graduation is being held at the Rio Tinto Stadium, 9256 S. State Street, Sandy, UT on May 26, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. Graduates will need to be at the stadium dressed in their Cap, Gown, and Stoles ready to go by 8:00 a.m. Graduates will enter at the Southwest gate and guests will enter the stadium through the west gates. All guests will need to go through security, so please allow enough time as your bags will be checked.

There will be no tickets required for graduation. There will be plenty of seating. There will be live streaming of the ceremony and a link will be available prior to the ceremony.

Parking will be limited. An arrangement has been made with Jordan Commons for overflow parking if needed. They have about 300 stalls they will allow us to use in the NORTH LOT, LOWER TWO LEVELS ONLY! There is NOT an arrangement with the Expo Center. People will park there at their own risk. Again, please allow plenty of time to park and walk to the stadium.

MASKS ARE REQUIRED for all Graduates, Faculty & Staff, and Patrons at Rio Tinto Stadium. This is a League Mandate!

Rio Tinto has a Clear bag policy. Any bags that are not clear will not be allowed into the stadium. No food is allowed. Only factory-sealed water bottles will be allowed.

Please refer to the requirements and restrictions set forth by Rio Tinto. Remember that there will be fines assessed and removal from the stadium if any rules are violated.

No umbrellas are allowed as they block the view from other guests.

Follow the attached link for the most up to date information regarding Graduation.

Graduation Information

2. Cap & Gown and Honor Cords

If you have not yet purchased a Cap, Gown & Tassel you can still purchase one from the Financial Office starting May 3rd.

The pricing is:

Cap, Gown & Tassel is $50.00

Cap & Tassel is $25.00

Tassel is $16.00

Cap is $10.00

Bring the receipt to the Student Center to pick up your Cap, Gown & Tassel during hours of 7:30 am – 2:00 pm M-F

Honor Cords will also be available for purchase at $ 6.00 per cord. Seniors were notified by mail if they are able to purchase Honor Cords. Lists are also posted outside the Student Center and Finance office.

Final Cap & Gown Distribution for those students that have not yet been cleared for graduation or have their fees paid will be after the Mandatory Graduation practice on May 24th from 10-12 noon in the Auditorium Lobby.

Black Stoles will be distributed to all Graduates on May 24th after the Mandatory Graduation Practice. A Senior Panoramic picture will be taken of the Class of 2021 following the practice. The stoles will be collected as the graduates leave the Rio Tinto Stadium following graduation.

3. Senior Photo Opportunity:

We will not be able to take pictures at the Rio Tinto Stadium after graduation, so we encourage you to take photos beforehand. On May 18th, there will be a Senior/Graduate photo opportunity available in the auditorium, and Commons area, with the fuselage and Aviator backdrop prior to the ceremony from 4-6 p.m. and immediately after, from 7:30-8:30 p.m. This is a great time for you to take pictures of your Seniors wearing their Cap & Gowns.

4. Important Dates:

May 3rd Senior Clearance Begins

Honor Cords and Cap & Gowns can be purchased from the Finance Office.

AP Testing Begins

May 6th Aviator Scholar (Top Ten %) Luncheon in Media Center at 12:45 p.m. By invitation only.

May 7th Library Books Due

May 10th CTE Pathway Completer Recognition Luncheon in Media Center 12:45 p.m.

May 14th Locker Clean Out 12:35 p.m.

May 17th Fines will be assessed for missing or damaged textbooks and other school-issued items.

May 18th A.C.E. (Aviator Celebration of Excellence) Evening is Tuesday, May 18th at 6:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. This is an evening to recognize outstanding academic accomplishments. All seniors and guests are invited to attend. Business/Sunday Dress is requested.

May 20th Senior Dinner/Dance at the Aquarium Plaza 6-8:00 p.m. Cost $40.00

May 21st Senior Clearance Forms due to Counselors by 1:30 p.m.

Senior Sunset & Movie 7:30 p.m. at the football field

May 24th Mandatory Graduation Practice (Football field) 8-9:30 a.m.

Senior Panoramic Picture 9:30 a.m.

Final Cap & Gown and black stole distribution 10:00 a.m. in Auditorium

Yearbook distribution in Auditorium Lobby at 10:00 a.m.

Signing Party in Commons area 8-10:00 p.m. Cost $5.00

May 25th Senior Lagoon Day 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Cost $65.00

May 26th Graduation at Rio Tinto Stadium 9:00 a.m.

Graduates arrive by 8:00 a.m.

Grad Night Party 11:00 p.m. -4:00 a.m. (All-Star Bowling in Sandy) PTSA is providing breakfast following at CVHS. Cost $45.00

June 1-4th Graduates pick up your Diplomas in Student Center from 8-12 noon

5. East Shore Due Dates:

May 14th Deadline for all seniors to submit work to be cleared for Graduation.

May 20th, 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for all coursework to be submitted to allow for grading.

May 21st. 3:00 p.m. is the deadline for all testing.

Contact Candice Samuelson [email protected] for any additional information.

April 26th 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

Dear Parents,

It’s impossible to believe that we are in our last week of April and May is just a few days away! It’s both a busy and an exciting time as we plan to celebrate our end-of-the-year achievements with our students. I am happy to say that we made it through one of the most challenging yet exciting years I can remember!

We are having our very first fourth quarter and I am loving the energy I feel every day at school. Thank you to our teachers, students, and parents who have worked so hard to make this year truly miraculous.

Please make note of the following:

1. Beauty and The Beast

We would like to congratulate Courtney Miller and our fine arts department for collaborating and creating one of the most praised musical productions of all time! Beauty and the Beast is something CVHS can be very proud of. We appreciate all of our parents, faculty, and staff that have shown their support to our amazingly talented students!

2. School Nurse Newsletter

Our school nurse newsletter is full of fabulous resources.

3. Summer Driver’s ED

We are accepting Summer Driver’s Ed Registrations. Please register here on the Google Form. After registration, you will be sent the range sign-up form. The range is on a first come first serve basis. If you have questions please email Mr. Roberts at [email protected] .

5. Graduation Update @ Rio Tinto Stadium

Graduation will be broadcast on YouTube and as soon as we get the link from the district, we will let you know. Our counseling department will continue to send out information to our senior parents.

Rio Tinto Stadium has asked the following:

Clear bag policy. Any bags that are not clear will not be allowed into the stadium. There will be security at the gates.

No food allowed. Only factory-sealed water bottles are allowed.

There will not be a limit to the number of guests per graduate, however, parking is somewhat limited. Graduates/Families are encouraged to limit the number of vehicles.

All guests will enter on the West side of the stadium.

No umbrellas or posters allowed – they block the view of other guests.

Laura and the graduation committee have worked so hard to make this a special day for our students and parents. We will have times and spaces set up at our school for photo opportunities for the graduates during the week leading up to graduation. We need families to do their photos in advance in order to assist with the flow of people between sessions.

6. Coaching Positions Open

We currently have a few openings posted on the district website. If you know someone who would be good for the following positions, please refer them to

Head Swim Coach

Head Wrestling Coach – Girls

Head Basketball Coach – Girls

Head Ballroom Coach

7. Chromebook Return & Storage

We are thrilled to be a NextGen, One-To-One school next year. This means that we will be checking out Chromebooks for each student and will not have classroom sets. To prepare for this, we will need to place all Chromebooks in hibernation mode and store them for the summer. For this reason, your student access to Chromebooks may be limited as we approach the end of the year. Also, all Chromebooks currently checked out to students for home usage need to be checked back into Cedar Valley High School on or before May 25.

8. Substance Abuse Policy

The substance use policy has been recently updated. We have added this to our student handbook. Here is the new policy: Policy 5430- Substance Use

9. Teacher Appreciation Week, May 3-7th

Teacher Appreciation Week will be May 3-7th with lunch on May 5th! This will be at noon. We love our teachers and appreciate all they do especially in this crazy year! Parents, thank you for all your donations. have been donating to help with this and have said some very kind comments of appreciation for you all!

10. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

April 27 – ASD Board Meeting

May 3-7th – Teacher Appreciation Week

May 25 – Senior Lagoon Day

May 25 – General yearbook distribution 7:45 A.M.

May 26 – Senior Grad Night 9:00 P.M.

May 26 – Graduation @ 9:00 A.M. Arrive at 7:00 A.M.

May 27 – Last Day of School (Minimal Day)

Have a great rest of your week!

Courtney Johnson

CVHS Principal

April 19th 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

2020-2021 School Theme “Turbulence to Triumph”

Dear Parents,

There is probably no season more loved than spring. After months of dark and cold, rain and snow, the warm sun displays new life bursting all around us and it touches the heart. Let’s bring that same level of excitement to finish the final 29 days left of school!

Please make note of the following:

1. MTECH For Seniors Next School Year Information

Please watch for an email from our counseling department regarding MTECH next year This is most applicable for our incoming seniors.

2. Extra-curricular COVID Testing

The district tested a total of 3,783 students, coaches, and advisors with a total of 6 positive cases at the COVID testing last Wednesday, April 14. The last two testing dates are April 28 and May 12. Thanks to Darren, Sharon, coaches, and our advocates for all your help!

3. Graduation Update

Our graduation team leaders had the opportunity to participate in a meeting at Rio Tinto Stadium last Tuesday. The district will continue to send out more detailed information as it becomes available. Watch for information regarding updates from our counseling department.

4. Aspire Testing This Month:

State Aspire tests begin the week of April 26-30. During this week we will have a modified class schedule to accommodate for the longer tests. If a parent desires to opt their student out of Aspire testing they can get a parental exclusion form on this link.


PTSA is hosting Teacher Appreciation Week from May 3rd-7th! We are so appreciative of our teachers and staff – all 180 of them! We would love (and need) your help. We have been trying to get donations from businesses in the community with minimal success. If you would like to donate to help us fund this special week, you can do so by going to MySchoolFees under PTSA in the public section and clicking on Teacher Appreciation Fund! And Thank you to those who already have!!

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

April 27 – ASD Board Meeting

May 3-7th – Teacher Appreciation Week

May 25 – Senior Lagoon Day

May 25 – Senior Grad Night

May 26 – Graduation @ 9:00 A.M.

May 27 – Last Day of School (Minimal Day)

Please continue to let me know how I can help these last six weeks of school. We are all going to “End Strong” this year!

Courtney Johnson
CVHS Principal

Principal Johnson’s Weekly Email – March 29th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

2020-2021 School Theme “Turbulence to Triumph”

March 29, 2021

Dear Parents,

I hope you had a great weekend! At CVHS, we all were so excited that our students were able to have a night at the Hollywood Prom Gala. The student council and their advisors executed an amazing event! The work they put in to decorate, organize and put on the event were beyond amazing! Congratulations to our student council! Please remember that we do not have school next week!

Please make note of the following:

1. Return to Learn Fall Plan

The district teacher content leaders are discussing options for our Return to Learn plan this fall. I will keep you updated as we learn how next year will be. More to come!

2. Student Travel Handbook

The district has a new Student Travel Handbook. This is a great resource for advisors and coaches as they plan and prepare for a student trip. The information/link has been added to PACE and can also be found here: Student Travel Handbook

3. Masks in Schools

Although there will be a state-wide change in the mask mandate beginning April 12, this does not apply to K-12 schools. Students and employees should plan on continuing to wear masks in school and at all school activities through the rest of the school year. I will keep you updated regarding any changes that may occur.

4. UHSAA Update

The UHSAA Board of Trustees approved the sanctioning of competitive cheerleading for the 2021-22 school year. The first UHSAA sanctioned cheer competitions will be held during the 2022-23 school year. FYI – the BOT did not approve the sanctioning of boys volleyball or Esports at this time.

5. Aspire Testing- We will be taking the State Aspire tests during the week of April 26-30. During this week we will have a modified class schedule to accommodate for the longer tests. More to come on that schedule. If a parent desires to opt their student out of Aspire testing they can get a parental exclusion form from the main office or at this link. Be sure to mark all of the tests you would like to be excluded from. Parental Exclusion forms should be returned to the main office as soon as possible.

6. Chromebook Collection & Plan

We are excited about our ability to be a true One-To-One school next year. Each student will have the option to check out a Chromebook to use for the year and into future years. Currently, we are using those Chromebooks in classrooms. Many of the carts that the Chromebooks are in are borrowed from Vista Heights, and they need them back the first week of May. We will need to collect those Chromebooks and prepare them for summer storage that first week of May. There will still be a few carts available for checkout in the front office. We also encourage you to work with each other within and without your departments to support needs with the Chromebooks. It really is exciting that every student will have a Chromebook in every class next year!

7. No Finals Week

In order to provide teachers with as much flexibility and autonomy as possible, we are not planning on having a finals week. We believe that students learn best when they are engaged until the end of the term in meaningful ways.

8. Graduation Update

Again, I apologize again for the delay in knowing the specific details about high school graduations. The district is looking at other options again. Principals are meeting this Thursday to learn more. I promise I will reach out to you and give you an update. I still do not know what we are doing.

9. East Shore Schedule (A Message From Candace)

Candice will be at CVHS on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday this week. She will have a sub from East Shore on Thursday and Friday so the students can still test.

Schedule this week (3/29 – 4/2)

Monday – open till 3:30

Tuesday – open till 3:30

Wednesday – CLOSED – if you need to test you can go to Westlake

Thursday – open till 3:00

Friday – open till 3:00

Please bring a photo ID with you to test since it will be a substitute here. Mrs. Samuelson knows many of you but the sub will not.

Thank you,


12. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

April 1 – Secondary Principal’s Meeting – (Courtney will be gone)

April 5-9 – Spring Break

April 13 – ASD Board Meeting

April 27 – ASD Board Meeting

I hope that you all have a relaxing and enjoyable spring break. Let’s all re-fill our buckets and come back ready to end the year strong! I appreciate each of you!

Courtney Johnson

CVHS Principal