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Monday, Oct 25th

By Principle Johnson Communications

Dear Parents,

With term 2 beginning, we know it is an opportunity to start fresh and help our students be successful.

Attendance is one of the most powerful predictors of academic achievement. Please log into Skyward and check your child’s attendance daily. Students do best when teachers, counselors, administrators, and parents encourage students to be in class.

Most of all, we miss your students when they are not at school. We need all our students to make unique contributions to our school community that only they can bring!

Also, for all our future Aviators out there, please come to the school tonight for our Trick or Treat the Terminals at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm! Our students will make our terminals (halls) spooky and will pass out candy to the children. There is a minimal charge for a dollar per child to help cover costs!

Finally, please help your students learn from their mistakes. Here is the Jet Time Video our students watched this morning titled, Learning From Our Mistakes! Please watch this powerful video with your family to help them learn and grow! My entire family loves watching these!!!

Please make note of the following:

1. First Term Grades, Thursday, 10-21

Grades will be available on the Skyward Student Portfolio page.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your teachers.

2. School Breakfast/Lunch Food Options

Our lunch manager met with our administration team and discussed how various food shortages are making student lunch options problematic. Things like hamburgers may not even be something we can offer for a while even if they are on the district menu.

Our lunch team is doing its best to provide food for the largest number of students in the district. I am so impressed with their creative solutions to feeding so many students. If you see a lunch service provider, please tell them how much you appreciate their service.

3. Safety Update

Our next drill will be on Tuesday, October 26 during A1. It will be a combination of “Hold, Secure (formerly Lockout), and Lockdown.

4. Winter Team information meeting tonight, Monday 10/25th @ 7 pm

If your child is involved in a winter sport, please attend the meeting tonight! If you have a student who would like to try out for girls’ or boys’ basketball or wrestling, please join us tonight in the auditorium. Go, AVIATORS!

5. Halloween @ Harry’s [Harry Potter] in the Media Center

Monday- Photo booth with Harry Potter Costume for all shapes and sizes. Bring your friends by the media center to a) Swing by the media center to allow the Sorting Hat to assign you to your House of Hogwarts. Then hit up the Potter Photo booth. You can help yourself to wizarding costumes for a post-able photo in front of platform 9 3/4. Photo booth starts today and goes until this Friday in the media center.

Tuesday – Harry Potter sent us some chocolate frogs via Owl Post. The Media Center has a magical scavenger hunt that will send you through the muggle books to see if you can win a chocolate delight from Honey dukes. And, of course, enjoy Harry Potter’s Photo booth.

Thursday – It’s Hot Cocoa at Harry’s day. Swing by for a cup of Harry’s Hot Cocoa in the media center. And one last chance to hit up the Harry Potter photo booth.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Thank you all so much!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful fall break!

This first term without a doubt has been one of the most challenging terms I can ever remember in 22 years! This past term has been stressful for students, parents, and teachers.

The challenges we face are concerning, but I still believe that everything that happens to all of us provides us with an opportunity to ask ourselves, “What can I learn from this experience?” No matter how difficult our situation is, our response can help us grow or take us down.

So, with term one behind us, what can we learn from this? Even if a student failed a class or two, what can they learn from this experience? Please take a minute and talk about this with your child and I promise, this discussion will have the power to help your child learn from mistakes and move forward in a positive direction.

It’s hard to believe that we are only a few short weeks to Thanksgiving break (my favorite holiday) then only a mere month away from Christmas break. It goes without saying that we need to help our kids stay on top of their work.

Please check on your child’s Skyward account and then with teachers to see how your child is doing. In addition, check on Canvas and see if your child has the modules completed in each class. Modules organize the class by weeks or units and help create a flow of what your student should do. Modules contain files, discussions, assignments, quizzes and other learning materials. Finally, always read the course syllabus and mark assignment due dates on your calendars.

Please make note of the following:

1. Safety Update

Our next drill will be on Tuesday, October 26 during A1. It will be a combination of “Hold, Secure (formerly Lockout), and Lockdown.

2. Driver’s Education
In-person Driver’s Ed starts next Monday for a before and after-school class. If interested please sign up in the Google Form on our Driver’s Ed Page on the Cedar Valley website.

Driver’s Education

If you have any questions please email Mr. Roberts at [email protected]

3. Wreaths Across America Community Service
Please join us for Wreaths Across America’s-Honoring our Military Heroes service activity at the Utah State Veterans Memorial Cemetery on Dec 18th, 2021 at 10:00 am.

This service project will be a heartwarming holiday event for the whole family, where before Nov 30th you can follow the link below and donate $15 per wreath-purchasing more if you would like, and then register to volunteer to lay your wreath. If you are unable to purchase a wreath to lay you can still volunteer to lay other donated wreaths.

Then on Dec 18th bring the whole family to enjoy a short veteran tribute ceremony, followed by laying your wreath on the grave of a fallen soldier, and as a family thank them for their service. We will also have games and other family activities. This holiday season let’s come together to support fallen Utah soldiers as well as current military families in our community. Proceeds of the wreath purchases will be donated to military youth and family programs at Camp Williams.

Follow the link to preregister to lay your wreath and thank a soldier and we look forward to seeing you there!

Questions please contact

Burgandy Keel

[email protected]

4. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Thank you all so much!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Monday, Oct 11, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Dear Parents,

As the first quarter comes to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to remind our students and families about some of our important work with students. If our students could learn just one life-changing principle, it would be “respect”. We want our kids to respect one another, school property, and the learning process.

Respect One Another: To honor how very different and unique we all are is a gift you can teach your children. Recently as many of you may know, I was diagnosed with GBS. I bring this up because when I took my first “walking outing” with my husband Kent, we went to Costco. I could walk with the cart and no one would know, right? Well, I did great until I reached the back of the store. Then… I got tired, and when I got tired, I started to spasm out of control. I learned firsthand what it feels like to be singled out and to be the target of another person’s visual fixation! it hurt my old lady’s feelings. I don’t want anyone to feel singled out for being different at CVHS. We have such loving students, but once in a while, students can be singled out and hurt each other.

Respect School Property: With the Tik Tok challenges, we have had a few students think it’s a good idea to destroy a few items in the school. In these instances, we had the student pay for the damage. Please talk with your children regarding how expensive this can be for families.

Respect the Learning Process: To learn, students must respect the process that it takes to obtain knowledge. Respect the teacher and other students by engaging and working hard to finish assignments and homework.

I hope you all welcome the opportunity to talk with your children about “respect” so we can make learning at CVHS a positive experience for everyone!

Let’s make October a great month for respect!

Please make note of the following:

1. Tuesday, October 12th – Hour Long Lunch

We had a Jet Time incentive to improve attendance for 1st term. As part of the incentive, the students will get an hour-long lunch on Tuesday, October 12th. Below is the bell schedule for the hour lunch next Tuesday.

Bell Schedule – 1 hour Lunch

Class Time Period Length

1st Period 7:45 – 9:02 77

2nd Period 9:08 – 10:29 81

3rd Period 10:35 – 11:52 77

Lunch 11:52 – 12:52 60

4th Period 12:58 – 2:15 77

2. Wednesday, October 13th – Minimal Day

Breakfast and Lunch will both be cold items on Minimal Day Wednesday, Oct. 13. Choice of cold cereals, yogurt, fruit, and milk for Breakfast. Lunch will be Uncrustable sandwiches, string cheese, cookie graham snacks, and choices of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Wednesday is the end of the 1st term. The schedule will be a Minimal Day schedule. Below is Wednesday’s bell schedule: 9

Minimal Day Bell Schedule

1st Period 7:45-8:25

2nd Period 8:30-9:10

3rd Period 9:15-9:55

4th Period 10:00-10:40

Lunch 10:40-11:15

3. PTSA Reflections

The Reflections deadline has been extended to October 15th. I’ve had a couple contact me last minute asking if they can enter, and the answer is YES! Yes, they can! Also, entrants need to remember that in order to qualify they must interpret this year’s theme in their artist statement. The theme is: “I Can Change The World By…”

If you have any questions please email, Holly Jones

[email protected]

4. Community Wreath Community Fundraiser- Community Opportunity

Wreaths Across America is a national 501C3 organization committed to honoring fallen veterans during the holiday season in two ways. First, to sell wreaths for $15 each which covers harvesting the trees, assembly, and shipping. $5 of the $15 dollars will go directly to our sponsoring chapter, and we are donating those proceeds to military youth and family services on Camp Williams. Second, to gather volunteers to lay the wreaths-hopefully as families, and standing at the graveside personally thank the fallen veterans. Our chapter will be sponsoring the Utah State Veterans Cemetery in Bluffdale.

Any students or their families that would like to purchase a wreath, or sign up to volunteer please contact

Burgundy Keel


5. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Thank you all so much!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Friday, October 8, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

Dear Parents,

I want to email you about our shared concern regarding school safety and security. Understandably, there are heightened concerns.

Over the last several days, we have investigated two incidents that happened after school. In both cases, we worked with parents, law enforcement, and the students. By law, we are not allowed to discuss personal information that will ultimately be tied to any student for obvious reasons. Following the investigations by the school and law enforcement, appropriate action has or will be taken.

I want to assure you that we take the safety and security of your students very seriously. We partner with law enforcement and they are very quick to respond. We also met with teachers yesterday to discuss additional precautions we can take to secure the building after school.

One concern I have is how information is being shared that is not accurate. We need your help in controlling rumors and appropriately reporting any issues related to school safety.

All reports are investigated by our administration and when needed by our school resource officer (SRO). It is critical that all school safety concerns are communicated through the administration or to the police.

Cedar Valley has a well-trained SRO that is a full-time security force. Our teachers and staff work tirelessly to keep their classrooms secure and do an excellent job. Our counselors, social worker, and school psychologist are also here to help students process any safety concerns. Our administration team is also here for you.

Please know that I care and love these students and their families. I apologize that I didn’t send this letter earlier and appreciate your love, support, and feedback.


Courtney Johnson


Cedar Valley High School

Monday, October 4, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, October 4, 2021

Dear Parents,

As you know, the final grades are next week, October 13, which is also Minimal Day. Thank you for your dedication and hard work in helping your kiddos finish this semester strong. There still is time to complete assignments.

You may notice my return and I am so thrilled to be back. I just love these kids! Since my return, I have noticed an increase of extreme makeup face paint. This is a concern. We want to partner with parents to make going to school a safe place to learn for everyone.

Please work with your children to avoid extremes that make it uncomfortable for students to learn. We will be meeting with students and parents to discuss potential solutions.

1. Jet Time:

This week’s JetTalk shares ideas about looking at our strengths and taking them to the next level. There are reflection questions in the video that are also in the canvas assignments for students. These questions invite the students to evaluate their strengths. It also invites them to reach out to you, their parents, and discuss what their strengths are. Take the time to have a great conversation with your students about what makes them awesome and what specific skills they have that they can build on and use to be their best! Feel free to watch the video and discuss it with your students.

As always, if you have any questions or if you would like Mr. Crandall to help with any mindset issues, feel free to reach out to him [email protected]

2. Yearbooks

Yearbooks are for sale now and can be purchased on The current price is $55 and will increase to $60. April 1st it will increase to $80. Purchase them soon!

3. Finance Office

The finance office will email parents a statement each month showing your student’s fees. To pay the fees or to check and see if you have a balance log into

The finance office will be closed Thursday, October 7th.

4. FAFSA & College Night

Tuesday, Oct. 5th 5-7pm. Seniors come get help filling out your FAFSA and visit with College Reps from Utah schools.

5. Mental Health Screener Night

Tuesday, Oct. 5th 5-7pm at CVHS. All students and parents are welcome to come. Provided by Alpine School District in partnership with Terrace Metrics.

6. Reflections

The PTSA sponsored competition “Reflections” is for all the creative students at CVHS who love to write, dance, create art, take photos, and compose music. Each entry must interpret the theme, “I Will Change the World By…”The deadline has been extended to November 1 for your local entries. Entrants must submit entries online at Entrants must choose the school they attend and follow the requirements and instructions specific to each arts category and grade division. (If you attend Cedar Valley High, you are in the high school division.) Here is a video about how to enter your artwork online. If any of you have questions, you can contact your local Reflections chair Holly Jones at [email protected], or 385-399-2557.

7. Tuesday, October 12th – Hour Long Lunch

We had a Jet Time incentive to improve attendance for 1st term. As part of the incentive, the students will get an hour-long lunch on Tuesday, October 12th. Below is the bell schedule for the hour lunch next Tuesday.

Bell Schedule – 1 hour Lunch

Class Time Period Length

1st Period 7:45 – 9:02 77

2nd Period 9:08 – 10:29 81

3rd Period 10:35 – 11:52 77

Lunch 11:52 – 12:52 60

4th Period 12:58 – 2:15 77

8. Wednesday, October 13th – Minimal Day

Next Wednesday is the end of the 1st term. The schedule will be a minimal day schedule. Below is Wednesday’s bell schedule: 9

9. Minimal Day Bell Schedule

1st Period 7:45-8:25

2nd Period 8:30-9:10

3rd Period 9:15-9:55

4th Period 10:00-10:40

Lunch 10:40-11:15

10. Hispanic Heritage Month Drive

For Hispanic Heritage Month, the Latinos in Action is sponsoring an “Essentials Kit For Refugees” drive. Clean unused personal hygiene items (such as razors, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, soap, deodorant, and reusable bags) are requested. Items can be dropped off in the office.

11 . Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Thank you all so much! It’s so great being back!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Monday, September 13th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, September 13, 2021

Dear Parents,

We are lucky to have such great parents and families involved at Cedar Valley, and we value our community partnerships. We had a great meeting with student members of the PTSA last week and had some great input. As we have transitioned into being a 5A school, our sports teams have already enjoyed some great successes. Please note the great things happening at Cedar Valley this week.

1. Mid-Terms

Midterm Progress Report/Failing Notices were posted on September 15th in your student’s Skyward account. You can locate them under the Student Portfolio tab. Quarter 1 will end on October 13th. If you have any questions regarding your student’s grades, please speak with your student and then reach out to their teacher.

2. Parent-Teacher Conferences

On September 29 we will hold our first Parent-Teacher Conference of the year. It will be held from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Our teachers will be in their classrooms to meet with you.

3. Math Lab

There is a math tutoring lab every Tuesday and Thursday in Mr. Hinton’s room (D249) from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm. For more information, talk to your math teacher.

4. Order Pictures, & School Picture Final Retake Day – October 8th:

If you’d still like to order school pictures, please click here. If you missed our pre-boarding launch and didn’t get your school pictures taken, we will have a makeup day Friday, October 8th.

5. Flu Vaccination Clinic

We’ll be hosting a flu vaccination clinic on September 29, from 2:00 pm to 5;00 pm in our auxiliary gym. Please see the attached flyer.

6. Tentative Club Directory

Club applications have been sent to the school board for approval. Students need to have a parent permission form signed and returned for each club they participate in. Parents can check this tentative directory to see the club’s goals and purposes, as well as to find the contact information for the advisor. Feel free to reach out to Pat Fossat at [email protected] with questions.

7. Reflections

The PTSA sponsored competition “Reflections” is for all the creative students at CVHS who love to write, dance, create art, take photos, and compose music. Each entry must interpret the theme, “I Will Change the World By…”The deadline is October 1 for your local entries. Entrants must submit entries online at Entrants must choose the school they attend and follow the requirements and instructions specific to each arts category and grade division. (If you attend Cedar Valley High, you are in the high school division.) Here is a video about how to enter your artwork online. If any of you have questions, you can contact your local Reflections chair Holly Jones at [email protected], or 385-399-2557.

8. Suicide Walk

The PTSA is sponsoring a Suicide walk on September 30 at 8:00 pm. The walk will be held on our outside track (weather permitting). For more information, reach out to the PTSA or the counseling office

9. Monthly PTSA Student Committee Meeting

We will have a monthly PTSA Student Committee meeting during Jet Time on the 2nd Friday of each month.

10. Utah College Awareness Week (UCAW)

The week of October 4-8 Cedar Valley High School will join the Utah System of Higher Education in sponsoring Utah College Application Week (UCAW). During this week, all seniors expected to graduate in 2022 will be encouraged to apply for admission to at least one college or university during their English class. Fee waivers will be available for most Utah institutions during UCAW. Information about completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – a gateway to scholarships, grants, and low-interest rate loans to help pay for college – will also be made available during this event.

The College and FAFSA completion Night will be October 5 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at CVHS. We anticipate that students and their families will need to work together to gather the information necessary to complete the FAFSA and college applications.

Families are invited to participate in UCAW events, including:

Volunteering at the College and FAFSA night event (contact Marcie Murri in the Student Center);

Assisting your student during the application process;

Asking your students questions about their future plans and telling them about your experiences;

Attending the free College and FAFSA night detailed above.

For more information, please refer to this quick facts sheet, this link to create a FAFSA ID, and the Cedar Valley High School counseling website. You can also follow the student center on Instagram @cedarvalleystudentcenter.

11. SPED Parent Nights

The Utah Parent Center is hosting a parent night for parents of students with IEPs on Thursday, September 23 at 6:30 pm. This night will focus on the ABCs of IEPs. For more information on this night, refer to this flyer. Another parent night will be held on Wednesday, October 6 at 6:30 pm concerning physical health and changes of students with disabilities. For more information about this night, refer to this flyer.

12. Hispanic Heritage Month Drive

For Hispanic Heritage Month, the Latinos in Action is sponsoring an “Essentials Kit For Refugees” drive. Clean unused personal hygiene items (such as razors, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, femine hygiene products, soap, deodorant, and reusable bags) are requested.

13. Labels for Chromebooks

If your student does not have a nicely printed label on their Chromebook or charger, they can stop by the office to get on a list to get one printed.

14. JetTime:

This week’s JetTalk shares ideas about elevating our mindset. It focuses on taking charge of your mindset and using the controllables to make improvements. There are reflection questions in the video that are also in the canvas assignments for students. Feel free to watch the video and discuss with your students. 2122 JetTalk #2. Have some great conversations with your students about using their mindset to face challenges and overcome obstacles.

As always, if you have any questions or if I can help with any mindset issues, feel free to reach out to [email protected]

Thank you for being a part of our Cedar valley community!

We have plenty of opportunities to be involved and support our students. Thanks for all you do as parents. Have a great week!.

We have plenty of opportunities to be involved and support our students. Thanks for all you do as parents. Have a great week!.

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Tuesday, September 14th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Dear Parents,

Last week was a great week. Students participated in activities of service, honoring frontline worker heroes in commemoration of 9/11. We cheered on our teams for homecoming, held an awesome homecoming dance, and participated in a slew of lunchtime activities. We have clubs that are starting up, and all-in-all, students have some great extracurricular and social activities. We value these. We know these things substantially enrich a high school experience. In addition, Jet Time is going better than ever. Students are connecting better with each other and their teachers. We are lucky to have a great staff supporting this.

As we move forward with this week, please make note of the following:

1. Mid-Terms

It is already mid-term this week! Please encourage your students to get on top of their assignments and homework. School is always better when students stay on top of their work. Regularly looking at Skyward is a great way to see how your student is doing. Feel free to reach out to any teachers with questions or concerns.

2. Order Pictures, & School Picture Final Retake Day – October 8th:

If you’d still like to order school pictures, please click here. If you missed our pre-boarding launch and didn’t get your school pictures taken, we will have a makeup day Friday, October 8th.

3. Chromebook Reminders:

-Parents have access to Blocksi, a program that helps you monitor, limit, and control your child’s use of their Chromebooks. Please see this training for signing up and using the program.

-For Chromebooks to be taken home, this form needs to be signed and returned to the attendance office. Please do so if you haven’t already. You can also use this video for instructions on how to do it in Skyward.

-The open enrollment for insurance on the Chromebooks closes on September 15. The insurance is a great deal! It only costs $25 for full coverage with no deductible. Please click here for more information and to sign up.

4. Lunchroom is hiring. The lunchroom is hiring for two positions currently. If you are interested please apply online at Hours are between 6:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Perfect hours for parents who would like similar hours and days off as their students. If you have any questions please email [email protected].

5. Parent-Teacher Conferences

On September 29 we will hold our first Parent-Teacher Conference of the year. It will be held from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Our teachers will be in their classrooms to meet with you.

6. Vaccination Clinic

We’ll be hosting a vaccination clinic on September 29, from 2 pm – 5 pm in our auxiliary gym. Please see the attached flyer.

7. Clubs Update

Club applications are ready to be submitted to the district for approval. Watch for a tentative club directory soon.

PTA News

1. Week of Kindness at CVHS:

-Look for the poster by the vending machines and feel free to take a note if you’re having a tough day, and feel free to leave a note of encouragement if you’re having a good day.

-Sneaky cards have hit CVHS! If you get a card, please track it at to see how far our interactions can go in the community! Have fun with it and play along!

-Watch CVHS PTSA Instagram for ideas to spread kindness!

2. Suicide Walk 9/28/2021 @7:00pm- More information to come

3. Reflections is happening now!

This PTSA sponsored art competition is for all the creative students at CVHS who love to write, dance, create art, take photos, and compose music. Each entry must interpret the theme, “I Will Change the World By…”The deadline is October 1 for your local entries. Entrants must submit entries online at Entrants must choose the school they attend and follow the requirements and instructions specific to each arts category and grade division. (If you attend Cedar Valley High, you are in the high school division.) Here is a video about how to enter your artwork online. If any of you have questions, you can contact your local Reflections chair Holly Jones at [email protected], or 385-399-2557.

Things are great in the valley. Have a great week and thank you for all of your support.

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Tuesday, September 7th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe we are already starting the fourth week of school! Time is indeed flying. We are excited for another great week.

Please make note of the following:

1. Homecoming Week:

This week is homecoming week. Please be aware of the following fun activities happening.

– Tuesday, September 7 @ 2:20 pm Movie “Enchanted” in Auditorium

-Wednesday, September 8 @ 12 pm Chalk Throw West side of campus

-Wednesday, September 8 @ 6:00 pm Powder Puff Football Game in the Stadium

-Friday, September 10 @ 9:00 am Homecoming Assembly

-Friday, September 10 @ 5:30 pm Homecoming Tailgate

-Friday, September 10 @ 7:00 pm Homecoming Football Game vs. Tooele in the Stadium

2. Order Pictures, & School Picture Final Retake Day – October 8th:

If you’d still like to order school pictures, please click here. If you missed our pre-boarding launch and didn’t get your school pictures taken, we will have a makeup day Friday, October 8th.

3. National Day of Service:

Click here to see information about the 20th Anniversary of September11,2001.

4. Chromebook Reminders:

-Parents have access to Blocksi, a program that helps you monitor, limit, and control your child’s use of their Chromebooks. Please see this training for signing up and using the program.

-For Chromebooks to be taken home, this form needs to be signed and returned to the attendance office. Please do so if you haven’t already. You can also use this video for instructions on how to do it in Skyward.

-The open enrollment for insurance on the Chromebooks closes on September 15. The insurance is a great deal! It only costs $25 for full coverage with no deductible. Please click here for more information and to sign up.

5. Dress Code:

With the beginning of the new school year we have seen an increase in dress code violations. The dress code is very equitable and will maintain the dignity of our students. It also is not gender-specific! Students in Academic and PE classes are required to have at least a 2-inch strap over their shoulders. It is also required to cover everything from shoulders to their mid-thigh.

Teachers/Faculty have been given a small yellow slip that they can hand to a student when students violate the dress code. This will ask the student to address their attire. If the attire is not addressed, the student will come to the office and parents may be called to bring the student different clothing if needed. Thank you for reminding your students to dress appropriately for school.

6. Evacuation Training:

Students recently received training for evacuation drills. Please note that students will always find their Jet Time teacher in the event of an evacuation. If students don’t have a Jet Time class, they will look for the administrator at the south end of the north practice fields.

Thank you parents for all of your support.

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Monday, August 30th, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, August 30, 2021

Dear Parents,

1. Order Pictures, & School Picture Final Retake Day – October 8th:

It isn’t too late to order school pictures.

If you missed our pre-boarding launch and didn’t get your school pictures taken, we will have a makeup day Friday, October 8th.

2. National Day of Service:

20th Anniversary of September 11, 2001, Link Here

3. Club Rush:

Club rush week will be this week, August 30 to September 3. Students will see clubs that are available and have a chance to join. Parent permission forms are required for club participation and can be picked up as students enter the front of the school. If a student would like to start a club, chartering forms are available in the front office. Applications are due this Friday. Please come get one and find an advisor. If you have any questions, ask Mr. Fossat.

4. Chromebook Reminders:

-For Chromebooks to be taken home, this form needs to be signed and returned to the attendance office. Please do so if you haven’t already. You can also use this video for instructions on how to do it in Skyward.

-The open enrollment for insurance on the Chromebooks closes on September 15. The insurance is a great deal! It only costs $25 for full coverage with no deductible. Please click here for more information and to sign up.

5. Dress Code:

With the beginning of the new school year, we have seen an increase in dress code violations. The dress code is very equitable and will maintain the dignity of our students. It also is not gender-specific! Students in Academic and PE classes are required to have at least a 2-inch strap over their shoulders. It is also required to cover everything from shoulders to their mid-thigh.

Teachers/Faculty have been given a small yellow slip that they can hand to a student when students violate the dress code. This will ask the student to address their attire. If the attire is not addressed, the student will come to the office and parents may be called to bring the student different clothing if needed. Thank you for reminding your students to dress appropriately for school.

6. Jet Time:

This week’s JetTalk shares ideas about developing skills as a “next level learner”. It focuses on taking charge of your learning, honoring the struggle, and playing the long game. There are reflection questions in the video that are also in the canvas assignments for students. Feel free to watch the video and discuss it with your students. 2122 JetTalk #1.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to [email protected]

Thank you for being a part of our Cedar Valley community!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, August 23, 2021

Dear Parents,

Congratulations! We had a very fun and exciting first week of school! What a fun week we had. I am honored to lead a school with a committed faculty, staff, District, and parents that truly love kids. Helping each child that enters the doors of CVHS feels valued and supported. Your child’s success is very important to our CVHS team!

Please make note of the following:

1. Free lunch and Breakfast

A few of you didn’t realize that both school lunch and breakfast are free for students. Our amazing lunch staff fed over 5,4012 lunches in four days! This is a record and we are doing everything we can to make this more efficient. Thank you for your patience.

2. 20th Anniversary of 9-11

This year marks the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001, which has been designated as a National Day of Service. In commemoration, various members within the Eagle Mountain community, including leaders of community groups, schools, businesses, and churches are uniting to create ten days of service, called EMServes, focused on meeting community needs and uniting community members.

Please see the attached flyer with a QR code and website where more information can be found. There are projects for both family and individuals to participate in. Link Here

#EMServes #911day #utah911dayofservice

Please contact Angie Murdock if you have questions: 319-321-7084

Cedar Valley is participating with EMServes! Our Student Council is organizing a service project on September 9, and a sunrise flag raising on the morning of 9/11. Details on the flag-raising can be found on the EMServes website. To see how you can donate to the service project, Link Here

3. Support Team For Your Student(s)

If you need help with anything or have any questions, please reach out to your child’s administrator and counseling team. See the alphabet below their picture.

Administrator Team: Link Here to see what administrator is assigned to your child.

Counseling Team: Link Here to see what counselor is working with your child.

4. Library Resources:

Please link here to see what amazing resources our library has to offer!

5. Substitute Teachers Needed:

Link Here If you have any questions, please contact: Heather Hokanson, Area Manager

801.927.0689 | [email protected]

6. Bussing Update:

I know several of you have experienced bussing issues and we so appreciate our transportation department. Starting today bus 707 Fred Flintstone will be taking home the kids in Kiowa Valley that the teepee bus has been running home second. This bus will take them home at the normal time of 2:15 on MTRF. It has a noon run on Wed so we are still looking for another bus that can do the Wed pm at 12:15. Until we find one, they will still have to double run home on the teepee bus on Wednesday.

If you have any questions, please contact: Michelle Gray with ASD Transportation West

(801) 610-8852 x886306

[email protected]

7. SCC Elections: Link Here for Ballot

We have our SCC elections this week. Please select five individuals that you would like to represent you on our School Community Council.

8. Yearbook:

Last year we sold out of yearbooks so be sure to get yours now for $59. The price will increase later in the school year. Information on Senior Ads and Senior Quotes will be out soon. If you have any questions please contact the yearbook advisor, Kristin Cooper ([email protected]).

9. Parking Passes For Students:

Please purchase your parking passes. We have had several students parking in areas that are reserved for faculty and staff. An easy way to remember where students park is to avoid parking spaces around the perimeter of the building. Parking stalls near the sidewalks are for teachers and staff. Link here for more information in the student handbook.

10. Club Rush Week:

Club rush week will be from August 30 to September 3. During this week students will see clubs that are available and have a chance to join. Parent permission forms are required for club participation and will be available. If you would like to start a club, chartering forms are available in the front office. In order to be included in club rush, applications should be turned in by Friday, August 27. Please come get one and find an advisor. If you have any questions, ask Mr. Fossat.

11. Jet Time:

As we get into our first full week of school, please remember that Jet Time is a class and students receive a grade for that class. Students grade comes from completing the work assigned in Canvas and from attending class and engaging in the activities that teachers are providing. 50% of the grade comes from the canvas work, 50% of the grade comes from attendance/engaging in the class time activities. JetTime does affect GPA and eligibility. Students receive credit towards graduation for this class. Students who attend and engage in the work will have no problems passing the course!

If you have any questions about Jet Time, please feel free to email [email protected]

12. Note From Our PTSA:

Here is the PTSA message of the week. Link Here

If you have any questions, please contact: Lacy Spruell at 801-919-6911

13. Driver’s Education:

For those interested in taking Driver’s Ed through Cedar Valley it is starting next week. Please sign up at the Driver’s Ed website at

Driver’s Education

Session 1 starts next week so please sign up soon. If you have any questions please email Mr. Roberts at [email protected].

Please remember these 3 things before signing up if you are trying to get your license on your birthday.

1.Take the class 3 months before your birthday.

2. Do range minimum of 2 months before your birthday

3. Do range 1 month before your birthday.

14. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal