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Tuesday, September 24th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


I apologize for the delay in sending this out! We’re excited to have some beautiful, warm fall weather in the coming weeks—perfect CAVU flying conditions! Here are a few important updates to note:

1. Utah College Application Weeks (UCAW)
Wear your college gear for the next two weeks for a chance to win prizes!

Cedar Valley High School is proud to sponsor Utah College Application Week (UCAW) from September 23rd – October 11th. Throughout these weeks, there will be fun activities during lunch, and all seniors will be encouraged to apply to at least one college or university.

New this year: Utah students can apply to any Utah institution with no application fees, except for BYU.

Utah Colleges will be visiting Cedar Valley during UCAW! You can schedule appointments with them by clicking on the schedule link below. They will also be available during lunch hours. Please see schedule.

UCAW Schedule Link

Scholarship and College Survey Link

College Quick Facts (Admissions, Deadlines, Scholarships, Financial Aid) Link

Utah Colleges Deadline Information Link

Create Your StudentAid.Gov Account (Needed for FAFSA, Opens in December) Link

Check out the Cedar Valley counseling website and follow us on Instagram @cedarvalleystudentcenter for announcements and updates on scholarships, colleges, application deadlines, events, opportunities, etc…

You are welcome to come to the Student Center to get help or answers to any questions. You can also contact Marcie Murri at [email protected] or 801-610-8826 Ext. 721786.

2. Culture and Climate Survey

This Survey is used to help the school make better data driven decisions, and allows us to better support our students.

Students in grades 3-12 will participate. Accommodations should be made for students when appropriate (e.g. reading questions out loud for lower grades).

Schools will send out the survey through a qualtrics link to either student emails or on CANVAS/Google Classroom to opt-in students only.

Fall survey window: September 30-October 10th (2 weeks). All surveys will close at the end of day October 11th.

Spring survey window: April 7-18 (2 weeks).

Please check the Cedar Valley High school Information tab under “Culture, Climate and Connection” link for more information.

3. CVHS Outreach Information:

Parents and Pizza Event Homework Event:

We will be holding a study group after school on Tuesday, Oct. 1st and Tuesday, Oct. 8th from 2:30m-4:30pm. Teachers and student tutors will be available to assist students with their homework. This will be a great opportunity for your students to catch up on any assignments before our term ends on October 16, 2024. Parents are welcome to come help their student(s). Please see the flyer for more information. October Pizza &Parent Study group .pdf

Tendremos un grupo de estudio después de la escuela el Martes 1 de Octubre y el Martes 8 de Octubre de 2:30 a 4:30 p.m. Los maestros y tutores estudiantiles estarán disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes con su tarea. Esta será una gran oportunidad para que sus estudiantes se pongan al día con sus tareas antes de que finalice nuestro período el 16 de octubre de 2024. Los padres pueden venir a ayudar a sus estudiantes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. October Pizza &Parent Study group .pdf

We need your important feedback. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program grants funds to cities and nonprofits in Utah County for community development projects to assist in developing viable communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, especially for persons of low and moderate income.

As part of the consolidated planning process we are soliciting feedback from residents, cities, towns, and public service providers. Your input in this process will inform our strategic plan and funding decisions over the next five years. As such, your participation is critical and we sincerely appreciate your time in responding! Please complete the survey at for English Con Plan Survey Flyer.pdf

Necesitamos sus comentarios importantes. El Programa de Subsidios en Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG, por sus siglas en inglés) otorga fondos a ciudades y organizaciones sin fines de lucro en el condado de Utah para proyectos de desarrollo comunitario para ayudar a desarrollar comunidades viables proporcionando viviendas dignas, un entorno de vida adecuado y ampliando las oportunidades económicas, especialmente para personas de ingresos bajos y moderados. ingreso.

Como parte del proceso de planificación consolidada, solicitamos comentarios de residentes, ciudades, pueblos y proveedores de servicios públicos. Sus aportes en este proceso informarán nuestro plan estratégico y las decisiones de financiamiento durante los próximos cinco años. Como tal, su participación es fundamental y apreciamos sinceramente su tiempo para responder. Complete la encuesta en para español. Con Plan Survey Flyer.pdf

4. Come Support Cedar Valley High School PTSA

Big Jack Gives Back Event! Link Here for more information.




5. Blood Drive Reminder

Remember our Blood Drive is on, Tuesday, September 24th, on the indoor track. This event is open to everyone, not just current high school students. See posts on Instagram and FB.

6. Graduation 2025

Date & Location:

Graduation for the Class of 2025 will be on Wednesday, May 21, 2025 at 3:30 pm and the BYU Marriott Center.

Senior Jostens Graduation Assembly:

The senior assembly will be on Monday, September 30th during Steele Time (9:06 am) in the Auditorium. We will go over the upcoming senior activities, discuss a few things for graduation and each senior will be given a packet with all the information needed to order their cap and gown as well as other senior items as they leave the Auditorium. Parents are invited to attend the assembly and will need to check in with the Main Office.

Following the assembly will be the Senior Panoramic picture that will be taken on the football field at approximately 9:50 am. Purchasing information will be given as soon as it is available on our school website.

Jostens Cap & Gown Orders:

On Monday, October 14th, a Josten’s Representative will be in the commons area during both lunches from 10:45 am – 1 pm to assist with Cap and Gown, tassels, custom graduation announcements and accessories, senior gear, Class of 2025 apparel as well as your custom Cedar Valley Class Ring orders. We ask that you make every effort to place your orders on this day with our Representatives or click on the link provided below and place your order online as soon as possible. We recommend ordering no later than the 30th of November. If you need assistance or have questions, please call 1-800-jostens.

Jostens Cap and Gown link.

2025 Graduation Information:

Throughout the year we will be adding any letters, emails, powerpoints or notifications regarding graduation to the CVHS Counseling webpage

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, September 16th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, September 16, 2024


In just a few hours, our Counseling Department is hosting the *Walk to Fight Suicide*, an event that holds a special place in my heart. Starting at 6 p.m. on the football field, we’ll have food trucks and mental health resources from across Utah County. The walk will begin at 7 p.m.

I hope to see you there!

1. Admin Message this Week

This week, Assistant Principal Dereck Reynolds shares a message about respecting others differences. It’s a wonderful message that I hope your family enjoys.

2. Blood Drive

Cedar Valley High School is hosting a Blood Drive on, Tuesday, September 24th, on the indoor track. This event is open to everyone, not just current high school students.

To donate blood, you must meet the following requirements:

Be 16 years or older

No new tattoos within the last 3 months

Recent travel outside the U.S. in the last 3 months will be evaluated

Not currently sick

For Cedar Valley students:

You must bring a signed parent permission form to the blood drive and sign up for a time slot with the contacts listed below. *Appointments are required for students*.

For parents and community members:

You can sign up for a time slot by contacting the individuals listed below. *Parents and teachers are welcome to walk in. Link here for more information.

To sign up contact: Shalynn Augat at [email protected]

3. Culture and Climate Connection Survey

On Monday, March 30th students will take the ASD Culture, Climate, and Connection Survey for the 2024-2025 school year in their Steele Time. The purpose of the survey is to help adults improve the learning environment for all students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. For further information link ’24-’25 Culture, Climate and Connection Survey- Parent Consent Form for Skyward

If you agree to have your student participate, then no other action is needed. Otherwise, please follow the instructions below to opt out of the parent consent in Skyward by September 15, 2023. We sincerely appreciate your student(s) participation.

Login to Skyward as a parent/guardian

Expand the (+) button on the left side, if needed. Click on ‘Student Information Update’

Select Student

Select ‘Mark Student Information Update as not completed and make changes.

Click on Step ‘Culture, Climate and Connection Survey Consent’ step on the right-hand side of the screen.

Click the box and then click the bottom button “Complete step” to save

Logout of Skyward

Video Link- How to opt-out of survey on Skyward

4. Parents and Pizza Event Homework Event:

We will be holding a study group after school on Tuesday, Oct. 1st and Tuesday, Oct. 8th from 2:30m-4:30pm. Teachers and student tutors will be available to assist students with their homework. This will be a great opportunity for your students to catch up on any assignments before our term ends on October 16, 2024. Parents are welcome to come help their student(s). Please see the flyer for more information. October Pizza &Parent Study group .pdf

Tendremos un grupo de estudio después de la escuela el Martes 1 de Octubre y el Martes 8 de Octubre de 2:30 a 4:30 p.m. Los maestros y tutores estudiantiles estarán disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes con su tarea. Esta será una gran oportunidad para que sus estudiantes se pongan al día con sus tareas antes de que finalice nuestro período el 16 de octubre de 2024. Los padres pueden venir a ayudar a sus estudiantes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. October Pizza &Parent Study group .pdf

5. Utah College Application Weeks (UCAW)

Starting next week, Cedar Valley High School will join the Utah System of Higher Education in sponsoring Utah College Application Week (UCAW). During the next few weeks, September 23rd – October 11th, there will be fun activities during lunch and all seniors will be encouraged to apply for admission to at least one college or university. Beginning this year, there are no application fees for Utah Students for any Utah institution except for BYU. Also, seniors, please fill out the Scholarship and College Survey!

Admissions representatives from Utah Colleges will be visiting Cedar Valley. You can schedule individual appointments with them by clicking the links on the schedule. They will also be available during lunch hours, the days they are here to answer any questions.

Here is the link to the Schedule for UCAW.

Here is the link to the Scholarship and College Survey.

Here is a link to college quick facts. (Admissions, due dates, scholarships, financial aid, etc.)

Here is a link to the deadline information for Utah colleges.

Here is a link to create a StudentAid.Gov account which will be needed to fill out the FAFSA when it opens in December.

Check out the Cedar Valley counseling website - and follow us on Instagram @cedarvalleystudentcenter for announcements and updates on scholarships, colleges, application deadlines, events, opportunities, etc…

You are welcome to come to the Student Center to get help or answers to any questions. You can also contact Marcie Murri at [email protected] or 801-610-8826 Ext. 721786.

6. School Pictures – Retakes Reminder

Our final school picture day is Wednesday, September 25th. For more details, click here for the code and how to purchase pictures. The event code is FE134924

Wednesday, September 25th: Retake Day, 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM – this is for all students. They will be called down from class alphabetically by their last name

School Pictures that were taken during our pre-boarding event and during classes August 29 & 30 are now ready!

View and order at


Event Code: FE134924

Images are secured using the email address(es) provided to us by the school.

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, September 9th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, September 9, 2024


Welcome to Homecoming Week!

I couldn’t be more excited for Homecoming Week! We have so many amazing opportunities for the entire community to enjoy. As Aviators, we’re especially excited to host the Rotor Pathway Fly-In, starting at 4:30 p.m. Watch as 13 helicopters, including an Apache and a Blackhawk, land on the north field—an unforgettable experience! Bring your family and friends; the more, the merrier! Link here to watch the video. Free hotdogs to the first 500 attendees, food trucks, and of course Jet Fuel!

Please make note of the following:

1. Admin Message this Week.

This week, Assistant Principal Curtis Twitchell shares a message on the importance of getting involved in school groups, and activities, and how getting involved in school groups and activities can lead to lifelong friends and opportunities. Click here to view the message.

2. Military Recognition Reminder Last Chance

Our Student Council wants to honor military veterans within our community. If you have family members who would like to be recognized at an upcoming ceremony (time and date to be announced), please nominate them on this form.

3. Homecoming Activities – Join Us for a Week of Fun!

Aviators, it’s Homecoming Week! Here’s a rundown of the exciting activities we have planned:

Monday, September 9

At 5:00 p.m., teams and clubs that applied and were accepted will gather for Paint the Square by the stadium.

We’re also raising funds to fill go-bags for first responders in honor of 9/11. Donations will be accepted from Monday through Wednesday at the finance office or via the QR code on our Student Council Instagram page.

Tuesday, September 10

Join us in the Commons during both lunches for some fun with giant coloring pages.

Wednesday, September 11

Last day to donate for the first responder go-bags.

Powder Puff starts at 7:00 p.m.

The Cross Country team is hosting their first annual Mud Run across the street from the school. For more details, email Austin Brower.

Thursday, September 12

Come support our volleyball team as they take on Salem Hills at 6:30 p.m.

Friday, September 13 – Game Day!

At 4:30 p.m., don’t miss the Rotor Pathway Fly-In with 13 helicopters landing on the north field. The first 500 spectators at our tailgate party will enjoy free hot dogs!

At 6:30 p.m., the Homecoming Pre-Game Show kicks off.

At halftime, we’ll crown our Homecoming King and Queen, followed by our first-ever Drone Show after the game.

Saturday, September 14 – Homecoming Dance

Grab your friends and join us for the Homecoming Dance! Tickets are available through the GoFan app or on $35 per couple or $20 for singles. Don’t wait—get your tickets now and make it a night to remember!

4. School Pictures – Retakes

Our final school picture day is Wednesday, September 25th. For more details, click here for the code and how to purchase pictures. The event code is FE134924

Wednesday, September 25th: Retake Day, 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM – this is for all students. They will be called down from class alphabetically by their last name

School Pictures that were taken during our pre-boarding event and during classes August 29 & 30 are now ready!

View and order at


Event Code: FE134924

Images are secured using the email address(es) provided to us by the school.

5. Suicide Awareness Walk

Mark your calendars for our annual Walk to Fight Suicide, Septemer 16th! There will be food trucks and community mental health resources from all around Utah county. Food trucks and resources will be available at 6pm at the football field. We will begin the walk at 7pm. Those who walk a mile will receive a free ice cream coupon. Anyone and everyone is welcome, bring friends and family to come support the fight against suicide and raise suicide awareness!!!

6. CVHS Community Outreach

If you know of a student or student’s family that needs some help, we have a food pantry at CVHS. Just scan the QR code, fill out the form and you can put an order together. You will be contacted when we receive your order to arrange a pickup or delivery. Food Pantry.pdf

Si conoce a un estudiante o a su familia que necesita ayuda, tenemos una despensa de alimentos en CVHS. Simplemente escanee el código QR, complete el formulario y podrá realizar un pedido. Nos comunicaremos con usted cuando recibamos su pedido para organizar la recogida o la entrega. Food Pantry.pdf

Does your student need internet access at home and you’re not able to afford it? Please check out T-Mobile’s hot spot program. Please see the flier for more information. P10M copy.png

The following are ways to qualify:

National School Lunch Program notification letters or direct certifications

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) via P-EBT or EBT

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) via BBBS Partnership


Head Start

Foster youth, migrant, homeless, or runway youth

¿Su estudiante necesita acceso a Internet en casa y usted no puede pagarlo? Consulta el programa de puntos de acceso de T-Mobile. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. P10M copy.png

Las siguientes son formas de calificar:

Cartas de notificación o certificaciones directas del Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares

Programa de asistencia nutricional suplementaria (SNAP) a través de P-EBT o EBT

Asistencia Temporal para Familias Necesitadas (TANF)

Programa de distribución de alimentos en reservas indias (FDPIR)

Disposición de elegibilidad comunitaria (CEP)

Disposición de elegibilidad comunitaria (CEP) a través de la asociación BBBS



Jóvenes de crianza, inmigrantes, personas sin hogar o jóvenes de pasarela

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

It’s a great day to be an Aviator!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Wednesday, Sept 4th

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


As we step into this new month, I want to remind you that the first term will wrap up on October 16th, which is just a month and a half away. To support your student’s success, I encourage you to review their Skyward assignments together every week. If you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to their teachers early. It’s disheartening to see students wait until the end of the term to submit assignments. Regular feedback from teachers is key to meaningful learning, helping students retain knowledge more effectively. Smaller, consistent efforts throughout the term make learning more authentic and provide ample opportunity for discussion and growth.

1. Admin Message this Week.

This week, Assistant Principal Bill Sivert shares a valuable lesson from his service in the United States Marine Corps. You can view his message here.

2. Military Recognition

Our Student Council wants to honor military veterans within our community. If you have family members who would like to be recognized at an upcoming ceremony (time and date to be announced), please nominate them on this form.

3. Administration and Counselor Student Assignments

For any inquiries regarding your student, please reach out to the appropriate contact:


If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s counselor. The associated alphabet with the counselor’s email link is provided below:

A-BRI Abby Taylor

BRO-C JeriLynn Phillips

D-Ga Kristy Childs

Ge-H April Triggs

I-LO Debra Smith

Lu-N Camille Black

O-RE Courtney Briggs

RI-SN Reagan Peck

SO-WA Amy Easley

WE-Z Joleen Liston


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s administrator. The corresponding alphabet is provided below:

A-CE Administrator: Scott Mansfield

CH-GI Administrator: Curtis Twitchell

GL-KR Administrator: Derek Reynolds

KU-PAN Administrator: Colin Gill

PAR-SME Administrator: Bill Sivert

SMITH-Z Administrator: Kenyon Christen

4. Floral of the Month!

It’s that time of the semester! Floral of the Month sign-up is available HERE, with a deadline of September 12. Thank you to everyone who has supported this program in the past. Our students love creating these arrangements, and we hope you’ve enjoyed them just as much!

For those new or unsure how the program works:

This program provides more opportunities for our students in Floral Design courses to fine-tune their arranging skills. Without this program, our students would only be able to complete 3 or 4 small arrangements for the entire semester. Floral of the month allows them to make larger arrangements and gain experience with different types of flowers!

Sign-up is available at the beginning of each semester. Each month, our floral design students create a seasonal arrangement, which we offer to you at wholesale cost. This gives students more practice, and you get a beautiful monthly flower arrangement at a fraction of the retail price! The cost is $120, including tax (an average of $30 per month for four months: September-December), paid in full by September 12. This is not a profit-making venture; the entire amount goes toward flowers and accessories. (If you prefer to make monthly payments, please email me to arrange that, though you must commit to all four months.)


Did you know that the PTSA’s mission is to advocate for every child? For 125 years, the PTA has lobbied and helped pass important legislation, including hot lunches for students, all-day kindergarten, arts in education, and school safety.

At CVHS, the PTSA supports:

Leadership opportunities

Senior scholarships

Designated parking spots (on the front row)


Teen Safe Driving

Haunted Hallways

Secret Santa notes

Healthy Relationship Month

Battle of the Bands

Teacher meals during Parent/Teacher Conferences

Teacher Appreciation

Please consider joining as both parents and students. Click the links below to sign up:



6. Club Rush Week

Club Rush Week will be held from Tuesday, September 3rd – Friday, September 6th. Clubs will have the opportunity to advertise during lunch throughout the week. Please fill out this Form if you plan to have a club this year.

All curricular clubs from last year are automatically approved for this year.

All non-curricular clubs from last year need to reapply for this school year.

All new clubs (curricular and non-curricular) need to apply for this school year.

Applications for new clubs and former non-curricular clubs must be submitted on or before September 12th.

Club application process:

1) Club Application completed and turned into the front office.

2) Club Constitution completed and turned into the front office.

As a final reminder, all students wishing to participate in a club must have this form signed by a guardian prior to any involvement in the club.

Additional information can be found on the district website under Policy 5530.

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, Aug 26th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, Aug 26, 2024

We had an amazing Welcome Week with our students and are excited for many more great moments ahead. I’m eager to see progress toward our school priorities as we work to help your children create and pursue their dreams. Most importantly, I want every student to feel valued and loved. You’ve raised incredible children, and it’s truly an honor to serve them.

Please take note of the following:

1. Admin Message

Every Monday, students will spend a few minutes with teachers reviewing and learning about “behavior essentials” at CVHS. Click here to view our behavior essentials. This week’s message is about our first behavior essential, “Show Up.” Please click here to watch the video.

2. ACT and ASPIRE Testing Prep

One of our goals this year is to help our students feel more confident about taking the ASPIRE and ACT. ASPIRE, developed in partnership with ACT, predicts how well students will perform on the ACT. To support their preparation, we are providing weekly exposure to ACT materials to help them achieve better results.

Many students feel anxious about the ACT, but doing well can allow them to bypass lower-level math and English classes in college. Success on the ASPIRE and ACT also helps students prepare for the Accuplacer tests, which assess basic proficiency levels. Moreover, this foundational knowledge is crucial for future careers, as many trade jobs now require basic math and English skills to advance in the field. By dedicating time each Thursday to this preparation, we’re setting our students up for both academic and career success so they can create and pursue their dreams!

Seniors will have the chance to focus on ACT prep to be ready if they choose to retake the test. They can also use this time to work on college applications, resumes, scholarship applications, and other aspects of college and career preparation.

3. School Community Council Election– Please VOTE Your Parent Rep Now!

It’s time to elect two new School Community Council members. Elections are open today and will close on August 28th at 5:00 P.M. 2025 Cedar Valley SCC Election


Did you know that PTSA’s mission statement is to Advocate for every child??? PTA has been around for 125 years. Through our memberships, we have been able to lobby and help pass bills such as hot lunches for students, all-day kindergarten, Arts in Education, and school safety.

At CVHS, the PTSA does the following:

– Leadership opportunities

– Senior Scholarships

– Designated parking spots (on the front row)

– Reflections

– Teen Safe Driving

– Haunted Hallways

– Secret Santa notes

– Healthy Relationship Month

– Battle of the Bands

– Teacher Meals- during Parent/Teacher conferences

– Teacher Appreciation

Please consider joining both Parents and Students. Click the links below to sign up.



5. School Pictures – Thursday, August 29, and Friday, Aug 30, 2024

Our next school picture day is this Thursday, August 29th. For more details, click here for the code and how to purchase pictures. The event code for both picture days is FE134924

Thursday, August 29th: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Friday, August 30th: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Wednesday, September 25th: Retake Day, 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

School Pictures that were taken during our pre-boarding event are now ready!

View and order at


Event Code: FE134924

Images are secured using the email address(es) provided to us by the school.

6. Aviators, UP!

Every Monday, students will spend a few minutes with teachers reviewing and learning about “behavior essentials” at CVHS. Please review items with your students to help our student body learn and demonstrate appropriate student behavior. Click here to view behavior essentials.

7. Student Activities This Week

Hey Aviators! It’s Westlake Week, and we’ve got a lineup of exciting activities to get everyone pumped for The Tumble—our big football game against Westlake this Friday night. Here’s what’s happening:

Monday: Kick off the week with our Second Annual Mascot Bowl at 7 pm in the Stadium. Watch ACE, Cosmo, and others take on the Ute League team!

Tuesday: Join us at 8 pm for an outdoor Movie Night between C and D Terminals, featuring Nacho Libre.

Wednesday: Spin the wheel at lunch for a chance to win Black-out Swag, so you’re all set for Friday’s game.

Thursday: Support our teams at the Varsity Volleyball game at 6:30 pm and Soccer at 7:00 pm. Come to these games and grab your Black Out shirt for Friday!

Friday: The excitement starts with a tailgate party at 5:30 pm outside the Stadium. Pregame festivities for The Tumble on the Turf kick off at 6:45. End the week with a bang at our first dance of the year—the Liftoff Stomp! Tickets are just $5 and available now on the GoFan app or at

Let’s make this week unforgettable. Goooo Aviators!

8. Enjoy School Events with Your Entire Family

Attending school events is a great way to connect with your kids and each other. Whether it’s a game, concert, competition, or performance, being there means the world to our students. Our coaches, directors, and advisors deeply appreciate your support, knowing how much it boosts our kids to see you in the crowd. Let’s continue to make the most of these Moments that Matter!

9. School Pictures Are Ready!

School Pictures are Ready!

View and order at


Event Code: FE134924

Images are secured using the email address(es) provided to us by the school.

10. Year Book

This is the last week to get your yearbook for $54 (pre-tax). Don’t miss out—this year’s edition will be interactive!

11. Parking Changes and Reminders

Please remember that all students must have a parking pass to park in the school lots. Passes can be obtained at the finance office window. To receive a parking pass, students must have their school fees paid or have a payment plan in place, and they must complete the online Google parking form.

12. CVHS Community Outreach:
If you know of a student or student’s family that needs some help, we have a food pantry at CVHS. Just scan the QR code, fill out the form and you can put an order together. You will be contacted when we receive your order to arrange a pickup or delivery. Food Pantry.pdf

Si conoce a un estudiante o a su familia que necesita ayuda, tenemos una despensa de alimentos en CVHS. Simplemente escanee el código QR, complete el formulario y podrá realizar un pedido. Nos comunicaremos con usted cuando recibamos su pedido para organizar la recogida o la entrega. Food Pantry.pdf

Feria de recursos para familias latinas el 31 de agosto, consulte la información del volante. unnamed-1.jpg

13. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, August 19th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, August 19, 2024


As we embark on a new school year, our administrative team is committed to delivering short, impactful messages to our students and community. We care deeply about each of your children and aim to add value to their lives, which we’ll do through our weekly Aviator Television Show. Please encourage your students to “fly into the wind” and embrace challenges, so they can soar to their full potential.

Please make note of the following:

1. Club Rush Week

Club Rush Week will be held from September 3-6, 2024. During this week, students will have the opportunity to join various clubs. Parent permission forms are now available. To start a new club, students must apply by filling out a club application form. A minimum of five students are required to form a club, and each club must also submit a constitution. Curricular clubs do not need to recharter, while non-curricular clubs must recharter annually. Please refer to last year’s list to determine if your club was curricular or non-curricular. Applications are due by September 12th. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Reynolds.

2. Admin Short Video Message

Our administrative team is dedicated to sharing brief, impactful messages with our students and community. Through our weekly Aviator Television Show, we hope to make a positive difference in your children’s lives. Encourage your students to “fly into the wind” and embrace challenges so they can achieve their full potential

3. Chromebook Insurance

Open enrollment for student Chromebook insurance is now available. The cost is $30 for the entire year. If you had insurance last year, you will need to renew it to maintain coverage. Sign-up closes on September 15th. Visit to sign up. For questions, call 1-888-978-3515.

4. Student Activity Information
Hey Aviators! Welcome Week is here, and we’ve got an exciting lineup of activities just for you:

Monday: Kick off the week by spinning the prize wheel in the commons during lunch! Win cool prizes like bracelets or Jet Fuel gift cards.

Tuesday: Cheer on our varsity girls’ tennis team at 3:30 PM. Join us for a toy plane race and grab your own toy plane!

Wednesday: Enjoy some fun yard games during lunch on the grass outside the cafeteria.

Thursday: Support our girls’ soccer team at 7:00 PM. The first 50 students will receive free Aviator sunglasses!

Friday: As you head home, grab an Otter Pop to enjoy on your way out!

We’re so excited for this school year and can’t wait to see you at these events!

SENIORS: Join us for Senior Sunrise at 6:45 am on Friday, August 30 at the Stadium to kick off an amazing Senior year– hope to see you there!

One more thing—mark your calendars for the Liftoff Stomp on August 30, right after the Westlake Football Game in the North Aux Gym. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased through the GoFan App or at using the ticket link. Be sure to purchase your tickets early to avoid connectivity issues, and remember that you need the active link for your ticket—a screenshot won’t work!

5. Skyward Student Update Information

Please log in to your parent Skyward account on a browser to review and complete all steps of the Student Information Update. The app feature is not available for this process.

Completing all steps is necessary for your student to use technology at school and bring their Chromebooks home. This update also allows you to update any outdated phone numbers and email addresses and set up Skylert, which manages how you receive notifications from the school.

If you need assistance logging into your parent Skyward account, please contact the school at 801-610-8825.

Actualización de la información de los estudiantes de Skyward

Inicie sesión en su cuenta de Skyward para padres en un navegador para revisar y completar todos los pasos de la Actualización de la información de los estudiantes. La función de la aplicación no está disponible para este proceso.

Es necesario completar todos los pasos para que su estudiante pueda usar la tecnología en la escuela y llevar sus Chromebooks a casa. Esta actualización también le permite actualizar los números de teléfono y las direcciones de correo electrónico desactualizados y configurar Skylert, que administra la forma en que recibe notificaciones de la escuela.

Si necesita ayuda para iniciar sesión en su cuenta

6. Parking Changes and Reminders

Please remember that all students must have a parking pass to park in the school lots. Passes are available at the finance window after students have paid their school fees. As a reminder, all stalls reserved for faculty/staff, and now visitors, are painted with yellow lines. Stalls painted with white lines are for students. Students should plan on parking in the northeast lot and the lots south of the school. The southeast lot always has spots available even though it’s a bit farther to walk. Please remember that the curb along the road in front of the school is not available for parking, but parking along the road is allowed west of the high school. This week will be spent training our students, but next week we will start issuing parking tickets.

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year! See you soon!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

August 13th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s not the plane, it’s the pilot! 2024-25 School Theme


We’re excited to welcome all our students back on Thursday, August 15th! We’ll be rolling out the red carpet again. Please remind your students to enter through the front doors for a fun experience.

Please take note of the following:

1. School Pictures – Updated Information

For today and tomorrow, pictures are open to any student, however; we are focusing on new students so we can get them their ID cards. Existing students can use last year’s ID cards so there is not rush to get their pictures taken today and tomorrow.

Here is the information for school pictures. The event code is FE134924. Please note that the event code will not be active until Tuesday, August 13th, the day of the first picture day.

For more details, click here for Picture Day information. ¡Preparate ! El Día de la foto escolar es

Picture Day Schedule:

Tuesday, August 13th: 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Wednesday, August 14th: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Thursday, August 29th: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Friday, August 30th: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Wednesday, September 25th: Retake Day, 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

2. School Community Council Interest

We have a few positions open on our School Community Council. Serving on the School Community Council is a wonderful way for parents and teachers to contribute and help improve academic performance at our school. If you are interested in serving and would like to be placed on the ballot, please fill out this SCC interest form.

3. PTSA Information

Did you know that PTSA’s mission statement is to Advocate for every child??? PTA has been around for 125 years. Through our memberships, we have been able to lobby and help pass bills such as: hot lunches for students, all day kindergarten, Arts in Education and school safety.

At CVHS, the PTSA does the following:

– Leadership opportunities

– Senior Scholarships

– Designated parking spots (on front row)

– Reflections

– Teen Safe Driving

– Haunted Hallways

– Secret Santa notes

– Healthy Relationship Month

– Battle of the Bands

– Teacher Meals- during Parent/Teacher conferences

– Teacher Appreciation

Please consider joining both as Parents and Students. Click the links below to sign up.



4. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year! See you soon!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

August 8th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

August 8, 2024


I am so excited to kick off another fantastic school year for 2024-25! Here are a few important items to keep in mind before we see you all on Tuesday at our Back to School event from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Let’s make it the best year yet!

Please make note of the following:

1. Summer Mailer Reminder

We sent our annual summer “Airline Ticket” with a QR code that will provide everything you need to know about coming back to school! I am very excited to see you all again! Here is the link to our “Back To School” summer mailer if you have not received it yet.

2. School Pictures Updated Information

In the summer mailer information, we did not have the “Event Code” for pictures. The event code is FE134924 The event code will not be live until Tuesday, August 13th – The day of the first picture day.

I was told that parents will receive an email about two to three days before picture day reminding them that the picture day is coming up and then another email will share information regarding accessing your student pictures.

3. School Community Council Interest

Please see the communication sent out on July 25, 2024, regarding SCC elections. Link here if you are interested in being placed on the ballot. We will hold elections on August 26, 2024.

4. Parking Changes and Reminders

Cedar Valley has made some changes to our parking lot configuration! Our growth has made this a necessity, but we are confident our students’ parking needs will be met. The first big change is that we have designated several stalls in the front of the building for visitors. They are labeled and we hope that these areas will help our visitors have easier access to our school. Parents and other visitors are encouraged to use these spots, so students, please respect these designated areas and keep them open for our visitors. Another big change is that we have designated the Northwest parking lot for teacher/staff parking. We still have several staff spots designated around the perimeter of the building but have also opened up some spots for students in the northeast lot formerly reserved for teachers.

Please remember that all students must have a parking pass to park in the school lots. Passes are available at the finance window after students have paid their school fees. As a reminder, all stalls reserved for faculty/staff, and now visitors, are painted with yellow lines. Stalls painted with white lines are for students. Students should plan on parking in the northeast lot and the lots south of the school. The southwest lot always has spots available even though it’s a bit farther to walk. Please remember that the curb along the road in front of the school is not available for parking, but parking along the road is allowed west of the high school.

We know that parking is a concern with a school this large. Please be respectful of the parking areas and have your students plan for the traffic of a large school.

5. Skyward Student Information Update Reminder

Please see the email sent on July 25th regarding your child’s Skyward account.

6. Cedar Valley High 24-25 Reg Ed Bus Stop Info is Now Online

Bus Information Link

District Transportation has added three additional buses for our school for a total of 18 drivers/buses this year due to our school being the largest high school in the district and having 9th graders.





Vehicle Name


Webb, David

Cedar Valley High AM 1/Frontier Middle AM 1





Cedar Valley High AM 2




Lopez, Hilda

Cedar Valley High AM 3




Snyder, Brandi

Cedar Valley High AM 4




McCord, Shawn

Cedar Valley High AM 5




Bills, Mario

Cedar Valley High AM 6




Schafler, Jennifer

Cedar Valley High AM 7




LeClaire, Michael

Cedar Valley High AM 8




Lopez, Edwin

Cedar Valley High AM 9




Whitney, Laura

Cedar Valley High AM 10




Goodwin, Chris

Cedar Valley High AM 11




Sager, Rose

Cedar Valley High AM 12




Worth, Lorri

Cedar Valley High AM 13




Dupre, Joseph

Cedar Valley High AM 14




Black, Glen

Cedar Valley High AM 15




Arnold, Justin

Cedar Valley High AM 16




Walling, Joshua (Todd)

Cedar Valley High AM 17




Barney, Joseph

Cedar Valley High AM 18



If you have questions please contact Michelle Gray.

(801) 610-8852 x886306

[email protected]

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

See you soon!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

July 25th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

July 25, 2024


Welcome back! I hope you are all having a wonderful summer. I am so excited to see everyone return to school! We have many exciting activities already planned for this year. I wanted to make you aware of a few things before all of the back-to-school activities. Please make note of the following:

1. Summer Mailer

We sent our annual summer “Airline Ticket” with a QR code that will provide everything you need to know about coming back to school! I am very excited to see you all again! Here is the link to our “Back To School” summer mailer if you have not received it yet. Please note, that Adobe may temporarily shut down the site from time to time. You may need to try again at a later time.

2. School Community Council Interest

We have a few positions open on our School Community Council. Serving on the School Community Council is a wonderful way for parents and teachers to contribute and help improve academic performance at our school. If you are interested in serving and would like to be placed on the ballot, please fill out this SCC interest form.

3. Message From Our PTSA

On behalf of the PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association), we ask you to take less than 5 minutes to fill out the following needs assessment. The PTSA aims to serve more effectively, and this is a great way to share your thoughts as parents. Additionally, the PTSA is looking for the following positions for the upcoming school year: membership chair, reflections chair, battle of the bands chair, and student leadership chair. Please contact Kimberly Horinek if you have any questions or you may call her at 801-573-9887.

4. Skyward Student Information Update

Please log into your parent Skyward account on a browser to review and complete all steps of the Student Information Update. The app feature is not available for this process.

Completing all steps is necessary for your student to use technology at school and bring their Chromebooks home. This update also allows you to update any outdated phone numbers and email addresses and set up Skylert, which manages how you receive notifications from the school.

If you need assistance logging into your parent Skyward account, please contact the school at 801-610-8825.

5. Chromebooks

Please make sure your student’s Chromebook is charged and ready for the first day of school. In addition, please ensure that you have completed the Computer Usage Agreement so your child’s account will remain activated and they will have access to Gmail and other educational programs.

6. HB 182 Survey Information

I wanted you to be aware of the new House Bill 182. Effective July 1, 2024 schools must have prior consent from parents for any non-academic surveys that include social emotional learning questions. This includes any survey that is a psychological exam, test, analysis, or evaluation where a student may reveal information, whether personally identifiable or not, concerning the student or family members political affiliation, mental or psychological philosophies, sexual behavior or attitudes, illegal or self-incriminating behavior, religious affiliation or beliefs or income.

Starting this year in Skyward, Alpine School District will be gathering prior consent for the following student surveys:

Alpine Culture, Climate and Connection Survey

State of Utah School Climate Survey

Title IX Surveys

In Skyward, a tab will be created where parents, as crucial stewards of their child’s education, will indicate their support of these surveys at the time of student registration. This process in Skyward will provide prior consent for the above surveys. Only students who have parental consent can participate in these surveys. Surveys not indicated above that request personal information listed in the second paragraph will require additional parental consent a minimum of two weeks before the survey will be given. Only students whose parents have given consent can take the survey. In addition, rewards for participation or consequences for non-participation in surveys is prohibited.

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Enjoy the rest of your summer!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, May 20th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme

May 20, 2024


We did it! Graduation is in three days, and we couldn’t be more excited! We will miss our seniors and are so thrilled for their bright futures. Once an Aviator, always an Aviator.

Please take note of the following important summer-related information:

1. Driver’s Education – Now Accepting Students for Summer Driver’s Ed

We have a total of 108 spots available for June and July. Currently, 96 students have registered for June and 26 students for July. Spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so sign up soon!

Please sign up on this Google Form

If you have any questions please email BJ Roberts at [email protected]

2. ACT Boot Camp

Begins Monday, June 3rd and ends Friday, June 7th from 8 am to 12 pm. It’s a great way to study for a retake or get ahead of next year’s ACT test. You’ll get help and strategies from three teachers: English, math, and science. The cost is $75 and it includes a test voucher. If you’re interested, you can register at the school’s finance office or link here.

For questions, email Mr. Christensen

     10 Reasons Why You Should Take the ACT Boot Camp

  1. Structured Learning: Provides a consistent study schedule.

  2. Expert Guidance: The instructor offers tips and strategies.

  3. Targeted Practice: Focuses on specific test sections.

  4. Test-Taking Strategies: Teaches time management and techniques.

  5. Mock Exams: Simulates the actual test environment.

  6. Personalized Feedback: Helps identify and correct mistakes.

  7. Confidence Building: Increases familiarity and reduces anxiety.

  8. Peer Support: Motivates and provides additional perspectives.

  9. Resource Availability: Offers comprehensive study materials.

  10. Goal Setting: Ensures accountability and progress.

Overall, an ACT course can significantly boost your test performance and confidence.

3. CVHS Community Outreach Information

Parents if you are in need of some extra food for the summer please come to our free food giveaway on Friday, May 31, 2024 from 9:30am-12:30pm at the high school in the front office. First come first serve. Please see the flier for details.CVHS Food Giveaway 5:31:24 Comida Gratis.pdf

Padres, si necesitan algo de comida adicional para el verano, vengan a nuestro sorteo de comida gratuito el viernes 31 de mayo de 2024 de 9:30 a. m. a 12:30 p. m. en la oficina principal de la escuela secundaria. Se le sirve en orden de llegada. Consulte el folleto para obtener más detalles.

CVHS Food Giveaway 5:31:24 Comida Gratis.pdf

If you are in need of food throughout the duration of the summer please see the following fliers for locations and times in Eagle Mountain where your family can get food. Summer Resource List: Recoursos de Verano.pdf Mountain Trails Summer Meals (comida para estudiantes)

Si necesita alimentos durante todo el verano, consulte los siguientes folletos para conocer los lugares y horarios en Eagle Mountain donde su familia puede conseguir alimentos. Summer Resource List: Recoursos de Verano.pdf

Mountain Trails Summer Meals (comida para estudiantes)

4. Summer School

CVHS is now enrolling students for summer school! The dates are June 10th – 28th. Here are the steps to sign up:

  1. Meet with your counselor to determine which classes you need to take.

  2. Fill out the online form with your information.

  3. Pay the $25 registration fee (nonrefundable) before June 12, either online or at the finance office.

Summer school schedule

Sign up

5. Counseling Office Summer Hours

The counseling office will be closed the following days for the end of the year and summer.

  • May 23rd for graduation.

  • May 28th – 29th for Professional Development.

  • All of July

  • August 8th & 12th for Professional Development

6.  Front Office Hours 

  • May 23rd closed for graduation.

  • Summer hours Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00. p.m.

7. Back to School & Pre Boarding Save the Date for Next School Year

Back to School August 13th, 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. – Teacher available, school pictures, Chromebook check out, locker rental, parking passes and fees

Preboarding August 14th 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.  Teachers will not be available, school pictures, Chromebook check out, locker rental, parking passes, and fees.

8.  Senior Graduation Information (Tonight)

Graduation Party

Tickets for the All Night Grad Party are available on GoFan and can be purchased right now.  Please purchase now so we can get our count solidified for the venue.  You can get your tickets here:

Senior Sunset (Corrected)

Senior Sunrise is Monday, May 20 at the Stadium.  Attendance is free.  Bring your yearbook to be signed!


Lagoon day is Tuesday, May 21. Lagoon tickets can ONLY be purchased at the finance window at Cedar Valley after all fees and fines have been paid and the student’s Chromebook has been turned in or purchased. Chromebook turn-in is on May 14.  Lagoon tickets go on sale on May 16 and must be purchased by the time the Finance window closes on Monday, May 20.  We leave too early on Tuesday morning for students to purchase tickets on Lagoon Day so please plan.  Students also need to sign up for a chaperone at the finance office.  We will be traveling on Frontrunner to Lagoon, signing up for and traveling with a chaperone is a UTA requirement. (Not required to stay with a chaperone at Lagoon).

For additional details about Senior activities, schedules, times, and logistics, please see the slide show presented at the Senior Graduation Assembly, found HERE.

Questions? Contact Charlotte Ducos at [email protected].

9. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

We have so many fun events lined up to wind down the end of the school year! I appreciate your support and for raising some of the most amazing students I have ever worked with. Thank you so much!

You are “Cleared for Takeoff”!  We did it!


Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School