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Monday, March 4th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme


Monday, March 4, 2024


Greetings Aviators,

We are rapidly approaching the end of Term 3, with this Friday marking the end of the Term.  Please take a moment to ensure that your student has completed all assignments in Skyward.  Additionally, if there are any concerns or questions regarding your student’s grades, please reach out and work closely with your child’s teachers to address any issues.


Please take a moment to review the following important updates:

1. Mark Your Calendars– No School Monday, March 11 and 12th. 

No school on Monday and Tuesday, March 11 and 12th.  School resumes on Wednesday, March 13th.

2. Culture Climate Survey

On Monday, March 18th students will take the ASD Culture, Climate, and Connection Survey for the 2023-2024 school year in their Steele Time. The purpose of the survey is to help adults improve the learning environment for all students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. For further information please link here.

3. CVHS Community Outreach

We are excited to have our next Pizza & Parent Student Study group tomorrow, Tuesday, March 5 at 2:30, Please see the flyer for more details.  Link here for more information.


Estamos emocionados de tener nuestro próximo grupo de estudio de pizza y padres y estudiantes este martes 5 de Marzo. Consulte el folleto para obtener más detalles.

2:27:24, 3:5:24 Pizza & Parent Student Study Group.pdf


4. State Testing

State Testing is April 8-12. 9th and 10th grade students will test during their core classes throughout the week. Juniors will take the ACT on April 10th. Please mark your calendars and be ready to participate in these important testing sessions.


5. Weekly Flight Plan Lesson
This week we asked students to evaluate their own academic and professional performance right now. Then they were encouraged to write a letter to their future self indicating what decisions they made that helped them cultivate their projected future.

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember


Please take note of the 2-week calendar for important upcoming events.

Thank you for your attention to these updates. Let’s continue to soar to new heights together!




Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

February 26th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme


Monday, February 26, 2024


Greetings Aviators,


We hope this message finds you enjoying the last few days of guiding your students to finish strong in term 3!  Only ten days left and we will be on our final approach to term 4! 

Please take a moment to review the following important updates:


1. Weekly Flight Plan Lesson:


Every Monday during Steele Time, our students engage in creating a “Flight Plan” for the week. This includes setting a weekly goal and scheduling their activities. Additionally, teachers conduct a brief 5-10 minute connection activity. 


This week students took an online skills assessment to explore their unique skills and talents. They were encouraged to reflect on how their skills have helped them reach their goals. I encourage you to discuss these activities with your students and share your own experiences.


2. Student Safety


Last week, our School Community Council convened to address the issue of student safety and other SCC business. During our discussions, several members of the SCC expressed profound appreciation for the safety measures recently implemented along Aviator Ave. Specifically, the decision to prohibit student parking on both sides of Aviator Ave, just south of the school entrance, has been recognized as a significant step forward in enhancing student safety.


While acknowledging the positive impact of these measures, it was also noted that further proactive steps are necessary to mitigate potential risks. One such concern raised was the safety of students crossing Aviator Ave after school. The SCC emphasized the importance of communicating with parents to discourage parking on Aviator Ave for student pickups, as this necessitates students to traverse the street. Unfortunately, this poses a safety hazard due to inadequate visibility for students crossing, thereby increasing the risk of accidents or incidents.


In light of these concerns, we urge all members of our school community to prioritize student safety by adhering to these guidelines. By working together, we can ensure a safer environment for all our students.


3. Student Council Elections


It’s Student Council Elections Week!  All week long we will be featuring our candidates for Student Council for next year’s 10th, 11th, and 12th grade candidates.  (Next year’s 9th Grade elections will take place separately at Frontier).  Watch our Student Council Instagram for campaign posters and videos, and take a look at the posters in the hallways at school to determine who you would like to support for Student Council for the 2024-25 school year!  Voting will take place on Thursday and Friday of this week.  A link to vote will be sent to all students at the beginning of the day on Thursday.  Students may vote for up to 12 candidates on their ballot and may only submit one ballot.  You must be logged in to your school email to vote, and voting will remain open until 2:15 on Friday.  Results will be announced on Instagram by 4 pm Friday.  Good luck to all of our amazing candidates!


4. CVHS Community Outreach

We are excited to have our next Pizza & Parent Student Study group this Tuesday, Feb. 27th, and the following Tuesday, March 5th. Please see the flyer for more details. 2:27:24, 3:5:24Pizza & Parent Student Study Group.pdf


5. Winter ACE Awards and Senior Athlete Recognition Night

We will be recognizing the outstanding accomplishments from our Winter Athletic Season.   We will also be recognizing those athletes who will be playing at the next level immediately after.   Please join us so we can celebrate our Winter Athletes! At 6 pm in the Auditorium. 

Estamos emocionados de tener nuestro próximo grupo de estudio de pizza y padres y estudiantes este martes 27 de febrero y el siguiente martes 5 de marzo. Consulte el folleto para obtener más detalles.

2:27:24, 3:5:24Pizza & Parent Student Study Group.pdf


6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

Please take note of the 2-week calendar for important upcoming events.


Thank you for your attention to these updates. Let’s continue to soar to new heights together!




Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

February 20th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme

February 20, 2024

Hello Aviators,

Welcome back from the President’s Day weekend! I hope you had a fantastic time. As we resume our regular schedule, I want to extend my appreciation for your continuous support and involvement in your child’s education. We have an exhilarating week ahead filled with opportunities for growth and learning. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Together, we can ensure a successful semester for our students.

Please take note of the following important updates:

Please take note of the following:

1. Free ACT Prep Workshop

GEAR UP is offering a free ACT Prep Workshop on Thursday, February 29th during both lunches in Lecture Hall D.  Lunch will be provided and all students are welcome.  Contact [email protected] for questions and sign up at

2. Message From Our PTSA

In case it was missed, the Youth Leadership Panel was rescheduled and is in just 10 days! We have it scheduled for February 29th at 6 pm at the auditorium at Cedar Valley High School.

If you would be willing, we’d appreciate having the information sent out to your parents and students to increase awareness of this event.

  • We do have a virtual option as well so anyone not able to come in person can watch. That link will be sent out to anyone who registers.

  • Here is the link for anyone who wants to submit a question and register:

  • And here is the link to the Facebook event that provides more information.

Thanks, everyone!

Andrea Hinton


Cedar Valley Council PTA


Follow us on Facebook!

4. Skybound 2024-25

We are accepting applications for next year’s Skybound crew! We need creative, fun students who want to show off everything awesome about Cedar Valley.

Here’s the application: SKYBOUND APPLICATION

And here’s a video showing what Skybound is all about SKYBOUND DEMO REEL

5. CVHS Community Outreach:

We are excited to have our next Pizza & Parent Student Study group coming up next Tuesday, Feb. 27th, and the following Tuesday, March 5th. Please see the flyer for more details. 2:27:24, 3:5:24Pizza & Parent Student Study Group.pdf

Estamos emocionados de tener nuestro próximo grupo de estudio de pizza y padres y estudiantes el próximo martes 27 de febrero y el martes 5 de marzo siguiente. Consulte el folleto para obtener más detalles. 2:27:24, 3:5:24Pizza & Parent Student Study Group.pdf

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

Please take note of the 2-week calendar for important upcoming events.

Thank you for your attention to these updates. Let’s continue to soar to new heights together!


Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

February 12, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! School Theme

February 12, 2024

Hello, Aviators!

I trust everyone enjoyed a fantastic Super Bowl weekend filled with great food and fun! As we kick off Diversity Week, here are some important updates and opportunities we’d like to highlight for you. Please take note of the following:

1. Student Council Diversity Assembly Feb 16, 2024

  • We are following the TEACHER lunch to determine who goes to which assembly.  This is just so we can divide the student body roughly evenly.  Here is how it works:

  • After the 1st period, ALL students will go to their 2nd Period.

  • Once the tardy bell rings, teachers who have 2nd Lunch will walk their students down to the first assembly.  All others stay in 2nd period and have class.

  • When the bell rings at the end of that period, those in the assembly go back to 2nd Period with their teacher to have class, and those who just had 2nd Period go to the assembly.

  • When the bell rings at the end of the 2nd assembly,  students and teachers either go to lunch or 3rd period as they usually would and the day progresses as usual from there. (just with a slightly adjusted time schedule)

2. Weekly Flight Plan Lesson. 

Every Monday during Steele Time, our students engage in creating a “Flight Plan” for the week. This includes setting a weekly goal and scheduling their activities. Additionally, teachers conduct a brief 5-10 minute connection activity.

This week we discussed SMART Goals and encouraged students to set a SMART goal. I encourage you to discuss these activities with your students and share your own experiences.

3. PTSA Zuppas Night

Join us for our next Zupas Fundraiser night on February 13th from 4-9pm at the Saratoga Springs Zupas location. Remember to mention the fundraiser at checkout, or use coupon code FUNDRAISER25 for online and app orders. Your support helps our amazing PTSA continue to support our teachers, staff, students, and community.

4. Spread the Word

It is time for our Spread the Word to End the Word campaign again. We will be selling black long sleeve t-shirts with our slogan “It’s Cool to Include”.

We are selling the shirts for $16-$18 depending on the size of the shirt. We also have the opportunity for people to sponsor a life skills student by purchasing a shirt for them, if you would like to sponsor your own student, please feel free to do so by buying a shirt in their size. Our store will be live until Friday February 16th, 2023 at midnight. Please feel free to share this with anyone you think would be interested in purchasing outside of CVHS.

Thank you for all your support!  Link here for your shirt!

6. Battle of the Bands Not Too Late to Sign Up – TIme Correction 7:00 P.M.

Are you ready to rock? We can’t wait to hear your talent and have a Rockin ‘time! This event is set to conquer the stage this coming  FEBRUARY 16, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. in the auditorium.  Please see flyer

7. Parent Night – February 15th

6-6:30pm is the English session and 7pm-7:30pm is the Spanish session with half hour intervals for questions and help.

8. CVHS Registration for Next Year

Information Assembly & Individual meetings with Frontier Counselors

Next Year’s Seniors – Feb 12th  9 AM – 9:36 AM in Auditorium

Next Year’s Juniors – March 4th  9 AM – 9:36 AM in Auditorium

Next Year’s Sophomores – March 28th 9 AM – 9:36 AM in Auditorium

Next Year’s Freshman – April 10th 5 – 7 PM

Registration Opens

Next Year’s Seniors – Feb 22nd 3 PM

Next Year’s Juniors – March 14th 3:45 PM

Next Year’s Sophomores – April 9th 3:45 PM

Next Year’s Freshman – April 23rd 3 PM

Registration Closes for all on April 30th at 11:59 PM.  Counselors will fill empty schedules starting May 1st.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s counselor. The associated alphabet with the counselor’s email link is provided below:

A-BRA Abby Taylor 

BRE-CL JeriLyn Phillips

CO-F Kristy Childs

G-HO  April Triggs 

HU-LL Debra Smith

LO-N Camille Black

O-ROB Courtney Briggs

ROC-STO Reagan Peck

STR-V Amy Easley

W-Z Joloeen Liston

9. Graduation Information

  • Walking at Graduation

The Utah Board of Education has voted to uphold the pre-pandemic standards that students must complete ALL graduation requirements to “walk” at graduation.  Graduation will be held this year on May 23rd.  All required credits must be completed by May 17th.  Check missing credits by going to Skyward and on the far left click on graduation requirements.  Once there you will see a column titled Remaining.  Whatever is listed in red is what is still outstanding.

  • Cap & Gown Orders

If you have not yet placed an order for your graduation cap and gown. The order deadline is quickly approaching, for your class of 2024 graduation products.  Please choose one of the online ordering options below. The pricing will continue to go up. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact Jostens directly.

*NOTE- all tassels, caps and gowns will be delivered in your custom school colors and designs.  Exclusive custom mascot tassel will be your exclusive school mascot and can only be ordered online.

OPTION 1:   To order graduation packages that include custom graduation announcements, photo cards, senior swag and the cap and gown please click this link:

OPTION 2:  To order the cap and gown unit and/or other individual graduation items, please click this link:

Thank you, and if you have any questions, please contact Jostens directly at or  801-766-6754

  • Other Important Graduation Dates:

May 15th Elementary Graduation Walks

May 17th Graduation Dinner Dance

May 20th Graduation Practice – Diploma, Cap & Gown, Yearbook distribution, Clearance Forms

10. Maverick – Top Gun Movie Award

We are excited to be offering students a reward to watch Top Gun – Maverick on March 29th.  This reward is for students who meet the following criteria:

Semester 1 – 5 or less unexcused absences

Semester 1 – Less than 5 tardies

Full Year      – No discipline actions

No current F’s as of March 25th, 2024

Watch for the email invitation to go out to parents and students letting them know they qualify.  This will be sent the week of March 25th.

11. Upcoming Dates to Remember

Please take note of the 2-week calendar for important upcoming events.

Thank you for your attention to these updates. Let’s continue to soar to new heights together!


Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

February 6th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme

February 6, 2024

Greetings, Aviators!

Welcome to February!  Here are some noteworthy updates and opportunities that we would like to bring to your attention.

Please make note of the following:

1. Jet Fuel

Did you know that our Jet Fuel supports student activities directly? 100% of all proceeds go back to our kiddos! Please watch this video to learn more about how your participation contributes to our students’ success!

2. Weekly Flight Plan Lesson

Every Monday during Steele Time, our students engage in creating a “Flight Plan” for the week. This includes setting a weekly goal and scheduling their activities. Additionally, teachers conduct a brief 5-10 minute connection activity.

Yesterday we discussed role models and what students can learn from their role models to pursue their dreams. I encourage you to discuss these activities with your student and share your own experiences.

3. Battle of the Bands

Are you ready to rock? We cant wait to hear your talent and have a Rockin time! This event is set to conquer the stage this coming  FEBRUARY 16, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. in the auditorium.  Please see flyer

4. Floral Arrangements

Please support our Floral Design Classes by ordering flower arrangements at wholesale cost. This not only gives our students valuable practice but also provides you with beautiful floral arrangements. The deadline to sign up is February 5 (today). You can place your order using the link here.  following link:

5. PTSA Zuppas Night

Join us for our next Zupas Fundraiser night on February 13th from 4-9pm at the Saratoga Springs Zupas location. Remember to mention the fundraiser at checkout, or use coupon code FUNDRAISER25 for online and app orders. Your support helps our amazing PTSA continue to support our teachers, staff, students, and community.

6. WIDA Testing

Multi language learners (formally English Language Learners) will participate in the yearly WIDA Test starting February 8th. Please ensure that all MLL students are well-rested and present for testing.

7. Diversity Week

Look ahead to our Diversity Week during the week of February 12th. We have exciting events planned, including a Diversity Parent Night on the 15th and a Diversity Assembly on the 16th.

8. CVHS Registration for Next Year

Information Assembly

Next Year’s Seniors –     Feb 12th  9 AM – 9:36 AM in Auditorium

Next Year’s Juniors –     March 4th  9 AM – 9:36 AM in Auditorium

Next Year’s Sophomores – March 28th 9 AM – 9:36 AM in Auditorium

Next Year’s Freshman –     April 10th 5 – 7 PM

                                           & Individual meetings with Frontier Counselors

Registration Opens

Next Year’s Seniors –     Feb 22nd 3 PM

Next Year’s Juniors –     March 14th 3:45 PM

Next Year’s Sophomores – April 9th 3:45 PM

Next Year’s Freshman –     April 23rd 3 PM

Registration Closes for all on April 30th at 11:59 PM.  Counselors will fill empty schedules starting May 1st.

9.  Teacher Work Day – February 9 Reminder

Students will not attend school on Friday, February 9th. Enjoy your extra-long weekend!

10. Vaccine Clinic

The Utah County Health Department is doing a vaccine clinic next Thursday, February 8th, at Vista Heights MS in Saratoga Springs from 3-6pm. We will have all school aged vaccines, flu vaccines and the Shingrix vaccine (for 50+).  Link Here

11. Graduation Information

  • Walking at Graduation

The Utah Board of Education has voted to uphold the pre-pandemic standards that students must complete ALL graduation requirements to “walk” at graduation.  Graduation will be held this year on May 23rd.  All required credits must be completed by May 17th.  Check missing credits by going to Skyward and on the far left click on graduation requirements.  Once there you will see a column titled Remaining.  Whatever is listed in red is what is still outstanding.


  • Cap & Gown Orders

If you have not yet placed an order for your graduation cap and gown. The order deadline is quickly approaching, for your class of 2024 graduation products.  Please choose one of the online ordering options below. The pricing will continue to go up. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact Jostens directly.

*NOTE- all tassels, caps and gowns will be delivered in your custom school colors and designs.  Exclusive custom mascot tassel will be your exclusive school mascot and can only be ordered online.

OPTION 1:   To order graduation packages that include custom graduation announcements, photo cards, senior swag and the cap and gown please click this link:

OPTION 2:  To order the cap and gown unit and/or other individual graduation items, please click this link:

Thank you, and if you have any questions, please contact Jostens directly at or  801-766-6754

  • Other Important Graduation Dates:

May 15th Elementary Graduation Walks

May 17th Graduation Dinner Dance

May 20th Graduation Practice – Diploma, Cap & Gown, Yearbook distribution

12. Community Outreach News: 

Affordable Dental Care: 8.5x11_GiveKidsAsmile_Flyer_English (1).pdf

Atención dental asequible: 8.5x11_GiveKidsAsmile_Flyer_Spanish (1).pdf

If you are new to the country and you need to validate your career credentials please see this flier. Si es nuevo en el país y necesita validar sus credenciales profesionales, consulte este folleto. Career Validation .pdf

In need of health insurance for your children please see the flier.  STATE CHIP FOR NON US CITIZENS ENG-SPA.pdf

Si es nuevo en el país y necesita seguro para sus hijos, consulte el folleto para obtener instrucciones.  StateCHIP_flyer_2023SPAN.pdf

Does your student need a computer at home? You can apply for a free donated computer for your student by using the link to apply. ¿Su estudiante necesita una computadora en casa? Utilice el enlace para solicitar una computadora gratuita para su estudiante.

13. Upcoming Dates to Remember

Please take note of the 2-week calendar for important upcoming events.

Thank you for your attention to these updates. Let’s continue to soar to new heights together!


Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

January 29th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

January 29, 2024

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme

January 29, 2024

Greetings, Aviators!

As we continue our journey through the 2023-24 academic year. Here are some noteworthy updates and opportunities that I would like to bring to your attention.

Please make note of the following:

1. Weekly Flight Plan Lesson

Every Monday during Steele Time, our students engage in creating a “Flight Plan” for the week. This includes setting a weekly goal and scheduling their activities. Additionally, teachers conduct a brief 5-10 minute connection activity. Last week, our students crafted inspiring vision boards, and this week, teachers shared stories about pursuing dreams and overcoming obstacles. I encourage you to discuss these activities with your student and share your own experiences.

2 . Floral Arrangements

Please support our Floral Design Classes by ordering flower arrangements at wholesale cost. This not only gives our students valuable practice but also provides you with beautiful floral arrangements. You can place your order using the following link:

3. Parking

A heartfelt thank you to our amazing students for respecting the no parking zone in front of the school, contributing to the improved safety of our students. While our parking lots are fuller, there is still ample space. Please remind your students that yellow painted stalls are designated for faculty only, and the parking lot is off-limits to students.  If you are a parent or visitor, please park where the lines are white not yellow to provide ample room for when a teacher needs to bring in items for their classes.

4. Student Council Elections 

Is your student interested in being part of our Student Leadership at Cedar Valley? We are actively seeking motivated students who want to contribute to the planning and execution of school activities and dances. Encourage your student to run for Student Council! Applications are available now in the Front Office, and there is a mandatory Parent meeting on February 8th. The deadline for applications is February 16th. For any inquiries, please contact Charlotte Ducos at [email protected][email protected]

5. Upcoming Dates to Remember

Please take note of the 2-week calendar for important upcoming events.

Thank you for your attention to these updates. Let’s continue to soar to new heights together!


Courtney Johnson


January 22nd, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

January 22, 2024

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme

Greetings Aviators,

Welcome to another exciting week at CV!  As we navigate the academic skies, let’s keep the momentum high and make it a fantastic end to term 3.

Please make note of the following:

1. WIDA Testing For English Language Learners

On Thursday, February 8, English language learning students will be participating in WIDA testing. For more information, please visit our website or contact Courtney Briggs at

2. Teacher Work Day – February 9

Students will not attend school on Friday, February 9th. Enjoy your extra-long weekend!

3. Yearbook Information

We have a few students who still need their pictures taken for the yearbook. If your child was absent on picture day, please visit room B127 this week during lunch. We want every student to be included in the yearbook, and there is no charge for this service.

The price of the yearbook will increase to $69 on February 1, 2024—so be sure to get yours before the price goes up. We have sold out for the past three years.

Seniors, we need your quote! If you did not fill out the Google form last semester, please go to room B127 and submit your quote.

4. Free After-School Tutoring Lab on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Encourage your students to stay on top of their studies by taking advantage of our free after-school tutoring labs. Held every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 to 4:30 in the cafeteria, we are committed to helping our students excel academically.

5. Seniors and Parents

If you have not yet placed an order for your graduation cap and gown. The order deadline is quickly approaching, for your class of 2024 graduation products.  Please choose one of the online ordering options below and order if at all possible, by February 1st. The pricing will continue to go up after this date. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact Jostens directly.

*NOTE- all tassels, caps and gowns will be delivered in your custom school colors and designs.  Exclusive custom mascot tassel will be your exclusive school mascot and can only be ordered online.

OPTION 1:  To order graduation packages that include custom graduation announcements, photo cards, senior swag and the cap and gown please click this link:

OPTION 2:  To order the cap and gown unit and/or other individual graduation items, please click this link:

Thank you, and if you have any questions, please contact Jostens directly at or  801-766-6754

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Thank you for your attention to these updates, and let’s soar to new heights together!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

January 16th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

January 16,  2024
Cleared For Takeoff!  2023-24 School Theme


Welcome back to a very cold but beautiful blue sky’s Tuesday.  We hope you enjoyed your extended weekend!

Please make note of the following:

1: Bell to Bell

We need to keep students in class for the entire duration from bell-to-bell because not doing so poses a safety concern for our students. We have had students say their teacher let them out early. We know students don’t always state this accurately, however when there’s a large group of students it becomes problematic.

2: Students need to be in classes they are enrolled in.

In light of recent safety concerns, we need your help in implementing a more stringent approach to classroom access during your designated classes. There have been instances where students have been difficult to locate, posing potential safety risks. Additionally, we’ve observed cases of students skipping their assigned classes to attend others. This is not safe, professional or an acceptable practice.

To address this, we ask that you ensure only students enrolled in your class during a specific period are present in your classroom. If you encounter students who do not belong to your class during that time, please direct them to their assigned class or promptly notify the main office.  Your vigilance in enforcing this policy will greatly contribute to the safety and overall well-being of our sc

3. Stakeholders Report Pictures Needed.

 We need pictures of teams and clubs. DJ can include as many as she receives. This report highlights all the great things you guys are doing with our kiddos.

4. Suggestion Box – Possible Solutions (we changed this to be anonymous)

Please submit your input and possible solutions here!  We would love to hear from you! Your suggestions will be discussed in weekly admin meetings and with our School Steering Committee.  Please link here.

 5 . Historical Emails

To view historical emails, please link here to Principal Johnson Weekly Update and select the box that says Weekly Update.

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic end of term 3!


Courtney, Anna, Bill, Colin, Kimberly, Scott, and Kenyon

Monday, January 8th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off! 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, January 8, 2024


Greetings and Happy New Year!

I trust you had an enjoyable and rejuvenating break. As we embark on this new year, it brings opportunities for fresh beginnings. I encourage you to stay updated on your child’s progress and attendance through Skyward each week. Remarkable things are unfolding within the classrooms at CVHS every day, and your child’s consistent attendance plays a crucial role in their success.

Please take note of the following announcements:

1. New Red Zone on Aviator Ave:

A new red zone and no parking area have been established on both sides of Aviator Ave. Signs will soon be installed, and the city will strictly enforce the no-parking rule. This decision stems from concerns raised by parents, the school, and the community regarding safety. Parking on either side of Aviator Ave. obstructs views, posing risks to pedestrians, cars leaving the school parking lot, and, ultimately, our students’ safety. We express gratitude to the School Community Council for their dedication to school safety. Your efforts, including emails, meetings, and communication with the city, have been invaluable. Thank you for contributing to this positive change.

2. Free After-School Tutoring Lab Tuesdays and Thursdays

We have an after-school tutoring lab each Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-4:30 to help students with any homework and assignments. We had so many students get the help they needed last term and we truly appreciate the teachers willing to help the kids after school!

3. Jet Time Change Effective January 22

Aviation, Connection, and Encouragement time! Jet Time has changed in response to Intervention (RTI) needs. We have incorporated it into our existing Steele Time (with an “e”), introducing a brief weekly lesson. During Steele Time, students will engage in assignments aimed at equipping, empowering, and encouraging them to pursue their academic and professional aspirations.

A concise and straightforward curriculum is set to commence on January 22nd.

Parents are encouraged to engage in conversations with their students about the content covered during Steele Time. These discussions will contribute to students’ growth in thinking about their future, providing them with the skills necessary for success later on.

4. Reminder: Class Changes for Semester 2

Please note that no class changes for Semester 2 will be permitted on January 8th and 9th. Subsequently, class changes will require a $5 fee along with a completed and signed class change form. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in ensuring a smooth start to the new semester.

5. New Students and Chromebooks/Canvas Courses

If your student is new to our school this term they will be receiving a school-issued Chromebook and an accompanying Canvas login. Please be patient as this generally takes several days from registration time to the assigning of the Chromebook. Teachers will work with you until you receive the Chromebook and canvas access.

6. Administration and Counselor Student Assignments

For any inquiries regarding your student, please reach out to the appropriate contact:


If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s counselor. The associated alphabet with the counselor’s email link is provided below:

A-BRA Abby Taylor

BRE-CL JeriLynn Phillips

CO-F Kristy Childs

G-HO April Triggs

HU-LL Debra Smith

LO-N Camille Black

O-ROB Courtney Briggs

ROC-STO Reagan Peck

STR-V Amy Easley

W-Z Joleen Liston


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s administrator. Please see the associated alphabet with the counselor email link below:

A-CE Administrator: Scott Mansfield

CH-GI Administrator: Anna Butler and Courtney Johnson

GL-KR Administrator:: Kimberly Moore

KU-PAN Administrator: Colin Gill

PAR-SME Administrator: Bill Sivert

SMITH-Z Administrator: Kenyon Christen

7. Parent Support Information

Just a reminder that you can monitor your student’s progress on Canvas and Skyward. This is very important to do each week. Skyward and Canvas take a little time to sink accurately, so it’s important to check both often.

Go to Canvas and look for an “observer parent account” that your student will need to give parent permission to observe by giving you a code. Link Here for more information.

In addition, please check Skyward weekly for unexcused absences I recommend withholding weekend privileges for students failing classes. It works!

8. Martin Luther King Day

There will be no school next week on Monday, January 15, in honor of Martin Luther King Day. School will be back in session, on Tuesday, January 16 – which is a B Day. Link Here for district calendar information.

9. FAFSA Night for Seniors
January 17th from 4:45 PM – 6:45 PM we will have volunteers available at the school to assist in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Most scholarships require that you complete this to qualify, regardless of need. Remember that the FAFSA application process can take several days from start to finish. Plan accordingly per your scholarship deadlines. If you need immediate assistance please contact [email protected].

10. University of Utah High School Conferences and Tours

Cedar Valley has the opportunity to go to two college high school conferences and tours to the University of Utah. The first is the African and Black Diaspora Conference which is scheduled for Thursday, February 1st. The second is the Pacific Islander Conference scheduled for March 14th. The permission slips and registration need to be turned in at the Student Center by Friday, January 26th for the African and Black Diaspora Conference and Friday, March 8th for the Pacific Islander Conference. Each tour is a first come first serve. The permission slips with all the information are below. While this event centers the experience for BIPOC students, any interested student is invited to attend. Students cannot have current F’s or discipline actions.

African and Black Diaspora Conference

Pacific Islander Conference

11. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s work together to ensure the success of the 2024 new year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

December 18th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off!  2023-24 School Theme

December 18, 2023,

Dear Aviators,

Welcome to the last week of school before Christmas break!   I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends. I included my cookbook (#4) in this email so you can try some of my favorite recipes this Christmas season.  I look forward to seeing all of you bright and early on Monday, January 8th.

See you next year!

Please make note of the following:

1. Last Day Of School Term 2

Thursday is our last day of school.  Students will be dismissed at 11:15.  Lunch will be served at 10:40.

2. Class Changes for Semester 2 Reminder

Please see last week’s email regarding class changes for term 3.

3. Pizza & Parents Student Study Group 

We have our next Pizza & Parents Student Study Group on Tuesday, December 19th after school from 2:30-4:30 P.M.. If students have homework they need to catch up on please have them communicate with their teacher about assignments and come to our study group so they can catch up before the end of the term on Dec. 22nd. Please see the flyer for more information. December Pizza, Parent, Student Study Group.pdf

Grupo de estudio de estudiantes de pizza y padres

Tendremos nuestro próximo grupo de estudio de estudiantes de Pizza & Parents el martes 19 de diciembre después de clases de 2:30 a 4:30 p.m. Si los estudiantes tienen tareas que necesitan ponerse al día, pídales que se comuniquen con su maestro sobre las tareas y que vengan a nuestro grupo de estudio para que puedan ponerse al día antes de que finalice el trimestre el 22 de diciembre. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. December Pizza, Parent, Student Study Group.pdf

4. Mrs. Johnson’s Cookbook Download

Most of you know that cooking is my way of showing how much I care about my loved ones.  I have created a cookbook to share my favorite tried and true recipes.  My dad’s original spaghetti is so incredible!  If you like homemade rolls and cinnamon rolls, I got you!.  Just make sure on the second rising that you let it rise until you see tiny bubbles form before you bake.  These are life-changing!  I noticed a couple of formatting mistakes, but you should be able to see the recipes well enough.  Link here!  Enjoy!

5. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal