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August 13th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s not the plane, it’s the pilot! 2024-25 School Theme


We’re excited to welcome all our students back on Thursday, August 15th! We’ll be rolling out the red carpet again. Please remind your students to enter through the front doors for a fun experience.

Please take note of the following:

1. School Pictures – Updated Information

For today and tomorrow, pictures are open to any student, however; we are focusing on new students so we can get them their ID cards. Existing students can use last year’s ID cards so there is not rush to get their pictures taken today and tomorrow.

Here is the information for school pictures. The event code is FE134924. Please note that the event code will not be active until Tuesday, August 13th, the day of the first picture day.

For more details, click here for Picture Day information. ¡Preparate ! El Día de la foto escolar es

Picture Day Schedule:

Tuesday, August 13th: 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Wednesday, August 14th: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Thursday, August 29th: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Friday, August 30th: 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Wednesday, September 25th: Retake Day, 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM

2. School Community Council Interest

We have a few positions open on our School Community Council. Serving on the School Community Council is a wonderful way for parents and teachers to contribute and help improve academic performance at our school. If you are interested in serving and would like to be placed on the ballot, please fill out this SCC interest form.

3. PTSA Information

Did you know that PTSA’s mission statement is to Advocate for every child??? PTA has been around for 125 years. Through our memberships, we have been able to lobby and help pass bills such as: hot lunches for students, all day kindergarten, Arts in Education and school safety.

At CVHS, the PTSA does the following:

– Leadership opportunities

– Senior Scholarships

– Designated parking spots (on front row)

– Reflections

– Teen Safe Driving

– Haunted Hallways

– Secret Santa notes

– Healthy Relationship Month

– Battle of the Bands

– Teacher Meals- during Parent/Teacher conferences

– Teacher Appreciation

Please consider joining both as Parents and Students. Click the links below to sign up.



4. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year! See you soon!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

August 8th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

August 8, 2024


I am so excited to kick off another fantastic school year for 2024-25! Here are a few important items to keep in mind before we see you all on Tuesday at our Back to School event from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Let’s make it the best year yet!

Please make note of the following:

1. Summer Mailer Reminder

We sent our annual summer “Airline Ticket” with a QR code that will provide everything you need to know about coming back to school! I am very excited to see you all again! Here is the link to our “Back To School” summer mailer if you have not received it yet.

2. School Pictures Updated Information

In the summer mailer information, we did not have the “Event Code” for pictures. The event code is FE134924 The event code will not be live until Tuesday, August 13th – The day of the first picture day.

I was told that parents will receive an email about two to three days before picture day reminding them that the picture day is coming up and then another email will share information regarding accessing your student pictures.

3. School Community Council Interest

Please see the communication sent out on July 25, 2024, regarding SCC elections. Link here if you are interested in being placed on the ballot. We will hold elections on August 26, 2024.

4. Parking Changes and Reminders

Cedar Valley has made some changes to our parking lot configuration! Our growth has made this a necessity, but we are confident our students’ parking needs will be met. The first big change is that we have designated several stalls in the front of the building for visitors. They are labeled and we hope that these areas will help our visitors have easier access to our school. Parents and other visitors are encouraged to use these spots, so students, please respect these designated areas and keep them open for our visitors. Another big change is that we have designated the Northwest parking lot for teacher/staff parking. We still have several staff spots designated around the perimeter of the building but have also opened up some spots for students in the northeast lot formerly reserved for teachers.

Please remember that all students must have a parking pass to park in the school lots. Passes are available at the finance window after students have paid their school fees. As a reminder, all stalls reserved for faculty/staff, and now visitors, are painted with yellow lines. Stalls painted with white lines are for students. Students should plan on parking in the northeast lot and the lots south of the school. The southwest lot always has spots available even though it’s a bit farther to walk. Please remember that the curb along the road in front of the school is not available for parking, but parking along the road is allowed west of the high school.

We know that parking is a concern with a school this large. Please be respectful of the parking areas and have your students plan for the traffic of a large school.

5. Skyward Student Information Update Reminder

Please see the email sent on July 25th regarding your child’s Skyward account.

6. Cedar Valley High 24-25 Reg Ed Bus Stop Info is Now Online

Bus Information Link

District Transportation has added three additional buses for our school for a total of 18 drivers/buses this year due to our school being the largest high school in the district and having 9th graders.





Vehicle Name


Webb, David

Cedar Valley High AM 1/Frontier Middle AM 1





Cedar Valley High AM 2




Lopez, Hilda

Cedar Valley High AM 3




Snyder, Brandi

Cedar Valley High AM 4




McCord, Shawn

Cedar Valley High AM 5




Bills, Mario

Cedar Valley High AM 6




Schafler, Jennifer

Cedar Valley High AM 7




LeClaire, Michael

Cedar Valley High AM 8




Lopez, Edwin

Cedar Valley High AM 9




Whitney, Laura

Cedar Valley High AM 10




Goodwin, Chris

Cedar Valley High AM 11




Sager, Rose

Cedar Valley High AM 12




Worth, Lorri

Cedar Valley High AM 13




Dupre, Joseph

Cedar Valley High AM 14




Black, Glen

Cedar Valley High AM 15




Arnold, Justin

Cedar Valley High AM 16




Walling, Joshua (Todd)

Cedar Valley High AM 17




Barney, Joseph

Cedar Valley High AM 18



If you have questions please contact Michelle Gray.

(801) 610-8852 x886306

[email protected]

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

See you soon!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

July 25th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

July 25, 2024


Welcome back! I hope you are all having a wonderful summer. I am so excited to see everyone return to school! We have many exciting activities already planned for this year. I wanted to make you aware of a few things before all of the back-to-school activities. Please make note of the following:

1. Summer Mailer

We sent our annual summer “Airline Ticket” with a QR code that will provide everything you need to know about coming back to school! I am very excited to see you all again! Here is the link to our “Back To School” summer mailer if you have not received it yet. Please note, that Adobe may temporarily shut down the site from time to time. You may need to try again at a later time.

2. School Community Council Interest

We have a few positions open on our School Community Council. Serving on the School Community Council is a wonderful way for parents and teachers to contribute and help improve academic performance at our school. If you are interested in serving and would like to be placed on the ballot, please fill out this SCC interest form.

3. Message From Our PTSA

On behalf of the PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association), we ask you to take less than 5 minutes to fill out the following needs assessment. The PTSA aims to serve more effectively, and this is a great way to share your thoughts as parents. Additionally, the PTSA is looking for the following positions for the upcoming school year: membership chair, reflections chair, battle of the bands chair, and student leadership chair. Please contact Kimberly Horinek if you have any questions or you may call her at 801-573-9887.

4. Skyward Student Information Update

Please log into your parent Skyward account on a browser to review and complete all steps of the Student Information Update. The app feature is not available for this process.

Completing all steps is necessary for your student to use technology at school and bring their Chromebooks home. This update also allows you to update any outdated phone numbers and email addresses and set up Skylert, which manages how you receive notifications from the school.

If you need assistance logging into your parent Skyward account, please contact the school at 801-610-8825.

5. Chromebooks

Please make sure your student’s Chromebook is charged and ready for the first day of school. In addition, please ensure that you have completed the Computer Usage Agreement so your child’s account will remain activated and they will have access to Gmail and other educational programs.

6. HB 182 Survey Information

I wanted you to be aware of the new House Bill 182. Effective July 1, 2024 schools must have prior consent from parents for any non-academic surveys that include social emotional learning questions. This includes any survey that is a psychological exam, test, analysis, or evaluation where a student may reveal information, whether personally identifiable or not, concerning the student or family members political affiliation, mental or psychological philosophies, sexual behavior or attitudes, illegal or self-incriminating behavior, religious affiliation or beliefs or income.

Starting this year in Skyward, Alpine School District will be gathering prior consent for the following student surveys:

Alpine Culture, Climate and Connection Survey

State of Utah School Climate Survey

Title IX Surveys

In Skyward, a tab will be created where parents, as crucial stewards of their child’s education, will indicate their support of these surveys at the time of student registration. This process in Skyward will provide prior consent for the above surveys. Only students who have parental consent can participate in these surveys. Surveys not indicated above that request personal information listed in the second paragraph will require additional parental consent a minimum of two weeks before the survey will be given. Only students whose parents have given consent can take the survey. In addition, rewards for participation or consequences for non-participation in surveys is prohibited.

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Enjoy the rest of your summer!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, May 20th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme

May 20, 2024


We did it! Graduation is in three days, and we couldn’t be more excited! We will miss our seniors and are so thrilled for their bright futures. Once an Aviator, always an Aviator.

Please take note of the following important summer-related information:

1. Driver’s Education – Now Accepting Students for Summer Driver’s Ed

We have a total of 108 spots available for June and July. Currently, 96 students have registered for June and 26 students for July. Spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so sign up soon!

Please sign up on this Google Form

If you have any questions please email BJ Roberts at [email protected]

2. ACT Boot Camp

Begins Monday, June 3rd and ends Friday, June 7th from 8 am to 12 pm. It’s a great way to study for a retake or get ahead of next year’s ACT test. You’ll get help and strategies from three teachers: English, math, and science. The cost is $75 and it includes a test voucher. If you’re interested, you can register at the school’s finance office or link here.

For questions, email Mr. Christensen

     10 Reasons Why You Should Take the ACT Boot Camp

  1. Structured Learning: Provides a consistent study schedule.

  2. Expert Guidance: The instructor offers tips and strategies.

  3. Targeted Practice: Focuses on specific test sections.

  4. Test-Taking Strategies: Teaches time management and techniques.

  5. Mock Exams: Simulates the actual test environment.

  6. Personalized Feedback: Helps identify and correct mistakes.

  7. Confidence Building: Increases familiarity and reduces anxiety.

  8. Peer Support: Motivates and provides additional perspectives.

  9. Resource Availability: Offers comprehensive study materials.

  10. Goal Setting: Ensures accountability and progress.

Overall, an ACT course can significantly boost your test performance and confidence.

3. CVHS Community Outreach Information

Parents if you are in need of some extra food for the summer please come to our free food giveaway on Friday, May 31, 2024 from 9:30am-12:30pm at the high school in the front office. First come first serve. Please see the flier for details.CVHS Food Giveaway 5:31:24 Comida Gratis.pdf

Padres, si necesitan algo de comida adicional para el verano, vengan a nuestro sorteo de comida gratuito el viernes 31 de mayo de 2024 de 9:30 a. m. a 12:30 p. m. en la oficina principal de la escuela secundaria. Se le sirve en orden de llegada. Consulte el folleto para obtener más detalles.

CVHS Food Giveaway 5:31:24 Comida Gratis.pdf

If you are in need of food throughout the duration of the summer please see the following fliers for locations and times in Eagle Mountain where your family can get food. Summer Resource List: Recoursos de Verano.pdf Mountain Trails Summer Meals (comida para estudiantes)

Si necesita alimentos durante todo el verano, consulte los siguientes folletos para conocer los lugares y horarios en Eagle Mountain donde su familia puede conseguir alimentos. Summer Resource List: Recoursos de Verano.pdf

Mountain Trails Summer Meals (comida para estudiantes)

4. Summer School

CVHS is now enrolling students for summer school! The dates are June 10th – 28th. Here are the steps to sign up:

  1. Meet with your counselor to determine which classes you need to take.

  2. Fill out the online form with your information.

  3. Pay the $25 registration fee (nonrefundable) before June 12, either online or at the finance office.

Summer school schedule

Sign up

5. Counseling Office Summer Hours

The counseling office will be closed the following days for the end of the year and summer.

  • May 23rd for graduation.

  • May 28th – 29th for Professional Development.

  • All of July

  • August 8th & 12th for Professional Development

6.  Front Office Hours 

  • May 23rd closed for graduation.

  • Summer hours Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00. p.m.

7. Back to School & Pre Boarding Save the Date for Next School Year

Back to School August 13th, 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. – Teacher available, school pictures, Chromebook check out, locker rental, parking passes and fees

Preboarding August 14th 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.  Teachers will not be available, school pictures, Chromebook check out, locker rental, parking passes, and fees.

8.  Senior Graduation Information (Tonight)

Graduation Party

Tickets for the All Night Grad Party are available on GoFan and can be purchased right now.  Please purchase now so we can get our count solidified for the venue.  You can get your tickets here:

Senior Sunset (Corrected)

Senior Sunrise is Monday, May 20 at the Stadium.  Attendance is free.  Bring your yearbook to be signed!


Lagoon day is Tuesday, May 21. Lagoon tickets can ONLY be purchased at the finance window at Cedar Valley after all fees and fines have been paid and the student’s Chromebook has been turned in or purchased. Chromebook turn-in is on May 14.  Lagoon tickets go on sale on May 16 and must be purchased by the time the Finance window closes on Monday, May 20.  We leave too early on Tuesday morning for students to purchase tickets on Lagoon Day so please plan.  Students also need to sign up for a chaperone at the finance office.  We will be traveling on Frontrunner to Lagoon, signing up for and traveling with a chaperone is a UTA requirement. (Not required to stay with a chaperone at Lagoon).

For additional details about Senior activities, schedules, times, and logistics, please see the slide show presented at the Senior Graduation Assembly, found HERE.

Questions? Contact Charlotte Ducos at [email protected].

9. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

We have so many fun events lined up to wind down the end of the school year! I appreciate your support and for raising some of the most amazing students I have ever worked with. Thank you so much!

You are “Cleared for Takeoff”!  We did it!


Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

Monday, May 13th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, May 13, 2024


Happy Monday! I hope all the wonderful mothers of our students had a fantastic Mother’s Day yesterday. Thank you for raising our amazing students.

Last week was National Teacher Appreciation Week! We have fantastic teachers at Cedar Valley High School. Our wonderful PTSA did an amazing job recognizing our teachers.

Please make note of the following:


1. Summer School

CVHS is starting to enroll students in summer school! The dates will be June 10th – 28th. Here are the steps to sign up:

1. Meet with your counselor to determine what classes you need to take.

2. Fill out the online form with your information.

3. Pay the $25 registration fee before June 12 (nonrefundable) online or at the finance office.

Summer school schedule

Sign up


2. Only Two Weeks Left!

Can you believe we’re already nearing the end of the school year? Just two weeks left, with only one full Friday remaining. Time flies! With activities, dances, and graduations coming up, things are going to be busy around here.


3. Counseling Office Summer Hours

The counseling office will be closed the following days for the end of the year and summer.

  • May 23rd for graduation.

  • May 28th – 29th for Professional Development.

  • All of July

  • August 8th & 12th for Professional Development


3.  Preboarding Save the Date for Next School Year

August 13th and 14th Preboarding


4. How to Clear Locker Fines

If your student was not able to clean out their locker by Friday, May 10th, they have received a locker fine.  To clear that fine, they need to clean out their locker and bring the yellow fine sheet to the attendance office to have their locker checked and the fine will be cleared from their account.


5. Seniors and Parents of Seniors

Senior events are in full swing starting this week!  Please check out the information on all Senior activities and events HERE.



Graduates can sign up to participate in the walk-through celebration at their elementary school on Wednesday, May 15th at 1:00 pm. Please wear your cap and gown to the school. You will need to provide your transportation. Participating schools are Ranches Academy, Black Ridge Elementary, Pony Express Elementary, Eagle Valley Elementary, Mountain Trails Elementary, Hidden Hollow Elementary, and Cedar Valley Elementary. Seniors are encouraged to sign up for their school on the following l Link (NOTE: Please make sure you have completed the information by the end of the day, Monday, May 13th)


Photo Opportunities

The only photo opportunity will be on Wednesday, May 15th, before the ACE Awards Ceremony from 4:00 pm – 5:45 pm. The Fuselage, ACE the Kestrel, balloon arch, and Aviator backdrops will be set up in the Commons area. Parents and graduates are welcome to come during that time and take pictures. Note: There will not be a photographer taking pictures. You must bring your own.


Recognition Night

ACE Awards Ceremony is on Wednesday, May 15th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the auditorium. Aviator Scholar Medals, 4.0 Medals, Sterling Scholar Cords, associate degrees, and General Education Certificate stoles will be presented. We will recognize scholarships and awards earned. Best dress is encouraged and refreshments will be served.


Custom Aviator Tassel

The correct tassels have arrived and your seniors can pick them up or exchange them in the Student Center.


Graduation Practice

Graduation practice will be on Monday, May 20th from 8:00 – 9:30 am in the auditorium. ALL STUDENTS PLANNING ON WALKING AT GRADUATION MUST ATTEND THIS MEETING. Instruction for graduation will be given only at this time.


Graduation Assembly information Slideshow link


Senior Dinner Dance

Tickets for the Senior Dinner Dance, as announced and sent out through multiple avenues, are no longer available due to the count needing to be provided to the caterer last Friday.  For those who have tickets, the dance is on Friday, May 17 at the Interform Club at the Real Salt Lake Stadium.  Don’t forget your Student ID and your electronic ticket!


Graduation Party

Tickets for the All Night Grad Party are available on GoFan and can be purchased right now.  Please purchase now so we can get our count solidified for the venue.  You can get your tickets here:


Senior Sunrise

Senior Sunrise is Monday, May 20 at the Stadium.  Attendance is free.  Bring your yearbook to be signed!



Lagoon day is Tuesday, May 21. Lagoon tickets can ONLY be purchased at the finance window at Cedar Valley after all fees and fines have been paid and the student’s Chromebook has been turned in or purchased. Chromebook turn-in is on May 14.  Lagoon tickets go on sale on May 16 and must be purchased by the time the Finance window closes on Monday, May 20.  We leave too early on Tuesday morning for students to purchase tickets on Lagoon Day so please plan.  Students also need to sign up for a chaperone at the finance office.  We will be traveling on Frontrunner to Lagoon, signing up for and traveling with a chaperone is a UTA requirement. (Not required to stay with a chaperone at Lagoon).


For additional details about Senior activities, schedules, times, and logistics, please see the slide show presented at the Senior Graduation Assembly, found HERE.

Questions? Contact Charlotte Ducos at [email protected].


5. IMPORTANT: Financial information

Due to the high volume of student needs at the finance office this week and next, phone calls and emails may be greatly delayed.  Please note I will be reviewing them as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience.

The finance office will be closed on the morning of May 15th until all fines are charged to students’ accounts.  Once this process is done, the finance office will open.

The last day to purchase a yearbook on will be May 17th at 2:30 pm.  After the 17th, you will be able to purchase the yearbook only at the finance office. Yearbooks have sold out in the past.  First come first serve.

The finance office will be closed the morning of May 21st until yearbook distribution begins.


6. Weekly Flight Plan Lesson

This week students were asked to reflect on the importance of empathy. They were encouraged to take a quiz on empathy and brainstorm ways they could improve their ability to empathize with others.


7. Fun Event for the whole family! Support our CVHS Students at the Annual Band Fundraiser 5K, Car Show, Carnival, and BBQ, featuring Live Jazz Music!


The band program at Cedar Valley is hosting a fundraiser in May! This fundraiser helps support the program for the whole year (hundreds of kids in our community are part of the band program here!) We’d love your support!

Early bird pricing ends on April 18th, and we’d love to have as many people signed up by then as possible!

Click to sign up or get tickets today:

Come run our 5K! Walk our car show (or join it)! Bring your kids to our carnival! Eat a delicious BBQ lunch! Listen to live jazz music!

It’s going to be a blast for the whole family, and goes to a great cause!

For more information see our flier HERE, or visit our website linked above!


8. Eagle Mountain Youth Council Information

Students in grades 8-12 who reside or attend school in Eagle Mountain, Cedar Fort or Fairfield are eligible to participate in the Youth Council.  Please link here for more information.  You may also contact Angeline Washburn for more information.

9. CVHS Greenhouse Sale – Updated Hours & Product List
Thank you for supporting our greenhouse sale this past weekend! We are about 80% sold out, but we still have a nice variety remaining. The product list has been updated on (scroll to the bottom of the page).

We will be open the following hours this week only:

Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Final Day Friday (5/17), 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.



We are now accepting students for  Summer Driver’s Ed.  We have a total of 108 spots for June and July. Currently, we have 96 signed up for June and 26 signed up for July.  These sign-ups are on a first come first serve basis. Please sign up on this Google Form.  If you have any questions please email BJ Roberts at [email protected]


11. Upcoming Dates to Remember


2-week calendar

We have so many fun events lined up to wind down the end of the school year! I appreciate your support and for raising some of the most amazing students I have ever worked with. Thank you so much!


I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to every one of you for your hard work and dedication to our students. Let’s make these last couple of weeks count and finish the year on a high note!




Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

May 6th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, May 6, 2024

I hope this is the last cold week of the season!  We only have two full Fridays left before school is out for summer!

Please take note of the following:

1.  The Senior Graduate Alumni Elementary School Walk is May 15th at 1 P.M. 

This is an opportunity for seniors to go back to their elementary school and walk the halls with their cap and gown. This is such a fun celebration. Please use this link to sign up for the school you will be visiting. We want our elementary schools to be prepared for your students.

2. Senior Chromebook Return

On May 14th, all seniors are required to return their school Chromebooks to the school. Failure to do so will result in a $150 fine. Alternatively, seniors have the option to purchase their Chromebooks on May 14th at school or later at the ASD Warehouse.

Seniors will be called down to the Main Gym in alphabetical order between 8 A.M. and 2 P.M. During this time, they may choose to purchase their Chromebooks for $30 or return them. If a senior cannot be present during these hours, a parent may return their child’s Chromebook before 2:00 P.M. If you wish to purchase your senior’s Chromebook, this must be done before 12:00 P.M. Otherwise, you can purchase the Chromebook at the Lindon Warehouse.

3.  X Awards

“X” Awards for Athletes will be held on May 20th  @ 6 pm in our auditorium.   Awards will be given to the top athletes of the spring season and for the Year.   Medals will be given to our academic all-state winners and 3 sports athletes.  Following the ceremony we will be recognizing those athletes who will be playing at the next level.   Please come and join us as we celebrate our Athletes.

4.  Parents of Seniors 

Senior Dinner Dance Tickets MUST BE PURCHASED BY Friday MAY 10th!  The caterer has required that we provide our count by this date.  We will not be able to accommodate late purchases due to this requirement.  PLEASE PURCHASE SENIOR DINNER DANCE TICKETS TODAY!  Tickets can be purchased on GoFan :

Tickets for the All Night Grad Party are also available on GoFan and can be purchased right now.  Please consider purchasing both while you are there so we can get our count solidified for both events.

Lagoon tickets can ONLY be purchased at the finance window at Cedar Valley after all fees and fines have been paid and the student’s Chromebook has been turned in or purchased. Chromebook turn-in is on May 14.  Lagoon tickets go on sale on May 16 and must be purchased by the time the Finance window closes on Monday, May 20.  We leave too early on Tuesday morning for students to purchase tickets on Lagoon Day so please plan.  Students also need to sign up for a chaperone at the finance office.  We will be traveling on Frontrunner to Lagoon, signing up for and traveling with a chaperone is a UTA requirement. (Not required to stay with a chaperone at Lagoon).

For additional details about Senior activities, schedules, times, and logistics, please see the slide show presented at the Senior Graduation Assembly, found HERE.

Questions? Contact Charlotte Ducos at [email protected].

5.  Fun Event for the whole family! Support our CVHS Students at the Annual Band Fundraiser 5K, Car Show, Carnival, and BBQ, featuring Live Jazz Music!

The band program at Cedar Valley is hosting a fundraiser in May! This fundraiser helps support the program for the whole year (hundreds of kids in our community are part of the band program here!) We’d love your support!

Early bird pricing ends on April 18th, and we’d love to have as many people signed up by then as possible!

Click to sign up or get tickets today:

Come run our 5K! Walk our car show (or join it)! Bring your kids to our carnival! Eat a delicious BBQ lunch! Listen to live jazz music!

It’s going to be a blast for the whole family, and goes to a great cause!

For more information see our flier HERE, or visit our website linked above!

6. Lockers

All lockers need to be cleaned out by the end of the school day, Friday, May 10th. Fines will be assessed on Monday, May 13th. Fines may be removed if a student cleans out their locker and brings their yellow fine sheet to the attendance office.

7. CVHS Pizza & Parents Student Study Group

Our last two Pizza and Parent Student Study Groups are coming quickly. We will be having one tomorrow Tuesday, May 7th, and then on Tues., May 14th in the CVHS cafeteria from 2:30 P.M.-4:30 P.M. We hope students will take advantage of this extra support. Please see the flyer for more details. 5:7:24&5:14:24 Pizza Parent Student Study Group.pdf


Nuestros dos últimos grupos de estudio de pizza y padres y estudiantes llegarán pronto. Tendremos uno mañana el martes 7 de mayo y luego el martes 14 de mayo en la cafetería de CVHS de 2:30 p.m. a 4:30 p.m. Esperamos que los estudiantes aprovechen este apoyo adicional. Consulte el folleto para obtener más detalles. 5:7:24&5:14:24 Pizza Parent Student Study Group.pdf

8. Library Book Return

Please have your students return any library books to the library by Friday, May 10, 2024, to avoid book replacement fines.

9. Weekly Flight Plan Lesson

This week we asked students to think of a challenge they have overcome and how that helped them develop resilience. Then they were encouraged to share their story with a neighbor or friend in class.

10. CVHS Greenhouse Sale

Our FFA and Agriculture Program will be having their annual greenhouse sale on Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11. Additional information including hours, prices, and product list can be found at

11. End of the Year School Schedule

May 1 – 22

We will continue with our regular school schedule through May 22. Attendance will be taken. Please ensure your students have all their assignments turned in on time so teachers have ample time to grade and work with students. It’s never too late to learn; however, it is challenging for teachers to provide quality feedback if assignments are not submitted on time.

We will have limited access to teachers after graduation. Please pay attention to Skyward to monitor your child’s progress and ensure all assignments are turned in well before graduation.

Wednesday, May 22–Last Day Food Service at CVHS

May 22 is the last day we will be serving school breakfast and lunch. There will be no service on the 23rd (graduation day–no school)  and the 24th.

Thursday, May 23 – Graduation Day – No School:

Graduation will be held on Thursday, May 23rd, at 9:00 am at the BYU Marriott Center. There is no limit on the number of spectators we can have, so please come and support our seniors!  There will be no busses scheduled to or from school or graduation.

Friday, May 24, 2024: Minimal Day 7:15-11:15

Teachers will not be taking attendance on Friday, May 24, however; the school will be in session for a Minimal Day to support student learning.  School lunch will be provided.

May 24 Bussing Schedule

The bus schedule will be modified by the following:

  • Thursday, May 23rd– No bussing service

  • Friday, May 24th – Limited bus schedule from 7:45-9:15. Pick-up times will be the same and students will leave school at 9:15. A.M.

12. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

We have so many fun events lined up to wind down the end of the school year! I appreciate your support and for raising some of the most amazing students I have ever worked with. Thank you so much!


Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

Monday, Apr 29th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, Apr 29, 2024


Last week, we celebrated Administrative Professionals Day, and I want to take a moment to express our gratitude for the incredible secretaries we have here at CVHS.

As we soar into May this week, please take note of the following important information:


1. The Senior Graduate Alumni Elementary School Walk is May 15th at 1 pm. 

This is an opportunity for seniors to go back to their elementary school and walk the halls with their cap and gown. This is such a fun celebration. Please use this link to sign up for the school you will be visiting. We want our elementary schools to be prepared for your students.


2. Teacher Appreciation Week PTSA Message

All the hard work this year at CVHS has helped students explore and become “Happy Campers!”  We appreciated our teachers!

Please link here to see where you can help! PTSA is looking for donations for a trail mix bar, charcuterie lunch, breakfast, and soda bar  We are feeding 150 so please think Costco size!

If you have any questions or would like to donate something else please contact Erika @ [email protected] or 801-664-8118


3. Yearbook Second Chance

This is the last week to buy your Yearbook for $69, on May 6th they go up to $85. Get it now, they always sell out!  If you would like to pre-pay and order a yearbook, please go to myschoolfees on our website.


4. Senior Lagoon Day Reminder

Senior Lagoon Day is May 21st. Tickets can be purchased at or the finance office.


5. Senior Activities & Graduation Information

See the following presentation that gives all the information about graduation and senior activities. There is a lot of information: Lagoon, Senior Dinner Dance, Yearbook Senior Sunset, Elementary WalkThroughs, and Graduation.


6. CVHS Pizza & Parents Student Study Group

Our last two Pizza and Parent Student Study Groups are coming quickly. We will be having them on Tues., May 7th, and Tues., May 14th in the CVHS cafeteria at 2:30 pm-4:30 pm. We hope students will take advantage of this extra support. Please see the flyer for more details. 5:7:24&5:14:24 Pizza Parent Student Study Group.pdf

7. Weekly Flight Plan Lesson
This week we asked students to think of one thing they have learned about life so far. Then they were encouraged to think of someone they would like to share that advice with.


8. CVHS Greenhouse Sale

Our FFA and Agriculture Program will be having their annual greenhouse sale on Friday May 10 and Saturday, May 11. Additional information including hours, prices, and product list can be found at


9.  Band Fundraiser

Fun Event for the whole family! Support our CVHS Students at the Annual Band Fundraiser 5K, Car Show, Carnival, and BBQ, featuring Live Jazz Music!

The band program at Cedar Valley is hosting a fundraiser in May! This fundraiser helps support the program for the whole year (hundreds of kids in our community are part of the band program here!) We’d love your support!

Early bird pricing ends on April 18th, and we’d love to have as many people signed up by then as possible!

Click to sign up or get tickets today:

Come run our 5K! Walk our car show (or join it)! Bring your kids to our carnival! Eat a delicious BBQ lunch! Listen to live jazz music!

It’s going to be a blast for the whole family, and goes to a great cause!

For more information see our flier HERE, or visit our website linked above!


10. Student Fees

A gentle reminder that school fees were due at the beginning of the year. Please ensure all fees are settled before the last day of school to avoid any inconvenience. Unpaid fees will be sent to collections.


11. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Cheers to sunny May days ahead!



Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, Apr 22, 2024


Get ready to embrace the sunshine and seize the moment because we’ve got three days of sunny skies ahead at Cedar Valley High School, with CAVU (Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited) conditions!

With spring blooming around us, it’s the ideal time to step outside and enjoy our students’ activities. Tonight, we have a fabulous play lined up for you to enjoy and unwind in the auditorium. So, grab those shades, gather your loved ones, and let’s make the most of these precious moments together at Cedar Valley High School!

Please make note of the following:


1.  Chromebooks

The year-end Chromebook health check is happening tomorrow during B5 for 9-11th graders.   Remind your student that they will need to bring both their Chromebooks and chargers with them!   If they miss this check they can bring both items up to the Chromebook Center, D254, to be checked before May 2nd.   If the Chromebook is not checked by this date, we will assume the Chromebook is lost and a $150 fine will be added to their account.

2. Graduation Information

The following information was emailed out to our current Seniors, early graduates, and Juniors who will be graduating early, on Friday, March 29th. This document can be found on our website under the graduation tab and will be updated with any changes. Here are the links: 2024 Graduation Information (English) and 2024 Graduation Information (Spanish)

3. Graduation Assembly and Cap & Gown Distribution

April 25th will be the assembly to go over the senior end-of-year activities and graduation information during Steele Time (9:06 am). Following the assembly, we will be distributing the cap and gowns to seniors who are on track to graduate, pass the Civics test, and have their fees and fines paid for. After the assembly, your student counselors will have the cap and gowns for those seniors who were not able to attend or had UVU or MTech classes.

4. Honor Cord List

Congratulations to our seniors who are eligible to purchase honor cords. The list is posted outside the Student Center and Financial Office. These are based on the 3rd term Cumulative GPA. The cost is $6.00 per cord and it is optional to purchase.

The finance office will be set up to sell the honor cords during the Cap & Gown distribution on Thursday, April 25th in the gym. After that time, seniors can purchase the cords from the finance office beginning April 29th during their office hours.

5. Aviator Scholars

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 Aviator Scholars! The list of Aviator Scholars is posted outside of the Student Center/Counseling office. This is the academic Top Ten percent. The Administration distributed the congratulations letters on April 11 & 12th. Those who have not yet received their letter will receive theirs shortly.

6. Seniors – ACE Night!

We will hold our Aviator Celebration of Excellence (ACE) on Wednesday, May 15th at 6 pm! This is an evening to recognize Senior Aviators’ achievements and excellence. We can’t celebrate, however, without knowing what has been accomplished. We want to know our students’ accomplishments!

Please take a moment to fill out the survey and let us know.  Here is the link…

If you have any questions, see Marcie Murri in the Student Center.  Thank you!

7. Summer School

CVHS is starting to enroll students in summer school! The dates will be June 10th – 28th. Here are the steps to sign up:

1. Meet with your counselor to determine what classes you need to take.

2. Fill out the online form with your information.

3. Pay the $25 registration fee before June 12 (nonrefundable) online or at the finance office.

Summer school schedule

Sign up

8. Testing!

Thanks for having your kids ready for testing. We had a great testing week with fantastic engagement. As a reward, we will extend lunch for the remaining Wednesdays of the school year. Busses will run like normal, but the kids get one hour of lunch starting at 12:15. We will also spend the next two weeks pulling kids in for makeup testing. We are required to test 95% of our students, so we will work on that and need your help as we get our kids tested.

9. Senior Scholarships

Seniors, we have three Cedar Valley Specific Scholarships.  The Ultimate Flyboy Scholarship for Varsity Baseball Team Members, The Sadie Huish Memorial Art Scholarship, and a $1,000 UVU scholarship through the Keys to Success App.  If you have any questions, please come talk to Marcie Murri in the Student Center.

10.  Student Fees

A gentle reminder that school fees were due at the beginning of the year. Please ensure all fees are settled before the last day of school to avoid any inconvenience. Unpaid fees will be sent to collections.


11. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Cheers to sunny days ahead!



Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

Monday April 15th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, April 15, 2024

Dear Aviators,


Welcome back to another exciting week at Cedar Valley!

As we quickly approach the end of the year, we must work together to ensure our students successfully cross the finish line. One crucial aspect of this support is the consistent communication with your student’s teachers. I recommend that you monitor Skyward at least once per week if not daily. This proactive measure will help minimize surprises and enable timely interventions where needed.

Please make note of the following:

1. Utah Shakeout

On Thursday, April 18th, at 10:15 AM, Cedar Valley will participate in the Great Utah Shakeout. Students will be instructed to drop, cover, and hold on for approximately one minute. This exercise is vital for preparing our community for earthquake safety.

This is what teachers will use as a basis for the activity. Feel free to read over the materials and discuss this at home with your children.

Drop, Cover, and Hold On or other recommended actions such as Lock (wheels), Cover, and Hold On – if you feel shaking or get an alert.

2. Chromebook Checks for 9-11th Grades

Tuesday, April 23rd, will be our annual Chromebook check. Students will need to bring their Chromebooks and chargers to their first period. If your student will not be at CVHS during that time, please have them bring their Chromebook and charger to the Chromebook Center, D254, to be checked and avoid a fine.

3. Senior Chromebooks

On May 14th all seniors will need to return their school Chromebooks. Seniors may choose to purchase their Chromebooks for $30.00 at this time.

4. Testing Update:

We had a great testing week with good participation. We will continue to pull students in to finish testing during the next few weeks. The state requires us to test 95% of our students, so we will work towards that goal through the first week of May.

5. Graduation Information

The following information was emailed out to our current Seniors, early graduates and Juniors that will be graduating early, on Friday, March 29th. This document can be found on our website under the graduation tab and will be updated with any changes. Here are the links: 2024 Graduation Information (English) and 2024 Graduation Information (Spanish)

6. Graduation Assembly and Cap & Gown Distribution

April 25th will be the assembly to go over the senior end-of-year activities and graduation information during Steele Time (9:06 am). Following the assembly, we will be distributing the cap and gowns to seniors who are on track to graduate, pass the Civics test, and have their fees and fines paid for. After the assembly, your student counselors will have the cap and gowns for those seniors who were not able to attend or had UVU or MTech classes.

7. Honor Cord List

Congratulations to our seniors who are eligible to purchase honor cords. The list is posted outside the Student Center and Financial Office. These are based on the 3rd term Cumulative GPA. The cost is $6.00 per cord and it is optional to purchase.

The finance office will be set up to sell the honor cords during the Cap & Gown distribution on Thursday, April 25th in the gym. After that time, seniors can purchase the cords from the finance office beginning April 29th during their office hours.

8. Aviator Scholars

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 Aviator Scholars! The list of Aviator Scholars is posted outside of the Student Center/Counseling office. This is the academic Top Ten percent. The Administration distributed the congratulations letters on April 11 & 12th. Those who have not yet received their letter will receive theirs shortly.

9. Seniors – ACE Night!

We will hold our Aviator Celebration of Excellence (ACE) on Wednesday, May 15th at 6 pm! This is an evening to recognize Senior Aviators’ achievements and excellence. We can’t celebrate, however, without knowing what has been accomplished. We want to know our students’ accomplishments!

Please take a moment to fill out the survey and let us know. Here is the link…

If you have any questions, see Marcie Murri in the Student Center. Thank you!

10. Summer School At CVHS Registration Information Reminder

CVHS is starting to enroll students in summer school! The dates will be June 10th – 28th. Here are the steps to sign up:

1. Meet with your counselor to determine what classes you need to take.

2. Fill out the online form with your information.

3. Pay the $25 registration fee before June 12 (nonrefundable) online or at the finance office.

Summer school schedule

Sign up

11. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Thank you for your attention to these updates. Let’s continue to soar to new heights together!


Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

Monday, April 8th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Takeoff! 2023-24 School Theme


Monday, April 8, 2024


Dear Aviators,

Welcome back from a well-deserved spring break! I trust you all had a wonderful time reconnecting with family and loved ones. I’m excited to remind you that this Wednesday, we’ll be hosting our Community Information Night/Parent-Teacher Conferences from 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.

Our dedicated teachers will be on hand to address any questions or concerns you may have, and there will be plenty of exciting activities lined up. Plus, to add a tasty touch to the evening, we’ll have food trucks on site! We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday! For more information, please see #4 below.

Please make note of the following:


1. Summer School At CVHS Registration Information

CVHS is starting to enroll students in summer school! The dates will be June 10th – 28th. Here are the steps to sign up:

1. Meet with your counselor to determine what classes you need to take.

2. Fill out the online form with your information.

3. Pay $25 registration fee before June 12 (non refundable) online or at the finance office.

Summer school schedule

Sign up

2. April 10th ACT Day Reminder

Juniors, please bring your chargers for your Chromebooks so they don’t run out of battery during the test.

Calculator Policy

Please review the calculator policy and remember that no electronic devices except for approved calculators are allowed in the test. Smart watches, cell phones, air pods, and other electronics devices are not allowed at all during the testing period. Even if the students aren’t in the testing room, they cannot access their phones and devices during the break. Please remind the students to leave their devices in their cars or at home for the testing.

3. Support our CVHS Students at the Annual Band Fundraiser 5K, Car Show, Carnival, and BBQ, featuring Live Jazz Music!

The band program at Cedar Valley is hosting a fundraiser in May! This fundraiser helps support the program for the whole year (hundreds of kids in our community are part of the band program here!) We’d love your support!

Early bird pricing ends on April 18th, and we’d love to have as many people signed up by then as possible!

Click to sign up or get tickets today:

Come run our 5K! Walk our car show (or join it)! Bring your kids to our carnival! Eat a delicious BBQ lunch! Listen to live jazz music!

It’s going to be a blast for the whole family, and goes to a great cause!

For more information see our flier HERE, or visit our website linked above!

4. CVHS Community Outreach Night and Parent Teacher Conference April 10th.

We are excited to announce our upcoming Community Event at Cedar Valley High School on Wednesday, April 10th! You won’t want to miss it! We will have many resources here at the high school and also food trucks and giveaways!

Parent teacher conferences will be held at the same time so you can come talk with your students’ teachers as well and our counselors will be here if you have any questions. Please see the flier for more information.

April 10th Parent Info. Night English:Spanish.pdf

¡Estamos emocionados de anunciar nuestro próximo evento comunitario en Cedar Valley High School el miércoles 10 de abril! ¡No querrás perdértelo! ¡Tendremos muchos recursos aquí en la escuela secundaria y también camiones de comida y obsequios! Las conferencias de padres y maestros se llevarán a cabo al mismo tiempo para que usted también pueda venir a hablar con los maestros de sus alumnos y nuestros consejeros estarán aquí si tiene alguna pregunta. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. April 10th Parent Info. Night English:Spanish.pdf

5. Graduation Information

The following information was emailed out to our current Seniors, early graduates and Juniors that will be graduating early, on Friday, March 29th. This document can be found on our website under the graduation tab and will be updated with any changes. Here are the links: 2024 Graduation Information (English) and 2024 Graduation Information (Spanish)

6. Aviator Scholars 

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 Aviator Scholars! The list of Aviator Scholars is posted outside of the Student Center/Counseling office. This is the Top Ten percent of your class. If your name is not on the list and you have questions, please see your counselor before April 10th by 2:30 pm. Again, congratulations on this remarkable accomplishment!

7. Seniors – ACE Night!

We will hold our Aviator Celebration of Excellence (ACE) on Wednesday, May 15th at 6 pm! This is an evening to recognize Senior Aviators’ achievements and excellence. We can’t celebrate, however, without knowing what has been accomplished. We want to know our students accomplishments!


Please take a moment to fill out the survey and let us know.  Here is the link…


If you have any questions, see Marcie Murri in the Student Center.  Thank you!


8. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar


Thank you for your attention to these updates. Let’s continue to soar to new heights together!



Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School