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Monday, September 18th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, September 18, 2023


It is hard to believe that we are at the end of September. Happy Fall! Pumpkin season is ramping up. This is my favorite new recipe for the best pumpkin cookies that are amazing! Link here.

Please make note of the following:

1. School Pictures are Ready!

View and order at


Event Code: FE261823

Also Needed: Skyward Unique Student ID

2. PTSA Announcements

Reflections entries are due October 1st. Please reach out to [email protected] for more information.

Sign up for the PTSA! Parents, teachers, students, and community members can all sign up for our CVHS PTSA. Joining PTSA does not mean you must volunteer, but each new member helps support our fundraising goals and helps us to have a greater voice at the Capital. Join today! Students who join PTSA are eligible for scholarship funds and a chance at a premium parking spot!

PTSA meetings are coming up! Our next student meeting will be held on September 25th at 9:00 a.m. in the library, followed by a general meeting at 9:35 a.m. All are welcome!

October is Teen Safe Driving Month! Watch for upcoming PTSA and UHP events!

3. ASD Student Culture Climate Survey

Thursday, Oct. 5th students will take the ASD Culture, Climate, and Connection Survey for the 2023-2024 school year in their Jet Time. The purpose of the survey is to help adults improve the learning environment in order for all students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. The survey is anonymous and will not be identifiable to the student. Here is a link to the survey questions and details about the survey: Culture, Climate, and Connection Survey- Details and Questions. If you agree to have your student participate, then no other action is needed. Otherwise, please follow the instructions below to opt out of the parent consent in Skyward by September 15, 2023. We sincerely appreciate your student(s) participation.

Login to Skyward as a parent/guardian

Expand the (+) button on the left side, if needed. Click on ‘Student Information Update’

Select Student

Select ‘Mark Student Information Update as not completed and make changes.

Click on Step ‘Culture, Climate and Connection Survey Consent’ step on the right-hand side of the screen.

Click the box and then click the bottom button “Complete step” to save

Logout of Skyward

Video Link- How to opt-out of survey on Skyward

4. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a great week!


Courtney Johnson

Monday Sept 11th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, September 11, 2023


For more than two decades on September 11, 2001, many of us watched the terror attacks unfold on TV. That was an emotional day. We appreciate our Student Council, for planning and executing the ceremony this morning to honor members of our faculty and staff with the American flag patch. We honor all of the brave men and women who serve and protect our freedom. Thank you for your service.

Please make note of the following:

1. SCC Elections Announcement

We have the tabulation of the School Community Council Election. Congratulations to the following: Jenefer Bauele, Angela Duke, Manu Ford, Kristen LeClaire, and Nina Pitts.

2. Senior Assembly

Monday, Sept. 18th during Jet Time will be the Senior Josten’s Assembly where graduation information will be given out. The Senior Panoramic picture will also be taken after the assembly out on the football field.

3. Required Parking Passes

All students who drive to school are required to have a school-issued parking pass. These passes can be purchased at the finance office and are good for one school year. Parking citations have begun. Please get a parking pass as soon as possible. All school fees must be paid or a payment plan set up in order to get a parking pass.

4. Homecoming Week

A lot of fun activities are happening this week. We have Powder Puff on Wednesday plus more! Please see the calendar for all of our upcoming activities.

Homecoming Assembly Schedule

The Homecoming Assembly will be this Friday. Please see the schedule below:

1st Period: 7:45-8:54

2nd Period: 9:00 – 10:09

1st Lunch (Link here to see your teacher’s 3rd-period lunch schedule)

Lunch 10:09 – 10:44

3rd Period: 10:50 – 11:59

2nd Lunch (Link here to see your teacher’s 3rd-period lunch schedule)

3rd Period 10:15 – 11:24

Lunch 11:24 – 11:59

4th Period 12:05-1:09

Assembly 1:15 – 2:15

5. PTSA Needs You!

Our CVHS PTSA needs you! Joining the PTSA is a great way to actively be a part of your child’s education and engage with the school community. We have some key positions vacant and need volunteers to step up and help out: President-Elect, Secretary, Advocacy VP, and Battle of the Bands Coordinator.

Reflections submissions are due Oct 1! The theme this year is “I am Hopeful Because…” Reach out to [email protected] for more information.

As always, we invite you to become a PTSA member either through MySchoolFees or through this link:

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Wishing you a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Friday, September 8th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Friday, September 8, 2023

Dear Aviators,

Happy Friday! I apologize for this week’s late email. Monday was a holiday and I was out sick for a couple of days. I even hesitated to send out this email today, however; we have a couple of time-sensitive communications that I wanted you to be aware of.

Please make note of the following:

1. Floral of the Month Club

If you would like to purchase a monthly fresh flower arrangement made by our Floral Design students, sign up using this link!

2. Community Outreach Update

Click to view newsletter Community Outreach Newsletter 8:31:23.pdf

CLASES DE INGLES EN Eagle Mountain: Este otoño se ofrecerán clases de inglés en Frontier Middle School. Costarán $40, esto incluye la cuota de inscripción y el libro. Se ofrecerán lunes/miércoles de 6 a 8 p. m. o martes/jueves de 6 a 8 p. m., dependiendo del nivel de inglés que ya conozca. Haremos las inscripciones para la clase el 18 de septiembre de 5:30 p. m. a 8:30 p. m. en la escuela Frontier Middle en el remolque detrás de la escuela. Si desea tomar las clases, debe inscribirse en un horario para realizar la prueba y registrarse la noche del 18 de septiembre. Utilice el enlace para inscribirse y concertar una cita para registrarse y realizar el examen el 18 de septiembre en Frontier Middle School en Eagle Mtn.

3. PTSA Needs You!

Our CVHS PTSA needs you! Joining the PTSA is a great way to actively be a part of your child’s education and engage with the school community. We have some key positions vacant and need volunteers to step up and help out: President-Elect, Secretary, Advocacy VP, and Battle of the Bands Coordinator.

Come see what PTSA is all about on Monday, September 11th! Our student meeting is at 9 a.m. in the library, followed by our general meeting for ALL parents at 9:30 a.m. We can’t wait to see you there!

Reflections submissions are due Oct 1! The theme this year is “I am Hopeful Because…” Reach out to [email protected] for more information.

As always, we invite you to become a PTSA member either through MySchoolFees or through this link:

4. Required Parking Passes

All students who drive to school are required to have a school-issued parking pass. These passes can be purchased at the finance office and are good for one school year. Parking citations will begin after Labor Day. Please get a parking pass as soon as possible. All school fees must be paid or a payment plan set up in order to get a parking pass.

5. September 11th Flag Raising Ceremony

We are holding a flag-raising ceremony on September 11th at 7:30 a.m. to kick off Patriots Day and honor the veterans who work at Cedar Valley. The front roundabout will be closed during drop-off to accommodate this event. We encourage any students to attend this event.

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Wishing you a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

August 28th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme

August 28, 2023

Dear Aviators,

What a tremendous week we had last week!  I appreciate this community so much and I especially love how we all come together for our students.  Thank you for your sweet emails regarding all of the fun events we had since school began.  We truly have something special out here.  Please make note of the following:

1.  School Community Council Election

We have our School Community Council 2023 Election.  The ballot is live now and will close on September 1st at 5:00 PM.  Please vote here.

2. 5-Star Student App Safety

It has come to my attention that there are a few concerns with the safety of 5 Star app.  The district has vetted this app for the safety and security of student information.  Both parties agree to uphold their responsibilities under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (“PPRA”), and the Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (“COPPA”).  5 Starr considers Student Data to be confidential and does not use such data for any purpose other than to provide the services on the School’s behalf.

3. Saturn APP

The SATURN is not approved and I do not want anyone to use it.  This is the statement I shared with our faculty and staff today.

SATURN APP Click the link to read more about a social media app that has become prevalent in our secondary schools this year. Please make sure all teachers, staff, coaches, and advisors understand that the Saturn App is NOT to be used to communicate with students, and students should not be encouraged to use it to communicate about school announcements or events.

4. Career Family Night

Monday, September 25, 2023, from 5-8 P.M. at Provo High School, CTE will host a free ice cream social where you can learn more about CTE pathways and future careers.  This is for the whole family and they will have hands-on activities through the night!

5. Concurrent Enrollment

The Registration Deadline for concurrent enrollment is Thursday, September 7th!  (Just over 2 weeks away!).  If your student is having any of the below issues, please have them come to room D230 or D237:

  • Struggling to login into their UVU account.

  • Don’t know how to get admitted as a UVU student.

  • Don’t know why they should get college credit.

  • Any and all questions are welcome.

Here is the PowerPoint with 3 simple steps and a QR code to help students register.

6. ACT Preparation

It’s never too early to prepare for the ACT. is a free resource.  Use the Magic Word HONEY.

7. PTSA Needs You!

It’s not too late to join PTSA! Parents, students, teachers, and the community are all encouraged to show your support by joining PTSA. Your $8 membership makes a difference in the lives of our students and teachers! Join today through MySchoolFees, directly at, or stop by our table during club rush this week!

Our first student member meeting is Monday, September 11 at 9 am. Join us for donuts and get to know your PTSA friends. We can’t wait to see your students there!

Reflections is coming up! “I am Hopeful Because…” Submissions are due Oct 1. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.

8. Suicide Awareness Walk – Wednesday from 6:00-7:00 P.M.

September is National Suicide Awareness Month. To kick off the entire month we will have our annual walk to fight suicide THIS WEDNESDAY. There will be food trucks and community mental health resources there the entire night, starting at 6 p.m. The actual walking portion of the night starts at 7 p.m.

We have “STAY” shirts for sale in the student store. They are on sale for $5 dollars at the store starting during the first lunch today, till when the store closes on Wednesday. They will be available for purchase at the event as well but for $10.

9. Student Support Groups

The counseling office will be offering two groups this year.  One that will teach resiliency skills and another for those dealing with grief and loss.  If you are interested in your child being a part of either group please reach out to your counselor.

10.  Media Center – A Focus on Literacy and Connection

The CVMC (Cedar Valley High School Media Center) has released key takeaways, data,  and statistics from last school year. The results highlight the effectiveness of our libraries’ contribution to literacy and the betterment of education for all students. Please see the results here: Informational Data Infographic.pdf

11. Mythology

We have added another Mythology class in the 8th period on B days.  We are opening it to all grades. If your student is interested in enrolling in this class please contact their counselor ASAP.  This can count as an English elective credit.

12. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Wishing you a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

August 21st 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme

August 21, 2023

Dear Aviators,

I’m pleased to report that we’ve had an amazing first week of school!  It’s been truly inspiring to witness the enthusiasm and dedication of our students and staff.  As we move forward, let’s continue working together to make this year one of growth, achievement, and memorable experiences.  Thank you for your ongoing support.

Please make note of the following:

1. School Pictures Information

Students will be called down from class to get their pictures taken for their ID cards and the yearbook on the day listed below:

  • 10th Grade: Sept. 7

  • 11th Grade: Sept. 8

  • 12th Grade: Sept. 11

If you missed getting your school pictures taken, students may join another grade picture day or get their picture taken on our final makeup picture day, October 13. School pictures taken at CEDAR VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL on 08/15/2023 are now available for parents to view and order online.

View and order at


  • Event Code: FE261823

  • Also Needed: Skyward Unique Student ID

2. 5-Star App For CVHS!

Cedar Valley has chosen to participate in a new program called 5-Star Student. The purpose of 5-Star is to promote student engagement and involvement in school activities. Additionally, it encourages strong academic performance and growth. As students participate and do well in their academics, they will receive points, which can be redeemed for prizes at the school store. Students are encouraged, but not required, to download the app via their smartphone. If they don’t have a smartphone, they can utilize the website login and earn points by entering a code provided by an event organizer. This new program will bring more students together and build a sense of community, culture, and academic achievement within Cedar Valley. Please view this video and visit our website for more information.

3. Required Parking Passes

All students that drive to school are required to have a school-issued parking pass. These passes can be purchased at the finance office and are good for one school year. Parking citations will begin after Labor Day. Please get a parking pass as soon as possible.

4. PTSA Spirit Night

PTSA Spirit Night is this Wednesday from 4-9 pm at the Saratoga Springs Zupas. Come feed your family and support your local PTSA! Don’t forget to join PTSA at – let your voice be heard in your child’s education.

5. School Lunch Workers Needed

We are serving more students than ever before.  We have two lunch positions. Starting hourly wage is $15.67. The perks of the job are the same hours and days off as your students.  We follow the Alpine School District Calendar.  Hours are between 7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. No previous experience is needed.  Please link here to apply.

6. Club Rush:

Club rush week will be August 28th – September 1st. Students will see clubs that are available and have a chance to join. Parent permission forms are required for club participation. Hard copies are available in the front office.  If a student would like to start a club, application forms are also available in the front office. In order to have a booth for Club Rush Week, students wishing to form a club need to turn in their application on or before Wednesday, August 23rd. If you have any questions, ask Mr. Gill in the front office.

7. Chromebook Insurance Plan:

-The open enrollment for insurance on the Chromebooks closes on September 15. The insurance is a great deal! It only costs $25 for full coverage with no deductible. Please click here for more information and to sign up.

8. School Community Council Interest

We have a few positions opened for our School Community Council.  Serving on our School Community Council is a wonderful way for parents and teachers to contribute and help improve academic performance at our school.  If you are interested in serving and would like to be placed on the ballot, please fill out this SCC interest form.  

9. Mascot Bowl – Tonight

We have a great week planned next week for our very first “Soaring over the Clouds” Week.  Monday, the 21st @ 7 pm we will be hosting a mascot bowl.  Admissions is 3.00 (ticket information coming soon).  Wednesday, the 23rd is our Grand Opening for our Freight Farm starting @ 6 pm.  A fun evening with food trucks, a ribbon cutting, a pep rally, and a free concert with LOAFA.   Monday through Thursday of this same week, we are having a spirit war with Westlake at Chick Fil A. Please support your Aviators with your Chick Fil purchases.  Proceeds for all of this week’s events will go to the prosthetic foundation.

10. Athletic Events

Volleyball and Varsity Football have an admittance fee.  Please purchase your ticket on  prior to the event.   No cash or sales at the gate.

11. Drivers Ed

Sign up your student for this year’s Driver’s Ed Class.  We suggest you take the class 6 months prior to when your students want to get their licenses.  Please see the information here.  If you have any questions please email our Driver’s Ed Lead BJ Roberts at [email protected]

12. Counselors 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s counselor.  Please see the associated alphabet with the counselor email link below:

A-BRA Abby Taylor 

BRE-CL JeriLyn Phillips

CO-F Kristy Childs

G-HO  April Triggs

HU-LL Debra Smith

LO-N Camille Black 

O-ROB Courtney Briggs

ROC-STO Reagan Peck

STR-V Amy Easley

W-Z Joloeen Liston

13. Administrators 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s administrator.  Please see the associated alphabet with the counselor email link below:

A-CE Administrator: Scott Mansfield

CH-GI Administrator: Anna Butler

GL-KR Administrator:: Kimberly Moore

KU-PAN Administrator: Colin Gill

PAR-SME Administrator: Bill Sivert

SMITH-Z Administrator: Kenyon Christen

14. Freight Farm Grand Opening – Wednesday, August 23, @  6:00-8:00 pm

LOCATION: West side of the school.

Thanks to a major grant from Meta (formerly Facebook), students at Cedar Valley High School will have an outstanding, 21st Century hands-on learning opportunity to work with and study in a closed container, hydroponic garden experience called Freight Farm.

Vertical farming just may be the way of the future, and at Cedar Valley High School, thanks to a major grant from Meta, students will have hands-on learning experiences with vertical farming in a closed container specially designed for low-water, high-efficiency farming.

The container, purchased from and supported by Freight Farms, can produce between 2-5 tons of produce annually and only requires about five gallons of water per day. Students from business, agriculture, and science classes will benefit from having the container farm active on the school campus.

This Meta Freight Farm sustainability grant is part of over one million dollars in STEM and technology donations awarded to the local community over the past three years. Meta’s Eagle Mountain campus has been a part of the Eagle Mountain community since announcing its data center in 2018 and has taken an active role in promoting sustainability and supporting STEM education initiatives with the Alpine School District and the greater community.

The community is invited to come see the Freight Farm unit at Cedar Valley High School on Wednesday, August 23rd, for a ribbon-cutting ceremony and celebration from 6 to 8 p.m.

15. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Wishing you a fantastic school year ahead!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Tuesday May 23, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Dear Parents,

I received this information regarding the bus schedule for this Thursday, May 25th. We have our graduation in the afternoon, so we asked transportation services if they would be so kind and help us with our transportation needs. This is the information they shared with me:

​​On Thursday, May 25 Cedar Valley High will be going in as normal (all 17 buses running their normal stops and times) but due to having graduation in the afternoon, they have been approved for a 11:15 am dismissal time. Instead of having all 15 buses come to take them home at that earlier time, there will only be 6 area take home buses. A list of the drivers and their area is below; maps showing area stops and approximate times are attached:

1. Cedar Fort/Fairfield/Carriage Hill in City Center: Jen Lewis bus 1074 M&M group

2. North of SR-73: Karina Cousins bus 806 bowling

3. West of Ranches Pkwy: Steve Struthers bus 1058 R2-D2

4. East of Ranches Pkwy/Ridley’s: Bob Whitney bus 1062 Geocaching

5. Lone Tree/Ruby Valley/Nolan Park: Pat Goetz bus 885 Lineman

6. Pony Express Elem/Porter’s Crossing area: Heather Flegal bus 933 Teepee

Michelle Gray

Routing (Regular Ed)

Transportation West

Alpine School District

(801) 610-8852 x886306

[email protected]

NOW HIRING! School bus drivers. Starting pay is $21.96 an hour, 20 hours a week guaranteed. Next class starts soon. Please visit for information on how to apply.


Monday May 22nd, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

Monday, May 22, 2023

It’s the last week of school and our students are thrilled! My hope is that our students will continue to learn over the summer. Please encourage your child to read daily for at least an hour or two. Students that read often, do significantly better on the ACT and are better prepared for their futures. In addition, summer reading can limit the summer slide, which can happen when students fail to stay academically active during the summer. Please see our information about our summer reading below.

Most of all, please let your students know that I love them and will miss them terribly over the summer. We will be sending out the airline tickets again towards the end of July with all the information about returning back to school this fall. All the information will also be on our website, so please let your new neighbors know where they can find the information.

Please make note of the following information:

1. Summer Hours

We will be open from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.

2. Check Your Student’s Schedule.

We appreciate all your efforts as parents to help your students make their schedules. We realize this takes a lot of time and effort. Unfortunately, each year we do have to alter schedules a bit due to changes with teachers, classrooms and other circumstances. Please check your students schedules a couple of times throughout June.

If something has changed and you have a concern, at least one counselor will be in the office for the whole month of June from 7:50 AM – 2:40 P.M. Counseling secretaries will be available all summer from 8 AM – noon daily. For best service, please call during our office hours if you wish to speak to a secretary. In addition, if you would like to speak with a counselor, please arrive in person before 1:40 P.M. so there will be time to visit.

Counselors will not be available during the month of July and will be available again starting August 1st. Class change requests can be made anytime up to August 15th at 3 P.M. No class changes will be allowed the first week of school. Class changes will be allowed again between August 21st – August 25 for a $5 fee per request.

3. Summer READING with our CVHS E-library (

Join us this summer with OverDrive’s annual reading program. Sora’s (OverDrive for schools) Sweet Reads is designed to encourage students to keep reading all year long. SORA is Cedar Valley’s e-library. Students can download the app to their device (Chromebook, phone, etc.) and login with their CVHS student ID (and last name). Super easy. For more information or troubleshooting when logging in, feel free to reach out to CVHS Media at [email protected]

4. Message From Our PTSA

We’re so excited to introduce the new theme for next year’s REFLECTIONS, if you haven’t heard it already!


So much creation can be made with these words! We’re so excited to see what you can work up this year. Cedar Valley has so much talent and we want to see it all!

The categories are:

Film Production
Music Composition
Visual Arts
Dance Choreography

The PTA is here to help our students share their voices with the world! And reflections is probably the best way we can be that help. Even Mr Mansfield remembers winning his reflections contest in 4th grade with a poem! Reflections is something you remember forever! We hope you will choose to share with us your love and passion for the arts and maybe even win some stuff along the way.

Entries are due October 1st, so get started now over the summer break – get your creative juices flowing! You can find out more in Utah – and submissions are all online now as well. We’re so excited for this program and it’s potential at Cedar Valley!

5. Chromebooks Storage & Charging

If you plan to use your Chromebook over the summer, please re-charge after

each use. (Storing the Chromebook below 20% can damage the battery.)

If you don’t plan to use your Chromebook over the summer, please follow

these steps to put it into hibernation mode:

â— Store away from direct sunlight and avoid stacking anything heavy on top of it.

â— Leave your Chromebook at home when you go on vacation.


â— When cleaning the screen, use a soft microfiber cloth.

â— If using cleaning spray, use only a 70% isopropyl alcohol to 30% water ratio.

Spray the cloth lightly and not the screen or keyboard directly.

â— Wait for the device to fully dry before use.

Repairs & Support

â— District Support –

â— If your Chromebook needs repair, return it once school has started in August.

Repairs cannot be processed during the summer.

â— If the Chromebook has been damaged beyond normal wear and tear, a fine

will be assessed. ($30 lost/damaged charger, $50 Chromebook repair, $150

Chromebook replacement)

Moving Over the Summer?

â— If you are moving–either out of the district or to any other school in the

district–please return the Chromebook and charger as soon as possible to

avoid fines being added to your student’s account, which will be turned over

to collections if the Chromebook is not returned or the fines are not paid.

6. Summer School Last Chance Reminder

If your child needs to make up credit for failed classes, summer school between June 12th – June 30th from 8:00 AM -2:30 PM. is the perfect time to re-capture that credit! Please see last week’s email for details.

7. Minimal Day for Graduation, May 25, 2023 and Last Day Schedule Reminder

Please read last week’s email for more details.

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

Monday, May 15th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

Monday, May 15, 2023


Only two Fridays left! Finish strong and remember, it is never too late to help our kiddos learn. Please work with your students so they can continue learning up to the last day of school.

Please make note of the following:

1. Senior Chromebook Returns

Seniors will be returning or buying back their Chromebooks on Chromebook Return Day, May 16th in the main gym during school hours. The purchase price for the Chromebook is $30 and payable by cash or card. All seniors must bring their Chromebook to Chromebook Return Day regardless of whether they purchase it or not or a fine will be assessed. Seniors will be called out of class by Alphabet starting at 8:00 am.

2. 3rd Quarter Reward Top Gun – Maverick Award Event!

In an effort to recognize our amazing students we will be holding another Top Gun Maverick movie award event on May 18th for the 3rd quarter. We are the Aviators and will never tire of this amazing movie!

Student Qualifications:

Those with less than 5 Days worth of excused absences for the semester and

Those with less than 5 Unexcused absences for the semester and

Those with less than 5 tardies and

Those with no discipline actions

Students will be excused from their classwork for that day and will be watching Top Gun – Maverick in the auditorium. We will have popcorn, drinks, candy, etc. Watch for individual student invitations. You must have them to enter the movie.

3. Senior Dinner Dance

Thursday, May 18th 6:00 pm at the Provo Library. Tickets can be purchased through

4. Yearbook

We only have about 80 yearbooks left and that they will sell out. $85 at the finance office or on My school fees.

5. ACE Awards Wed. May 17, 2023 at 6pm in the Auditorium

Seniors & Parents this is the evening where we recognize the academic achievements, specifically academic scholarships, awarded to our senior Aviators. Come help us honor and recognize our outstanding seniors. Refreshments to follow.

6. UVU Concurrent Enrollment

Students that are planning on doing UVU Concurrent Enrollment classes next school year can register as a student and enroll in your classes at UVU right now. Please follow these instructions. Please get enrolled early! This will save you thousands of dollars in tuition, books, etc. If you don’t know much about it, please visit your child’s counselor. This will save thousands of college expenses! Best way to earn an associate’s degree right here at CVHS!

7. Summer School

This year we will be offering Summer School at Cedar Valley High School for students who need to make up credit for failed classes. This will be offered June 12th – June 30th from 8:00 AM -2:30 PM. There is a flat fee of $25 for one or more classes. We will be offering three sessions each day. Each session offers .25 credits making it possible for students to earn up to .75 credits. In order to help our students be successful, we are requiring mandatory attendance for the full three weeks so please plan accordingly.

In addition to regular classes, we are also offering CRAM classes for English, Math, Science and Social Studies. This is solely for students who failed these classes with a 50% grade or higher this school year. Students attend starting June 12th and finish the material left from their previously failed class in order to reach the passing percentage. This is different from regular makeup classes in that they don’t have to complete the whole quarter’s worth of credit, just the missing requirements. Once students reach the passing threshold they are not required to attend class after they pass the class. We hope this will help a lot of our students!

Please pay $25 to the finance office and bring the receipt to your counselor.

8. Minimal Day for Graduation, May 25, 2023

On May 25th, We will have a Minimal Day so we can get everyone to the graduation ceremony on time.

Here is the bell schedule:

1st Period 7:45 8:25

2nd Period 8:30 9:10

3rd Period 9:15 9:55

4th Period 10:00 10:40

Lunch 10:40 11:15

Bussing will be different on Miminal Day, May 25. Because not all schools will be on a Minimal Day, it will be a challenge for transportation to run as usual because they will be transporting other students on a regular bell schedule for their school. We really appreciate ASD Transportation helping Cedar Valley Students get to and from school with this unusual request.

Here is the rundown of what transportation discussed with me:

Transportation will drop off students as normal on that Thursday, May 25.

Students will remain in school until 11:15, at which time our 3 SpEd buses and 6 of the RegEd buses will return to take students home.

SpEd students will be transported to their homes. Please make sure a parent or guardian is home to care for your student. Additionally, if a driver takes a SpEd student home and no one is there to collect him/her, the student will be returned to the school.

RegEd students will be taken to an area drop-off location, not their regular bus stop. Area drops will be localized in a way that will allow students to walk home from the stop. It may require them to walk further than normal, but they should not have to walk more than the state regulation of 1.5 miles to/from home and the bus stop.

Transportation will create a map showing where the area drops will be located.

9. Last Day of School

The last day of school will be shortened from 8:00- 9:15.

10. School Lunch Adjustments

We have had issues with some of the food orders district wide, so the lunch menu options may differ each day. If you have any questions, please feel free to email our lunch manager Racquel Dastrup.

11. School Safety

As you may be aware, the nation is experiencing more and more school hoax threats. We take student safety seriously and would like to remind our students and parents that District Policy 5182 restricts dangerous weapons or a facsimile or representation of the item. Any student with a weapon or facsimile of a weapon will be sent home and their facsimile item may be confiscated.

12. Community Outreach:

Summer Food Pantry for Eagle Mtn Families at Frontier Middle School (Despensa De Alimentos De Verano para Familias en Eagle Mtn)

Summer Food Pantry Despensa de Alimentos De Verano – Google Docs.pdf

13. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

Monday May 8th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

Monday, May 8, 2023


Welcome to our last three weeks of school! With that said, it is imperative that we help our kids finish strong. Please visit Skyward daily so you don’t have any last minute surprises. We want our students to pass all of their classes!

This week is National Teacher Appreciation Week. We are so grateful for our incredible teachers! We also want to thank our PTSA for their love and support!

Please make note of the following:

1. School Safety

As you may be aware, the nation is experiencing more and more school hoax threats. We take student safety seriously and would like to remind our students and parents that District Policy 5182 restricts dangerous weapons or a facsimile or representation of the item. Any student with a weapon or facsimile of a weapon will be sent home and their facsimile item may be confiscated.

2. 3rd Quarter Reward Top Gun – Maverick Award Event!

In an effort to recognize our amazing students we will be holding another Top Gun Maverick movie award event on May 18th for the 3rd quarter. We are the Aviators and will never tire of this amazing movie!

Student Qualifications:

Those with less than 5 Days worth of excused absences for the semester and

Those with less than 5 Unexcused absences for the semester and

Those with less than 5 tardies and

Those with no discipline actions

Students will be excused from their classwork for that day and will be watching Top Gun – Maverick in the auditorium. We will have popcorn, drinks, candy, etc. Watch for individual student invitations. You must have them to enter the movie.

3. Yearbook

We only have about 100 yearbooks left and that they will sell out. $85 at the finance off or on My school fees.

4. UVU Concurrent Enrollment

Students that are planning on doing UVU Concurrent Enrollment classes next school year can register as a student and enroll in your classes at UVU right now. Please follow these instructions. Please get enrolled early! This will save you thousands of dollars in tuition, books, etc. If you don’t know much about it, please visit your child’s counselor. This will save thousands of college expenses! Best way to earn an associate’s degree right here at CVHS!

5. Summer School

This year we will be offering Summer School at Cedar Valley High School for students who need to make up credit for failed classes. This will be offered June 12th – June 30th from 8:00 AM -2:30 PM. There is a flat fee of $25 for one or more classes. We will be offering three sessions each day. Each session offers .25 credits making it possible for students to earn up to .75 credits. In order to help our students be successful, we are requiring mandatory attendance for the full three weeks so please plan accordingly.

In addition to regular classes, we are also offering CRAM classes for English, Math, Science and Social Studies. This is solely for students who failed these classes with a 50% grade or higher this school year. Students attend starting June 12th and finish the material left from their previously failed class in order to reach the passing percentage. This is different from regular makeup classes in that they don’t have to complete the whole quarter’s worth of credit, just the missing requirements. Once students reach the passing threshold they are not required to attend class after they pass the class. We hope this will help a lot of our students!

Please pay $25 to the finance office and bring the receipt to your counselor.

6. Growth Measure Reading Assessment

In order to help students with reading deficiencies, we are administering a reading assessment to all of our students this Thursday, May 11th. We will adjust the bell schedule for a single-assembly schedule to give an hour in Jet Time.

Single Assembly Bell Schedule

1st Period – 7:45-8:54

Assembly – 9:00-9:55

2nd Period – 10:01-11:10

7. Aspire Testing

We are working to finish up Aspire testing this week. We have several students that have not tested, so they will be pulled out of classes to complete. Our front office secretaries will be contacting parents for students who have not tested to set up times for make-up testing.

8. Locker Cleanout

Lockers will need to be cleaned out by this Friday, May 12th. Fines for dirty, damaged, or lockers not emptied will be assessed on the following Monday morning. Fines can be cleared by bringing your locker fine slip to the ATTENDANCE office. If special circumstances require longer locker usage, please reach out to an attendance secretary.

9. Last Day of School

The last day of school will be a shortened 90 minute day as in years past. An email will be sent with exact times.

10. School Lunch Adjustments

We have had issues with some of the food orders district wide, so the lunch menu options may differ each day. If you have any questions, please feel free to email our lunch manager Racquel Dastrup.

11. Greenhouse Sale

The greenhouse will hold their annual sale Friday May 12 from 3:00-6:00pm and Saturday May 13 from 10:00am-1:00pm. Please come and support our students!

12. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

13. Community Outreach Information:

Free CPR classes being offered for adults in Eagle Mtn. Please see the flier for dates and times. CPR AED Training SPANISH ENGLISH.png

Se ofrecen clases gratuitas de CPR para adultos en Eagle Mtn. Consulte el folleto para conocer las fechas y los horarios. CPR AED Training SPANISH ENGLISH.png

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

Monday, May 1st, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

Monday, May 1, 2023

Finally!  It feels like spring and we can all feel the excitement in the air.  Only four Fridays left!

Please make note of the following:


1. Senior Graduation Video Submissions and Elementary Walk


We would like to collect personal videos from the seniors again this year to put in the senior video for graduation. These should be videos that prominently feature Cedar Valley Seniors. Could whoever is drafting the weekly email send out our request? Here is the link for the videos to be submitted:


Senior Video Submissions


Senior Graduation Walk at Elementary Schools

Our seniors will have the opportunity to return to their local elementary school wearing their caps and gown and show the students how amazing they are!  Please click on the link above to have your senior sign up.  Elementary graduation walks will be on May 17, 2023, at 12:30 PM.


2. After School Drill on Wednesday

One of our classes will be doing an interactive emergency drill after class on Wednesday. This drill will involve a helicopter landing and is for the specific class only.  The drill will take place in the D hall as well as the backfield.  We want students to avoid the back soccer field on Wednesday so students in the class can learn from this hands-on activity.


3.  Scheduling Classes for Next Year

We have some great classes that still have room in them for next year.  If you are interested in any of the following please let your counselor know.


  • Regular High School classes

    • Open for 9th grade and above

      • Ballroom 1 & 2

      • Drama 2

      • Drawing 2

      • Electric String

      • General Choir

      • Business Communication (counts as 4th year of English)

      • Digital Photography

      • Game Design Development

      • Robotics

      • US Wars

      • Sign Language 2

      • Chinese 1

      • Spanish 2

      • Math Lab

      • Cardio Jam

      • Dance 1

      • Dance 2

      • Urban Dance

      • Honors Chemistry

    • Open for 10th grade and above

      • Painting 2

      • Accounting 1

      • Advanced Floral Design

      • Advanced Programming

      • Computer Programming 2

      • Animal Science 2

      • Digital Marketing

      • Foods 2

      • Medical Anatomy and Physiology

      • Robotics 2

      • Sports Medicine

      • Sports Psychology

      • Math Decision Making

      • Geology

    • Open for 11th grade and above

      • Algorithms and Data

      • CTE Internships (contact gwhiting@


  • Concurrent Enrollment classes

    • Open for 9th grade and above for either CE or regular credit

      • Aviation Safety

      • Aviation Weather

      • Survey of Aviation Science

      • Private Pilot

      • Student Success / College & Career Readiness

      • Introduction to Information Technology

    • Open for 10th grade and above

      • Economics

      • BioTech

      • Woodworking 3

      • Public Speaking

      • Intro to Mass Communication

      • Fundamental of Programming

      • Advanced Programming

      • Introduction to Engineering

      • Environmental Science

      • Geology

      • Emergency Medical Responder

      • Medical Terminology

      • Meteorology

      • General Psychology

      • Human Development

      • Spanish

      • Introduction to Theatre

      • AP World History

    • Open for 11th grade and above

      • Computer Systems

      • Linux & Cybersecurity

      • Introduction to Music

      • Written Business Communication (required for Aviation Associates)

      • Spanish

      • Basic Drawing

      • Sign Language

      • AP Calculus AB

      • AP Statistics

      • AP Physics

    • Open for 12th grade

      • Math 1010, 1050, 1060

      • English 1010 & English 2010

      • Political Science (takes the place of required Gov’t & Citizenship) or AP Government


4.  School Climate Survey

The state has asked us to conduct a School Climate Survey for students, teachers, and parents. It was designed to measure and assess stakeholder perceptions of school environments throughout Utah in all K-12 public schools.

I would like you to preview the survey in order to determine if you would like to opt your child out.

This is the website where you can see all versions of the surveys.

The survey will be conducted next week and will end on May 5, 2023. The survey will be administered by your child’s Jet Time teacher over the next few days.


Please fill out this form if you do not want your child to participate in the survey or you may send a handwritten note with your child to their Jet Time teacher.


5. Teacher Appreciation Week – May 8-12

The PTSA is so excited to support our CVHS Teachers and Staff. Whether it’s over the rainbow or right here in Eagle Mountain, we know there is no place like Cedar Valley! We need your help with donations! Please sign up at:


6. Student Chromebook checks and senior returns Reminder


Thursday, May 4th, will be the annual student Chromebook check.  Students in grades 9, 10, and 11 will have their Chromebooks and chargers checked in their JetTime class.   Any student that does not have their Chromebook checked on this date will be fined $150.   If you have a student that is unable to bring their Chromebook and charger to JetTime on this date, they can come to the Chromebook Center in room D254 before May 26th to get that fine removed.


Students in 12th grade will get their Chromebooks checked on Chromebook Return Day, May 16th.   Seniors have the option of buying their Chromebook for $30.   If a senior wishes to purchase their Chromebook, the fee will be payable on beginning May 8th or on the day of Chromebook Returns with cash or card.   All seniors must bring their Chromebook to Chromebook Return Day regardless of whether they purchase it or not or a fine will be assessed.

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar


With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson