Born to Fly – 2022-23 -School Theme
February 13, 2023
Happy Valentine’s week! We have so many fun activities planned to help our CVHS students feel the Aviator love! We also have wonderful diversity week activities this week!
1. Parent Teacher Night and Community Information Night – Resources
This event is for your entire family on February 22nd from 3:30 PM – 7 PM. We will have lots of free giveaways. Bring the whole family and explore and learn! Come meet with teachers about specific student needs. Visit with counselors for assistance with upcoming next year class registration. Sign up for a free mental health screener. Shop at Aviator Supply Co, Jet Fuel Soda Shack, and visit colleges, tech schools and the military.
See how your student can earn their associates degree while in high school for pennies on the dollar! Learn more about our aviation associates degree as well!
Presentation in the auditorium on Coping with Anxiety and Stress by Koki Cline, LCSW at 6 PM
Here are some of the amazing organizations that will be here: Community Action Services, Utah Parent Center, Centro Hispano, Odyssey, Division of WorkForce Services, UVU Trio, GearUp, Communities that Care, United Way, Stronger Families, CVHS ProStart, Internships, Concurrent Enrollment information, Food pantry assistance, etc.
These are some of the food trucks that will be here: Renee’s Cheesecake, Squatch Pizza, Fatty Tuna, Jurassic Tacos, Peruvian and Mexican Food Truck.
En Espanol:
PTC y Noche de Información Comunitaria Community Information Night – JESSICA STAUFFER^J SPANISH.docx
Este evento es para toda la familia el 22 de febrero de 3:30 p. m. a 7 p. m. ¡Deje que sus estudiantes de preescolar a alto exploren y aprendan! Venga a reunirse con los maestros sobre las necesidades específicas de los estudiantes. Reúnase con los consejeros para obtener ayuda con el registro de clases del próximo año. Regístrese para un examen de salud mental gratuito. Compre en Aviator Supply Co, Jet Fuel Soda Shack, visite universidades, escuelas de tecnología y el ejército.
¡Vea cómo su estudiante puede obtener su título de asociado mientras está en la escuela secundaria por centavos por dólar!
Estas son algunas de las increíbles organizaciones que estarán aquí: Community Action Services, Utah Parent Center, Centro Hispano, Odyssey, Division of WorkForce Services, UVU Trio, Communities that Care, United Way, Stronger Families, CVHS ProStart, Internships, Concurrent Enrollment information, Food pantry assistance, etc.
Estos son algunos de los food trucks que estarán aquí: Squatch Pizza, Fatty Tuna, Jurassic Tacos, Peruvian & Mexican Food Truck.
2. Driver’s Education
The final In Person Driver’s Ed class will start next Tuesday February 21st.
We are looking for a few more students to sign up for our before school class. We do have some afternoon slots but they are almost gone. We also are signing students for online Driver’s Ed for the summer. If your student is busy during the school year, Summer Driver’s Ed is a great time to get it done.
Please sign up on the Google Form at https://cvhs.alpineschools.
3. ACT Prep
We offer an online class for ACT Prep. If you are interested, please contact tyranibevell@alpinedistrict.
4. ACT March 7, 2023
We will be administering the ACT on March 7, 2023 for all Juniors. Please encourage your students to prepare for the ACT and tell them why it is so important. Even though many schools do not use it for admissions, universities use it to determine what level of general ed classes they must take. Performing well can save $$$.
Sophomores will take a practice ACT that day.
Freshman & Seniors will stay home and have an online study day.
Students must bring their fully charged Chromebook for testing. They will also need to leave their phones home or in their cars; they will not have access to them during the testing session.
5. JetTime Reading – Rest of the year
As part of our school’s efforts to encourage literacy as well as improve mindsets, we will be reading the book Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven together in our JetTime classes. Students have free access to the book through Sora and can access it on their Chromebooks. Here are the directions for them to get that access: Find Your Copy.png
We are very excited to read this short, powerful book together!
6. Diversity and Kindness Week
It’s Diversity and Kindness Week. We will have lunchtime activities and an assembly on Thursday.
7. Next Year Registration
Next year’s Seniors registration opens Thursday, February 23rd at 3:30 PM. An information assembly will be held today during JetTime. For more information see the CVHS Counseling Website.
8. PTSA is Feeding the Teachers
Your CVHS PTSA is feeding the teachers during the Parent Teacher Night on Wednesday, February 22nd. We’d love your help in making this happen! Please visit https://www.signupgenius.com/
9. Metea World Fun Event Free
Metta World Peace Mental Health Symposium and Charity Basketball Game
10. Important Dates
Let’s make it a wonderful 2023!
With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson
¡Hagamos que sea un maravilloso 2023!
Con mucho amor y gratitud – Director Johnson