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February 13th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 -School Theme


February 13, 2023


Happy Valentine’s week!  We have so many fun activities planned to help our CVHS students feel the Aviator love!  We also have wonderful diversity week activities this week!


1. Parent Teacher Night and Community Information Night – Resources

This event is for your entire family on February 22nd from 3:30 PM – 7 PM.  We will have lots of free giveaways.  Bring the whole family and explore and learn!  Come meet with teachers about specific student needs. Visit with counselors for assistance with upcoming next year class registration.  Sign up for a free mental health screener. Shop at Aviator Supply Co, Jet Fuel Soda Shack, and visit colleges, tech schools and the military.  


See how your student can earn their associates degree while in high school for pennies on the dollar!  Learn more about our aviation associates degree as well!


Presentation in the auditorium on Coping with Anxiety and Stress by Koki Cline, LCSW at 6 PM


Here are some of the amazing organizations that will be here: Community Action Services, Utah Parent Center, Centro Hispano, Odyssey, Division of WorkForce Services, UVU Trio, GearUp, Communities that Care, United Way, Stronger Families, CVHS ProStart, Internships, Concurrent Enrollment information, Food pantry assistance, etc.


These are some of the food trucks that will be here: Renee’s Cheesecake, Squatch Pizza, Fatty Tuna, Jurassic Tacos, Peruvian and Mexican Food Truck.


En Espanol:

PTC y Noche de Información Comunitaria Community Information Night – JESSICA STAUFFER^J SPANISH.docx


Este evento es para toda la familia el 22 de febrero de 3:30 p. m. a 7 p. m. ¡Deje que sus estudiantes de preescolar a alto exploren y aprendan! Venga a reunirse con los maestros sobre las necesidades específicas de los estudiantes. Reúnase con los consejeros para obtener ayuda con el registro de clases del próximo año. Regístrese para un examen de salud mental gratuito. Compre en Aviator Supply Co, Jet Fuel Soda Shack, visite universidades, escuelas de tecnología y el ejército.


¡Vea cómo su estudiante puede obtener su título de asociado mientras está en la escuela secundaria por centavos por dólar!


Estas son algunas de las increíbles organizaciones que estarán aquí: Community Action Services, Utah Parent Center, Centro Hispano, Odyssey, Division of WorkForce Services, UVU Trio, Communities that Care, United Way, Stronger Families, CVHS ProStart, Internships, Concurrent Enrollment information, Food pantry assistance, etc.


Estos son algunos de los food trucks que estarán aquí: Squatch Pizza, Fatty Tuna, Jurassic Tacos, Peruvian & Mexican Food Truck.


2. Driver’s Education

The final In Person Driver’s Ed class will start next Tuesday February 21st.

We are looking for a few more students to sign up for our before school class.  We do have some afternoon slots but they are almost gone. We also are signing students for online Driver’s Ed for the summer.  If your student is busy during the school year, Summer Driver’s Ed is a great time to get it done.

Please sign up on the Google Form at  If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. BJ Roberts at [email protected]


3. ACT Prep

We offer an online class for ACT Prep.  If you are interested, please contact for more information.  SHMOOP is also available to assist with ACT prep.  Just go to and use the code ASPEN.


4. ACT March 7, 2023


We will be administering the ACT on March 7, 2023 for all Juniors.  Please encourage your students to prepare for the ACT and tell them why it is so important. Even though many schools do not use it for admissions, universities use it to determine what level of general ed classes they must take.  Performing well can save $$$.


Sophomores will take a practice ACT that day.

Freshman & Seniors will stay home and have an online study day.

Students must bring their fully charged Chromebook for testing. They will also need to leave their phones home or in their cars; they will not have access to them during the testing session.


5.  JetTime Reading – Rest of the year

As part of our school’s efforts to encourage literacy as well as improve mindsets, we will be reading the book Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven together in our JetTime classes. Students have free access to the book through Sora and can access it on their Chromebooks. Here are the directions for them to get that access: Find Your Copy.png


We are very excited to read this short, powerful book together!


6. Diversity and Kindness Week

It’s Diversity and Kindness Week.  We will have lunchtime activities and an assembly on Thursday.


7. Next Year Registration

Next year’s Seniors registration opens Thursday, February 23rd at 3:30 PM. An information assembly will be held today during JetTime.  For more information see the CVHS Counseling Website.


8. PTSA is Feeding the Teachers

Your CVHS PTSA is feeding the teachers during the Parent Teacher Night on Wednesday, February 22nd. We’d love your help in making this happen! Please visit to sign up to help out. Thank you for your support!


9. Metea World Fun Event Free

Metta World Peace Mental Health Symposium and Charity Basketball Game

Please link here! 


10. Important Dates


2-week calendar


Let’s make it a wonderful 2023!


With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson


¡Hagamos que sea un maravilloso 2023!


Con mucho amor y gratitud – Director Johnson

February 6th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Parent Emails

Born to Fly – 2022-23 -School Theme

February 6, 2023

Welcome to another snowy day in February! We have some exciting events that we are working on and we can’t wait to see all of you! Please make note of the following:

1. Parent Teacher Night and Community Information Night – Resources

This event is for your entire family on February 22nd from 3:30 PM – 7 PM. We will have lots of free giveaways. Bring the whole family and explore and learn! Come meet with teachers about specific student needs. Visit with counselors for assistance with upcoming next year class registration. Sign up for a free mental health screener. Shop at Aviator Supply Co, Jet Fuel Soda Shack, and visit colleges, tech schools and the military.

See how your student can earn their associates degree while in high school for pennies on the dollar! Learn more about our aviation associates degree as well!

Presentation in the auditorium on Coping with Anxiety and Stress by Koki Cline, LCSW at 6 PM

Here are some of the amazing organizations that will be here: Community Action Services, Utah Parent Center, Centro Hispano, Odyssey, Division of WorkForce Services, UVU Trio, GearUp, Communities that Care, United Way, Stronger Families, CVHS ProStart, Internships, Concurrent Enrollment information, Food pantry assistance, etc.

These are some of the food trucks that will be here: Renee’s Cheesecake, Squatch Pizza, Fatty Tuna, Jurassic Tacos, Peruvian and Mexican Food Truck.

En Espanol:

PTC y Noche de Información Comunitaria

Este evento es para toda la familia el 22 de febrero de 3:30 p. m. a 7 p. m. ¡Deje que sus estudiantes de preescolar a alto exploren y aprendan! Venga a reunirse con los maestros sobre las necesidades específicas de los estudiantes. Reúnase con los consejeros para obtener ayuda con el registro de clases del próximo año. Regístrese para un examen de salud mental gratuito. Compre en Aviator Supply Co, Jet Fuel Soda Shack, visite universidades, escuelas de tecnología y el ejército.

¡Vea cómo su estudiante puede obtener su título de asociado mientras está en la escuela secundaria por centavos por dólar!

Estas son algunas de las increíbles organizaciones que estarán aquí: Community Action Services, Utah Parent Center, Centro Hispano, Odyssey, Division of WorkForce Services, UVU Trio, Communities that Care, United Way, Stronger Families, CVHS ProStart, Internships, Concurrent Enrollment information, Food pantry assistance, etc.

Estos son algunos de los food trucks que estarán aquí: Squatch Pizza, Fatty Tuna, Jurassic Tacos, Peruvian & Mexican Food Truck.

2. Boys Soccer Fundraiser

Please join our futsal fundraiser this Friday at cedar valley. Link here

3. WIDA Testing

On Thursday, February 9 English Learners will be participating in WIDA testing. They will be missing classes.

4. ACT Prep

We offer an online class for ACT Prep. If you are interested, please contact [email protected] for more information. SHMOOP is also available to assist with ACT prep. Just go to and use the code ASPEN.

5. ACT March 7, 2023

We will be administering the ACT on March 7, 2023. Please encourage your students to prepare for the ACT and tell them why it is so important. Even though many schools do not use it for admissions, universities use it to determine what level of general ed classes they must take. Performing well can save $$$.

Sophomores will take a practice ACT that day.

Freshman & Seniors will stay home and have an online study day.

More information will be coming. Kids will need to leave their phones home or in their cars.

6. Sweethearts Dance!

The Sweethearts dance is coming up! The theme is Enchanted Forest. It is a semi-formal dance on Feb. 11th from 8-11 PM. A couples ticket is $20 until February 6th, then the price goes up to $25 so ask your date now! Single tickets are also available for $12 until Feb. 11th then will go up to $15. Tickets can be purchased on

7. Walking at Graduation Change

The Utah Board of Education has voted to uphold the pre-pandemic standards that students must complete ALL graduation requirements to “walk” at graduation. Graduation will be held this year on May 25th. All required credits must be completed by May 19th. Check missing credits by going to Skyward and on the far left click on graduation requirements. Once there you will see a column titled Remaining. Whatever is listed in red is what is still outstanding.

Credit Recovery Options

EastShore online packets

BYU Independent Study online canvas courses

SOEP online schools and courses

Northridge paper packets

8. Summer School

This year we will be offering Summer School at Cedar Valley High School for students who need to make up for failed classes. This will be offered June 12th – June 30th from 8:00 AM -2:30 PM and will be a flat fee of $25. There will be 3 sessions each day. Each session would be worth .25 credits, and students can earn up to .75 credits. These classes require mandatory attendance for the full 3 weeks so please plan accordingly.

We will also be offering a CRAM class for English, Math, Science and Social Studies. This is solely for students who failed these classes with a 50% grade or higher this school year. Students attend starting June 12th and finish the material left from their previously failed class in order to reach the passing percentage. This is different from regular makeup classes in that they don’t have to complete the whole quarter’s worth of credit, just the missing requirements. Once students reach the passing threshold they are not required to attend class after they pass the class. We hope this will help a lot of our students!

9. Important Dates

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a wonderful 2023!

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

¡Hagamos que sea un maravilloso 2023!

Con mucho amor y gratitud – Director Johnson

January 23rd, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

January 23, 2023


With mid-term around the corner Friday, February 3rd, it is so important to visit Skyward and check the progress of your student(s). I used to do this with my children each Thursday and held weekend privileges based on assignments that were turned in or not and this truly helped my kids to avoid procrastination!

Please make note of the following:

1. Future Nurses

Students who are interested in doing nursing are invited to attend our UVU Nursing Open House on February 10th. See this flier, This is a good opportunity to meet some of the UVU Nursing faculty, students who are currently in the Nursing program at UVU and see the Simulation lab on our campus.

2. Summer School

This year we will be offering Summer School at Cedar Valley High School for students who need to make up for failed classes. This will be offered June 12th – June 30th from 8:00 AM -2:30 PM and will be a flat fee of $25. There will be 3 sessions each day. Each session would be worth .25 credits, and students can earn up to .75 credits. These classes require mandatory attendance for the full 3 weeks so please plan accordingly.

We will also be offering a CRAM class for English, Math, Science and Social Studies. This is solely for students who failed these classes with a 50% grade or higher this school year. Students attend starting June 12th and finish the material left from their previously failed class in order to reach the passing percentage. This is different from regular makeup classes in that they don’t have to complete the whole quarter’s worth of credit, just the missing requirements. Once students reach the passing threshold they are not required to attend class after they pass the class. We hope this will help a lot of our students!

3. Concurrent Enrollment

January 25th is the last day to register for UVU Concurrent Enrollment classes. Remember, if you are not admitted to UVU, that process can take up to 4 business days to process first before you can register for the class. Your student can earn their associates degree at CVHS and we offer more college classes than any other high school in the area.

We have over 73 classes! Please take advantage of this opportunity. This is basically the biggest scholarship opportunity! Each semester tuition of 12 credits cost approximately $5,000 with books and expenses. Even more if your child lives away from home. That’s a savings of $10,000 for every 24 credits earned at CVHS! Please visit with your counselor and learn all you can about Concurrent Enrollment!

4. PTC and Community Information Night

This event is for your entire family on February 22nd from 3:30 PM – 7 PM. Let your preschool up to high students explore and learn! Come meet with teachers about specific student needs. Meet with counselors for assistance with upcoming next year class registration. Sign up for a free mental health screener. Shop at Aviator Supply Co, Jet Fuel Soda Shack, visit colleges, tech schools and the military.

Here are some of the amazing organizations that will be here: Community Action Services, Utah Parent Center, Centro Hispano, Odyssey, Division of WorkForce Services, UVU Trio, Communities that Care, United Way, Stronger Families, CVHS ProStart, Internships, Concurrent Enrollment information, Food pantry assistance, etc.

These are some of the food trucks that will be here: Squatch Pizza, Fatty Tuna, Jurassic Tacos, Peruvian and Mexican Food Truck.

5. Sweethearts Dance!

The Sweethearts dance is coming up! The theme is Enchanted Forest. It is a semi-formal dance on Feb. 11th from 8-11 PM. A couples ticket is $20 until February 6th, then the price goes up to $25 so ask your date now! Single tickets are also available for $12 until Feb. 11th then will go up to $15. Tickets can be purchased on

6. Diversity Week and Assembly

Want to perform at this year’s Diversity Assembly? Fill out the form if you have a cultural performance to share:

Assembly will be on February 16th. Please contact Aprill Triggs ([email protected]) in the student center if you have any questions.

7. UHED – Utah Higher Education Day

This afternoon Juniors will be attending sessions with colleges. Attendance will be taken, but your student may be marked absent originally as it will take our attendance office a few days to update.

8. Walking at Graduation

The Utah Board of Education has voted to uphold the pre-pandemic standards that students must complete ALL graduation requirements to “walk” at graduation. Graduation will be held this year on May 25th. All required credits must be completed by May 19th. Check missing credits by going to Skyward and on the far left click on graduation requirements. Once there you will see a column titled Remaining. Whatever is listed in red is what is still outstanding.

Credit Recovery Options

EastShore online packets

BYU Independent Study online canvas courses

SOEP online schools and courses

Northridge paper packets

9. Important Dates

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a wonderful 2023!

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

January 17th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

January 17, 2023

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!! It is so great to have our water reserves replenished! We have had so many wonderful students make some pretty awesome accomplishments. Please visit our school Instagram and see many great posts about our students.

Please make note of the following:

1. Parent Teacher Conference and Community Information Night

Mark your calendars for February 22nd from 3:30 PM – 7 PM. Come meet with teachers, shop in our school store, visit colleges and the military. There will be community resources and food trucks!

2. Walking at Graduation

The Utah Board of Education has voted to uphold the pre-pandemic standards that students must complete ALL graduation requirements to “walk” at graduation. Graduation will be held this year on May 25th. All required credits must be completed before then. Check missing credits by going to Skyward and on the far left click on graduation requirements. Once there you will see a column titled Remaining. Whatever is listed in red is what is still outstanding.

Credit Recovery Options

EastShore online packets

BYU Independent Study online canvas courses

SOEP online schools and courses

Northridge paper packets

3. GPA/ ACT Scholarships

Many universities offer automatic scholarships (as well as admission standards) based on a combination of GPA and SAT/ACT score. New student scholarships are awarded based on the cumulative unweighted GPA or ACT/SAT score. Students are automatically considered for scholarships when the admissions application is complete before the deadline. There are a limited number of President’s scholarships that will be awarded after a comprehensive review.

Link Here for Southern Utah University Scroll down to the SUU Admissions Index

Link Here for Utah State University Scroll down to the Admissions Index


Utah Higher Education Day (UHED) is taking place on Monday, January 23rd from 11:45 am – 2:15 pm. All juniors are strongly encouraged to attend and parents are welcome.

UHED is a special event for juniors held during the school day. Juniors will participate in a brief welcome session and three different break-out presentations from Utah colleges of their choice. Higher education representatives will speak about admissions, scholarships, general school information, and answer student questions.

The following colleges will be visiting our school and holding informational sessions on this day (The schedule is attached.):

Brigham Young University

Brigham Young University – Idaho

Ensign College


Snow College

Southern Utah University

University of Utah

Utah State University

Utah Valley University

Utah Tech University

Weber State University


Juniors will be dismissed for 1st lunch in order to participate.

Please pre-register for UHED at You will receive a personal barcode which will be shown to colleges of your choice/interest who will then scan it to send you more information about their schools.

Students, please use this time wisely and visit THREE DIFFERENT schools. This time has been set apart just for you. Attendance will be taken at each session when personal barcodes are scanned. We will also have prize drawings for those who attend all three college sessions. (This will also be tracked through strivescan.)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Marcie Murri or your counselor in the Student Center.

5. Student Honor Roll Recognition

During lunch on Thursday and Friday the counselors will be handing out a treat to all of the students who are on the 2nd quarter Honor Roll. To be on the Honor Roll you must have finished second term with a 3.7-4.0 GPA. We are proud of the students for all of their hard work and dedication.

6. Sweethearts Dance!

The Sweethearts dance is coming up! The theme is Enchanted Forest. It is a semi-formal dance on Feb. 11th from 8-11 PM. A couples ticket is $20 until February 6th, then the price goes up to $25 so ask your date now! Single tickets are also available for $12 until Feb. 11th then will go up to $15. Tickets can be purchased on

7. Diversity Week and Assembly

Want to perform at this year’s Diversity Assembly? Fill out the form if you have a cultural performance to share:

Assembly will be on February 16th. Please contact Aprill Triggs ([email protected]) in the student center if you have any questions.

8. Seniors Aviator Scholar Reminder:

The Aviator Scholar is calculated as follows:

GPA (Cumulative GPA from 9th Grade to Senior Year-3rd Quarter) Times 10

ACT Score (Highest ACT Total Composite Score Used)

Advanced Placement Courses (1.0 point given for each full year AP class passed)

Concurrent Enrollment Face to Face (.5 point given for each semester CE class passed)

UVU Live Interactive (1.0 given for each class passed)

MTECH (.5 point given for each full year MTECH class passed)

*There can not be any remaining credits left. Medals will be awarded in May.

9. Free online course for improving mental health

BYU’s positive psychology department has extended our community the opportunity to participate in a free, online mindfulness course which helps students improve their mental health. This is a voluntary program. They are offering a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card for participating. Here are the links to the invitation letter in both English and Spanish.

Free Mindfulness Course Letter – English

Free Mindfulness Course Letter – Spanish

10. Important Dates

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a wonderful 2023!

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

January 9th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

January 9, 2023,

Welcome back to week two of the new 2023 school year! Please make note of the following:

1. Class Changes

All deadlines for class changes have passed. The counseling office appreciates your patience as we have been registering a record number of students and our administration has worked to hire more teachers. At this time, no more class changes will be allowed with the following exceptions. If students are interested in a free schedule change, they can do so if they add / change to one of the following classes. Please contact your counselor if you are interested.

English 9

Period 1 with Coon or Toronto

Period 2 with Hawkins or Toronto

Period 3 with Hawkins

Period 4 with Hawkins

Period 5 with Toronto

Period 8 with Hawkins or Coon

English 10

Period 1 with Davis

Creative Writing

Period 3 with Toronto

Period 7 with Toronto

US History

Period 2 with Renda

Period 3 with Renda

World Geography

Period 8 with Robinson

Modern World History

Period 6 with Renda

Secondary Math 1

Period 5 with Pederson

Period 8 with Zeeman or Deschamps

Secondary Math 3

Period 8 with Bevell


Period 5 with Augat

Period 8 with Augat


Period 1 with Duncan

2. ACT Prep

The ACT is one of two main tests that many colleges require for admissions. How well your child scores can have an impact on what colleges they are eligible to attend and what degree programs students qualify for. Almost half of students decide to retest on the ACT because they aren’t happy with their initial scores. This is stressful and costs money. Our ACT prep course is one way to increase your child’s chances of a better score.

ACT Prep classes will begin Jan 9th from 2:30-3:30. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday in D257. Pay $25 to the finance office. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Cameron Christensen in D161. This is a great opportunity for all Juniors to prepare for the ACT March 7th.

We also offer an online class for ACT Prep. If you are interested, please contact [email protected] for more information. SHMOOP is also available to assist with ACT prep. Just go to and use the code ASPEN.

3. Free online course for improving mental health

BYU’s positive psychology department has extended our community the opportunity to participate in a free, online mindfulness course which helps students improve their mental health. This is a voluntary program. They are offering a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card for participating. Here are the links to the invitation letter in both English and Spanish.

Free Mindfulness Course Letter – English

Free Mindfulness Course Letter – Spanish

4. Walking at Graduation

The Utah Board of Education has voted to uphold the pre-pandemic standards that students must complete ALL graduation requirements to “walk” at graduation. Graduation will be held this year on May 25th. All required credits must be completed before then. Check missing credits by going to Skyward and on the far left click on graduation requirements. Once there you will see a column titled Remaining. Whatever is listed in red is what is still outstanding.

Credit Recovery Options

EastShore online packets

BYU Independent Study online canvas courses

SOEP online schools and courses

Northridge paper packets

5. Anti-Vaping Presentation

Our PTA in conjunction with the Utah Health Department will be presenting an Anti-Vaping presentation during lunches on Monday and Tuesday. For more information go to

6. Parking Lot Safety

Please remind your students to practice safe driving when the weather is bad. We have had cars damaged in our parking lots due to students driving recklessly. If there is an accident in the parking lot it needs to be reported to the main office and our school Resource Officer.

7. Friday, Jan. 13th is a no student day & Monday, Jan. 16th is a school holiday, no school.

8. Seniors Aviator Scholar Reminder:

The Aviator Scholar is calculated as follows:

GPA (Cumulative GPA from 9th Grade to Senior Year-3rd Quarter) Times 10

ACT Score (Highest ACT Total Composite Score Used)

Advanced Placement Courses (1.0 point given for each full year AP class passed)

Concurrent Enrollment Face to Face (.5 point given for each semester CE class passed)

UVU Live Interactive (1.0 given for each class passed)

MTECH (.5 point given for each full year MTECH class passed)

*There can not be any remaining credits left. Medals will be awarded in May.

9. Important Dates

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a wonderful 2023!

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

January 3rd, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

January 3, 2023

Happy 2023 New Year and welcome back Aviator Family!

I hope each of you had a restful and meaningful time with your family during this winter break. Students, staff, and teachers enjoyed being back at school to share all the fun activities everyone participated in during the holidays. The excitement was in the air and it felt good to be back at CV with all our Aviator friends.

Please make note of the following:

1. ACT Prep

The ACT is one of two main tests that many colleges require for admissions. How well your child scores can have an impact on what colleges they are eligible to attend and what degree programs students qualify for. Many students decide to retest on the ACT because they aren’t happy with their initial scores. This is stressful and costs money. Our ACT prep course is one way to increase your child’s chances of a better score.

ACT Prep classes will begin Jan 9th from 2:30-3:30. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday in D257. Pay $25 to the finance office. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Cameron Christensen in D161. This is a great opportunity for all Juniors to prepare for the ACT March 7th.

2. Drivers ED

In Person Driver’s Ed starts Next Monday. If Interested please sign up here.

If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. Roberts at [email protected]

3. School Dance

Blacklight Blizzard Stomp will be Friday night after our home Basketball Game. Tickets will be available on starting tomorrow!

4. No School January 13th, 2023

There will be a “NO Student day” January 13th. Likewise, January 16th is a holiday.

5. Important Dates

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a wonderful 2023!

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

December 12th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

December 12, 2022

Dear Aviators,

It’s hard to believe that this is the last week of 2022! With only 4 ½ days of school left it is more important than ever to help your students turn in any outstanding assignments over the next couple of days before your much-deserved holiday break!

Please make note of the following:

1. Minimal Day, Friday, December 16, 2022

Friday, December 16th is the end of the 2nd term. The schedule will be a Minimal Day schedule. Below is Friday’s bell schedule:

1st Period 7:45-8:25

2nd Period 8:30-9:10

3rd Period 9:15-9:55

4th Period 10:00-10:40

Lunch 10:40-11:15 (One lunch period only)

Busses leave 11:15

2. School Lunch

Breakfast and Lunch will be served on Minimal Day Friday, December 16, 2022. Sometimes lunch options change on the last day before the break.

3. School Safety

As a reminder, safety comes first. Cedar Valley High School has a protocol in place for emergency situations. Please refer to this document for details about the protocol. In addition to this protocol, we have faculty that will be participating in research-based threat assessment training. Safety begins and ends with all of us. The most important thing any of us can do is to say something when we see something. All safety concerns should be reported to the administration.

4. How Sick is Too Sick

As the flu season is upon us, please review the following flier.


If you or your students are in need of some mental health resources over the break you can access

This is a great website with all kinds of resources.

5. Driver’s Ed

There will be an online and an in-person class for Driver’s Ed starting after the Winter Break. There are only 2 more in-person opportunities for Driver’s Ed this school year. If you are interested please sign up on the Google Form on the School’s Driver’s Ed webpage.

Driver’s Education

If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. Roberts at [email protected]

6. PTSA Battle of the Bands

Join the Battle of the Bands – on January 14th! Register here:

7. ACT March 7, 2023

We will be administering the ACT on March 7, 2023. Please encourage your students to prepare for the ACT and tell them why it is so important. Even though many schools do not use it for admissions, universities use it to determine what level of general ed classes they must take. Performing well can save $$$.

Sophomores will take a practice ACT that day.

Freshmen & Seniors will stay home and have an online study day.

More information will be coming. Kids will need to leave their phones at home or in their cars.

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

9. Important Dates

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic month of November!

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

December 5th 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

December 5, 2022

Dear Aviators,

I woke up this morning to five inches of snow! It’s a reminder that we are entering the last half of the school year. We are all also ready for a mid year break and I am sure everyone is ready for the holidays. With that being said, please go into Skyward and see if you can help your student get in their assignments so they will pass their classes.It’s the last 11 days to push!

Please make note of the following:

1. Class Change Deadline

It’s hard to believe we are almost to our 2nd Semester. We have loved working with your students. Please be aware that we will only be accepting class change requests for the 2nd Semester through December 15th. If you need to make changes please meet with your counselor ASAP.

2. UVU Admission and Registration!

Concurrent Enrollment is now open for 2nd semester for face to face and live interactive courses. If you (your student) are registered at Cedar Valley High School to take a UVU concurrent enrollment face to face or live interactive class it’s time to get admitted and registered at UVU. If your ACT score is not high enough for the course you may take the Accuplacer test for English and/or the Aleks test for math at UVU.

I wish I would have pushed my children to earn their associates degree during high school! It’s almost like earning $40,000 over the next two years after textbook, the cost of living, taxes and tuition! Our school had more students earn their associates and gen education certificates than any other high school that feeds into UVU. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity for your child and meet with your counselor.

Registration Process – Go to

1- Apply for admissions (Step 1), unless you already have a UVID.

2- Registration:

A-Know prerequisites

B- Find course CRN – on website or attached to this email

C- Login to UV Link ( and register for courses using CRN’s

3 – Pay tuition

If you have question or need help, please contact your high school counselor or

Char Christensen [email protected] in Room D230 @ CVHS.

3. Get Your Associate’s Degree in Aviation Science From UVU at CV!

Starting next school year, we will be offering an associates degree in Aviation Science on campus! Why would you not do that? Once a student has that degree, all he/she has to do is go to UVU and take their flying lessons. All the foundational components will be completed at CV speeding up the process to become a commercial pilot. Flying is the fun part! Our student could be earning $$$$ in a couple short years and big $$$ in a few years after that.

There is a pilot shortage and girls especially are needed as well! This will cut your costs down significantly to become a commercial pilot!

4. Finance Office

The financial office will be closed this Wednesday, however; My School Fees will still be open to pay fees.

5. Text option for messages from the school

Did you know that you can opt in to receive messages from the school via text? This can be for general messages, attendance messages, emergency messages, etc. Please click HERE for quick opt-in instructions.

Please click HERE for instructions on how to access Skylert, which will allow you to set which messages you receive via text/phone/email. Please note that Skylert is not available from the app, you must log in to the Skyward web page from a browser.

6. Sheriff Department Training During Christmas Break

The Sheriff’s department will be conducting training at our school during the Christmas break. You will see several patrol cars at the school for a couple days.

7. PTSA Battle of the Bands

Join the Battle of the Bands – January 14th! Register here:

8. Important Dates

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic month of November!

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

November 28, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly (2022-23 School Theme)

November 28, 2022

Dear Aviators,

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break! It’s unbelievable to think that we are only three short weeks away from the end of the term! That will be here so fast and before you know it. Please make note of the following:

1. Last Three Weeks For Term 2

Parents, please log onto Skyward often over the next few days to help your students get all their work turned in. I do not want any surprises at the end of the term. It is also important to note that we have several classes where students do labs and other activities to earn points. Attendance and participation will profoundly affect your child’s grades. I am asking teachers to send you a progress report!

2. PTSA Texas Roadhouse Gift Card Fundraiser

PTSA is running a gift card fundraiser this holiday season. Stock up on gifts for your teachers, family, and friends! 10% of each gift card purchase will go back to the school. Gift cards are available to purchase until next Monday, December 5th. They’ll be available for pickup on Thursday, December 15th at CVHS.

Please Order here:

PTSA Meetings – Canceled this week

There will not be any monthly PTSA student or parent meetings held this Friday. We will resume with our regular meeting schedule after the holidays.

PTSA Battle of the Bands & Open Mic

The Battle of the Bands & Open Mic is coming on January 14th! This is a yearly event where bands from high schools across the state compete to win prizes. Registration information will be sent out and posted at the school next week. Music, theater, and art teachers will be given posters/QR codes to promote this event in their classrooms.

3. UVU admission and Registration

Concurrent Enrollment is now open for 2nd semester for face to face and live interactive courses. If you (your student) are registered at Cedar Valley High School to take a UVU concurrent enrollment face to face or live interactive class it’s time to get admitted and registered at UVU. If your ACT score is not high enough for the course you may take the Accuplacer test for English and/or the Aleks test for math at UVU.

Registration Process-

Go to

1- Apply for admissions (Step 1), unless you already have a UVID.

2- Registration:

A-Know prerequisites

B- Find course CRN – on website or attached to this email

C- Login to UV Link ( and register for courses using CRN’s

3 – Pay tuition

If you have question or need help, please contact your high school counselor or

Char Christensen [email protected] in Room D230 @ CVHS.

4. Thursday 12/1 will be a single assembly schedule for the Christmas in the Valley assembly. See the bell schedule here.

5. December 16th will be a minimal day schedule buses will be here 11:15.

Other upcoming dates to remember.

2-week calendar

Have a great rest of your week

Courtney Johnson

Principal CVHS

November 21, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly (2022-23 School Theme)

November 21, 2022

Dear Aviators,

Welcome to a very short week! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please make note of the following:

1. PTSA Thank You

Thank you to all the parents that donated to the Parent Teacher Conference meal for the teachers last week. It was much appreciated!

2. PTSA Battle of the Bands & Open Mic

The Battle of the Bands & Open Mic is coming on January 14th! This is a yearly event where bands from high schools across the state compete to win prizes. Registration information will be sent out and posted at the school next week.

3. Sub for Santa

Sub for Santa is available for children aged 17 and below. You can apply for Christmas help by going to or calling Mrs. Palacios at 484-744-8516. The deadline is December 5th.

4. Other upcoming dates to remember.

2-week calendar

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson