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Tuesday, September 6th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Dear Aviators,

I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Please make note of the following:

1. Girls Soccer Game Change Today

Due to the heat we are experiencing, the JV team will play @ 5 p.m. and the Varsity team at 7 p.m. at Cedar Valley High School hosting Payson.

2. Suicide Awareness Walk w. Food Trucks Reminder & Suicide Awareness Week

As a part of Suicide Awareness Month, we will have a Suicide Awareness Walk on September 7th. We will be walking on the track at 7 pm. Food trucks and community resources will be there at 6 pm. Come support and raise Suicide Awareness! We will be doing various activities at school during the week.

3. Concurrent Enrollment

September 7th is the last day to register for UVU Concurrent Enrollment classes and the last day to enroll with the late fees assessed. From September 8th – 12th there will be a $15 per credit late fee assessed. For instructions on enrollment please go here. Do you qualify for free and reduced lunch? If so, you may qualify for assistance with Concurrent Enrollment Fees. Ask your counselor or CE specialist about this.

ACT Prep Classes will begin the week of Sept. 26th after school Mon. Tues. & Thurs. 2:30-3:30. Students and parents can pay in the finance office or on my school fees $25.

FFA PARENT MEETING RESCHEDULED Please note that the FFA Parent Meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Sep 20, 2022, at 6 pm. The meeting will take place in the Cedar Valley High School Cafeteria. We look forward to seeing you!

4. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic week and enjoy the sunshine!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Monday, August 29th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

Monday, August 29, 2022

Dear Parents,
Welcome to Club Rush Week! We love it when our kiddos get involved. Please make note of the following:

1. Club Rush Week

Club rush week will be from August 29 – Sept. 2. During this week students will see clubs that are available and have a chance to join. Parent permission forms are required for club participation and will be available. If you would like to start a club, chartering forms are available in the front office or you can print them out using this application link. Please be sure to include the club constitution with the application. In order to be included in club rush, applications should be turned in by August 25. Please come get one and find an advisor. If you have any questions, please ask Mr. Sivert.

2. Evacuation Drill Reminder

We will have our first evacuation drill tomorrow, August 30 during Jet Time.

3. Dress Code

With the beginning of the new school year, we have seen an increase in dress code violations. The dress code is very equitable and will maintain the dignity of our students. It is also not gender-specific! Students in Academic and PE classes are required to have at least a 2-inch strap over their shoulders.

4. Service Opportunity

The CVHS Student Council and student body will be participating with EMServes to commemorate 9/11 by making Go-Bags for the first responders in our community. We are asking for donations of supplies like drawstring backpacks, snacks, wipes, etc. If you are interested, here is the link to the sign-up page.

Sign-ups close, and all donations are due on September 6, and should be dropped off in the main office at Cedar Valley. Students will be helping assemble the bags on September 8th and they will be delivering them to first responders prior to 9/11. Please be aware of these deadlines so that the go-bags can be assembled as planned. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Ducos. [email protected]

5. Suicide Awareness Walk w/ Food Trucks Reminder

As a part of Suicide Awareness Month, we will have a Suicide Awareness Walk on September 7th. We will be walking on the track at 7 pm. Food trucks and community resources will be there at 6 pm. Come support and raise Suicide Awareness!

6. Yearbook Lowest Price

Right now yearbooks are $59. The price will increase after August 31to $65 and will continue to increase throughout the school year. Purchase now to be sure you get one. Information on Senior Ads and Senior Quotes will be out soon. If you have any questions please contact the yearbook advisor, Kristin Cooper ([email protected]).

7. Parking Passes For Students

Parking Passes are mandatory for on-site school parking. We have had several students parking in areas that are reserved for faculty and staff. An easy way to remember where students can park is for them to avoid yellow-lined parking spaces around the perimeter of the building. Yellow-lined parking stalls near the sidewalks are for teachers and staff. Students’ parking slots are lined in white. Parking will be enforced this year and the ticket price has increased. Street parking by the school is public and not ticketed. **Buy your parking pass today at the finance window for only $10 and avoid paying more for a ticket. Visit this link to input your vehicle information.

**Please note that school fees need to be current or an official payment plan in place to purchase a parking pass

8. Chromebook Insurance Reminder

Chromebook Insurance. Open enrollment is now available for student Chromebook insurance coverage. It is $25 for the entire year (12 months). If you had insurance last year, you will need to renew this year, to continue coverage. We HIGHLY recommend it. The company has been easy to work with and coverage includes everything, except the charger. Sign-up needs to be completed by Sept 1st. Questions: 1-888-978-3515

9. Aviator Wrestling Club
Ages: 4 years old-12th Grade Boys & Girls

FALL SEASON ONLY (Folkstyle): $55 ($65 if you live outside of CVHS boundary)

– Practices from 5:30-7 pm (5:30-6:30 for beginners)

– Starts Tuesday, September 6, 2022, to Thursday, October 20, 2022

– Includes 2 practices/week (most Tuesdays & Thursdays)+ AVIATOR T-shirt

– Must be a USA Wrestling member ($45 year-long membership card available on USAW website- All tournaments have their own registration fees. The team will travel to select tournaments throughout the fall season.

WINTER SEASON ONLY (Folkstyle): $100 ($110 if you live outside of CVHS boundary)

– Practices from 5:30-7 pm (5:30-6:30 for beginners)

– Starts Monday, October 24, 2022, to Thursday, February 9, 2023

– Includes 3 practices/week (most Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays) + AVIATOR T-shirt

– Must be a USA Wrestling member ($45 year-long membership card available on USAW website- All tournaments have their own registration fees. The team will travel to select tournaments throughout the winter season.


OLYMPIC STYLE SEASON ONLY: $100 ($110 if you live outside of CVHS boundary)

– Practices from 5:30-7 pm

– Starts Tuesday, February 21, 2023, to Thursday, May 11, 2023

– Includes 3 practices/week (most Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays) + AVIATOR T-shirt

– Must be a USA Wrestling member ($45 year-long membership card available on USAW website- All tournaments have their own registration fees. The team will travel to select tournaments throughout the Olympic Style season. We will also have special summer training sessions for those qualified for post-season National tournaments like the National Duals and Fargo.


AVIATOR YEAR-LONG MEMBERSHIP: $225 ($235 if you live outside of CVHS boundary)

– Includes all AVIATOR Folkstyle and Olympic Style practices + AVIATOR T-shirt

– Must be a USA Wrestling member (see above).


All practices are at CEDAR VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL. Check out our website ( for more info including our complete practice/competition schedule and to register online at: (for boys) & (for girls)

Questions? CONTACT: Erik Gonzalez @ [email protected] or 360-787-3321 or on Twitter: @coacherikgonzo

10. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to the second week of school! It just feels different this year. Students are excited to be here and we are excited to move forward with positivity and engagement in learning.

Please make note of the following:

1. School Safety

CVHS is continuing to focus on the safety of our students. As a reminder, all visitors must check in at the front office. Students may notice that we are locking more exterior doors during the school day than we have in the past. We encourage students to enter through the front doors if they are entering the school during class hours.

2. Attendance Policy – Please visit our website here CVHS Attendance Policy for quick facts and info about our attendance policy. This will include info on how/when to excuse your student’s absences.

3. NEW Student Success Center

Attendance is a primary driver of student success. Students who struggle to get to class will be referred to our new Student Success Center after administrator visits with their guardians. The Success Center has been established to help all of our students get to class. Please support our efforts in working with your students.

4. Picture Retake Days

We were able to schedule 2 picture retake days. They will be all day on September 16 and October 28.

5. Yearbook

Last year we sold out of yearbooks so be sure to get yours now for $59. The price will increase after August 31to $65. The yearbook will continue to increase throughout the school year. Purchase now to be sure you get one. Information on Senior Ads and Senior Quotes will be out soon. If you have any questions please contact the yearbook advisor, Kristin Cooper ([email protected]).

6. Class Changes

This is the last week for class changes. Please have class change forms filled out and the $5 fee paid. Once completed, please bring the form and receipt to the counseling office and we will be happy to make changes. We appreciate your cooperation!

7. Suicide Awareness Month

As a part of Suicide Awareness Month, we will have a Suicide walk on September 7th. We will be walking on the track at 7 pm. Food trucks and community resources will be there at 6 pm. Come support and raise Suicide Awareness!

8. Parking Passes For Students

Parking Passes are mandatory for on-site school parking. We have had several students parking in areas that are reserved for faculty and staff. An easy way to remember where students can park is for them to avoid yellow-lined parking spaces around the perimeter of the building. Yellow-lined parking stalls near the sidewalks are for teachers and staff. Students’ parking slots are lined in white. Parking will be enforced this year and the ticket price has increased. Street parking by the school is public and not ticketed. **Buy your parking pass today at the finance window for only $10 and avoid paying more for a ticket. Visit this link to input your vehicle information.

**Please note that school fees need to be current or an official payment plan in place to purchase a parking pass

9. School Fees and Payment Options

Did you know that Cedar Valley High School offers a payment plan for school fees? Stop by the finance office to pick up an application or here

Completed Fee waiver applications must be submitted to the school’s finance department by September 30th of each year for activities, classes, and programs that are scheduled to occur during the school year (per policy 5146, section 5.5.6). The fee waiver application can be found here.

All required fees must be paid or payment arrangements made before a student may participate or pay for any optional activities or fees.

10. Lunch Information

The lunchroom is looking for help serving lunch. If you are interested in helping and earning a free lunch please talk to Mrs. Dastrup.

11. Chromebook Insurance.

Chromebook Insurance. Open enrollment is now available for student Chromebook insurance coverage. It is $25 for the entire year (12 months). If you had insurance last year, you will need to renew this year, to continue coverage. We HIGHLY recommend it. The company has been easy to work with and coverage includes everything, except the charger. Sign-up needs to be completed by Sept 1st. Questions: 1-888-978-3515

12. Club Rush Week

Club rush week will be from August 29 – Sept. 2. During this week students will see clubs that are available and have a chance to join. Parent permission forms are required for club participation and will be available. If you would like to start a club, chartering forms are available in the front office or you can print them out using this application link. Please be sure to include the club constitution with the application. In order to be included in club rush, applications should be turned in by August 25. Please come get one and find an advisor. If you have any questions, please ask Mr. Sivert.

13. Jet Time

As we get into our first full week of school, please remember that JetTime is a class and students receive a grade for that class. Students’ grade comes from completing the work assigned in Canvas and from attending class and engaging in the activities that teachers are providing. 50% of the grade comes from the canvas work, and 50% of the grade comes from attendance/engaging in class time activities. JetTime does affect GPA and eligibility. Students receive credit towards graduation for this class. Students who attend and engage in the work will have no problems passing the course!

If you have any questions about Jet Time, please feel free to email [email protected]

14. Note From Our PTSA

Here is the PTSA message of the week.

You belong in PTSA, and so do your students! PTSA can be a way for you and your students to more effectively help to shape positive changes in the school community. Join today to amplify your voice, make connections, have fun, and meet new people! Use this link to join today and make a difference!

If you have any questions, please contact:

Felicia Black, PTSA President

[email protected]

15. PTSA Cafe Zupa Night Fundraiser in American Fork

Link Here for more information.

16. Driver’s Education

For those interested in taking Driver’s Ed through Cedar Valley it is starting next week. Please sign up at the Driver’s Ed website at

Driver’s Education

Session 1 starts next week so please sign up soon for our first online class begins on September 1st.

If you have any questions please email Mr. Roberts at [email protected].

Please remember these 3 things before signing up if you are trying to get your license on your birthday.

1. Take the class 3 months before your birthday.

2. Do range a minimum of 2 months before your birthday

3. Do range 1 month before your birthday.

17. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to school! We had a wonderful Pre-Boarding, Freshman Orientation, Open House, and the first day of school! We are beyond thrilled to see the enthusiasm and excitement for school.

This will be our best year yet and we will have our first 2023 graduating class that started with CV the very first year we opened in 2019 as freshmen! Our babies have grown up! What a wonderful year this will be!

Please make note of the following:

1. Back to School Information

Here is all of your back-to-school information in case you’re new. CVHS Boarding Pass.

2. Class Changes

During the first two days of school, students will not change classes due to the demand of helping students that don’t have complete schedules. Please be patient with the counseling department. With so many new students arriving, they need this time to help them register for school.

3. Order Pictures, & School Picture Final Retake Day

If you’d still like to order school pictures, please click here.

If you missed our pre-boarding launch and didn’t get your school pictures taken, we will have a makeup day Fri Sept. 16th. This is a new date, but we are hoping to still have the re-take day in October as we have advertised, but this may change.

4. Lunch

Lunch menus can be found online at School breakfast and lunch can be paid online at Students can bring cash or a check to the lunchroom to put money in their accounts. Students will need their new or old Student ID Card to purchase breakfast or lunch. Our cafeteria is completely keyless, students scan their ID Cards or a picture of their ID Cards, to purchase meals and Ala’ Carte Items. If they have misplaced or no longer have an ID Card they can give us their Student ID Number until it is replaced.

Our Lunchroom is in need of student helpers. Student helpers help serve lunch during their lunch hour and receive a free lunch for their service. Please email Mrs. Dastrup in the Lunchroom at [email protected] if you are interested.

5. PTSA Cafe Zupa Night Fundraiser

Link Here for more information.

6. One-to-One Information (Chromebooks for Students)

If your Child did not get their Chromebook please know that they will be getting pulled from class so that they can get their Chromebook during the first week of school.

Blocksi for Parents – Parents who are interested can create a parent account for Blocksi. Blocksi allows parents to create settings on their child’s Chromebook. These functions will only work outside of our school network, while students are at home.

Some of the functions you can do from the parent portals include:

Pausing the internet

Create an exceptions list that allows you to create a list of websites you would like blocked

Time control to set time limits for the Chromebook

Insights allow you to see analytics of how your child has been using their device


5. School Community Council Parent Help

Serving on our School Community Council is a wonderful way for parents and teachers to contribute and help improve academic performance at our school. The school receives an annual dividend from the school trust lands. Our council decides how these funds will be used. If you are interested in serving on our SCC, please link here.

6. Driver’s Education Information

Driver’s Ed registration is up on the School Website for the school year.

Driver’s Education

We have both in-person and online options for the classroom portion of the program.

Our first in-person class starts next Monday and our first online class starts on September 1st.

We suggest taking the class portion 3-6 months prior to the anticipation date of wanting your license.

Please reach out to Mr. Roberts if you have any questions at [email protected]

7. Student Council Welcome Back Assembly

Our Welcome Week Back to School Assembly is on Thursday morning. We will follow the Single Assembly schedule that day. Basically, the assembly takes the place of Jet Time but extends to 9:55. Classes are shortened by 6 minutes to compensate.

8. Accident and Sickness Insurance For Students

If you would like accident and sickness insurance for your child, please see the link below.

Link Here for more information

Link Here for more information in Spanish

9. Importance of Attendance

Cedar Valley will be implementing some new policies to encourage students to remain in class. The data is very clear that students who miss more than a couple of periods of class in a term are much more likely to fail. Please be aware of our push to help your students succeed by supporting us in our efforts to get all of our students to class. We will be sending out more information regarding our Student Success Center in the coming weeks.

10. Support Team For Your Student(s)

If you need help with anything or have any questions, please reach out to your child’s administrator and counseling team. If you have any questions or concerns with a class, please reach out to your child’s teacher.

11. Parking

It is not too late to get your parking pass. All students who wish to park on campus will need a parking pass to avoid getting a ticket. You can find all the information you need and the fillable form at CVHS Parking.

12. Tickets
Tickets to all extracurricular activities are pre-sold, and online only. Tickets can be purchased at Football game tailgates begin next week, August 26th, at 5 pm in the back parking lot.

13. Administration and Counselors

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s administrator and counselor. See below

Alphabet A-Coo:

Administrator: Scott Mansfield

Counselors: Abby Taylor A-Bray and Jerilynn Phillips Braz-Coo.

Alphabet: Cop-Go

Administrator: Anna Butler

Counselors: Kristy Childs Cop-F and April Triggs G-H

Alphabet: Gr-Lot

Administrator:: Kimberly Moore

Counselors: April Triggs G-Hoo and Debra Smith Hop-Lot

Alphabet: Lou-R

Administrator: Bill Sivert

Counselors: Camille Black Lou-Oq and Courtney Briggs Or-R

Alphabet: S-Z

Administrator: Kenyon Christen

Counselors: Regan Peck S-T, Brittney Zabriskie U-Walters, and Joleen Liston Wambold – Z

14. Upcoming Dates to Remember

Link here for all activities and events at CVHS

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

Wednesday, May 25th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Hi Everyone,

Just as a reminder it is our graduation tomorrow. We will be busy with all of the final preparations and will not be in the office. The school will be open after Memorial Day on Tuesday, May 31, from 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Summer office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.

My team is already putting together our summer mailer (airline ticket) with a QR code that will provide you with all the back-to-school information. I can’t wait for you to see it!

I appreciate getting to know so many of you. We have the best families out here in our beautiful valley! As you know, it is better in the valley!

I hope you all have a wonderful summer and enjoy time with family and friends. If you have any good smoker BBQ recipes I would love it if you would share those with me! That’s something I love to do as well, but I have so much to learn.

I have the best job in the world! Thank you for your love and support!

Courtney Johnson
Principal CVHS

Monday, May 23, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, May 23, 2022

Dear Aviators,

Congratulations! We are officially on the countdown until graduation this week!.

Please be aware of the following:

1. Schedule Tomorrow:

Tomorrow the bells will be on a regular schedule. All students will go to their 1st-period class at 7:45 am. Starting around 8 A.M., we will call students down one Terminal at a time to get their yearbooks. The students can then attend their classes to get signatures from their peers and teachers.

2. Yearbook Second Chance:

Students will be able to pick up their yearbooks at the signing party today, Monday 5/23 at 7:00 P.M. All yearbooks are sold out, however; many of you asked if we could order more. Josten’s has offered to do a second printing at cost. Because they are not part of the original bulk printing rate, these will be $125.00 plus tax so it will be closer to $135.00 dollars or so. If you would like to pre-pay and order a yearbook, please go to myschoolfees on our website to make your purchase under “2nd Chance Yearbook”. These will arrive towards the end of June.

3. Summer School:

CVHS will offer limited summer school offerings this summer: English 9,10, & 11 Secondary Math 1 & 2. The CVHS Summer School schedule can be found here. Students may also attend Lehi HS which will offer a variety of subjects. You can find the Lehi HS Summer schedule here. To register students must pay the $25/class to our Finance Office before the last day of school. For any questions please reach out to your student’s counselor.

4. Graduation Information Update:

We wanted to give you a few reminders about our upcoming graduation that will take place at the BYU Marriott Center on Thursday, May 26, 2022.

Graduation Practice/Yearbook Distribution & Lunch:

All graduates had graduation practice on Monday, May 23rd from 8:00 – 10:00 am in the CVHS Auditorium. Important information regarding the graduation process will be discussed. Following the practice, those seniors that have purchased a yearbook will be able to pick them up. Tyson Foods will be providing the seniors with a BBQ lunch after the yearbook distribution. Thank you Tyson Foods!!!!

Important times to be aware of:

Graduates are expected to arrive at the BYU Marriott Center “Check-In” table at the northwest corner by 11:30 a.m.

Processional begins at 12:15 p.m.

Commencement Exercises begin promptly at 12:30 p.m.

Graduation Guidelines & Map:

These guidelines and map will help assist you in your preparation for graduation. Guidelines & Map

Clear Bag Policy: The Marriott Center at BYU has a clear bag policy. Please make sure that you abide by their policy.

Livestream Link: The graduation commencement ceremony will be live-streamed. Here is the link to view it: Livestream Link

Seating at the Marriott Center:

No tickets are needed and there is no limit on the amount of family/friends that are allowed for the Commencement Ceremony. Guests are to sit on the south side of the Marriott Center between portals F-L.

After the graduation, please meet your graduates on the south side of the Marriott Center.

Graduation Cultural Expression Update:

The Alpine district sent out an email regarding the district’s decision to allow cultural expression at graduation. Students may wear objects that represent their ancestral heritage. We received additional information from the district noting guidelines etc. Please note the following:

a.. The cap and gown issued by the school represent the uniform for ASD graduation. They should be worn appropriately and not altered.

b. The recently passed HB30 expanded the graduation uniform, allowing cultural expressions for cultural regalia and objects of “religious and cultural significance” for our qualified Native students and inclusive of other cultures. (i.e., Pacific Islander formal Ta’ovala, leis, feather, flowers in moderation, necklaces, etc.)

c. Additions to the cap and gown should reflect culturally significant objects to the students, families, and their communities. These are not limited to only one. These objects should not include representations of drugs, violence, political speech, flags, or other non-religious or non-culturally significant objects.

d. Students must obtain administrative pre-approval for adjustments to graduation wear. Pre-approval should allow for appropriate cultural expressions without causing last-minute misunderstandings and frustrations. Please make an appointment to meet before May 24, 2022, at 3:00 P.M.

Pre-approval process:

1. Students (parents are welcome) must bring in the objects of “religious and cultural significance” to their administrator. Only items approved will be allowed at graduation.

Please reach out via email to the Administrator who oversees your child based on their last name if you would like an appointment to get items approved:

A-Cook Scott Mansfield [email protected]

Coola-Hat Daren Ward [email protected]

Hau-Mei Kimberly Moore [email protected]

Mej-See Pat Fossat [email protected]

Sef-Z Kenyon Christen [email protected]

5. Final Senior Activities:

Seniors (and Parents of Seniors), it’s time to get your tickets for Senior Events! Tickets are available on or at the finance window. Please note that Lagoon Tickets cannot be purchased until your Chromebook has been turned in, and must be paid for at the finance office window to ensure that all fees and fines and Chromebooks are clear. All other tickets are already available on myschoolfees. Event tickets can be purchased separately or all at the

Signing Social in commons 7-9-P.M. May, 23.

Senior Lagoon Day: Tuesday, May 24, Tickets @ Finance window after Chromebook turn-in, $50

Graduation: BYU Marriott Center 12:30 P.M. with a processional at 12:10 P.M. Students arrive at 11:30

Senior All-Night Grad Party: Thursday, May 26, All-Star Bowling, 10:30 P.M. -4:00 A.M., $40

Diploma Certificate Pick Up: May 31- June 17th.

If your student would like to get reminders and announcements about Senior events, have them sign up for our ‘CVHS 2022 Seniors’ group on BAND

6. Summer Drivers Education

Cedar Valley is now enrolling students for Summer ONLINE Driver’s Ed. Students can sign up for either June or July and will take a range within that specific month. There are a total of 80 spots for June and 160 spots for July. These are on a first come first serve basis. If interested please sign up on the Google Form on the Cedar Valley Driver’s Ed Website.

If you have any questions please let me know at [email protected]

7. Finance Office Message

School Fees that have not been paid by June 15th will be sent to collections.. **The finance office will be closed on May 20th to assess fines**

8. School Lunch 2022-2023 school year

If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, please fill out the form starting in late July or early August. Updated Free and Reduced Lunch

9. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

Link here for all activities and events at CVHS

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

May 16th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, May 16, 2022

Dear Aviators,

This email has lots of information for the end of the school year. Please read to the end, especially graduation information for Seniors. It is hard to believe we are down to only one more Friday left before school is out. This is the home stretch for getting to the end of the year. Please continue to check skyward and encourage your students to communicate with their teachers if they have questions on assignments.

1. Summer School

CVHS will offer limited summer school offerings this summer: English 9,10, & 11 Secondary Math 1 & 2. The CVHS Summer School schedule can be found here. Students may also attend Lehi HS which will offer a variety of subjects. You can find the Lehi HS Summer schedule here. To register students must pay the $25/class to our Finance Office before the last day of school. For any questions please reach out to your student’s counselor.

2. Graduation Information Update:

We wanted to give you a few reminders about our upcoming graduation that will take place at the BYU Marriott Center on Thursday, May 26, 2022.

Graduation Practice/Yearbook Distribution & Lunch:

All graduates need to attend the graduation practice on Monday, May 23rd from 8:00 – 10:00 am in the CVHS Auditorium. Important information regarding the graduation process will be discussed. Following the practice, those seniors that have purchased a yearbook will be able to pick them up. Tyson Foods will be providing the seniors with a BBQ lunch after the yearbook distribution. Thank you Tyson Foods!!!!

Important times to be aware of:

Graduates are expected to arrive at the BYU Marriott Center “Check In” table at the northwest corner by 11:30 a.m.

Processional begins at 12:15 p.m.

Commencement Exercises begin promptly at 12:30 p.m.

Graduation Guidelines & Map:

These guidelines and map will help assist you in your preparation for graduation. Guidelines & Map

Clear Bag Policy: The Marriott Center at BYU has a clear bag policy. Please make sure that you abide by their policy.

Livestream Link: The graduation commencement ceremony will be live streamed. Here is the link to view it: Livestream Link

Seating at the Marriott Center:

No tickets are needed and there is not a limit of the amount of family/friends that are allowed for the Commencement Ceremony. Guests are to sit on the south side of the Marriott Center between portals F-L.

After the graduation, please meet your graduates on the south side of the Marriott Center.


Aviator Celebration of Excellence (ACE Awards) will be held this Wednesday, May 18th from 6-7:30 pm in the CVHS Auditorium. We will be recognizing our seniors for their academic achievements. Best dress encouraged. Refreshments will be served.

Graduate Photo Opportunity:

Prior to the ACE Awards, our seniors will have the opportunity to take pictures with the Fuselage, ACE the Aviator and other locations in the commons area from 4:00 – 5:45 at the school on May 18th. (Photographer not provided)

Graduation Cultural Expression Update:

The Alpine district sent out an email regarding the district’s decision to allow cultural expression at graduation. Students may wear objects that represent their ancestral heritage. We received additional information from the district noting guidelines etc. Please note the following:

a.. The cap and gown issued by the school represent the uniform for ASD graduation. They should be worn appropriately and not altered.

b. The recently passed HB30 expanded the graduation uniform, allowing cultural expressions for cultural regalia and objects of “religious and cultural significance” for our qualified Native students and inclusive of other cultures. (i.e., Pacific Islander formal Ta’ovala, leis, feather, flowers in moderation, necklaces, etc.)

c. Additions to the cap and gown should reflect culturally significant objects to the students, families, and their communities. These are not limited to only one. These objects should not include representations of drugs, violence, political speech, flags, or other non-religious or non-culturally significant objects.

d. Students must obtain administrative pre-approval for adjustments to graduation wear. Pre-approval should allow for appropriate cultural expressions without causing last-minute misunderstandings and frustrations. Please make an appointment to meet before May 24, 2022 at 3:00 P.M.

Pre-approval process:

1. Students (parents are welcome) must bring in the objects of “religious and cultural significance” to their administrator. Only items approved will be allowed at graduation.

Please reach out via email to the Administrator who oversees your child based on their last name if you would like an appointment to get items approval:

A-Cook Scott Mansfield [email protected]

Coola-Hat Daren Ward [email protected]

Hau-Mei Kimberly Moore [email protected]

Mej-See Pat Fossat [email protected]

Sef-Z Kenyon Christen [email protected]

3. Senior Activities

Seniors (and Parents of Seniors), it’s time to get your tickets for Senior Events! Tickets are available on or at the finance window. Please note that Lagoon Tickets cannot be purchased until your Chromebook has been turned in, and must be paid for at the finance office window to ensure that all fees and fines and Chromebooks are clear. All other tickets are already available on myschoolfees. Event tickets can be purchased separately or all at the same time and include

Senior Dinner Dance: Thursday, May 19, Provo City Library Ballroom 6:30-10:30 pm, $28

Senior Sunset: Friday, May 20, CVHS Stadium, time TBA, No Charge

Senior Clearance: Friday, May 20, Credits will be finalized to clear for graduation

May 23rd:

Graduation Practice in Auditorium 8-10 A.M.

Final Cap & Gown distribution in lobby 10-11 A.M.

Senior only yearbook distribution on stage 10-11 A.M.

Signing Social in commons 7-9-P.M.

Senior Lagoon Day: Tuesday, May 24, Tickets @ Finance window after Chromebook turn-in, $50

Graduation: BYU Marriott Center 12:30 P.M. with a processional at 12:10 P.M. Students arrive at 11:30

Senior All-Night Grad Party: Thursday, May 26, All-Star Bowling, 10:30 P.M. -4:00 A.M., $40

Diploma Certificate Pick Up: May 31- June 17th.

If your student would like to get reminders and announcements about Senior events, have them sign up for our ‘CVHS 2022 Seniors’ group on BAND

4. Chromebook Update

Parents, we apologize for the email blast last week. Remember, Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors will keep their Chromebooks over the summer, but they still need to be checked for any problems. At this point all Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors who have not had their Chromebooks checked will be assessed a fine. They can report to the front office to have it checked and that fine will be cleared. All Seniors or any students not attending Cedar Valley High School next year will need to return their Chromebooks by Thursday, May 19 to avoid a fine. Students will return their device to the end of D-Terminal. Questions about Chromebooks can be directed to Pat Fossat at [email protected].

5. Summer Drivers Education

Cedar Valley is now enrolling students for Summer ONLINE Driver’s Ed. Students can sign up for either June or July and will take a range within that specific month. There are a total of 80 spots for June and 160 spots for July. These are on a first come first serve basis. If interested please sign up on the Google Form on the Cedar Valley Driver’s Ed Website.

If you have any questions please let me know at [email protected]

6. Finance Office Message

School Fees that have not been paid by June 15th will be sent to collections.. **The finance office will be closed on May 20th to assess fines**


We are Sold Out of Yearbooks. Students who purchased a yearbook will be able to pick them up next week. Seniors will be able to pick up their yearbooks after the Graduation Practice on Monday 5/23. All other students will be able to pick up their yearbook at the signing party on Monday 5/23 at 7:00. If you did not purchase a yearbook you could call the Finance office and ask to be put on a list in case any more yearbooks become available.

7. School Lunch 2022-2023 school year

If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, please fill out the form starting in late July or early August. Updated Free and Reduced Lunch Flie

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

Link here for all activities and events at CVHS

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Dear Parents and Seniors,

As you may be aware, many things regarding graduation have changed. I want to thank Laura O’Connor for the work she and her team do to make our graduation special. Here is the latest graduation information. Please note the following:

1. Arrival Time Change Notification for May 26, 2022, at BYU

Graduates are expected to arrive at the BYU Marriott Center “Check-In” table at the northwest corner by 11:30 a.m.

Processional begins at 12:15 p.m.

Commencement Exercises begin promptly at 12:30 p.m.

2. Graduation Cultural Expression Update

I sent out an email regarding the district’s decision to allow cultural expression at graduation. Students may wear objects that represent their ancestral heritage. We received additional information from the district noting guidelines etc. Please note the following:

a.. The cap and gown issued by the school represent the uniform for ASD graduation. They should be worn appropriately and not altered.

b. The recently passed HB30 expanded the graduation uniform, allowing cultural expressions for cultural regalia and objects of “religious and cultural significance” for our qualified Native students and inclusive of other cultures. (i.e., Pacific Islander formal Ta’ovala, leis, feather, flowers in moderation, necklaces, etc.)

c. Additions to the cap and gown should reflect culturally significant objects to the students, families, and their communities. These are not limited to only one. These objects should not include representations of drugs, violence, political speech, flags, or other non-religious or non-culturally significant objects.

d. Students must obtain administrative pre-approval for adjustments to graduation wear. Pre-approval should allow for appropriate cultural expressions without causing last-minute misunderstandings and frustrations. Please make an appointment now or before May 24, 2022, at 3:00 P.M.

Pre-approval process

1. Students (parents are welcome) must bring in the objects of “religious and cultural significance” to their administrator. If approved, the administrator will take a picture and attach it to a form. The form then will be signed stating that the student agrees that they will provide the form at graduation and only items in the picture will be allowed at graduation.

2. Students will present the form/card at graduation check in to ensure the items they wear are the same as the picture on the form.

If you have a specific question or concern about your student’s graduation which requires a timely or in-person response, please reach out to the Administrator who oversees your child based on their last name:

A-Cook Scott Mansfield [email protected]

Coola-Hat Daren Ward [email protected]

Hau-Mei Kimberly Moore [email protected]

Mej-See Pat Fossat [email protected]

Sef-Z Kenyon Christen [email protected]

Thank you all so much!

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley HS Principal

May 9th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, May 9, 2022

Dear Aviators,

The end of the school year is fast approaching and we only have two more Fridays left before school is out. Please get on Skyward and check your students’ grades quickly so there are no surprises before school is out. Please make note of the following:

1. Summer School

CVHS will offer limited summer school offerings this summer: English 9,10, & 11 Secondary Math 1 & 2. The CVHS Summer School schedule can be found here. Students may also attend Lehi HS which will offer a variety of subjects. You can find the Lehi HS Summer schedule here. To register students must pay the $25/class to our Finance Office before the last day of school. For any questions please reach out to your student’s counselor.

2. Graduation Cultural Expression for Ancestral Heritage

In an effort to be sensitive to cultural traditions, we are supporting the district’s decision to allow cultural expression at graduation. We are allowing one item to represent a student’s ancestral heritage to be worn over the gown.

3. Summer Drivers Education

Cedar Valley is now enrolling students for Summer ONLINE Driver’s Ed. Students can sign up for either June or July and will take a range within that specific month. There are a total of 80 spots for June and 160 spots for July. These are on a first come first serve basis. If interested please sign up on the Google Form on the Cedar Valley Driver’s Ed Website.

If you have any questions please let me know at [email protected]

4. Locker Clean Out

Locker clean-out will be this Friday, May 13. Lockers must be emptied that day. Fines will be assessed Monday, May 16th.

5. Senior Activities

Seniors (and Parents of Seniors), it’s time to get your tickets for Senior Events! Tickets are available on or at the finance window. Please note that Lagoon Tickets cannot be purchased until your Chromebook has been turned in, and must be paid for at the finance office window to ensure that all fees and fines and Chromebooks are clear. All other tickets are already available on myschoolfees. Event tickets can be purchased separately or all at the same time and include

Senior Dinner Dance: Thursday, May 19, Provo City Library Ballroom 6:30-10:30 pm, $28

Senior Sunset: Friday, May 20, CVHS Stadium, time TBA, No Charge

Senior Clearance: Friday, May 20, Credits will be finalized to clear for graduation

May 23rd:

Graduation Practice in Auditorium 8-10 A.M.

Final Cap & Gown distribution in lobby 10-11 A.M.

Senior only yearbook distribution on stage 10-11 A.M.

Signing Social in commons 7-9-P.M.

Senior Lagoon Day: Tuesday, May 24, Tickets @ Finance window after Chromebook turn-in, $50

Graduation: BYU Marriott Center 12:30 P.M. with a processional at 12:10 P.M. Students arrive at 11:15

Senior All-Night Grad Party: Thursday, May 26, All-Star Bowling, 10:30 P.M. -4:00 A.M., $40

Diploma Certificate Pick Up: May 31- June 17th.

If your student would like to get reminders and announcements about Senior events, have them sign up for our ‘CVHS 2022 Seniors’ group on BAND

6. Finance Office Message

School Fees that have not been paid by June 15th will be sent to collections.. **The finance office will be closed on May 20th to assess fines**


The last day to buy a yearbook online is May 20th and will end at 1:00 P.M. May 23rd yearbooks will not be sold at the finance office until that evening at the signing party. It is highly recommended that you purchase the yearbook and have all fees/fines paid before May 20th to avoid standing in line and possible frustration. Please see the school calendar for this and other activities on our school website.

Wendy Staheli

Cedar Valley High School

801-610-8825 Ext 721758

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

Monday, May 3, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, May 3, 2022

Dear Aviators,

Welcome to May! This is a very exciting month for our students and staff. It is important that we encourage our students to stay the course and finish strong! Please note the following:

1. Senior Activities

Please see last week’s email for all of the activities. Also, an email was sent out to senior honor students.

2. Graduation
We are excited to announce our upcoming Senior Graduation Information Assembly that will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, May 3, 2022, at 9:06 am during Jet Time in the Auditorium. During this assembly, we will go over graduation information, expectations, and the upcoming Senior activities. This PowerPoint will be available on our Counseling website by May 4th.

Following the assembly, we will be distributing the graduation Caps & Gowns that we have received from Jostens to those Seniors who are on track to graduate and have paid their school fees by that date. After this initial distribution, those seniors that clear after this date and get their fees paid can meet with their counselor and they can give them their caps & gowns up to graduation.

The Seniors will be released during the last 15 minutes of their B5 class to go to the auditorium.

Mark your calendar so you can attend the “ACE Awards” on Wednesday, May 18th from 6-7:30 pm in the Auditorium, where seniors will be recognized for their academic achievements. Nice dress is encouraged and refreshments will be served.

This is a link to include colleges you were accepted to, scholarships, and any other honors.

Prior to the ACE Awards from 4-5:45 pm, you will have an opportunity to take pictures at school with the Fuselage, Ace the Aviator and in the Commons Area. Please wear your Cap & Gown for these pictures. (Photographer not provided)

We look forward to this year’s graduation which will be held on Thursday, May 26th at 12:30 pm at the BYU Marriott Center in Provo. More information on how that will look and details will be forthcoming soon.

Senior Walk-Thru Celebration at the local elementary schools.

We are excited to have our local elementary schools host their alumni in a special graduation celebration. Elementary schools will welcome seniors in their Caps and Gowns on Wednesday, May 18th sometime between 1:15 p.m. – 2 p.m. to walk through their former elementary school halls and be recognized.

Elementary schools participating are the following: Black Ridge, Cedar Valley, Eagle Valley, Hidden Hollow, Mountain Trails, Pony Express, and Ranches Academy. Please fill out the form below if your senior will be able to attend.

Graduation Practice/Yearbook Dist/BBQ Lunch (May 23rd)

Senior Graduation Practice will be held on Monday, May 23rd from 8-10 am in the Auditorium at CVHS. All seniors will need to be there to practice walking in, sitting, and the process of receiving their diploma covers. All needed information and graduation booklets will be provided at this practice.

Senior Yearbook Distribution will be following the practice from 10-11 am in the Auditorium stage.

Tyson Foods will be providing a Senior BBQ lunch at 12 noon in the parking lot.

3. Senior Student Accounts

On July 1, 2022, the student accounts you have used throughout your time in the Alpine School District will be inactivated, archived, and eventually deleted. We realize that over the years you may have accumulated a lot of student work and materials tied to these accounts. In order to keep any and all of the materials currently stored in your Google Drive, you will have two options.

The first option is Google Takeout. You will need to follow the steps included here to download your Google account data to a hard drive or external flash drive.

The second option is Google Transfer. You may follow this guide to be able to transfer content from your school account to a personal Google account. Please remember that default personal Google accounts are limited in space to 15 GB (free). More space is available for purchase from Google if desired. This needs to be completed before July 1 in order to avoid losing access to all of your work.

4. ACT Prep Classes

Classes began April 26th, 2:30-3:30, but it is not too late to sign up. Tues. & Thurs. To sign up, pay $25 to the CVHS Finance Office. This class will prepare students for the June ACT test. Classes will be in Mr. Balser’s room C214

5. Free Lunch ends in June

If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, please fill out the form starting in late July or early August. Free and Reduced Lunch Flier

6. Last Week


7. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS