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Wednesday, April 26, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Dear Aviators,

It’s unbelievable to believe that we are in our last week of April and May is just a few days away! It’s both a busy and exciting time as we plan to celebrate our end-of-the-year achievements with our students. I am happy to say that we made it through another challenging yet exciting year! Please make note of the following:

1. Senior Activities

Seniors (and Parents of Seniors), it’s time to get your tickets for Senior Events! Tickets are available on or at the finance window. Please note that Lagoon Tickets cannot be purchased until your Chromebook has been turned in, and must be paid for at the finance office window to ensure that all fees and fines and Chromebooks are clear. All other tickets are already available on myschoolfees. Event tickets can be purchased separately or all at the same time and include

Senior Dinner Dance: Thursday, May 19, Provo City Library Ballroom 6:30-10:30 pm, $28

Senior Sunset: Friday, May 20, CVHS Stadium, time TBA, No Charge

Senior Clearance: Friday, May 20, Credits will be finalized to clear for graduation

May 23rd:

Graduation Practice in Auditorium 8-10 A.M.

Final Cap & Gown distribution in lobby 10-11 A.M.

Senior only yearbook distribution on stage 10-11 A.M.

Signing Social in commons 7-9-P.M.

Senior Lagoon Day: Tuesday, May 24, Tickets @ Finance window after Chromebook turn-in, $50

Graduation: BYU Marriott Center 12:30 P.M. with a processional at 12:10 P.M. Students arrive at 11:15

Senior All-Night Grad Party: Thursday, May 26, All-Star Bowling, 10:30 P.M. -4:00 A.M., $40

Diploma Certificate Pick Up: May 31- June 17th.

CVHS Senior Graduate Walk-Thru and Celebration at Local Elementary Schools

We are excited to have our local elementary schools host their alumni in a special graduation celebration. Elementary schools will welcome students in their caps and gowns on Wednesday, May 18th sometime between 1:15 p.m. -2 p.m. to walk through their former elementary school halls and be recognized. Specific timing and plans will be finalized for each school soon. Sign-ups will be available next week. Elementary schools participating are the following: Black Ridge, Cedar Valley, Eagle Valley, Hidden Hollow, Mountain Trails, Pony Express, and Ranches Academy.

2. Chromebooks Reminder

We have had a great experience as a new One-To-One school this year. Be aware that students will need to have their Chromebooks checked for damage before the end of the year. We will be doing this in Jet Time classes on May 2. If you are a senior or will be moving to another school, besides Cedar Valley High School, your Chromebook will need to be returned on or before May 19. Seniors will need to return their Chromebook before they can buy their Lagoon tickets. We plan to let all other students keep their Chromebooks over the summer. Students will need to keep the Chromebook charged, or put it in hibernation mode. Further instructions will be provided as we approach the end of the year.

3. Safety Week

This week is Safety Week at Cedar Valley High School. This year we have had multiple evacuation drills and a drill reviewing hold, secure, and lockdowns. This week we will have an earthquake drill. We take safety seriously at Cedar Valley High School. We follow protocols from the Standard Response Protocol from the I Love U Guys Foundation. We will be addressing pedestrian safety in our next Skybound Episode. If you have safety concerns, please feel free to reach out. Pat Fossat is our safety administrator. He can be reached at [email protected].

4. School Safety and Orbie/Airsoft Weapons

There is currently a trend on TikTok and other social media platforms encouraging the use of Orbie or Airsoft weapons on school campuses. Remind your students that school is not the place for weapons or any facsimile weapons. These weapons cause significant disruption to the school. Please know that the school will follow the Alpine School District Safe School Policy. Alpine School District Policy 5182

5. ASPIRE MakeUps

We will be doing make-up ASPIRE Testing starting Tuesday, April 26. We need to test all of our Freshmen and Sophomores in each subject area. We apologize for the inconvenience of having students miss classes. We hope it is very short term. Parents can still call and opt students out of testing using this form. Here it is in Spanish.

6. ACT Prep Classes

Classes begin April 26th, 2:30-3:30 Mon. Tues. & Thurs. To sign up, pay $25 to the CVHS Finance Office. This class will prepare students for the June ACT test. Classes will be in Mr. Balser’s room C214.

7. Locker Cleanout

May 13th. Students need to clean out their lockers. Things left such as stickers will result in a locker fine. Please talk to your student and remind them to start cleaning those items off now.

8. **The finance office will be closed on May 20th to assess fines**

9. Yearbook

The last day to buy a yearbook online is May 20th and will end at 1:00 P.M. May 23rd yearbooks will not be sold at the finance office until that evening at the signing party. It is highly recommended that you purchase the yearbook and have all fees/fines paid before May 20th to avoid standing in line and possible frustration. Please see the school calendar for this and other activities on our school website.

10. Grade Finalization:

All student work needs to be completed on Canvas by Saturday, May 21, 2022, at 3:00 P.M. so teachers will have time to enter grades in and get these finalized.

11. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

Monday, April 18th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, April 18, 2022

Dear Aviators,

It is getting so close to the end of the year! Only five Fridays left of school! Please make note of the following:

1. Aspire Testing Has Begun

Aspire testing has begun and will take place through this week. Here is the modified bell schedule for that week to accommodate tests that take longer. Freshmen and Sophomores will be testing in their math, science, and language arts classes. Please send students this week well-rested and nourished. If you would rather opt your student out of testing, complete the following form and return it to the front office. Please allow for 24 to 48 hours for teachers to be aware of the opt-out. Blank forms can also be picked up in the front office. Students will test on their Chromebooks, so if there are any issues with the device, please have that taken care of by taking it to the end of the upper D-Terminal.

2. Chromebooks Reminder

We have had a great experience as a new One-To-One school this year. Be aware that students will need to have their Chromebooks checked for damage before the end of the year. We will be doing this in Jet Time classes. If you are a senior or will be moving to another school besides Cedar Valley High School, your Chromebook will need to be returned on or before May 19. Seniors will need to return their Chromebook before they can buy their Lagoon tickets. We plan to let all other students keep their Chromebooks over the summer. Students will need to keep the Chromebook charged, or put it in hibernation mode. Further instructions will be provided as we approach the end of the year.

3. Senior Activities

Seniors (and Parents of Seniors), it’s time to get your tickets for Senior Events! Tickets are available on or at the finance window. Please note that Lagoon Tickets cannot be purchased until your Chromebook has been turned in, and must be paid for at the finance office window to ensure that all fees and fines and Chromebooks are clear. All other tickets are already available on myschoolfees. Event tickets can be purchased separately or all at the same time and include:

Senior Dinner Dance: Thursday, May 19, Provo City Library Ballroom 6:30-10:30 pm, $28

Senior Sunset: Friday, May 20, CVHS Stadium, time TBA, No Charge

Senior Lagoon Day: Tuesday, May 24, Tickets @ Finance window after Chromebook turn-in, $50

Senior All-Night Grad Party: Thursday, May 26, All-Star Bowling, 10:30 pm-4:00 am, $40

4. ACT Prep Classes

Classes begin April 26th, 2:30-3:30 Mon. Tues. & Thurs. To sign up, pay $25 to the CVHS Finance Office. This class will prepare students for the June ACT test. Classes will be in Mr. Balser’s room C214.

5. Safety Week & Earthquake Drill

Safety week will begin Tuesday, April 26. We will begin that week with an earthquake drill. We will also be including a message about pedestrian safety in our Skybound that Friday. If you have any safety concerns or questions, you are welcome to reach out to Pat Fossat at [email protected].

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

Monday, April 11th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, April 11, 2022

Dear Aviators,

Welcome back! We hope you all had a relaxing and rejuvenating Spring Break. Please make note of the following:

1. Senior Swag Perfect Graduate Gifts!

Class of 2022 Swag is available to order! There are some really cool items. Make sure to order ASAP! It has a QR code you can scan to order.

2. PTSA Fundraiser Tomorrow at Cafe Zupas 4-7 P.M.

Our PTSA Fundraiser will be tomorrow night. It’s simple, just use the Cafe Zupas mobile app between 4:00 and 7:00 P.M. tomorrow and it will count towards your donation total. Please use coupon code “FUNDRAISER25” at checkout.

Here are multiple ordering options online so guests to get their order any way they feel comfortable:

In-Store Shelf Pick-Up

Curbside Pick-Up



Online orders will count toward your event when coupon code “FUNDRAISER25” is used at check out.

Guests who have forgotten to use the code can email a receipt or order confirmation to [email protected] Wednesday before noon to have their orders added to your fundraiser total.

3. Aspire Testing Date April 18, 2022, Next Week

Aspire testing will begin on April 18 and take place through that week. Here is a modified bell schedule for that week to accommodate tests that take longer. Freshmen and Sophomores will be testing in their math, science, and language arts classes. Please send students that week well-rested and nourished. If you would rather opt your student out of testing, complete the following form and return it to the front office. Blank forms can also be picked up in the front office. Students will test on their Chromebooks, so if there are any issues with the device, please have that taken care of by taking it to the end of the upper D-Terminal by the beginning of April.

4. Student Fees

As we near the end of the year we would invite you to check your student fines and fees.

5. Yearbooks Increased Price to $80 After today, April 11, 2022

6. Flight Crew is Accepting Applications for the 2022-23 School Year. Flight Crew is a part of our DECA program and are the students that run home athletic events and work with Jet Fuel. Junior and Seniors are open to applying at the following link. An informational meeting will be this Thursday, 4/14 @ 6:00 pm in the C lecture hall. Link for the application:

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

March 29th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

March 29, 2022

Dear Aviators,

Only three days before a much-deserved spring break! We hope you all have a wonderful time with your family and friends. Please make note of the following:

1. Third Term Honor Roll Recognition

This Wednesday, right after the bell during lunch, the counselors will be handing out Term 3 Honor roll treats. Any student who received a 3.7 GPA or higher can come and grab a treat.

2. Aspire Testing Date Correction April 18, 2022

Aspire testing will begin on April 18 and take place through that week. Here is a modified bell schedule for that week to accommodate tests that take longer. Freshmen and Sophomores will be testing in their math, science, and language arts classes. Please send students that week well-rested and nourished. If you would rather opt your student out of testing, complete the following form and return it to the front office. Blank forms can also be picked up in the front office. Students will test on their Chromebooks, so if there are any issues with the device, please have that taken care of by taking it to the end of the upper D-Terminal by the beginning of April.

3. Graduation Items

The Senior Graduation assembly will be held on May 3rd as opposed to April 22. More information on the assembly will be forthcoming.

CTE (Career and Technology Education): Students who have completed pathways in a CTE program will be recognized at graduation with a medal.

Aviator Scholars will be announced after Spring Break. These are our Top 10% of Seniors. They will be awarded medals at A.C.E. Night, May 18th at 6 pm. These seniors will have a special seat on the stand at graduation. A luncheon in their honor will be held on May 6th.

A.C.E. Night is our Senior recognition night. All seniors and their families are invited to an evening where we recognize academic achievement. May 18th, 6 pm. More information to come.

High Honor/Honor recipients will be announced after Spring Break. High Honor (3.9-4.0 Cumulative GPA) and Honor (3.7-3.899 Cumulative GPA) graduation cords will be available for purchase in the finance office.

All senior information can be found here.

4. Student Fees

As we near the end of the year we would invite you to check your student fines and fees.

5. Yearbooks Increased Price to $80 After April 11, 2022 Reminder

6. Next Year Sophomores

Freshmen will attend a Registration Assembly on Friday, April 1st during Jet Time. They will be receiving all the information necessary to help them with registration that will open on April 11th at 2:30 pm. An email will be sent home with all the information as well.

7. Chromebooks Reminder

We have had a great experience as a new One-To-One school this year. Be aware that students will need to have their Chromebooks checked before the end of the year. If you are a senior or will be moving to another school besides Cedar Valley High School, your Chromebook will need to be returned before or on May 19 in your Jet Time class. We plan to let all other students keep their Chromebooks over the summer. Students will need to keep the Chromebook charged, or put it in hibernation mode. Further instructions will be provided as we approach the end of the year.

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

March 21st 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Dear Aviators,

I hope you are all surviving the “Madness of March,” and enjoying the fact that today is officially the first day of spring! We have lots of fun spring activities planned. Please see our calendar on our school website to see what’s happening and bring your family to enjoy the activities!

Please make note of the following:

1. Aspire Testing

Aspire testing will begin April 28 and take place through that week. More details including a modified bell schedule that week will be coming soon. Freshmen and Sophomores will be testing in their math, science, and language arts classes. Please send students that week well-rested and nourished. If you would rather opt your student out of testing, complete the following form and return it to the front office. Blank forms can also be picked up in the front office. Students will test on their Chromebooks, so if there are any issues with the device, please have that taken care of by taking it to the end of upper D-Terminal by the beginning of April.

2. Yearbooks Increased Price to $80 After April 11, 2022

Our yearbooks will increase in price on April 11 this year. We like to have these purchased so we can order exactly what we need. Please go to myschoolfees on our website to make your purchases.

3. Chromebooks

We have had a great experience as a new One-To-One school this year. Be aware that students will need to have their Chromebooks checked before the end of the year. If you are a senior or will be moving to another school besides Cedar Valley High School, your Chromebook will need to be returned before or on May 19 in your Jet Time class. We plan to let all other students keep their Chromebooks over the summer. Students will need to keep the Chromebook charged, or put it in hibernation mode.

4. Next Year’s Juniors Last Day For Registration – Closes Tonight at 11:59 PM

Sophomores received registration information for 2022-23. Information here.

5. Senior Swag On Sale – See Attachment

Seniors! Senior Swag is now on sale! Click HERE to order. The store is only available till APRIL 1, so order today!

Also, please save the date for the following Senior activities, more info will be coming later but we wanted you to get them on your calendar:

Thursday, May 19, Senior Dinner Dance at the Provo Library Ballroom ($28)
Friday, May 20, Senior Sunset here at Cedar Valley (no cost)
Tuesday, May 24, Lagoon Day ($50)
Thursday, May 26, All Night Grad Party at All-Star Bowling ($40)

Again, don’t forget to order your Senior Swag today, and best of luck as you finish up your senior year. Congratulations to the Class of 2022, we can’t wait to celebrate with you!

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

March 15th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Dear Aviators,

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Welcome back!

We have made it through the third term! In addition, there are only 13 more school days until Spring Break!

Please make note of the following:

1. Sophomore Registration

Sophomores received registration information for 2022-23 during Jet Time today. An email will be going home with links to all the information. Parents can find the information here. Sophomores registration will open on March 17th at 2:30 PM and close on March 21st at 11;59 PM.

2. Friday, March 18th Assembly

On Friday, we will have an Assembly. It will be a single assembly schedule.

Single Assembly Bell Schedule

1st Period – 7:45-8:54

Assembly – 9:00-9:55

2nd Period – 10:01-11:10

3. UHEAD Junior College Day

On Monday, March 21st, 11:45-2:15, all Juniors will be released for 1st lunch. Juniors will be excused for B7 & B8 to attend three different college presentations.

4. National Librarian Appreciation Day April 1st.

Because National Librarian Appreciation Day is on April 1st during Spring Break, we will celebrate school librarians on Friday, April 1st as a kick-off to National School Library Month. Our librarian Wendy FrazierSnyder and media assistant librarian, Lisa Rose make our media center full of learning opportunities. Please take a moment to let them know how much you appreciate them!

5. PTSA Reflections Theme For Next School Year

“Show Your Voice” PTA Reflections is the theme. Students that participate have opportunities to receive recognition and build their college admissions resume.

6. Make-Up ACT Testing

On Tuesday, March 22 we will be proctoring a make-up ACT test. Juniors that still need to take the ACT should sign up in the front office. We need the student’s name and student number. Sign up by Friday, March 18. We will send the information once we have the signup list.

7. ACT Prep Information Coming Soon!

We have had four ACT prep classes during school and one after-school session this year. We are getting ready to launch another ACT after-school prep class most likely in April/May to help students that want to take the ACT this June. The cost of the course is only $25.00. The cost of the ACT test in June is covered by the student. More information is coming soon!

8. Prom Tickets Reminder

Tickets are available

Link Here for more information.

9. Yearbooks Increased Price to $80 After April 11, 2022

Our yearbooks will increase in price on April 11 this year. We like to have these purchased so we can order exactly what we need. Please go to myschoolfees on our website to make your purchases.

10. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

February 28th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

Monday, February 28, 2022

Dear CVHS Aviators,

It is hard to believe we just wrapped up winter sports, and are closing out third term already. Time is flying by. We thank you as parents for all you do to support your kids as we approach our final term and closeout third term. Please make note of the following information.

February 28, 2022

1. JetTalk for this week is posted on the school’s youtube channel:

Please take the time to review this with your student! It is about driving distracted. One of our awesome students filmed this and delivers an important reminder for all of us to keep our eyes on the road and to not drive distracted! This is a great chance to review this for everyone! Stay safe. We love all our students and their families!

2. Yearbooks Increased Price to $80 After April 11, 2022

Our yearbooks will increase in price on April 11 this year. We like to have these purchased so we can order exactly what we need. Please go to myschoolfees on our website to make your purchases.

3. ACT on March 8

We will be proctoring the ACT on Tuesday, March 8th for all Juniors. The ACT is used for college admittance, placement, and scholarships. This is free to all Juniors this one time so we encourage all Juniors to come that day prepared to do their best.

Sophomores will take a practice ACT that day.

Freshmen & Seniors will stay home and have an online study day.

Bus schedules will run as a normal day.

4. Pull Through Traffic at Pick Up and Drop Off Area

Please make sure the second lane is not a drop-off lane. Students should not be getting out of the car and crossing in front of cars in the first lane. This is not safe. It will also keep the traffic flowing nicely. We will work with the city to see if we can make the curb on Aviator Ave. a no-parking area near the drop-off area.

I have asked our SRO to park near the entrance on the sidewalk to improve the flow and improve safety. Delivery companies have been asked to not deliver items during high traffic times. This is tricky because we have so many items delivered to the school all day long. We will keep reminding them to avoid high-traffic times or to deliver behind the school at a different location.

5. Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety

We have had a few incidents with bicycles near the school. Students on bicycles have been darting across traffic. Using bike lanes and trails is safest. Students crossing a road should cross safely as a pedestrian, following pedestrian signals. Please take a moment and remind your students of this.

6. Student Registration Information 2022-23

Student Registration for next year’s Juniors begins March 17. You can find all the information here.

Other classes registration will be:

Next Year Sophomores: April 11

Next Year Freshman: April 21

As your students registers, please remind them to look at the AP & Concurrent Enrollment options. Also, AP has an option for a fee reduction for those who qualify.

By taking advantage of AP courses your student will be:

-Better prepared for college

-Sharpen writing skills

-Develop critical thinking

-Improve problem-solving abilities

-Possible College Credit

-Shows Rigor on Transcripts

7. Spring Try-outs

We want to congratulate all of our winter sports teams for great seasons. Spring sports are coming quickly. The first day of Spring Try-outs is today, Monday, February 28. If your student would like to participate in Spring sports they will need to be registered on Please reach out to the coach or to the Athletic Director, Sharon Mardesich if you have any questions.

8. Testing Parent Exclusion Forms

As we are approaching end-of-year testing, be aware that parents can choose to opt students out of tests. Forms can be found in the front office or accessed with this link. Completed forms should be returned to the front office.

9. March 11 Minimal day & March 24 Teacher Work Day

March 11 will be a minimal day, following this schedule. March 24 is a teacher workday. Students will not attend.

10. Vaccination Clinics

The Alpine School District and the Utah County Health Department are offering the following back-to-school clinics. All are welcome.

11. Junior College Day

The Junior College Day has been rescheduled for March 21. More details will follow in future emails.

12. Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

February 25th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

February 25, 2022

Dear CVHS Aviators,

I hope this email finds you well. We had a short week and I missed sending this to you on Tuesday. I am at a national competition with our cheer team so I will send my next email on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.

Please make note of the following:

1. Yearbooks Increased Price to $80 After April 11, 2022

Our yearbooks will increase in price on April 11th this year. We like to have these purchased so we can order exactly what we need. Please go to myschoolfees on our website to make your purchases.

2 ACT on March 8, 2022

We will be proctoring the ACT on Tuesday, March 8th for all Juniors. The ACT is used for college admittance, placement, and scholarships. This is free to all Juniors this one time so we encourage all Juniors to come that day prepared to do their best.

Sophomores will take a practice ACT that day.

Freshmen & Seniors will stay home and have an online study day.

3. Follow-up Information – Pull Through Traffic at Pick Up and Drop Off Area

Please make sure the second lane is not a drop-off lane. Students should not be getting out of the car and crossing in front of cars in the first lane. This is not safe. It will also keep the traffic flowing nicely. We will work with the city to see if we can make the curb on Aviator Ave. a no-parking area near the drop-off area.

I have asked our SRO to park near the entrance on the sidewalk to improve the flow and improve safety. Delivery companies have been asked to not deliver items during high traffic times. This is tricky because we have so many items delivered to the school all day long. We will keep reminding them to avoid high-traffic times or to deliver behind the school at a different location.

4. Student Registration Information 2022-23

Student Registration for next year’s Juniors begins March 17. You can find all the information here.

Other classes registration will be:

Next Year Sophomores: April 11

Next Year Freshman: April 21

As your student registers, please remind them to look at the AP & Concurrent Enrollment options. Also, AP has an option for a fee reduction for those who qualify.

By taking advantage of AP courses your student will be:

-Better prepared for college

-Sharpen writing skills

-Develop critical thinking

-Improve problem-solving abilities

-Possible College Credit

-Shows Rigor on Transcripts

5. Spring Try-Outs

It is hard to believe that our winter sports are wrapping up the next few weeks. Spring sports are coming quickly. The first day of Spring Try-outs is Monday, February 28th. If your student would like to participate in Spring sports they will need to be registered on Please reach out to the coach or to the Athletic Director, Sharon Mardesich if you have any questions.

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

February 14th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

February 15, 2022

Dear CVHS Aviators,

Happy Diversity Week! We are so excited to see you all at our Parent Teacher Conference this Wednesday, February 16th! We want this to be a night to learn more about all the opportunities we have. Did you know that your student can earn their UVU associates degree while in high school? Learn to fly simulators and pass their FAA Private Pilot’s exam? We simply offer more and want your child to take advantage of all we have to offer!!!

Please make note of the following:

1. Pull Through Traffic at Pick Up and Drop Off Area Concern

With the increased number of cars dropping off and picking up students in front of the school, I am very concerned that someone will get hurt. I’m going to send out a caller tonight regarding this because it is such a concern right now.

Here are a few things we can do to make it safe:.

Please refrain from using cell phones.

Slow down. We do not need to be in a hurry. Saving 10 seconds is not worth the risk of hitting someone.

Change lanes very carefully and slowly. There are many blind spots out there.

2. More Information About This Wednesday’s (February 16th) Parent Teacher Conference

Our Parent-Teacher Conference will be held Wednesday, February 16th in the teacher’s classrooms. Please contact your child’s teachers if you would like to virtually visit with them.

Along with PTC, we will have the following available that same night.

Food Trucks out front (Fatty Tuna, Squatch Pizza and more)

Jet Fuel (Cedar Valley student’s operated soda shop)

Aviator Supply Co. Cedar Valley’s store – CVHS clothing, stickers, etc.

Counseling office open to assist with next year school registration plans.

Colleges including MTECH (Mountainland Technical College) available in the commons to answer questions and provide information.

Resources for economically disadvantaged, diaabled and first generation college students: GEARUP, TRIO, JobCorps

Concurrent Enrollment specialists, Career and Technical Education specialists, Scholarship specialists.

and much more!!!!!

3. Student Registration Information 2022-23

Student Registration for next year Seniors begins Feb. 17th at 1:30pm and ends Feb. 23nd at midnight. You can find all the information here

Other classes registration will be:

Next year Seniors Feb 17th

Next Year Juniors: March 17

Next Year Sophomores: April 11

Next Year Freshman: April 21

As your student registers, please remind them to look at the AP & Concurrent Enrollment options. Also, AP has an option for a fee reduction for those who qualify.

By taking advantage of AP courses your student will be:

-Better prepared for college

-Sharpen writing skills

-Develop critical thinking

-Improve problem-solving abilities

-Possible College Credit

-Shows Rigor on Transcripts

4. ACT on March 8

We will be proctoring the ACT on Tuesday, March 8. All Juniors will be taking the ACT. Freshman will be doing a job shadow day, Sophomores will take the practice ACT, and Seniors will have a college tour day. We will provide more information in the coming weeks.

5. Diversity Week

The Counselors and Student Council are really looking forward to Diversity Week this week and wanted to give you a rundown of what to expect. The Diversity Week events will take place during Jet Time, lunch time activities, and an assembly that will take place on Thursday. Here is the layout of next week:

On Thursday we will be on a Single Assembly Schedule. All classes will attend a single assembly in the gym. The Assembly takes place right after first period. There will also be Lunch time activities.

Single Assembly Bell Schedule

1st Period – 7:45-8:54

Assembly – 9:00-9:55

2nd Period – 10:01-11:10

1st Lunch – 11:10-11:45

3rd Period – 11:51-1:00


3rd Period – 11:16-12:25

2nd Lunch – 12:25-1:00

4th Period – 1:06-2:15

We encourage all students to participate in all the diversity activities this week.

6. Spring Try-outs

It is hard to believe that our winter sports are wrapping up the next few weeks. Spring sports are coming quick. The first day of Spring Try-outs is Monday, February 28th. If your student would like to participate in Spring sports they will need to be registered on Please reach out to the coach or to the Athletic Director, Sharon Mardesich if you have any questions.

7. Monitor Your Child’s School Issued Computer For Free

Blocksi is a tool used in many Alpine District schools to help teachers manage Chromebooks in the classroom to keep students safe and enhance the learning environment. Blocksi also has a Parent Portal that helps parents have control and information about student use of school Chromebooks while at home.

Registering and Set Up: Blocksi Parent Portal

Click on the “Register here” Enter your information to create a parent account. This includes your own email account and your student’s account. If possible, you should use the same personal email that the school has in your student record to communicate with you. This will allow the system and school to match you as a parent to your student.

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember:
2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS

February 7th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Soar to New Horizons” 2021-2022 School Theme

February 7, 2022

Dear CVHS Aviators

Welcome to another great week at CVHS! The sun is shining and the days are finally not as dark as they have been. Thank you for your continued support and thank you for making our CVHS community feel the way it does.

We are approaching state tournament season for our winter athletic teams. Good luck to all of our teams with competitions on the horizon, and congratulations to those who have already represented Cedar Valley High School well!

Please make note of the following

1. Parent-Teacher Conference – Feb. 16th 3:30 pm – 7 p.m. Reminder

Our Parent-Teacher Conference will be held Wednesday, February 16th in the teacher’s classrooms. Please contact your child’s teachers if you would like to virtually visit with them.

Along with PTC, we will have the following available that same night.

Food Trucks out front (Fatty Tuna, Squatch Pizza and more)

Jet Fuel (Cedar Valley student’s operated soda shop)

Aviator Supply Co. Cedar Valley’s store – CVHS clothing, stickers, etc.

Counseling office open to assist with next year’s school registration plans.

Colleges including MTECH (Mountainland Technical College) will be available in the commons to answer questions and provide information.

Resources for economically disadvantaged, disabled and first-generation college students: GEARUP, TRIO, JobCorps

Concurrent Enrollment specialists, Career and Technical Education specialists, Scholarship specialists.

and much more!!!!!

2. Student Registration Information 2022-23

Student Registration for next year Seniors begins Feb. 17th at 1:30pm and ends Feb. 23nd at midnight. You can find all the information here

Other classes registration will be:

Next Year Juniors: March 17

Next Year Sophomores: March 11

Next Year Freshman: April, 21

As your student registers, please remind them to look at the AP & Concurrent Enrollment options. Also, AP has an option for a fee reduction for those who qualify.

By taking advantage of AP courses your student will:

-Better prepared for college

-Sharpen writing skills

-Develop critical thinking

-Improve problem-solving abilities

-Possible College Credit

-Shows Rigor on Transcripts

3. President’s Day and Teacher workday, February 21st and 22nd

Monday, February 21, and Tuesday, February 22, there will be no school.

4. Community Resources

GIVE KIDS A SMILE EVENT – Here is an application if you are interested.


Upcoming Dates to Remember:

2-week calendar

Have a fantastic week!

Courtney Johnson,

Principal CVHS