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Monday Dec 9th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

December 9, 2024


It’s getting cold outside, so please take advantage of this time inside to help your kiddos finish strong!  Only a few days left in term 2!  Please make note of the following:


The Alpine District Student Support Services Department partners with to provide FREE mental health courses, held virtually over Zoom. View the DECEMBER CALENDAR for this month’s sessions. The Alpine District focus for the month is ”Grief: The Healing Process After Loss,” which will be presented on Tuesday, December 10 at 5 pm and 7 pm. Parents can pre-register for the courses HERE. On December 11 at 6 pm, there is also a FREE session called ASK A THERAPIST LIVE. If you can’t participate during the live session, you must register online to have access to the replay.

2. PTSA Texas Roll Final Call

Texas Roadhouse Rolls Sale: By popular demand! Link here to purchase.  $10.00 = One Dozen Texas Roadhouse frozen rolls, with honey butter and a free appetizer card. 

3.  Parents and Pizza Homework Event Dec. 10th

We are holding our final term 2 study group after school on Thursday, Dec. 10th from 2:30-4:30 pm.  Teachers and student tutors will be available to assist students with their homework.  This will be a great opportunity for your students to catch up on any assignments before our term ends on December 20, 2024. Parents are welcome to come help their student(s). Please see the flyer for more information. December Pizza:Parent Student Study Group.pdf

Tendremos un grupo de estudio después de la escuela el Martes el 10 de Dicembre a 2:30-4:30pm.  Los maestros y tutores estudiantiles estarán disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes con su tarea.  Esta será una gran oportunidad para que sus estudiantes se pongan al día con sus tareas antes de que finalice nuestro período el 20 de Dicembre de 2024. Los padres pueden venir a ayudar a sus estudiantes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información.  December Pizza: Parent Student Study Group.pdf

4. Meet the Coach Tonight

Tonight at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria our community has the chance to meet our new football coach.  All are welcome!

5. Community Outreach Information:

  • See flyers for upcoming events or opportunities. 

8.5x11_2025GiveKidsAsmile_Flyer_English_Spanish_Combined (1).pdf


Free Therapy UVU.png

  • Consulte los folletos para conocer los próximos eventos u oportunidades.


8.5x11_2025GiveKidsAsmile_Flyer_English_Spanish_Combined (1).pdf

Terapia Gratis UVU.png

6. Student Market

Join Us at the Holiday Student Maker Market on Friday, December 13th from 2:30-6:30

Looking for unique, handcrafted gifts this holiday season? Support young creators at our first Student Holiday Maker Market and find something truly special! There will be One-of-a-kind creations: Jewelry, artwork, crafts, and more—all made by talented student artisans. Celebrate local talent so we can support aspiring entrepreneurs and experience the joy of handmade holiday shopping.

 Date: Friday, December 13, 2024
Time: 2:30-6:30 pm
Location: Cedar Valley High School Media Center

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s finish strong this holiday season!  

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, December 2, 2024

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! As we move forward, we have just three short weeks to finish Term 2 strong.  Please make note of the following:

  1. Finish Term 2 Strong Parent Support

Parents, please take a moment to review your student’s missing assignments in Skyward. Turning in assignments on time helps eliminate the common “My teacher hasn’t graded it yet” excuse for assignments showing a zero. While it’s true that late assignments may take a few days to be graded, timely submissions are typically processed much faster.

For parents of seniors, please keep a close eye on your child’s progress. Senior burnout is a real challenge, and the last thing we want is for a senior with “senioritis” to risk not qualifying for graduation at the last minute.

  1. Parents and Pizza Homework Event Dec. 3rd and Dec. 10th

We are holding a study group after school on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd from 2:30-4:30 pm and Tuesday, Dec. 10th from 2:30-4:30 pm.  Teachers and student tutors will be available to assist students with their homework.  This will be a great opportunity for your students to catch up on any assignments before our term ends on December 20, 2024. Parents are welcome to come help their student(s). Please see the flyer for more information. December Pizza:Parent Student Study Group.pdf

Tendremos un grupo de estudio después de la escuela el Martes, el 3 de Dicembre, 2:30 a 4:30 p.m y el Martes el 10 de Dicembre a 2:30-4:30pm.  Los maestros y tutores estudiantiles estarán disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes con su tarea.  Esta será una gran oportunidad para que sus estudiantes se pongan al día con sus tareas antes de que finalice nuestro período el 20 de Dicembre de 2024. Los padres pueden venir a ayudar a sus estudiantes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. December Pizza:Parent Student Study Group.pdf

  1. PTSA TEXAS Roadhouse Rolls For your Holiday Dinner!

 Link here to purchase.  $10.00 = One Dozen Texas Roadhouse frozen rolls, with honey butter and a free appetizer card.  Pickup at CVHS inside the school commons area: Wednesday, Dec. 11th, 12:45-1:45 pm, and Thursday, Dec. 19th, 5:30 – 7:00 pm.

  1. Key Club Marines Toy for Tots

Last call to donate for the Key Club’s Toys for Tots – Toy Drive! Tomorrow, December 3rd at 2 pm is the last day to donate. We need any NEW and UNWRAPPED toys. There are collection boxes in the Main office, Counseling office, and the math department in Mr. BJ Roberts’s room. 

2024 Toys for Tots Flyer.png

  1. Christmas in the Valley Telethon

Please see the last email for information regarding the Christmas in the Valley telethon. 

  1. Christmas in the Valley Assembly this Thursday

Please join our Students in the Hangar this Thursday morning for our annual Christmas in the Valley Assembly. 

Assembly Schedule

7:45-8:50 First period

8:55-10:05 Assembly

10:10-11:15 Second Period

First Lunch

11:20-11:55 First Lunch

12:00-1:05 Third Period

Second Lunch

11:20-12:25 Third Period

12:30-1:05 Second Lunch

1:10-2:15 Fourth Period

  1. Parents Beware

We have had several parents not receive attendance phone calls from the school because their student makes changes to their parent’s cell phone settings to block the school from calling.  When the school number is blocked, the school will not be able to contact you through school phones for reasons other than attendance (i.e. safety, emergencies, discipline, phone conferences…etc).  Please check your block list for these numbers;

  • Main Office: 801-610-8825
  • Attendance Office: 801-610-8827
  • Counseling Office: 801-610-8826 

The basics of checking:

  • Android: Open the phone app, tap the three dots, select Settings, and then Block numbers. 
  • iPhone: Open Settings, tap Phone, and then Blocked Contacts.
  1. Compulsory Education & Attendance

Regular attendance is so important for your student’s success—not just academically, but in building strong life skills too. Utah State law (Utah Code §53G-6-202) requires parents to ensure their students attend school regularly and arrive on time.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind:

  • Let Us Know: If your student will be absent, please notify the school. Communication is key!
  • When to Stay Home: Students should only stay home if they’re sick. In some cases, we may ask for medical documentation to excuse an absence.
  • We’re Watching Attendance: Schools are required to monitor attendance and will reach out if a pattern of non-attendance starts to develop.
  • On-Time Matters: Starting the day on time sets the tone for success. Help your student be punctual—it makes a difference!

When we work together, we can ensure every Aviator gets the best chance to soar. If you have any questions about attendance or truancy, don’t hesitate to contact our attendance office or one of our administrators.

For more ideas and tips, check out Attendance Works, a great resource for families and schools:

  • Attendance Works Home Page
  • Attendance Works Resources for Parents
  • Attendance Works Resources for Schools

Thanks for helping us create a strong learning environment for every student, every day.

Regular school attendance is mandated by state law (Utah Code §53G-6-202)   For any questions regarding attendance or truancy, please contact our attendance office or your administrator.

Attendance Works is a national and state initiative that promotes better policy and practice around school attendance, promotes tracking chronic absence data for each student, and partners with families and community agencies to intervene when poor attendance is a problem for students or schools.  Click the link below:

  1. Title IX Survey 

Alpine School District is dedicated to creating positive learning environments that meet students’ academic, social, and emotional needs. To support this, employees, parents, and students in grades 3-12 will take an anonymous Title IX Sexual Harassment Survey. These surveys will help Alpine School District identify areas for improvement in our response to reports of sexual harassment and discrimination. This anonymous survey is required of Alpine School District by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), and has been carefully designed to be age-appropriate for each grade level while meeting the requirements of the OCR.

This communication is to inform you that our school will be participating in the Title IX Sexual Harassment Survey next Monday, December 9, 2024.

Who will take the survey?

  • Students in grades 3-6: Only those whose parents have opted in via Skyward will participate.
  • Students in grades 7-12: Only those whose parents have opted in via Skyward will participate.

What will happen during the survey?

  • Grades 3-6: Students will complete the survey at home with a parent or guardian. On December 3, 2024, parents/guardians will receive an email with links to both the student and parent surveys.
  • Grades 7-12: Students will complete the survey at school between December 3-13, 2024, during a time set by their school’s administration. Parents/guardians will be notified of the date and time beforehand. The survey will be emailed to students and completed during the designated date and time. 

To Preview the survey questions, please click below:

Secondary Questions (English)

Secondary Questions (Spanish)

We appreciate your time and consideration regarding your student’s participation in this important survey. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kimberly Moore, Title IX Director, via email at [email protected].

  1. Student Market

Join Us at the Holiday Student Maker Market on Friday, December 13th from 2:30-6:30

Looking for unique, handcrafted gifts this holiday season? Support young creators at our first Student Holiday Maker Market and find something truly special! There will be One-of-a-kind creations: Jewelry, artwork, crafts, and more—all made by talented student artisans. Celebrate local talent, support aspiring entrepreneurs, and experience the joy of handmade holiday shopping.

 Date: Friday, December 13, 2024
Time: 2:30-6:30 pm
Location: Cedar Valley High School Media Center

  1. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s finish strong this holiday season!  

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal


By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, November 25, 2024


With Thanksgiving upon us, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for the incredible community we have at Cedar Valley High School. As you gather around the table this week with family and friends, I hope you’ll pause from the busyness of life to reflect on the wonderful blessings in your lives—especially the joy of your amazing students!

Please make note of the following:

1. PTSA Texas Roll Final Call

Texas Roadhouse Rolls Sale: By popular demand! Link here to purchase. $10.00 = One Dozen Texas Roadhouse frozen rolls, with honey butter and a free appetizer card. Pickup at CVHS inside the school commons area on November 25th or 26th from 5:30-7:00 pm. May your Thanksgiving be filled with warmth, gratitude, and cherished moments together.

2. Christmas in the Valley Telethon

It’s time for Christmas in the Valley!! CVHS Student Council and ATV Video Broadcasting are joining together for our 5th Annual Christmas in the Valley Telethon. The 12-hour Telethon is our effort to raise funds to help local families who need a little extra Christmas cheer this year. How can you participate?

Tune in on December 6 using the QR code on the flier to watch the telethon between noon and midnight.

Click the Donate button to give what you can help your neighbors here in Eagle Mountain!

Share the link with family and friends so they can join in too!

Bid during our Silent Auction—we have some fun items this year! (Auction is not available until noon on Dec 6.)

Donate “in kind” to our Silent Auction. We can still take items to sell during our Silent Auction, so if you have an item you would like to donate for the auction, contact Hannah Collins at [email protected]

Want to donate and be a Sponsor? Sponsors get mentioned every hour on air! Contact Charlotte Ducos at [email protected] if you have questions and want to be a sponsor.

The Donation button on our Website is open now, so feel free to donate anytime between now and 11:59 on the 6th. (Other content on the website is still being updated, including the Silent Auction items and broadcast schedule, so check back later for items other than the donate button!)

Help us make a difference this Christmas, by tuning in, donating, and spreading the word!!

To nominate a family in our community to receive funds from this event, click here to fill out the nomination form:

Access the Christmas in the Valley QR Code and Flier HERE

3. Key Club Marines Toy for Tots

The Key Club is sponsoring the Marines Toys for Tots – Toy Drive until December 3rd! If families would like to request a toy, the deadline is November 7th. We need any NEW and UNWRAPPED toys. There are collection boxes in the Main office, Counseling office, and the math department in Mr. BJ Roberts’s room.

We will also have a table in the commons area during the Parent Teacher Conference to collect toys as well. The goal is to collect over 200 toys this year. If you could help out and donate any New toy, we would greatly appreciate it.

2024 Toys for Tots Flyer.png

4. Senior Cap & Gown Orders

Reminder: If you HAVE NOT placed your graduation cap and gown order, please do so as soon as possible. To order your graduation essentials: GRADUATION PRODUCTS click here

*NOTE- all tassels caps and gowns will be delivered in your custom school colors. Cap and Gowns will be shipped to the school in the spring closer to graduation. Other items will be mailed directly to you.

If you have any questions, please contact Jostens directly at [email protected] or 801-766-6754

5. Parents and Pizza Homework Event Dec. 3rd and Dec. 10th

We are holding a study group after school on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd from 2:30-4:30 pm and Tuesday, Dec. 10th from 2:30-4:30 pm. Teachers and student tutors will be available to assist students with their homework. This will be a great opportunity for your students to catch up on any assignments before our term ends on December 20, 2024. Parents are welcome to come help their student(s). Please see the flyer for more information. December Pizza: Parent Student Study Group.pdf

Tendremos un grupo de estudio después de la escuela el Martes, el 3 de Dicembre, 2:30 a 4:30 p.m y el Martes el 10 de Dicembre a 2:30-4:30pm. Los maestros y tutores estudiantiles estarán disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes con su tarea. Esta será una gran oportunidad para que sus estudiantes se pongan al día con sus tareas antes de que finalice nuestro período el 20 de Dicembre de 2024. Los padres pueden venir a ayudar a sus estudiantes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. December Pizza: Parent Student Study Group.pdf

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

With much love and gratitude,

Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, November 18th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, November 18, 2024


As Thanksgiving approaches, I want to express my gratitude for the incredible Cedar Valley High School community. The energy and determination of our Aviators inspire me every day, making CVHS one of my favorite places to be.

I’m thankful for our amazing students, our dedicated teachers and staff, our supportive families, and my own family, who make this journey possible. This holiday season, let’s take a moment to share our appreciation with those around us. Thank you for entrusting us with your students and for making CVHS such an exceptional place to learn and grow.

Please make note of the following:

1. Administration Messages

In this week’s message, Mr. Mansfield talked about how we need to learn to use the voice in our head to help us refocus and reframe our actions to be successful. Link here to watch.

2. Last Call: Utah Valley University Concurrent Enrollment Benefits Tour

Cedar Valley will attend a Concurrent Enrollment Benefits Tour to Utah Valley University on Tuesday, November 19th. Students will leave this event, understanding how to navigate Wolverine Track, the CE website, and myUVU, tour a portion of the UVU campus, know who their Academic Advisor is and how to schedule an appointment, and understand the benefits of being a CE student. Concurrent enrollment students will be given preference but others will be accepted. The permission slip is attached with all the information which should be turned in by this FRIDAY. Permission slips are also available in the Student Center. PERMISSION SLIP

3. PTSA Texas Roll Final Call

Texas Roadhouse Rolls Sale: By popular demand! Link here to purchase. $10.00 = One Dozen Texas Roadhouse frozen rolls, with honey butter and a free appetizer card. Pickup at CVHS inside the school commons area on November 18th, 19th, 25th, or 26th from 5:30-7:00 pm.

4. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, Nov 11th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, November 11, 2024


Happy Veterans Day! I want to take a moment to express my deep gratitude to the veterans in our community, across the nation, and among our very own faculty and staff for their selfless sacrifices in protecting our freedoms. To all who have served, thank you.

Please make note of the following:

1. Administration Messages

In this week’s message, Mr. Christen talked about how we communicate with ourselves and others. Knowing how to communicate effectively with others is a learned skill that we are working to teach our students. Link here to watch,

2. Utah Valley University Concurrent Enrollment Benefits Tour

Cedar Valley will attend a Concurrent Enrollment Benefits Tour to Utah Valley University on Tuesday, November 19th. Students will leave this event, understanding how to navigate Wolverine Track, the CE website, and myUVU, tour a portion of the UVU campus, know who their Academic Advisor is and how to schedule an appointment, and understand the benefits of being a CE student. Concurrent enrollment students will be given preference but others will be accepted. The permission slip is attached with all the information which should be turned in by this FRIDAY. Permission slips are also available in the Student Center. PERMISSION SLIP

3. Parent Teacher Conference, Wednesday, November 13th

This Wednesday, November 13th, is our Parent Teacher Conference from 3:00 – 7:00 PM. See you soon!

4. PTSA Items

Newsletter Link

Parent Teacher Conference Teacher Dinner Help Needed: Help us appreciate and thank our teachers by providing dinner for our Parent Teacher Conference on November 13th. Sign up here.

Texas Roadhouse Rolls Sale: By popular demand! Link here to purchase. $10.00 = One Dozen Texas Roadhouse frozen rolls, with honey butter and a free appetizer card. Pickup at CVHS inside the school commons area on November 25th or 26th from 5:30-7:00 pm

Membership: Have you joined PTSA? Your support makes a difference! (Joining does not require you to volunteer.) We currently have 135 members—a decrease of 100 from last year—and our school has over 3,000 students.

Let’s build a strong PTSA community together! Please note: PTSA memberships are no longer available through My School Fees. To join, use the links below:

Students: Join here Parents: Join here

5. Key Club Marines Toy for Tots

The Key Club is sponsoring the Marines Toys for Tots – Toy Drive until December 3rd! If families would like to request a toy, the deadline is November 7th. We need any NEW and UNWRAPPED toys. There are collection boxes in the Main office, Counseling office, and the math department in Mr. BJ Roberts’s room.

We will also have a table in the commons area during the Parent Teacher Conference to collect toys as well. The goal is to collect over 200 toys this year. If you could help out and donate any New toy, we would greatly appreciate it.

2024 Toys for Tots Flyer.png

6. Athletic Open Play Times

If your child is interested in playing a sport or joining a team, our coaches are here to help! Please visit the team pages at for more information.

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday November 4th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, November 4, 2024


Happy November! We hope you all enjoyed that extra hour of sleep yesterday! Please make note of the following:

1. Administration Messages

In this week’s message, Mr. Reynolds discusses the importance of preparation and adapting when things don’t go as planned. Link Here to learn more.

2. PTSA Items

Newsletter Link

Parent Teacher Conference Teacher Dinner Help Needed: Help us appreciate and thank our teachers by providing dinner for our Parent Teacher Conference on November 13th. Sign up here.

Texas Roadhouse Rolls Sale: By popular demand! Link here to purchase. $10.00 = One Dozen Texas Roadhouse frozen rolls, with honey butter and a free appetizer card. Pickup at CVHS inside the school commons area on November 25th or 26th from 5:30-7:00 pm

Membership: Have you joined PTSA? Your support makes a difference! (Joining does not require you to volunteer.) We currently have 135 members—a decrease of 100 from last year—and our school has over 3,000 students.

Let’s build a strong PTSA community together! Please note: PTSA memberships are no longer available through My School Fees. To join, use the links below:

Students: Join here Parents: Join here

3. Parent Teacher Conference, Wednesday, November 13th

Save the date for Wednesday, November 13th our Parent Teacher Conference from 3:00 – 7:00 PM.

4. Counseling GPA Recognition

CVHS is awarding students who raised their GPA from term 4 by 1 point! This is a huge achievement and we want your students to know. The counseling center will be sending out invites this week for lunch on Wednesday after school. We are so excited!

5. Key Club Marines Toy for Tots

The Key Club is sponsoring the Marines Toys for Tots – Toy Drive until December 3rd! If families would like to request a toy, the deadline is November 7th. We need any NEW and UNWRAPPED toys. There are collection boxes in the Main office, Counseling office, and the math department in Mr. BJ Roberts’s room. We will also have a table in the commons area during the Parent Teacher Conference to collect toys as well. Our goal is to collect over 200 toys this year. If you could help out and donate any New toy, we would greatly appreciate it.

6. All Abilities Utah

All Abilities Utah is a nonprofit aimed at providing inclusive recreational programs for children and teens with disabilities and special needs. This flyer is for our TBI Teens group, for teens living with CP, stroke, TBIs, or other similar issues. They will have monthly free activities they can come to.

Bowling Activity Link

TBI Schedule Link

If you have any questions, please reach out to Becky Cope, President, All Abilities Utah at 801-835-4134.

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, October 28th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, October 28, 2024


Welcome to a spooky Halloween week! We’ve got some fun activities lined up for the week and can’t wait to see everyone’s Halloween spirit. Feel free to share your costume photos on social media by tagging #cedarvalleylife on Instagram!

Please make note of the following:

1. Administration Messages

Mr. Gill gave a lesson on “Extreme Ownership” this week, inspiring students to take responsibility for their actions and choices. “Extreme Ownership”

2. Halloween This Thursday, Please Read

We love Halloween at CVHS and we want to make sure that all students have a positive experience while maintaining the academic rigor we strive for at CVHS. Please remind your students that dressing up is approved as long as the costume doesn’t create a substantial disruption to the learning atmosphere. Students are NOT allowed to wear full facial masks or have weapons or weapon facsimiles.

3. Toys for Tots Toy Drive

The CVHS Key Club is sponsoring the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Toy Drive again this year. We need donations of any NEW, UNWRAPPED toys. There are donation boxes in the Main Office and Counseling Office. We will be accepting toy donations until Tuesday, December 3rd at 2 pm.

To request a toy, please apply by November 7, 2024, using the link provided:
Toy Request Link

Flyer Utah County QR link

Flyer Toy Donation Information QR link

4. Parent Teacher Conferences

Parents, please save the date for November 13th from 3:00 – 7:00 P.M.

5. Support Cedar Valley High School PTSA

Have you joined PTSA- we need your support!!! You can no longer use My School Fees to join PTSA, you must use the links below. We have 135 members, down from last year by 100 members, and our school population is over 3,000 students.

Please take the time to join PTSA. PTSA hosts the following for students and teachers:

Leadership opportunities

Senior scholarships

Designated parking spots (on the front row)


Teen Safe Driving

Secret Santa notes

Healthy Relationship Month

Battle of the Bands

Teacher meals during Parent/Teacher Conferences

Teacher Appreciation




6. CVHS Community Outreach

If you know of a student or student’s family that needs some help, we have a food pantry at CVHS. Just scan the QR code, fill out the form and you can put an order together. You will be contacted when we receive your order to arrange a pickup or delivery. Food Pantry.pdf

Si conoce a un estudiante o a su familia que necesita ayuda, tenemos una despensa de alimentos en CVHS. Simplemente escanee el código QR, complete el formulario y podrá realizar un pedido. Nos comunicaremos con usted cuando recibamos su pedido para organizar la recogida o la entrega. Food Pantry.pdf

Does your student need internet access at home and you’re not able to afford it? Please check out T-Mobile’s hot spot program. Please see the flyer for more information. P10M copy.png

The following are ways to qualify:

National School Lunch Program notification letters or direct certifications

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) via P-EBT or EBT

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) via BBBS Partnership


Head Start

Foster youth, migrant, homeless, or runaway youth

¿Su estudiante necesita acceso a Internet en casa y usted no puede pagarlo? Consulta el programa de puntos de acceso de T-Mobile. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. P10M copy.png

Las siguientes son formas de calificar:

Cartas de notificación o certificaciones directas del Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares

Programa de asistencia nutricional suplementaria (SNAP) a través de P-EBT o EBT

Asistencia Temporal para Familias Necesitadas (TANF)

Programa de distribución de alimentos en reservas indias (FDPIR)

Disposición de elegibilidad comunitaria (CEP)

Disposición de elegibilidad comunitaria (CEP) a través de la asociación BBBS



Jóvenes de crianza, inmigrantes, personas sin hogar o jóvenes de pasarela

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Parent Teacher Conference Nov. 13th

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

October 22nd, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

October 22, 2024


I hope you enjoy a well-deserved fall break! As we begin a new term, it’s a great time to talk with your child about the importance of attendance. Students who attend class regularly and actively engage in lessons—without distractions like phones or music—consistently succeed. Teachers want to see students succeed, and no student who participates and puts in their best effort will be left behind. This will also help your child feel more confident and stay on track for graduation.

Please make note of the following:

1. Administration Messages

This week, Mr. Twitchell shared an insightful message titled “Lessons to Learn from Pets,” highlighting valuable life lessons that can help our students succeed. Link Here

2. School Pictures are Ready Reminder

Please view and order at


Event Code: FE134924

Images are secured using the email address(es) provided to us by the school.

3: Daylight Saving Time Ends November 3rd

Please remember to set your clocks back one hour. Remind your students to be extra cautious during their morning commute, as the darker mornings can make it harder for drivers to see them. This change always concerns me, so let’s help keep everyone safe!

4. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, Oct 7th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25

Monday, October 7, 2024


Welcome back to the last few days of term one. We only have a few days this week and part of next week to finish strong!

This weeks admin message is by Bill Sivert, “Walk with Purpose”. Link here to learn about being decisive. It’s a great message.

Please make note of the following:

1. Boundary Alignment

The options for the boundary of the new middle school will be presented to the Board of Education on October 8th. There will be two open houses where community members can ask questions and provide feedback. The dates are October 10th and 15th from 5:30-6:30 at Frontier Middle. You will receive an email on October 9th with the different options that we are seeking feedback on.

2. Parents and Pizza Event Homework Event TOMORROW

We are holding a study group after school on Tuesday, Oct. 8th from 2:30m-4:30pm. Teachers and student tutors will be available to assist students with their homework. This will be a great opportunity for your students to catch up on any assignments before our term ends on October 16, 2024. Parents are welcome to come help their student(s). Please see the flier for more information. October Pizza &Parent Study group .pdf

Tendremos un grupo de estudio después de la escuela el Martes 8 de Octubre de 2:30 a 4:30 p.m. Los maestros y tutores estudiantiles estarán disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes con su tarea. Esta será una gran oportunidad para que sus estudiantes se pongan al día con sus tareas antes de que finalice nuestro período el 16 de octubre de 2024. Los padres pueden venir a ayudar a sus estudiantes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. October Pizza &Parent Study group .pdf

3. Varsity Football is on Thursday-

Due to fall break next week our team will play on Thursday night, the 10th at 7p.m. We will be recognizing our seniors at 6:30 and the Crimson Regiment Marching Band will perform at halftime. It is a great night to see their show. Get your admission tickets @

4. Varsity Girls Soccer Game-State Playoff

Our girls will host the Spanish Fork Dons this Friday at 4pm. Let’s fill the stands and come out and support our Aviators. Free Admission.

5. School Pictures are Ready!

View and order at


Event Code: FE134924

Images are secured using the email address(es) provided to us by the school.

6. ASVAB Testing Oct 24, 2024

Parents and Students,

Cedar Valley will be offering the ASVAB test here on campus starting at 9:05 AM the morning of October 24. This test is offered for grades 10-12. Anybody interested is allowed and encouraged to apply. Students will be excused from class during this time to participate in the exam. Please use the link below sign up in order to reserve your seat and be offered the exam. For additional information about the ASVAB please visit or contact Mr. Peck in the counseling office.

(If the link above does not work please copy and paste URL in your search bar)

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, September 30th, 2024

By Principle Johnson Communications

It’s Not the Plane, it’s the Pilot! 2024-25 School Theme

Monday, September 30, 2024


It’s hard to believe it is October tomorrow. With that said, please help make sure that your student is on track to pass all of their classes. We have one more week until the end of the final grading period for term 1. Please take advantage of our after-school study activity with teachers and other volunteers who are here at CV to help. Please see # 2. below for more information.

1. Administration Message

This week, in our administrative message, I shared tips on “How to boost your likability score” with our students. It’s so important that we help students gain confidence and successfully navigate the social dynamics of high school. Link here to watch and please discuss these ideas with your child.

2. PTSA Reflections Information

The PTA Reflections program is happening now, and the theme this year is “Accepting Imperfections.” You have until October 8 to submit any form of art, including music and dance, for judging. At the end of the month, we’ll hold a small award ceremony to celebrate those advancing to the district level. For more information or to submit your artwork, visit:

3. Parents and Pizza Event Homework Event TOMORROW

We are holding a study group after school on Tuesday, Oct. 1st and Tuesday, Oct. 8th from 2:30m-4:30pm. Teachers and student tutors will be available to assist students with their homework. This will be a great opportunity for your students to catch up on any assignments before our term ends on October 16, 2024. Parents are welcome to come help their student(s). Please see the flyer for more information. October Pizza &Parent Study group .pdf

Tendremos un grupo de estudio después de la escuela el Martes 1 de Octubre y el Martes 8 de Octubre de 2:30 a 4:30 p.m. Los maestros y tutores estudiantiles estarán disponibles para ayudar a los estudiantes con su tarea. Esta será una gran oportunidad para que sus estudiantes se pongan al día con sus tareas antes de que finalice nuestro período el 16 de octubre de 2024. Los padres pueden venir a ayudar a sus estudiantes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información. October Pizza &Parent Study group .pdf

4 Graduation Assembly & Information

Today, we held a graduation assembly for our seniors to discuss essential preparations for the upcoming ceremony. Topics included ordering caps and gowns, as well as optional items like announcements. We also covered House Bill 30 and highlighted various senior activities planned for the year.

Jostens Cap & Gown packets were given to each senior in attendance. If your senior was not able to attend today’s assembly, they can pick up a packet in the Student Center.

For a comprehensive guide to senior year milestones, activities and graduation planning dates and information, please go to the CVHS Counseling Website Link

5. CVHS Outreach Information:

If you have a student or family member who needs vaccinations or would like a flu vaccine please see the flier for an upcoming Flu Clinic at Frontier Middle School. Frontier Middle School (2) (1).pdf

Si tiene un estudiante o un miembro de su familia que necesita vacunas o le gustaría vacunarse contra la gripe, consulte el folleto sobre la próxima clínica contra la gripe en Frontier Middle School. Espanol VACUNAS.png

6. Utah College Application Week (UCAW)

Utah College Application Week (UCAW) is in full swing. Seniors, remember to apply to at least one college or university. Wear your college gear for a chance to win prizes!

Utah Colleges are still visiting during UCAW! You can schedule appointments with them by clicking on the schedule link below. They will also be available during lunch hours. Please see schedule.

Check out the Cedar Valley counseling website and follow us on Instagram @cedarvalleystudentcenter for announcements and updates on scholarships, colleges, application deadlines, events, opportunities, etc…

You are welcome to come to the Student Center to get help or answers to any questions. You can also contact Marcie Murri at [email protected] or 801-610-8826 Ext. 721786.

7. SUU Red Riot

Is your student interested in attending Southern Utah University? Cedar Valley has the opportunity to participate in SUU Red Riot. It is a great way for high school students to experience Southern Utah University. This is an overnight activity. Here is the website with all the information. (

Cedar Valley will provide a bus and the $20.00 fee for students to attend the Red Riot event on January 17th and 18th.

This is for high school students (ages 16-18). To participate, Cedar Valley’s permission form and SUU’s informed consent waiver must be completed and brought to the Student Center and the SUU registration questions must also be filled out. These have to be done by Thursday, October 3rd! (They are all linked otherwise they are available in the Student Center.)

If you have any questions, contact Marcie Murri in the Student Center. ([email protected])

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember
2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal