Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme
Monday, Oct 9, 2023
We have one more week until the end of the final grading period for term 1. Please take advantage of our after-school study activity with teachers and other volunteers who are here at CV to help. See #2
Please make note of the following:
Cedar Valley will be offering the ASVAB test here on campus starting at 9:05 AM on the morning of October 12th. Please sign up here in order to reserve your seat and be offered the exam. For additional information about the ASVAB please visit This test is provided for free by the military, but no military service is required. It’s a great tool for discovering your strengths and weaknesses in helping students explore careers.
2. Reminder–Parents and Pizza Event Homework Event
We will be holding a study group after school on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, and Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023. Teachers and student tutors will be available to assist students with their homework. This will be a great opportunity for your students to catch up on any assignments before our term ends on October 18th. Parents are welcome to come help their student(s). Please see the flyer for more information.
Pizza and Parents Student Study Group (Espanol).pdf
Padres, llevaremos a cabo un grupo de estudio después de la escuela el martes 10 de octubre de 2023 y el jueves 12 de octubre de 2023. Esta será una gran oportunidad para que sus estudiantes se pongan al día con cualquier tarea antes de que termine nuestro período el 18 de octubre. Los padres son bienvenidos a ayudar a sus estudiantes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información.
Pizza and Parents Student Study Group (Espanol) pdf
3. Reminder–Final School Pictures Retake Day, October 13
Our final makeup picture day is coming soon on October 13. School pictures taken at CEDAR VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL on 08/15/2023 are now available for parents to view and order online.
View and order at
4. Driver’s Ed
If you are interested in taking Driver’s Ed please link here Classes will be both Online and in person at the end of the month. Driver’s Ed teachers suggest registering six months before needing a license. If you have any questions please email Mr. Roberts.
5. PTSA Announcements
Zupas night on Wednesday, October 10th from 4-9 pm at the Saratoga Springs location! Be sure to mention you’re there for the fundraiser and a portion of your sale will go back to us!
Join PTSA – parents and students are welcome! Join us at
Follow us on social media! Instagram and Facebook
October is Teen Safe Driving Month. Check out our social media for tips to stay safe.
The PTSA parking spots – IceMan and Rooster – have been chosen for the first quarter. Let’s congratulate Misty Mitchell and Savanah Jones! Enjoy your new parking stalls.
Roxberry will be available at lunch on the first Wednesday of each month!
If you are interested in taking Driver’s Ed please register here. We have in-person and Online courses available at the end of the month. Driver’s Ed teachers suggest that students take Driver’s Ed six months before students want to get their license.
If you have any questions please email Mr. Roberts at [email protected]
6. Upcoming Dates to Remember
2-week calendar
Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to an enjoyable month of October here at CVHS!
Courtney Johnson
Cedar Valley High School Principal