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November 27th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Subject: Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, November 27, 2023

Dear Aviators,

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break! It’s hard to believe that we’re only three short weeks away from the end of the term. Time flies, and before we know it, December 21 will be upon us.

Please take note of the following:

1. Last Three Weeks Push!

  • As we approach the end of term 2, let’s ensure everyone is on the same page. Please watch for weekly progress reports and check on your child’s Skyward accounts over the next couple of weeks.  This will help avoid surprises when the term concludes on December 21.

2. Primary Children’s Hospital Donations for the Holidays

  • During this festive season, let’s spread joy to those who need it most. Some children at Primary Children’s Hospital are undergoing extended treatments, and we want to make their stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. We are collecting new toys, books, and room decorations.
    Miss Eagle Mountain is spearheading this initiative, and your contributions will make a significant difference. Let’s come together to bring smiles to these young faces.
    Donation collection details:

    • New toys

    • Books

    • Room decorations

  • Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

3. Toys for Tots – Christmas Toy Drive
The Key Club at Cedar Valley HS is hosting the Marine Corps Reserve’s “Toys for Tots, Christmas Toy Drive.” Our goal is to collect 200 new, unwrapped toys! Collection boxes are conveniently located in the Student Center and Main Office until noon on Monday, December 11th. Your contributions will help make this Christmas special for many children in need. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
4. Upcoming Dates to Remember

As we navigate the last two weeks of term 2, please keep these dates in mind.  2-week calendar

Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Wishing everyone a successful conclusion to term 2!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, November 20th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, November 20, 2023


Today is mid-term, and mid-term grades will be posted today. Please encourage your child to use this extended weekend to catch up on their missing assignments.  I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends.

Please make note of the following:

1. Toys for Tots

The Key Club at Cedar Valley HS is sponsoring the Marine Corps Reserve, “Toys for Tots, Christmas Toy Drive” The goal is 200 new, unwrapped toys! Collection boxes are located in the Student Center and Main Office at the school. The drive runs from now through Monday, December 11th at noon. Thank you for helping to make wishes come true for so many children in need this Christmas. (please see attached flyer)

If you are in need of a toy for your child, you may request one here.  Applications close on December 1st.

2. Texas Road House Rolls For Sale PTSA Fundraiser Reminder

Our PTSA is selling the best rolls ever.  They are frozen and ready to set out to rise and bake fresh for your Thanksgiving dinner.  We have about 100 dozen to sell tonight at 5:30- 7:00 P.M. near the lunchroom so you can drive up and purchase them from your car window!  $10.00 per dozen.

You may purchase them ahead of time to make sure you get them before we run out by linking here.

3. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic term 2!


Courtney Johnson

Monday, November 13th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, November 13, 2023

Welcome back to another fantastic week.  This weekend our ballroom team placed first place in a multi-state ballroom competition!  We also placed first in the state!  Congratulations to our ballroom team!  Please make note of the following:

1. After School Tutoring Lab Tuesday and Thursdays

We have an after-school tutoring lab each Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-4:30 to help students with any homework and assignments.   Here are the following days through the end of December:

  • November: 14, 16, 30  

  • December: 7, 14

  • December 12 and the 19th:  Pizza and Parents (study session) Come join the fun. 


2. Parent Teacher Conference November 15th –  Save the Date

  • Parent Teacher Conference will be held November 15th from 3 – 7 P.M.  We all look forward to seeing our favorite parents.  

  • College Night will also be held in conjunction with the Parent-Teacher Conference from 5 – 7 PM.  Higher education opportunities including colleges, tech schools, military, concurrent enrollment, FAFSA, etc. will be in the commons.

  • A Mental Health Screener to assess the social/emotional strengths and needs of students will also be on November 15th.  Here is the Spanish information and here is the English information to sign up.  

3. Spanish Speaking Family Support Group Night

 Family Support Group for Spanish-speaking families to learn about helpful resources. English Involucrate and Spanish Involucrate and Sign up using this Google form 

4.       PTSA Announcements

  • Please help us to feed our teachers during the Parent Teacher Conference this week. Please sign up to donate items here 

  • We will be having a general meeting, open to the public, at 6:30 p.m. on November 15th in the Library. We can’t wait to see you there!

  • Texas Roadhouse Rolls are going quickly – when we sell out, they’re gone!
    Order here: PTSA Texas Roadhouse Rolls Each order is $10 and comes with a dozen frozen Texas Roadhouse rolls and 6oz of delicious honey butter. 

  • Military Essay Contest “Why I am Proud of My Veteran” – the top essay for each grade will be awarded a $25 prize. Submit your entries via email to [email protected]

5. Parent Mental Health Night

ASD is hosting a free virtual parent mental health night on Tuesday, December 5th from 6:30-7:30 PM over ZOOM. The topic is “Social Media: Protecting your Child by Staying Aware and Involved.” There will be sessions in both English and Spanish. Parents can sign up using the following link English/Spanish or by scanning the QR code on the flier. 

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

November 6th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, November 6, 2023


As we enter the month of November, I wanted to provide you with some important updates and information regarding our upcoming parent-teacher conference and other school activities at CVHS.  Please make note of the following:

1. Parent Teacher Conference November 15th –  Save the Date

  • Parent Teacher Conference will be held November 15th from 3 – 7 P.M.  We all look forward to seeing our favorite parents.

  • College Night will also be held in conjunction with the Parent-Teacher Conference from 5 – 7 PM.  Higher education opportunities including colleges, tech schools, military, concurrent enrollment, FAFSA, etc. will be in the commons.

  • A Mental Health Screener to assess the social/emotional strengths and needs of students will also be on November 15th.  Here is the Spanish information and here is the English information to sign up.

2. Message From Julie King

The school board is anticipating hearing the recommendations from the ALL/DLI study on December 12th.  I will be hosting a town hall meeting for the public on December 18th at 7 p.m. at Vista Heights (many thanks to Tim for the use of his building!).

I am anticipating there will be recommendations for changes to the Westlake cluster DLI program since having 2 DLI programs feed to secondary schools can be a burden.  We also have 2 ALL programs at Hidden Hollow and Saratoga Shores that may see changes.  That may involve moving programs to other schools.  There may also be recommendations to grow or shrink programs which is why I am including all of our traditional schools in the Westlake and Cedar Valley clusters..  There may be impacts to other schools and I want to make sure that all parents and staff are informed and have an outlet to have any ideas or concerns heard.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  I have heard from many parents already, but have little to report until the plans are presented and I can respond accordingly.  You can always contact me at [email protected] or on my cell at 801-623-2420.


3. Sophomore College and Career Readiness Meetings

The counselors are excited to be able to meet with all of our Sophomores this year to talk about College and Career Readiness! During these CCR meetings, we will discuss the student’s academic and career goals and start talking about their post-high school plans. We will also be talking about various opportunities available during high school so students can make the most of their time here at Cedar Valley.  We would love to have you attend this meeting with your student. Please click on the link for your student’s counselor to make an appointment. You are also welcome to call the counseling office at 801-610-8826 to schedule an appointment.  We look forward to meeting with you and your student!

 Abby Taylor (A-BRA):

JeriLynn Phillips (BRE-CL):

Kristy Childs (CO-F):

April Triggs (G-HO):

Debra Smith (HU-LL):

Camille Black (LO-N):

Courtney Briggs (O-ROB):

Reagan Peck (ROC-STO):

Amy Easley (STR-V):

Joleen Liston (W-Z):

4. PTSA Announcements

  • PTSA is excited to feed the teachers during Parent Teacher Conferences next week. Please sign up to help feed our teachers! Feed the Teachers

  • We will be having a general meeting, open to the public, at 6:30 p.m. on November 15th in the Library. We can’t wait to see you there!

  • Texas Roadhouse Rolls are going quickly – grab some before they’re sold out!
    Order here: PTSA Texas Roadhouse Rolls Each order is $10 and comes with a dozen frozen Texas Roadhouse rolls and 6oz of honey butter.

  • Military Essay Contest “Why I am Proud of My Veteran” – the top essay for each grade will be awarded a $25 prize. Submit your entries via email to [email protected]

5. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic term 2!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Tuesday, Oct 30th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Tuesday, Oct 30, 2023


Welcome to the beginning of term two.  We have a lot of fun activities going on for our students and community this week.  Please make note of the following:

1. Trick or Treat at the Terminals

We are excited for our trick-or-treat at the terminals tonight at 5:30-8:00 P.M. for the community!  This annual event is a super fun event that our student council, clubs, PTSA, and other student groups put together a fun and safe trick-or-treat night for the children in our community.  $1.00 per person per location.  Screams or Trick or Treat in the Terminals.

2.  Sterling Scholar Applications are due Wednesday, Nov. 1st in the Student Center. 

3. College Tours

Cedar Valley has the opportunity to go on two college tours, one to Utah Valley University and the other to Utah State University.  The UVU tour is a Concurrent Enrollment Benefits Tour and is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7th.  Concurrent enrollment students will be given preference but others will be accepted.  The USU tour is a College Access and Inclusion Day.  Multicultural and first-generation students will be given preference but others will be accepted.  Each tour is a first come first serve.  The permission slips and registration need to be turned in at the Student Center by this Friday, November 3rd!  The permission slips with all the information are below.

UVU CE Tour Permission.pdf

Utah State Permission Slip (1).pdf

4.  PTSA Announcements

PTSA is back with more Texas Roadhouse Rolls! These sell out quickly, so place your order early before they’re gone! Just $10 for one dozen frozen Texas Roadhouse Rolls with 6oz of honey butter. Pickup will be in November before the break (more info will be emailed to those with orders).
Get yours here: PTSA Texas Roadhouse Rolls

5.  Nov 15th Parent Teacher Conference 3-7 P.M.

We are excited to meet with our parents at the Parent Teacher Conference.  Please save the date and mark your calendars.

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Hope everyone has a safe and spooky Halloween!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Tuesday, Oct 17th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme

Tuesday, Oct 17, 2023


Welcome to a short week! We hope you enjoy a much-deserved fall break.  As a reminder, there is no school this Thursday, October 19th through Monday the 23rd.  I hope you enjoy this time with family and friends!


1. Immunization Flu Clinic, Wednesday, October 25th from 3:00 – 6:00 P.M.

Wednesday, October 25th from 3-6 pm at Frontier Middle and is put on by the Utah County Health Department. They take most insurance.

2. Utah College Application Week

Next week, October 24th – 27th Cedar Valley High School will join the Utah System of Higher Education in sponsoring Utah College Application Week (UCAW). During this week, all seniors expected to graduate in 2024 will be encouraged to apply for admission to at least one college or university during their English class. Application fees are waived for most Utah institutions during UCAW.

There will be admissions representatives from Utah Colleges visiting Cedar Valley.  You can schedule individual appointments with them by clicking the links on the week’s schedule which will be sent out via email to Seniors.  They will also be available during lunch hours, the days they are here to answer any questions.



Here is a link to college quick facts. (Tours, admissions, due dates, scholarships, financial aid, etc.)

You are welcome to come to the Student Center to get help or answers to any questions.  You can also contact Marcie Murri at [email protected] or 801-610-8826.


3.  PTSA Announcements

Join PTSA – parents and students are welcome! Join us at

Follow us on social media! Instagram and Facebook

October is Teen Safe Driving Month. Check out our social media for tips to stay safe.

Roxberry will be available the first Wednesday of each month during lunch.

4. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to an enjoyable month of October here at CVHS!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, Oct 9th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, Oct 9, 2023

We have one more week until the end of the final grading period for term 1.  Please take advantage of our after-school study activity with teachers and other volunteers who are here at CV to help.  See #2

Please make note of the following:


Cedar Valley will be offering the ASVAB test here on campus starting at 9:05 AM on the morning of October 12th. Please sign up here in order to reserve your seat and be offered the exam. For additional information about the ASVAB please visit This test is provided for free by the military, but no military service is required.  It’s a great tool for discovering your strengths and weaknesses in helping students explore careers.

2. Reminder–Parents and Pizza Event Homework Event

We will be holding a study group after school on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, and Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023. Teachers and student tutors will be available to assist students with their homework.  This will be a great opportunity for your students to catch up on any assignments before our term ends on October 18th. Parents are welcome to come help their student(s). Please see the flyer for more information.

Pizza and Parents Student Study Group (Espanol).pdf

Padres, llevaremos a cabo un grupo de estudio después de la escuela el martes 10 de octubre de 2023 y el jueves 12 de octubre de 2023. Esta será una gran oportunidad para que sus estudiantes se pongan al día con cualquier tarea antes de que termine nuestro período el 18 de octubre. Los padres son bienvenidos a ayudar a sus estudiantes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información.

Pizza and Parents Student Study Group (Espanol) pdf

3. Reminder–Final School Pictures Retake Day, October 13

Our final makeup picture day is coming soon on October 13. School pictures taken at CEDAR VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL on 08/15/2023 are now available for parents to view and order online.

View and order at


  • Event Code: FE261823

  • Also Needed: Skyward Unique Student ID

4. Driver’s Ed

If you are interested in taking Driver’s Ed please link here   Classes will be both Online and in person at the end of the month. Driver’s Ed teachers suggest registering six months before needing a license.  If you have any questions please email Mr. Roberts.

5. PTSA Announcements

Zupas night on Wednesday, October 10th from 4-9 pm at the Saratoga Springs location! Be sure to mention you’re there for the fundraiser and a portion of your sale will go back to us!

Join PTSA – parents and students are welcome! Join us at

Follow us on social media! Instagram and Facebook

October is Teen Safe Driving Month. Check out our social media for tips to stay safe.

The PTSA parking spots – IceMan and Rooster – have been chosen for the first quarter. Let’s congratulate Misty Mitchell and Savanah Jones! Enjoy your new parking stalls.

Roxberry will be available at lunch on the first Wednesday of each month!

If you are interested in taking Driver’s Ed please register here.  We have in-person and Online courses available at the end of the month.  Driver’s Ed teachers suggest that students take Driver’s Ed six months before students want to get their license.

If you have any questions please email Mr. Roberts at [email protected]

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to an enjoyable month of October here at CVHS!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Cleared For Take Off – 2023-24 School Theme

Monday, October 2, 2023


I hope this email finds you well as we transition into the month of October. As the leaves change color and the temperatures drop, please take time to log into Skyward and help remind your student to turn in any missing assignments. The term will end on October 18th.

Please make note of the following:

1. Senior Sterling Scholar Applications

Does your Senior student excel in any of these areas?  If so, have them stop by the counseling office to get a Sterling Scholar application.

  • English

  • Math

  • Social Science

  • Science

  • World Language

  • Computer Technology

  • Skilled & Technical Sciences Education

  • Family & Consumer Science

  • Business & Marketing

  • Speech/Theater Arts/Forensics

  • Vocal Performance

  • Visual Arts

  • Instrumental Music

  • Dance

2. Senior Parents College and Career Specialist

If your senior student is interested in meeting with our college and career specialist please have them fill out this survey.  Link here.  Mrs. Murri is a valuable resource for scholarships, etc.

3. College Applications (Free)

Free application codes for use during October for seniors applying to Utah colleges. 2023_UCAW_Application_Fee_Waiver_Info.pdf

4. PTSA Announcements

  • Enjoy delicious Roxberry this Wednesday, October 4th at 12:45 in the commons.

  • Spirit Night is coming up! Join us at Zupas in Saratoga Springs on Tuesday, October 10th from 4-9 pm for great food and to support your CVHS PTSA!

  • Join us for Advocacy Night on Monday, October 16th at 5:30 pm in the Auditorium. Julie King will be holding a Civics 101 class, informing us on how to better reach out to our representatives and start a conversation. Voter registration will also be available. More information can be found here.

  • October is Teen Safe Driving Month. Stay smart, stay safe.

  • Join PTSA today! Your membership helps support our community and give us a greater voice at the Capital.

5. Media Center Spooky October Focus on Gothic Authors and Their Books

Gothic literature is a genre of fiction that emerged in the late 18th century and became popular in the 19th century. It is characterized by a focus on dark, mysterious, and supernatural elements, as well as a strong emphasis on emotion and atmosphere. Notable authors associated with Gothic literature include Mary Shelley, “Frankenstein”,  Edgar Allan Poe, “the Raven/Tale Tell Heart” and Bram Stoker, “Dracula”, among others. See a few of our CV Media Center Gothic author/book displays here: gothic Halloween media newsletter.jpg

Gothic literature has had a lasting impact on the horror and suspense genres and continues to influence contemporary literature, film, and popular culture. Its themes of darkness, mystery, and the exploration of human nature continue to resonate with audiences today. Swing by the Media Center to learn more about these authors and check out ”Dark” Displays inspired by elements in each of the Macabre Stories both classic gothic horror and modern scary literature.

6. Parents and Pizza Event Homework Event

We will be holding a study group after school on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, and Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023. Teachers and student tutors will be available to assist students with their homework.  This will be a great opportunity for your students to catch up on any assignments before our term ends soon on October 18th. Parents are welcome to come help their student(s). Please see the flyer for more information.

Pizza and Parents Student Study Group (Espanol).pdf

Padres, llevaremos a cabo un grupo de estudio después de la escuela el martes 10 de octubre de 2023 y el jueves 12 de octubre de 2023. Esta será una gran oportunidad para que sus estudiantes se pongan al día con cualquier tarea antes de que termine nuestro período el 18 de octubre. Los padres son bienvenidos a ayudar a sus estudiantes. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información.

Pizza and Parents Student Study Group (Espanol).pdf

 7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to an enriching and enjoyable month of October here at CVHS!


Courtney Johnson

Cedar Valley High School Principal

Tuesday, September 26th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Welcome back to another beautiful fall week.  When the colors change nothing beats filling your home with the aroma of homemade pumpkin bread.  This is easy to make and I can’t get enough of it.  Here is My Go-To Pumpkin Bread Recipe.  I hope you enjoyed the pumpkin cookies in last week’s email.  If you didn’t try making them, I highly recommend that you do.

Please make note of the following:

1. Final School Pictures Retake Day, October 13

Our final makeup picture day is coming soon on October 13. School pictures taken at CEDAR VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL on 08/15/2023 are now available for parents to view and order online.

View and order at


  • Event Code: FE261823

  • Also Needed: Skyward Unique Student ID

2. Senior Parents  

If your senior student is interested in meeting with our college and career specialist please have them fill out this survey.  Link here.  Mrs. Murri is a valuable resource for scholarships, etc.

3. Immunization Clinics

Please see the attached flyer for information from our school nurse!

Immunization clinics

4. PTSA Update

October is Teen Safe Driving Month.  Please watch for information and follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

Grab some delicious Roxberry during lunch on Wednesday, October 4th!

Reflections entries are due October 1st. Please submit your entries at Direct any questions to [email protected]

Sign up for the PTSA! Parents, teachers, students, and community members can all sign up for our CVHS PTSA. Join today! PTSA Students are eligible to receive our exclusive non-academic scholarship funds and a chance at a premium upfront parking spot every term! Join PTSA to learn more!

Hidden Hollow’s  PTA is looking for help to run their carnival games on Thursday, October 5th.  This could count as service hours.  If you have a teenager who would be willing to help them run carnival games, please sign them up! Here is the link:


5. Digital Citizenship and Well-Being

It is essential that we take an active role in educating our students and partner with parents about responsible digital citizenship. This affects our students’ safety and well-being in an age of smartphones and social media.

Here is a letter with more information.

Here are some key points to discuss with your children.

  • Respect for Others: Emphasize the importance of treating others with respect and empathy. Encourage them to consider how recording a fight can be hurtful and humiliating for those involved.

  • Legal Consequences: Make them aware of the potential legal consequences of recording fights or other personally identifiable information that may be viewed as being an accessory to violence or invasion of privacy.

  • Impact on Mental Health: Explain how sharing and watching violent content can negatively impact their mental health and desensitize them to violence.

  • Digital Responsibility: Teach them about responsible smartphone and social media usage, including reporting violent content rather than sharing it.

  • Being an Upstander: Encourage your child to be an upstander rather than a bystander. If they witness a fight or harassment, they should seek help from an authority figure rather than recording it.

  • Peer Pressure: Discuss the dangers of succumbing to peer pressure or the desire for social media attention. Help them understand that their worth is not determined by likes, shares, or comments on a video.

  • Empathy and Kindness: Promote empathy and kindness in their interactions both online and offline. Remind them of the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated.

6. Culture Climate Survey

    Thursday, Oct. 5th students will take the ASD Culture, Climate, and Connection Survey for the 2023-2024 school year in their Jet Time. The purpose of the survey is to help adults improve the learning environment in order for all students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Please see last week’s email for more details.

 7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a great week!


Courtney Johnson

Digital Citizenship Parent Letter

By Principle Johnson Communications

Dear Parents,

I wanted to take a moment to discuss an important topic that affects our children’s safety and well-being, especially in the age of smartphones and social media. It is crucial that we engage in open conversations with our children about the importance of never recording fights and avoiding the mob mentality that can accompany such situations.

In today’s digital age, the prevalence of smartphones and social media platforms has made it easier than ever for our children to capture and share moments from their daily lives. While these tools can be powerful for connecting and communicating, they can also pose significant risks when misused.

Here are some key points to discuss with your children:

  • Respect for Others: Emphasize the importance of treating others with respect and empathy. Encourage them to consider how recording a fight can be hurtful and humiliating for those involved.
  • Legal Consequences: Make them aware of the potential legal consequences of recording fights or other personal identifiable information may be viewed as being an accessory to violence or invasion of privacy.
  • Impact on Mental Health: Explain how sharing and watching violent content can negatively impact their mental health and desensitize them to violence.
  • Digital Responsibility: Teach them about responsible smartphone and social media usage, including reporting violent content rather than sharing it.
  • Being an Upstander: Encourage your child to be an upstander rather than a bystander. If they witness a fight or harassment, they should seek help from an authority figure rather than recording it.
  • Peer Pressure: Discuss the dangers of succumbing to peer pressure or the desire for social media attention. Help them understand that their worth is not determined by likes, shares, or comments on a video.
  • Empathy and Kindness: Promote empathy and kindness in their interactions both online and offline. Remind them of the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated.

It is essential that we partner together and take an active role in educating our children about responsible digital citizenship. By having these conversations and setting a positive example through our own behavior, we can help them make informed, compassionate, and responsible choices in the digital world.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Let’s work together to ensure the safety and well-being of our children and promote a culture of empathy, respect, and responsibility.


Principal Courtney