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April 25th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Dear Aviators,


It is hard to believe that this is the last week of April!  Please help your child finish strong by monitoring their progress in Skyward and Canvas courses. It’s amazing how just a couple of weeks students can improve their grades.  Make sure they do not have any missing assignments and are studying for their final exams.


Please make note of the following:

1. Last Two Nights of the Sound of Music Play!

If you have not seen the Sound of Music Production, you need to attend one of the last two nights’ performances.  Our drama students have worked so hard and it’s a beautiful production.  I would love to see everyone support our students in this amazing production.  Tomorrow is the last performance.

2. Scholarships

 Seniors, the deadline is extended till Friday, April 28th for the Sadie Huish Memorial Art Scholarship and the Ultimate Flyboy Baseball Scholarship.


3.  Minimal Day for Graduation, May 25, 2023

On May 25th, We will have a Minimal Day so we can get everyone to the graduation ceremony on time.

Here is the bell schedule:

1st Period 7:45 8:25

2nd Period 8:30 9:10

3rd Period 9:15 9:55

4th Period 10:00 10:40

One Lunch 10:40 11:15

Bussing will be different on Miminal Day, May 25.  Because not all schools will be on a Minimal Day, it will be a challenge for transportation to run as usual because they will be transporting other students on a regular bell schedule for their school.   We really appreciate ASD Transportation helping Cedar Valley Students get to and from school with this unusual request.

Here is the rundown of what transportation discussed with me:

Transportation will drop off students as normal on that Thursday, May 25.

  1. Students will remain in school until 11:15, at which time our 3 Sp Ed buses and 6 of the Reg Ed buses will return to take students home.

    • SpEd students will be transported to their homes.  Please make sure a parent or guardian is home to care for your student.  Additionally, if a driver takes a SpEd student home and no one is there to collect him/her, the student will be returned to the school.

    • RegEd students will be taken to an area drop-off location, not their regular bus stop. Area drops will be localized in a way that will allow students to walk home from the stop.  It may require them to walk further than normal, but they should not have to walk more than the state regulation of 1.5 miles to/from home and the bus stop.

  2. Transportation will create a map showing where the area drops will be located.


4.  Accuplacer For New Concurrent Enrollment Students

This information is only for our new Concurrent Enrollment students.  Here is the correct link for students to sign up for the Accuplacer or Aleks test for May 8.  The test is at 9:00 A.M.  The bus will leave at 8 A.M. May 8, 2023.

  1. Go to and click on “Schedule an Appointment”

  2. Select “I am a UVU student”

  3. Select “Accuplacer Placement Exam”

  4. Select “Accuplacer – Cedar Valley High School”

  5. Select “Both Sections”

  6. Choose May 8th at 9:00 am

  7. Fill out all the information below and click “add to cart”

  8. Click on “Ready to checkout?”

  9. Fill out payment information and click “Purchase Exams”


If you have any questions, please email Shelly Anderson who is our UVU Facilitator in room D230 and she can help you and your child take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.


5.  ACT Bootcamp this Summer

An ACT Bootcamp is available for all students looking to take or retake the ACT. The camp runs from June 5th to June 9th. Students will gain access to three teachers: English, math, and science. These teachers will teach the strategies and content associated with each test. The cost is $75 and that includes an ACT voucher to take the ACT on June 10th. Register by April 26th. For more information, email

6.  Secondary Schedule Change Next School year

The district sent out an email today regarding a change in the school schedule for this August.  Beginning in August 2023, all secondary schools will return to a one-hour early-out schedule. The instructional day on Wednesday will end at 1:15 PM for CVHS.  Please see the email from the District for more information.


7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar


With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

April 17th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

April 17, 2023

Dear Aviators,

If you are feeling glum at the prospect of more rain, just remember that blue skies and May flowers will be here before you know it! Likewise, the bright side is that it seems like students focus more on school when it is less tempting to play outside!

Please make note of the following:

1. Reminder: Parent Teacher Conference Makeup, Wednesday, April 19th, 3:30-7:00 PM Please see the prior email regarding all the activities planned for Wednesday!

2. Reminder: Community Information Make-Up Night, April 19th, 5:00-7:00 PM Please see the prior email regarding all the activities planned for Wednesday! Food trucks and more! Comunity Info (1).pdf

Espanol: Noche comunitaria de información para padres, 19 de abril, 5:00-7:00 pm Community Information Night – JESSICA STAUFFER^J SPANISH (2).pdf

*Incoming Freshman Flight Instruction Night Wednesday, April 19th Presentation in the auditorium at 5:30 PM in conjunction with Community Information Night 5 PM – 7 PM in the commons. Community Info – Freshman (3).pdf

3. School Safety Week

This week is School Safety Week at CVHS. We will have safety messages as a part of our announcements and on 4/20 we will take part in the Great Shakeout which is a Statewide earthquake drill. We are grateful for all that our Students and Faculty do to keep our students safe. If you or your student would like to make an anonymous tip about school-wide or individual safety please send your tip to Safe UT

4. Summer School 2023

Parents & Students, we will be having Summer School here at CVHS June 12-30. You can find the summer school schedule and registration form here. If you have any questions about what classes your student needs to take please reach out to your student’s counselor. The $25 registration fee can be paid at the Finance Office.

5. UVU Concurrent Enrollment

Students that are planning on doing UVU Concurrent Enrollment classes next school year can register as a student at UVU right now. Please follow these instructions. Registration for specific classes for the next school year will open on April 12th. Please get enrolled early! This will save you thousands of dollars in tuition, books, etc. If you don’t know much about it, please visit your child’s counselor. This will save thousands of college expenses! Best way to earn an associate’s degree right here at CVHS!

3. Climate Culture Student Post Survey

Students will be given a climate culture student post survey during the first week of May during Jet Time. For more information, please link here

4. Next Year Juniors

Students who want to take ENG 1010 next year as juniors need to take the “Accuplacer”. Below is the link to sign up and prepay to take the “Accuplacer” on 5/8/23, we will be taking a bus to UVU for the students to take the test. The cost to students is $23.50.

They also need to Sign up in D230 with Shelly Anderson.

5. Senior Cap & Gown Distribution

Friday, 4/21 in The Hanger at 9 am there will be a Senior Graduation Assembly and Cap & Gown Distribution for all seniors who are on track for graduation and have no outstanding fees. If there are any questions, have your student visit with their school counselor or check with the finance office.

6. Monday, April 24th Teacher Work Day – NO STUDENTS

7. ASPIRE-PLUS Testing Make-Up

We have started our make-up testing today and will test today and tomorrow. Any student who needs to make up a test is dismissed from their first-hour class and will complete as many tests as they can until the second lunch. They will get a break between each test if they have more than one to take. As soon as they are done, students will return to class. We know that it is a slight disruption of these students’ school days, but we really need to get this testing completed to help us continue to improve as a school. Once we complete this round of testing, we will pull kids individually out of classes. Thanks for your cooperation as we complete the testing.

6. MORP School Dance

MORP is on April 29th at CVHS. The theme is Hollywood. Students are encouraged to dress as their favorite Hollywood star. The dance will be from 8-11 in the commons. Tickets for couples cost $15 and a single ticket for $8. Ticket prices will go up on Wednesday the 26th so buy before the prices go up! Link Here for more information.

7. PTSA Feeding the Teachers

PTSA would love your help feeding the teachers before parent-teacher conferences and events this Wednesday. Please sign up to help out at this link: CVHS PTSA: CVHS Teacher Lunch – April 19 (

8. PTSA General Meeting

PTSA will be holding a general meeting at 6:00 pm on April 19. Please plan to meet at the PTSA table during the Community Information Night. See you there!


Students planning to do MTECH next school year should check the MTECH website for open registration dates. Many programs open on April 20th at 8 AM and fill quickly. The student application and assessment should be completed before registration.

10. Senior Ranking Calculation

I know this pertains to seniors, however; I believe it is a good idea to discuss this with all of your students that attend CVHS so they can make goals for excellence.

Cedar Valley High School does not have a Valedictorian (top student) or a Salutatorian (runner-up). Our administration chose to recognize Aviator Scholars (top 10%), and allow as many Aviator Scholars as possible to sit on the stand.
Top scholars will be identified using a math formula that considers: GPA, ACT, and college-level courses taken. This is more similar to what colleges use when awarding scholarships and when colleges take into consideration “weighted GPAs”.

All of these are recognized in the graduation program. We do not advertise exact rankings.

Aviator Scholar (Top 10 Percent Class Ranking Calculation Formula)

Students completing graduation requirements, their ACT and GPA points, and recognize the heavier burden of certain work, classes, and courses, for AP and Concurrent Enrollment.

A. GPA X 10 (GPA – 3.995 = 39.95 points).

B. ACT composite score (25 = 25 points, )

C. Concurrent Enrollment full-year class = .5

D. AP full-year class = 1 point

E. MTECH full-year class = .5

The top 10% of graduating seniors criteria.

Formula: GPA times 10 + ACT score + 1 point per AP class, 1 point per Live
Interactive class, .5 per year-long MTECH class, + .5 point per year-long class of Concurrent Enrollment class.

GPA – 3.995 = 39.95 points ACT 25 = 25 points
Live Interactive Class = 1 point AP 3 classes = 3 points
CE 2 classes = 1 point MTECH 2 classes = 1 point Total Score – 69.95 points

11. Plans and Activities for the last week of School

We anticipate that no roll will be taken in classes and the absent and tardy caller will not be active.

While classes will be held, students may be allowed to mingle and interact with their peers in other classes for activities, yearbook signing and otherwise meet with teachers to finalize grades, assignments, extra credit, and so forth.

The atmosphere on these days may be anticipated to be similar to a recess or lunch period with teachers and administrators present throughout the halls and classes, but otherwise there may not be direct supervision as found during normal class periods.

Should you have concerns about supervision, these activities, and format, or wish to excuse your student, you may choose not to send them to school for those days.

Should you have concerns about supervision, these activities, and format, or wish to excuse your student, you may choose not to send them to school for those days.

12. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

April 10th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

April 10, 2023

Dear Aviators,

Welcome back from a much-deserved spring break! Please make note of the following:

1. Parent Teacher Conference Makeup, April 19th, 3:30-7:00 PM

Let’s help our students finish strong during term 4! Visiting with teachers is a great way to support your child.

2. Community Information Make Up Night, April 19th, 5:00-7:00 PM

This was rescheduled due to the snow day when school was canceled. We have combined this event with our incoming freshman “Flight Instruction Night” and look forward to seeing everyone.

Next year’s incoming freshmen are invited to attend the freshman “Flight Night” presentation at 5:30 PM in the auditorium. Our school clubs will also be available in the commons.

All Eagle Mountain families are invited to attend our Community Information Night at Cedar Valley High School. Students can learn about college credit opportunities and assistance, career pathways, and CTE internships. In addition to the following:

Counselors will be available to assist with next year’s high school registration.

Free mental health screeners will be offered for grades 9 and up – sign up at

Food trucks out front.

JetFuel soda at the football stadium.

The school store is open for swag.

Colleges, tech and trade schools, and apprenticeships information.

Military and community resources will be set up in the commons to present and answer questions.

These exhibitors include mental health organizations and therapy options, food pantry assistance, career exploration and assistance, suicide prevention, free babysitting services, and Hispanic resources.

3. Teacher Work Day (No School for Students) Monday, April 24th

4. Summer School 2023

Parents & Students, we will be having Summer School here at CVHS June 12-30. You can find the summer school schedule and registration form here. If you have any questions about what classes your student needs to take please reach out to your student’s counselor. The $25 registration fee can be paid at the Finance Office.

5. UVU Concurrent Enrollment

Students that are planning on doing UVU Concurrent Enrollment classes next school year can register as a student at UVU right now. Please follow these instructions. Registration for specific classes for the next school year will open on April 12th. Please get enrolled early! This will save you thousands of dollars in tuition, books, etc. If you don’t know much about it, please visit your child’s counselor. This will save thousands of college expenses! Best way to earn an associate’s degree right here at CVHS!

6. Aspire Plus Testing Make-Up

We had a great testing week before Spring Break. Thanks for having your kids here and ready to test. We will need to spend some time over the next few weeks testing those kids who were absent. We will do our best not to disrupt the school day, but we will be pulling kids from classes to finish up testing for the year.

9. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

Monday, March 27th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme


Monday, March 27, 2023



I am always amazed at the grit of our students. Each day, before I go to my office, I see students playing various sports in the freezing snow outside, practicing music so early so they can fit in all of their other AP and Concurrent Enrollment classes, rehearsing lines in a play, working with a teacher to get extra help on an assignment or prepare for a test, learning to drive a car in these horrible road conditions, and so much more.


I’m positive that I forgot so many things, but my point is that our kids are workers!  They go after what they want even when the conditions are not optimal. I just returned from a girls’ lacrosse game tonight.  I watched a coach and her team give every girl time to make a goal and they encouraged one another with such positive praise I was blown away. The players even assisted in setting up the field to make it advantageous for that “one player” to score a point even though they could have made the shot themselves.   It seriously brought tears to my eyes.


I’m here to tell you that this goes on every single day.  Our kids are some of the best out there. I have never seen anything like this. I don’t know what it is in the valley, but it is better in the valley!


Thank you for raising the best and teaching your kids to work hard even when it is not easy.  I just love that!


Please make note of the following:

1. PTSA Fundraiser – Texas Roadhouse Rolls – Last Chance!

Just three days left to order! PTSA is selling frozen Texas Roadhouse Rolls just in time for Easter (or anytime, really!) They are $10 per frozen dozen and come with 6 oz honey butter and a free appetizer card. Pickup will be on March 29 from 11-1 & March 30 from 5:30-7:30. Please place your orders at


2. UVU Concurrent Enrollment


Students that are planning on doing UVU Concurrent Enrollment classes next school year can register as a student at UVU right now.  Please follow these instructions.  Registration for specific classes for the next school year will open on April 12th.  Please get enrolled early!  This will save you thousands of dollars in tuition, books, etc.  If you don’t know much about it, please visit your child’s counselor.  This will save thousands of college expenses!  Best way to earn an associate’s degree right here at CVHS!


3. Mtech


Students planning to do MTech next school year should check the Mtech website for open registration dates.  Many programs open on April 20th at 8 AM and fill quickly. The student application and assessment should be completed before registration.

4. Soccer Youth Camp

Link Here to learn more about his great opportunity for your younger friends and family members.


5. What it Means to be an AVIATOR assembly at Frontier March 28th

We will be taking a group of performers to Frontier on Tuesday, March 28th to introduce our incoming 8th graders to Cedar Valley High school for our next school year.


6. Freshman registering for Next Sophomore Year

The freshman registration assembly will be on March 30th during Jet Time. Registration will open on April 11th at 2:45 PM.


7. Cedar Valley High School Career Fair – March 30, 11:20-1:05 

(1st and 2nd Lunch) Main GYM

CTE is hosting a 70+ business Career Fair in our Main gym on Thursday, March 30 from 11:20-1:05 (both lunches and 3rd period). All students are invited.

All students are invited to this event during their lunch period.

Have your student come to the gym during their lunch to check out these benefits:

Network with over 70+ businesses in our area that are looking for future employment opportunities.

  • Some employers may be ready to hire right away.

  • Gain a better understanding of the skills and education required for different jobs.

  • Get advice on job searching and building a career.

  • Discover internship or job opportunities available to high school students.

  • Build connections with potential mentors for future job applications.

  • Gain insight into the job market and industry trends.

  • Practice communication and interpersonal skills by speaking with professionals.

  • It is fun! Students will get a “ticket” with sample questions they can ask each business to help increase engagement. Businesses will stamp the tickets, which can be turned in as they leave and entered into a drawing for prizes.

Student parking will be limited in the Northeast parking lot (nearest the football field). Please carpool or park in the other student lots for the day.


8. Scholarships For Seniors Reminder, Please Apply

Senior Aviators, we have three Cedar Valley scholarship opportunities for you!  The Aviator Spirit ScholarshipThe Sadie Huish Memorial Art Scholarship, and The Ultimate Flyboy Baseball Scholarship.  The deadline to apply is April 24, 2023.  If you have any questions, ask Marcie Murri in the Student Center.


9. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar


With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Dear Aviators,


There have been a few upper-classmen (in mixed grade level classes) students confused about the testing schedule next week. Although teachers have been encouraging students to attend school, number four of the Weekly Email may have misled students to believe that they can simply choose to stay home.  What I should have communicated is the following:


  • Please remind your students about the test and stress its importance of it. Upper-classmen in mixed-grade level classes will not test and parents may choose to excuse their child from school, or students may study in the cafeteria during that class period.

I am sorry for the confusion.  We would like to make sure students don’t miss classes that are outside of the testing schedule.  There are many upper-classmen classes that will not have testing going on, so we don’t want students to miss these classes.



Tuesday, March 21st 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme


Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Dear Aviators,


Welcome to the March equinox week! Fun fact, the equinox officially began at the end of school yesterday.  This occurs when the sun crosses the equator going south to north and it only happens twice a year in March and again in September.  So fun.

Please make note of the following:


1. Yearbooks

Don’t forget to buy your yearbook, we have sold-out the past two years in a row.  They are $65 right now but the price goes up to $85 on March 31st. You can purchase them on my school fees or at the finance office window


2. Community Outreach Resources:

Frontier Middle School is having a parent night that families in the community are invited to come to on March 22, 2023. Please see the flyers for information regarding that night. English copy for Frontier Middle

Frontier Middle School está teniendo una noche de padres a la que las familias de la comunidad están invitadas a asistir el 22 de marzo de 2023. Consulte los volantes para obtener información sobre esa noche. SPANISH Copy for Frontier Middle

Latino Parent Night Flyer.png


Also just a reminder about the SHARP survey. We encourage parents/guardians to OPT-IN and allow their children to participate. Included below is a Sharp facts flier with information about the survey. This data is vital to our work. It helps us understand the needs of YOUTH and FAMILIES and SCHOOLS in our community. You will want to fill out the survey soon. Thank you for your participation. SHARP survey one-pager.pdf


3. PTSA Fundraiser – Texas Roadhouse Rolls

PTSA is selling frozen Texas Roadhouse Rolls just in time for Easter! They are $10 per frozen dozen and come with honey butter and a free appetizer card. Pickup will be on March 29 & 30. Please place your orders at


4. Aspire Plus Testing – Aspire Plus tests for Freshmen and Sophomores and covers the areas of Math, Science, English, and Reading. We will conduct the tests next week, March 27-31.


We will have a modified schedule each day of the week. Testing will take place in the classroom with the core subject teacher so we can minimize disruptions for those not testing. Please remind your kids about the test and stress its importance of it. Upper-classmen in mixed-grade level classes will not test and choose to stay home or can study in the cafeteria.

Please contact your child’s administrator if you have any questions or concerns regarding the testing.


5. Cedar Valley High School Career Fair – March 30, 11:20-1:05

(1st and 2nd Lunch) Main GYM


CTE is hosting a 70+ business Career Fair in our Main gym on Thursday, March 30 from 11:20-1:05 (both lunches and 3rd period). All students are invited.

All students are invited to this event during their lunch period.

Have your student come to the gym during their lunch to check out these benefits:

  • Network with over 70+ businesses in our area that are looking for future employment opportunities.

  • Some employers may be ready to hire right away.

  • Gain a better understanding of the skills and education required for different jobs.

  • Get advice on job searching and building a career.

  • Discover internship or job opportunities available to high school students.

  • Build connections with potential mentors for future job applications.

  • Gain insight into the job market and industry trends.

  • Practice communication and interpersonal skills by speaking with professionals.

  • It is fun! Students will get a “ticket” with sample questions that they can ask each business to help increase engagement. Businesses will stamp the tickets, which can be turned in as they leave and entered into a drawing for prizes.


Student parking will be limited in the Northeast parking lot (nearest the football field). Please carpool or park in the other student lots for the day.


6. Scholarships For Seniors

Senior Aviators, we have three Cedar Valley scholarship opportunities for you!  The Aviator Spirit ScholarshipThe Sadie Huish Memorial Art Scholarship, and The Ultimate Flyboy Baseball Scholarship.  The deadline to apply is April 24, 2023.  If you have any questions, ask Marcie Murri in the Student Center.


7. Yearbooks

Don’t forget to buy your yearbook, we have sold-out the past two years in a row.  They are $65 right now but the price goes up to $85 on March 31st. You can purchase them on my school fees or at the finance office window.

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar


With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme


Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Dear Aviators,


Welcome back!  I hope you enjoyed your long weekend.  Please make note of the following:


1. Prom Tickets on Sale Now


2. PTSA Student Fundraiser – Lucky Chocolate Coins

The PTSA Student team will be selling chocolate gold coins during lunch on March 15 & 17. Cash or card payments will be accepted. Coins will be 50c each.


3. Testing Information Freshmen/Sophomores

Aspire Plus tests for Freshmen and Sophomores and covers the areas of Math, Science, English and Reading. We will conduct the tests the week prior to Spring Break, March 27-31.


More details will follow, but please note that we will have a modified schedule each day of the week:

Monday, March 27:  Extended 1st period.

Tuesday, March 28:  Extended 2nd period.

Thursday March 30: Extended 3rd period.

Friday, March 31:  Extended 4th period.


Testing will take place in the classroom with the classroom teacher so we can minimize disruptions for those not testing. Please remind your student(s) about the test and stress the importance of it.  We want students to get their sleep and eat a nice breakfast.


Parents, if you have a testing concern and wish to opt out, please contact your child’s administrator to discuss accommodations for opting out of the test.


Administrators By Alphabet:

Scott Mansfield: A-Coo

Anna Butler: Cop-Go

Kimberly Moore: Gr-Lot

Bill Sivert: Lou-R

Kenyon Christen: S-Z


3. PTSA Student Fundraiser – Lucky Chocolate Coins

The PTSA Student team will be selling chocolate gold coins during lunch on March 15 & 17. Cash or card payments will be accepted. Coins will be 50c each.


4.. Yearbooks

Don’t forget to buy your yearbook, we have sold-out the past two years in a row.  They are $65 right now but the price goes up to $85 on March 31st. You can purchase them on my school fees or at the finance office window.

5. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar


With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

March 6th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

March 6, 2023


I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We are approaching spring break in just three short weeks.  I want our students to stay on top of their work so when the break arrives, they can enjoy the time without worrying about school.  After that, the end of school will be here before you know it.  

Please make note of the following:

1. PTSA Fundraiser – Texas Roadhouse Rolls

PTSA is selling frozen Texas Roadhouse Rolls just in time for Easter! They are $10 per frozen dozen and come with honey butter and a free appetizer card. Pickup will be March 29 & 30. Please place your orders at

2. PTSA Student Fundraiser – Lucky Chocolate Coins

The PTSA Student team will be selling chocolate gold coins during lunch on March 15 & 17. Cash or card payments will be accepted. Coins will be 50c each.

3. ACT Tomorrow, March 7, 2023 Reminder

Tomorrow, we will be administering the ACT on March 7, 2023 for all Juniors.  Please encourage your students to prepare for the ACT and tell them why it is so important. Even though many schools do not use it for admissions, universities use it to determine what level of general ed classes they must take.  Performing well can save $$$.

Juniors are asked to be at the school between 7:15 to 7:45 to ensure they find their room assignments and have checked-in with the room aide or supervisor. They must have a photo ID to check into their testing rooms. Once done, they can check their Chromebook battery and plug-in if necessary. The test will promptly begin at 8 AM and students will not be allowed to enter the testing rooms once the test begins. Please remind your juniors to keep their cell phones, smart watches, and any other electronic devices that can connect to the internet switched off and in their cars, home, or backpacks for the duration of testing. Please refer to the approved calculator policy we sent out on February 16.

Sophomores will be taking a practice ACT test in the satellite.

Freshman & Seniors will stay home and have an online study day.

Lunch will be served in the cafeteria for those students who are at school and buses will run at the normal time. If your student is here for testing and needs to wait for the bus, we will have a place for them to be while they wait. They are also welcome to walk home or get picked up as soon as testing is over. We will hold the sophomores in the satellite building until the ACT is complete.

4.. Yearbooks

Don’t forget to buy your yearbook, we have sold-out the past two years in a row.  They are $65 right now but the price goes up to $85 on March 31st. You can purchase them on my school fees or at the finance office window.

5. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

February 27th, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 School Theme

February 27, 2023

The “Madness of March” will be here soon. Spring Break is almost upon us, which means the end of the school year will be here before we know it. Thank you for all that you are doing to help your students be successful!


Please make note of the following:


1.  End of Term 3 March 10th


Parents, we are almost at the end of term 3.  Please work with your students to make sure they are passing their classes and have everything turned in.


2. Semester Reward Top Gun – Maverick Award Event! 


In an effort to recognize our amazing students we will be holding a Top Gun Maverick movie award event on March 20th for the 1st semester and May 18th for 2nd semester.


Student Qualifications:

  • Those with less than 5 Days worth of excused absences for the semester and

  • Those with less than 5 Unexcused absences for the semester and

  • Those with less than 5 tardies and

  • Those with no discipline actions

Students will be excused from their classwork for that day and will be watching Top Gun – Maverick in the auditorium.  We will have popcorn, drinks, candy, etc.  Watch for individual student invitations!


3. Next Year Freshman Flight Instruction Night April 19th from 6:00 – 7:30 PM


We would like to invite incoming freshmen to learn about what CVHS has to offer.


4. Parent Teacher Community Information Make Up Night, April 19th 5:00-7:30 PM


This was rescheduled due to the snow day we had last week.  We combined this event without our incoming freshman “Flight Instruction Night” and look forward to seeing everyone. Shop at Aviator Supply Co, Jet Fuel Soda Shack, and visit colleges, tech schools and the military.  


5. ACT March 7, 2023 Reminder


We will be administering the ACT on March 7, 2023 for all Juniors.  Please encourage your students to prepare for the ACT and tell them why it is so important. Even though many schools do not use it for admissions, universities use it to determine what level of general ed classes they must take.  Performing well can save $$$.


Juniors are asked to be at the school between 7:15 to 7:45 to ensure they find their room assignments and have checked-in with the room aide or supervisor. Once done, they can check their Chromebook battery and plug-in if necessary. The test will promptly begin at 8 AM and students will not be allowed to enter the testing rooms once the test begins. Please remind your juniors to keep their cell phones, smart watches, and any other electronic devices that can connect to the internet switched off and in their cars, home, or backpacks for the duration of testing. Please refer to the approved calculator policy we sent out on February 16.

Sophomores will be taking a practice ACT test in the satellite.

Freshman & Seniors will stay home and have an online study day.


6. Next Year Registration Reminder


Next year’s Seniors registration opened last Thursday, February 23rd at 3:30 PM. For more information see the CVHS Counseling Website.


7.  End of the Year State Tests


We are testing the last week of March right before Spring Break. If you have any concerns about these state tests, please reach out to your child’s administrator.


8. Large Delivery this Thursday, March 2, 2023

The school is receiving a large delivery on Thursday, March 2. A large portion of the northwest parking lot will be closed. Please ask your students to not park in an area that has been blocked off.

9.  Scholarships

Seniors!!  We have two scholarship opportunities available at our school through Keys to Success!  A $1,000 scholarship is available for The University of Utah and a $500 scholarship is available at MTECH.  The deadline for both is March 3, 2023!  APPLY through the Keys to Success App.  More information is available on their website at  If you have any questions please contact Marcie Murri in the Student Center.

10. Yearbooks

Don’t forget to buy your yearbook, we have sold-out the past two years in a row.  They are $65 right now but the price goes up to $85 on March 31st. You can purchase them on my school fees or at the finance office window.

11. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar


With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson


¡Hagamos que sea un maravilloso 2023!


Con mucho amor y gratitud – Director Johnson

February 21st, 2023

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born to Fly – 2022-23 -School Theme


February 21, 2023




What an incredible week we have had!  Over the weekend we had two individual students receive state titles!. The girls wrestling team took 2nd place in state and we have a beautiful trophy to proudly place in our display!  Whoop whoop to our students and coaches!


This week we also have our girls and boys basketball teams playing in the state finals.  It would be wonderful to have everyone out at the games to cheer our kiddos on!  Gooooo Aviators!


1. Winter Storm Warnings Tomorrow


Please watch the weather and school district website for weather related delayed start or school closure information. With a storm heading our way, we want to make sure you are safe.

We are planning for all schools to start at the normal time. However, if an online/distance learning day is enacted, a decision will be made by approximately 5:30am and it will be posted on our Facebook pageTwitter account, and district website shortly afterward. We will also send communication via email to those who are active in our student information system. Please refer to Policy 1800 for more information.


2. Parent Teacher Community  Night Tomorrow 3:30-7:00 PM


Please see information from last week’s email.  If the weather causes a district to close school, we will reschedule our Parent Teacher Community Night for another day, but for now please plan our PTC as scheduled.  We will keep you posted if anything changes.


3. Students Password Reset


The district is working to change all student passwords in the upcoming weeks. Students will be receiving an email to change their passwords starting late Thursday afternoon. Students are welcome to start this on their own.  On Monday (2/27), we will ask all teachers to make some time during JetTime to share a brief video/training, allow students to reset their passwords and check that all students have changed their passwords successfully.

While this is a large effort, it is an opportunity to help teach students about setting passwords and the importance of protecting themselves online.


4. Explore your future! Join us for a Virtual Information Night:

Earning college credit while in high school has some amazing perks. Whether you are interested in taking just one CE class or earning a General Education Certificate, you won’t want to miss this. No matter what you decide your goal is, UVU Concurrent Enrollment is for you.

You can expect all information sessions to cover:

  • How Concurrent Enrollment saves time and money

  • Perks of a UVU Student ID Card

  • UVU Scholarships

  • Earning a General Education Certificate

This event will be hosted through Microsoft Teams by us, the Concurrent Enrollment Advisors!

SPRING 2023 Event Dates

Mon, FEB 27 5-6pm OR *Espanol* 6:30 – 7:30pm

Tues, FEB 28 5-6pm OR *Espanol* 6:30 – 7:30pm

Wed, MAR 1 5-6pm OR 6:30 – 7:30pm

Register for a session here.

See you online!

-Your UVU Concurrent Enrollment Advising Team

5. ACT March 7, 2023 Reminder


We will be administering the ACT on March 7, 2023 for all Juniors.  Please encourage your students to prepare for the ACT and tell them why it is so important. Even though many schools do not use it for admissions, universities use it to determine what level of general ed classes they must take.  Performing well can save $$$.


Sophomores will take a practice ACT that day.

Freshman & Seniors will stay home and have an online study day.

Students must bring their fully charged Chromebook for testing. They will also need to leave their phones home or in their cars; they will not have access to them during the testing session.

6. Next Year Registration Reminder

Next year’s Seniors registration opens Thursday, February 23rd at 3:30 PM. An information assembly will be held today during JetTime.  For more information see the CVHS Counseling Website.


7. Important Dates


2-week calendar


Let’s make it a wonderful 2023!


With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson


¡Hagamos que sea un maravilloso 2023!


Con mucho amor y gratitud – Director Johnson