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November 14th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

November 14, 2022

Dear Aviators,

Today is Midterm for term 2. Skyward is a fantastic tool to monitor the progress of your students. Thank you for all of your continued support for CVHS and our students. Please make note of the following:

1. Message From our PTSA – “Feed the Teachers”

The PTSA will be feeding the teachers this Wednesday 11/16 before Parent Teacher Conferences. They would love your help with food and paper item donations. Please sign up here:

Thank you for your continued support! As always, if you haven’t signed up as a PTSA member, consider joining! Every membership helps to further the support of our students, teachers, and staff:

2. Parent Teacher Conference

Parent Teacher Conference will be held November 16th from 3 – 7 P.M. We all look forward to seeing our favorite parents.

3. Utah County Community Clothing Swap

Wednesday the 16th there is a community clothing swap. Please See Link.

4. Ace Night is Tonight!!

ACE night is tonight. Come and meet your Winter athletes. We will also be recognizing our Seniors who are Signing to play at the next level. We are also recognizing our Fall Academic All State Team. Winter Season Passes will be available to purchase as well. See you tonight!

5. Other upcoming dates to remember.

2-week calendar

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

November 7th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

“Born To Fly” 2022-23 School Theme

November 7, 2022

Dear Aviators,

Good evening Aviators!

I hope you enjoyed that extra hour of sleep! We all needed that! Please make note of the following:

1. Election Day

Tomorrow is election day Tuesday. Please remember to vote!

2. Thank You For Your Support

I am beyond thankful for our community that stood behind our school and students that were falsely accused of the Tik Tok incident. All of the teachers, staff, and administration feel so supported by you. Thank you for the treats and beautiful letters, and flowers that were delivered to our school. Thank you for all chipping in for the food truck to feed our faculty and staff this Friday. We feel the CVHS love!

With that said, a few of you have asked to see my statement that was released to the press:

Heartbreaking is the best way to describe November 1, 2022. Students at Cedar Valley High School were accused of dressing in racist costumes at a Walmart 235 miles away from our community. (For reference, the distance between NYC and Washington, D.C. is 226 miles.)

What has been devastating is the continuing impact. Even though these students were not involved (they were at work or with family), they continue to be targeted by uninformed individuals on social media. My heart aches for these students and their families. Can you imagine having your life turned upside down because your name and personal information were put out on social media being falsely accused of something?

As a school, we received and continue to hear from people accusing these individuals. With more than 1,500 phone messages and more than 3,000 emails, our communications systems became overwhelmed. How do I decipher school-related emails versus hate-filled messages geared at our school, students, and families? It’s going to take some time to wade through.

Social media and uniformed, vindictive people have essentially made an enormous error just by sharing and commenting on misinformation. The impact of these blunders will have lasting effects on these students. Hatred and intolerance are wrong in all forms.

3. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic month of November!

With much love and gratitude – Principal Johnson

Tuesday, November 1st, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Dear Aviators,

This morning we were made aware of a Tik Tok recording of youth in a southern Utah Walmart dressed in costumes that were racist in nature. Public comments on Tik Tok named a few Cedar Valley High School students and their families. After an initial investigation, we can confirm that this information was simply not true. Cedar Valley High School students were not involved in the video. What is more alarming is that some of our students have been targeted with hateful and slanderous comments.

We need to be vigilant about protecting our students and families and we empathize with those who were wrongly named.

The inappropriate Tik Tok recording does not involve our students nor is it reflective of our community values. Let’s continue to work together denouncing and reporting all forms of discrimination and racism while promoting inclusiveness and acceptance at CVHS.

I absolutely love our community of caring parents and students. I am so sorry this happened.


Courtney Johnson

Principal Cedar Valley High School

October 31st, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

October 31, 2022

Dear Parents,

Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoy this fun holiday. Halloween is so much better in the valley! This community knows how to make things fun! The headless horseman, ghosts, the Conger’s pirate ship, donut fry, and more are what make it “better in the valley!

Please make note of the following:

1. Culture, Climate, and Connection Survey.

The purpose of the survey is to help adults improve the learning environment in order for all students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. The survey is anonymous and will not be identifiable to the student. The student is able to opt-out of taking the survey at any time. Here is a link to the survey questions and details about the survey: Culture, Climate, and Connection Survey- Details, and Questions. If you agree to have your student participate, then no other action is needed. Otherwise, please follow the instructions below to opt-out in Skyward by November 14, 2022, at 5 pm. We sincerely appreciate your student(s) participation.

Login to Skyward as a parent/guardian

Expand (+) button on the left side, if needed. Click on ‘Student Information Update’

Select Student

Select ‘Mark Student Information Update as not completed and make changes

Click on Step ‘Culture, Climate and Connection Survey- Parent Consent’ step on the right-hand side of the screen.

Click the box and then click the bottom button “Complete step” to save

Logout of Skyward

Video Link- How to opt out of the survey on Skyward

2. Christmas in the Valley

Our annual Christmas in the Valley Fundraiser is coming up on December 2! From noon to midnight, there will be a live stream of some fantastic performances, games, events, etc. 100% of the proceeds donated will go to families in our community who could use a little extra help this Christmas Season.

If you are interested in sending in a video or performance to be included in our telethon, please scan or click to fill out this link, and the Student Council will reach out to you!

Be sure to tune in on December 2 from Noon to Midnight on the Skybound CVHS youtube channel!

3. Seniors Sterling Scholar Applications Due Nov 1st!

If you have any questions please see Mrs. Childs in the Student Center.

4. Josten’s Senior Assembly

Tuesday, 11/8 during Jet Time and part of 2nd period, Jostens will be here to explain Cap & Gown purchases and graduation. After the assembly, all Seniors will be taking their panoramic picture. If your student misses the assembly all the information will be posted on the counseling website.

5. AP Test Fee Due November 7th

Students who are taking an AP course, please be aware that the $40 nonrefundable deposit is due by 12:00 pm on Monday, November 7th. Please use the attached form and give it to the finance office with your deposit.

6. PTSA Meeting this Friday

PTSA Student meeting is this Friday during Jet Time. PTSA Board meeting will follow, starting at 9:45 am. Join us to discuss upcoming events and activities with the PTSA!

7. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Kindest regards- Principal Johnson

October 24th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

October 24, 2022

Dear Parents,

Fall is always a wonderful time of year. A time to recognize the change of seasons, a time to wear sweaters, a time to enjoy festival times like our annual “Trick-or-Treat in the Terminals” region and state championship games, and various performances by our talented students.

Please make note of the following:

1. Message From Our PTSA

Utah Community Action is a non-profit organization in Provo and they are looking at possibly expanding to Eagle Mountain. We have been asked to send out this survey to assess the needs of our community. Please share this with your friends and neighbors as you see fit.

2. Halloween Celebrations

Along with our students, the Cedar Valley High School staff is excited to celebrate this fun cultural event. Please remind your students to dress in school appropriate costumes without weapons or face masks.

3. Honor Roll Student Recognition

Congratulations to students that made the Honor Roll this first term! We will be handing out treats during lunch this week. If you happen to miss getting your treat, please come into the student center office the following week. Keep up the great work!

4. Student Survey

Alpine School District is seeking your student’s participation in the Culture, Climate and Connection Survey. The purpose of the survey is to help adults improve the learning environment in order for all students to thrive academically, socially and emotionally. The survey is anonymous and will not be identifiable to the student. The student is able to opt out of taking the survey at any time. Here is a link to the survey questions and details about the survey: Culture, Climate and Connection Survey- Details and Questions. If you agree to have your student participate, then no other action is needed. Otherwise, please follow the instructions below to the opt-out parent consent in Skyward by (DATE) at 5pm. We sincerely appreciate your student(s) participation.

Login to Skyward as a parent/guardian

Expand (+) button on left side, if needed. Click on ‘Student Information Update’

Select Student

Select ‘Mark Student Information Update as not completed and make changes’

Click on Step ‘Culture, Climate and Connection Survey- Parent Consent’ step on the right hand side of the screen.

Click the box and then click the bottom button “Complete step” to save

Logout of Skyward

Video Link- How to opt-out of survey on Skyward

5. Christmas in the Valley

Our annual Christmas in the Valley Fundraiser is coming up on December 2! From noon to midnight, there will be a live-stream of some amazing performances, games, events, etc. 100% of the proceeds donated will go to families in our community who could use a little extra help this Christmas Season.

If you are interested in sending in a video or performance to be included in our telethon, please scan or click to fill out this link, and the Student Council will reach out to you!

Be sure to tune in on December 2 from Noon to Midnight on the Skybound CVHS youtube channel!

6. Seniors Sterling Scholar Applications Due Nov 1st!

If you have any questions please see Mrs. Childs’ in the Student Center.

Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson

Principal CVHS

October 18th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

October 18, 2022

Dear Aviators,

I hope you had a wonderful fall break and enjoyed this time with your families. With a new semester before us, let’s make a commitment to check our student’s attendance and grades every couple of days in Skyward so our students can be successful!

Please make note of the following:

1. ASVAB Testing (Military Testing)

Cedar Valley will be offering the ASVAB test here on campus starting at 9:05 AM on the morning of October 20th. Please sign up here in order to reserve your seat and be offered the exam. 10th – 12th-grade students are welcome to take this assessment regardless of interest in the military. This test will give students ideas for careers, etc. . For additional information about the ASVAB please visit

2. UVU First Generation Student Conference

The counseling office and Latinos in Action would like to provide transportation for Cedar Valley seniors and juniors to attend the UVU First Generation Student Conference on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, from 8 am-1:30 pm held on the UVU campus.

A First Generation Student is a student who is the first person from their family to attend college [or if neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree]. You would still be considered a first-generation student if your sibling went to college and you are going to college too.

Please fill out this form if you would like your student to participate in this informative conference. There is no cost and limited seating. We will take students on a first come, first serve basis giving priority to senior students. Contact the counseling office if you have any questions.

3. Note From Our School Nurse:

Below are two things I would like to bring to your attention:

A new social media fad called the “One Chip Challenge” is becoming popular among youth. It challenges someone to eat an individually packaged, extra spicy tortilla chip, then wait as long as possible before drinking or eating anything else. While this may seem like a juvenile stunt, some who take the challenge experience severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and skin irritation (if chip oils are rubbed on the skin). It might be prudent to consider prohibiting this challenge and discuss the dangers with your children.

Micki Oliver, RN

School Nurse, Alpine School District

[email protected]

Public Health Nurse, Utah County Health Department

Utah School Nurse Association

Mon/Thu – Vista Heights MS 490785, 801-610-8770 fax 801-768-4226

Tues/Fri – Cedar Valley HS 721745, 801-610-8825 fax 801-789-2090

Wed – Alternating between CV and VH

schedule subject to change

4. PTSA Zupas Fundraiser Night

Join us as we support our PTSA and feed our families with delicious food from Cafe Zupas! Join us tomorrow to support our Cedar Valley High School PTSA!

Wednesday, October 19 from 4-9 pm

Zupas – 879 N Redwood Road, Saratoga Springs

Dine-in or Take-out:

Let the cashier know you’re with the fundraiser

Online or on the App:

Use code FUNDRAISER25 at checkout

5. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson

Principal CVHS

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

Monday, October 3, 2022

Dear Aviators,

Welcome to October! We are excited to be close to the end of our first semester in a few short days. Please log into Skyward and make sure your students have all of their missing assignments completed.

Please make note of the following:

1. Hispanic Heritage Month

We are delighted to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in the Media Center (all of October)!

The month-long celebration includes music, books, a Frida Kahlo portrait exhibit, a defining Latino exhibit, an ofrenda, and Dia de los Muertos celebration (Nov 1).

We will also be enjoying hispanic story-telling (COCO) and hispanic tastings (Pan y Posadas or Mexican Sweet Bread and Mexican Hot Chocolate).

2. Utah College Application Week October 3-7

Monday – Dress up as what you want to be when you grow up
Tuesday – BYU Blue vs U of U Red
Wednesday – Mathletes vs Athletes – dress as a studious student or as an athlete
Thursday – Wear your college gear
Friday – Wear your Aviator gear

Utah College Application Week (UCAW) is coming October 3rd – 7th. The purpose of UCAW is to acquaint students with the college application process and to communicate the importance of applying to college and financial aid.

During the week, all seniors will be encouraged to apply for admission to at least one college or university and to fill out the FAFSA.

On Wednesday, October 5th, students and their families are invited to and attend our College and FAFSA night from 5-7 pm.

Come visit with the following: Airforce, Army, BYU, Centro Hispano, Ensign College, Gear Up, Grand Canyon University, Marines, MTECH, National Guard, Navy, Nightingale College, Paul Mitchell, Provo College, SUU, U of U, Utah State, UVU, UVU Latino Initiative and more

FAFSA volunteers will be available to help in submitting the application for financial aid. We will also have college representatives, military, and other organizations here to answer questions. In preparation, please refer to the College Information, Fee Waivers and FAFSA Application Information Sheet.

3. Health and Well-Being Screener

In conjunction with the College and FAFSA night, Cedar Valley will host a health and well-being screener that assesses the social-emotional strengths and needs of students.

The assessment takes about 15 minutes to complete. All results are confidential and secure. Alpine District service providers will be available to go over the results with students and parents.

Mental health screenings help identify mental health conditions early and connect students with help. Screening also helps counselors to better recognize early warning signs. If you feel this screener would be beneficial to your student, please register at

For questions about the screener please contact Rebecca Andreasen at [email protected] or phone number (801) 610-8458.

For questions about UCAW please contact Marcie Murri at [email protected] or (801) 610-8826. For continual updates and scholarship information see our counseling website here or follow us on Instagram @cedarvalleystudentcenter

The finance office will be closed on Tuesday, October 4th and Wednesday, October 5th. Please plan accordingly!

ASVAB Testing (Military Testing)

Cedar Valley will be offering the ASVAB test here on campus starting at 9:05 AM the morning of October 20th. Please sign up here in order to reserve your seat and be offered the exam. For additional information about the ASVAB please visit

4. UVU First Generation Student Conference

The counseling office and Latinos in Action would like to provide transportation for Cedar Valley seniors and juniors to attend the UVU First Generation Student Conference on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 from 8am-1:30pm held on UVU campus.

A First Generation Student is a student who is the first person from their family to attend college [or if neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree]. You would still be considered a first-generation student if your sibling went to college and you are going to college too.

Please fill out this form if you would like your student to participate in this informative conference. There is no cost and limited seating. We will take students on a first come, first serve basis giving priority to senior students. Contact the counseling office if you have any questions.

5. PTSA Message

The PTSA has received requests to extend the deadline for Reflections entries. Your students now have until this Friday, October 7, to get their entries submitted.

The Student PTSA meeting will be held this Friday, October 7, during Jet Time in the main office conference room. If your student is a member of the PTSA they are invited to this meeting!

Our next Zupas Fundraiser night will be held on October 19th from 4-9pm at the Saratoga Springs Zupas location. Online orders during this time also count towards the fundraiser, using coupon code FUNDRAISER25. Thank you for your support!

6. Finance Office

The finance office will be closed on Tuesday, October 4th and Wednesday, October 5th.

7. Mini Drill Camp Opportunity

Mini Drill Camp is back! Don’t miss the 2022/2023 mini drill camp, with a performance during halftime at the home football game on 10/12. Bring your friends!

Registration and details in the link below.

Call Melissa Garrett 801.641.6868 for more information.

8. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson

Principal CVHS

Monday, September 26, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

Monday, September 26, 2022

Dear Aviators,

I absolutely love our Utah fall season! I didn’t always love it because it meant summer was over, but as I age it has become my favorite season. I love wearing sweaters, drinking hot apple cider, and feeling the crunchy fall leaves under my feet and the aroma from baking all things pumpkin. I hope you all enjoy this wonderful season!

Please make note of the following:

1. Reflections Due Friday

Parents, please encourage your child to submit a PTA Reflections entry. Students may enter Reflections in one or more categories, but may only enter each category once.

Entrants must submit entries online at Alle entries are due this Friday, September 30th.

2. Scooters and Skateboards

Cedar Valley High School is seeing a large increase in students using scooters and skateboards in the hallways and common areas. Although we love the physical activity of riding scooters and boards to school, they are dangerous and destructive in the hallways. With nearly 3000 students, there is a risk of student injury in addition to damage to school property. Please inform your students that scooters and skateboards need to be left in cars, or placed in lockers during school hours. We also would like students to secure them next to the bikes if possible on the stadium fence.

3. Utah College Application Week October 3-7

Utah College Application Week (UCAW) is coming October 3rd – 7th. The purpose of UCAW is to acquaint students with the college application process and to communicate the importance of applying to college and financial aid.

During the week, all seniors will be encouraged to apply for admission to at least one college or university and to fill out the FAFSA.

On Wednesday, October 5th, students and their families are invited to attend our College and FAFSA night from 5-7 pm. FAFSA volunteers will be available to help in submitting the application for financial aid. We will also have college representatives, military, and other organizations here to answer questions. In preparation, please refer to the College Information, Fee Waivers and FAFSA Application Information Sheet.

4. Health and Well-Being Screener

In conjunction with the College and FAFSA night, Cedar Valley will host a health and well-being screener that assesses the social-emotional strengths and needs of students.

The assessment takes about 15 minutes to complete. All results are confidential and secure. Alpine District service providers will be available to go over the results with students and parents.

Mental health screenings help identify mental health conditions early and connect students with help. Screening also helps counselors to better recognize early warning signs. If you feel this screener would be beneficial to your student, please register at

For questions about the screener please contact Rebecca Andreasen at [email protected] or phone number (801) 610-8458.

For questions about UCAW please contact Marcie Murri at [email protected] or (801) 610-8826. For continual updates and scholarship information see our counseling website here or follow us on Instagram @cedarvalleystudentcenter

5. ASVAB Testing (Military Testing)

Cedar Valley will be offering the ASVAB test here on campus starting at 9:05 A.M. the morning of October 20th. Please sign up here in order to reserve your seat and be offered the exam. For additional information about the ASVAB please visit

6. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson

Monday, September 19th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

Monday, September 19, 2022

Dear Aviators,

Welcome back to another great week! Homecoming was beyond amazing! I want to thank our teachers, staff, and students for making it one of the most memorable homecomings I have ever been part of. I know their efforts were appreciated and they did a fantastic job.

Please make note of the following:

1. Funding For CVHS By Taking Surveys

Several of our teams are asking parents to take surveys so their teams can earn money. This will cost you nothing other than answering a couple of questions per survey. Each piece of eligible feedback = $2.00

Text “CVHS” to 90412

Share up to 75 opinions = up to $150

for Cedar Valley High School

So far CV has earned about $6,000, however; we can earn around $25,000. The fundraiser will end on 09/23/2022 at 11:59 p.m. You can choose where your survey money will go. Link Here

2. Reflections Due This Week
Parents, please encourage your child to submit a PTA Reflections entry. Students may enter Reflections in one or more categories, but may only enter each category once.

Entrants must submit entries online at

Reasons to enter Reflections:

Awards!! And recognition for your artistic skills and abilities!

Scholarships – if you compete at the national competition, there is a free trip to the ceremony, and a monetary scholarship of up to $1,000 is given to winners. And yes, high school kids from Utah have won before!

Any questions about rules and what/how to submit an entry, go here:

3. Parents of the Class of 2023

We will be starting our Senior College and Career Readiness meetings on Tuesday, September 6th. These meetings will run through September 30th.

Counselors will be meeting with each senior to review their graduation requirements and schedules. They will also discuss events coming up during their Senior year. We will also be talking about college and career options and the student’s future plans.

If parents would like to attend their student’s CCR they are welcome to make an appointment by calling 801-610-8826 or by clicking on the appointment link next to your student’s counselor’s name.

We look forward to meeting with each of our 2022-2023 Seniors!

Abby Taylor (A-Bray)-

JeriLynn Phillips (Braz-Coo)-

Kristy Childs (Cop-F)-

Aprill Triggs (G-Hoo)-

Debra Smith (Hop-Lot)-

Camille Black (Lou-Oq)-

Courtney Briggs (Or-R)-

Reagan Peck (S-Ta)-

Brittany Zabriskie (Te-Wal)-

Joleen Liston (Wam-Z)-

4. Literacy

Students will be given a reading test this week during Jet Time so we can focus on literacy this year. Teachers will be better equipped to help students with their reading goals and will encourage students to become better readers. Maybe it is the elementary principal inside me that still believes students should work on being better readers even in high school!

5. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson

Tuesday, September 13th, 2022

By Principle Johnson Communications

Born To Fly 2022-23 School Theme

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Dear Aviators:

With the first few weeks behind us, it’s difficult to believe that our midterm is here! September 14th. If you see an issue with your child’s grade, please email the teacher directly. I recommend that you get on Skyward daily and work with your child as well. I just spoke with a math teacher team this morning and they said most students will pass if they attend because they work very hard to help our students succeed. With that said, please look at your child’s attendance and carefully monitor your child’s attendance. Students’ success is typically tied to attendance.

Please make note of the following:

1. Gear Up Utah

This is a FREE college prep program. For your student to qualify to be enrolled in GEAR UP Utah, they need to be eligible under the Free and Reduced-Price School Meals Guidelines. Working together we can give your student an edge in getting ready for college and determining financial options to help pay for it. All services are provided at no cost. Apply at or use this form and turn it into your school counselor.

2. ACT Prep Classes

ACT classes will begin the week of Sept. 26th after school Mon. Tues. & Thurs. 2:30-3:30. Students and parents can pay in the finance office or on my school fees $25.

3. Text Message Announcements for Student Activities Now Available

Our CVHS Student Council makes an effort to share information on student activities, dances, and spirit weeks through posters throughout the school, banners in the commons, school announcements, parent emails, and Instagram. Even with these efforts we frequently hear that patrons and students did not hear about events that are happening at the school. In an effort to meet our students where they are at–on their phones–we have created grade-level channels on the BAND App where we will now be sending out this information via TEXT MESSAGE.

This app does require students to download the app to receive messages, but it is the only group text app that allows for groups as large as our student body. Receiving the texts is totally optional, but the app does need to be downloaded in order to receive the messages. All chat and posting features are turned off. Students will only receive messages from Student Council Advisors for full school activities or their Class President for grade-level announcements and activities. They will not be able to message other students. For students who do not have a phone or cannot download apps, parents are welcome to sign up to receive the texts and share them with their students.

To sign up, click the link below for the applicable student grade level and follow the instructions to download the app, and sign up to receive messages. If you have more than one student, and you will be the one joining, you will download the app once but can join multiple channels.





4. Please Drive Safe and Remind Your Young Drivers to do the Same

We are seeing an increased amount of student traffic at the school and in neighborhoods all around Eagle Mountain. Please remind your students to follow all posted speed limits and driving regulations. We want all of our students and families to be safe.

5. Order Pictures, & School Picture Final Retake Day Reminder

If you’d still like to order school pictures, please click here.

If you missed our pre-boarding launch and didn’t get your school pictures taken, we will have a makeup day Fri Sept. 16th. This is a new date, but we are hoping to still have the retake day in October as we have advertised, but this may change.

6. East Shore Testing Closed September 14, 2022

East Shore testing centers will be closed after school on September 14th for teacher collaboration time. Our Digital Curriculum Coordinator, Mrs. Samuelson will not be available after lunch for students to test. If you have any questions, please contact Digital Curriculum Center Cedar: 801-610-8825 ex. 721201

Testing Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

7:30 am – 7:45 am and 2:15 pm – 3:30 pm


7:30 am – 7:45 am and 12:15 pm – 3:30 pm

No Testing During Lunch

7. PTSA Message – Reflections

The 2022-23 Reflections theme is “Show Your Voice!” The deadline is coming up soon! Students can submit their entries online ( through Friday, September 30, 2022. Reflections are a great booster for your student’s college and scholarship applications.

If you haven’t had the chance, please join the PTSA here: – every member counts!

8. Administration and Counselors

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s administrator and counselor. See below:

Alphabet A-Coo:

Administrator: Scott Mansfield

Counselors: Abby Taylor A-Bray and Jerilynn Phillips Braz-Coo.

Alphabet: Cop-Go

Administrator: Anna Butler

Counselors: Kristy Childs Cop-F and April Triggs G-H

Alphabet: Gr-Lot

Administrator:: Kimberly Moore

Counselors: April Triggs G-Hoo and Debra Smith Hop-Lot

Alphabet: Lou-R

Administrator: Bill Sivert

Counselors: Camille Black Lou-Oq and Courtney Briggs Or-R

Alphabet: S-Z

Administrator: Kenyon Christen

Counselors: Regan Peck S-T, Brittney Zabriskie U-Walters, and Joleen Liston Wambold – Z

9. Upcoming Dates to Remember

2-week calendar

Let’s make it a fantastic school year!

Courtney Johnson